FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
a set of simple calls for parallel I/O on distributed systems. It is geared toward the writing of data in netCDF format More...
Data Types | |
type | atttype |
type | axistype |
type | fieldtype |
type | filetype |
interface | mpp_copy_meta |
interface | mpp_def_dim |
interface | mpp_get_att_value |
interface | mpp_get_atts |
Get file global metadata. More... | |
interface | mpp_get_id |
interface | mpp_io_unstructured_read |
interface | mpp_io_unstructured_write |
interface | mpp_modify_meta |
interface | mpp_read |
interface | mpp_read_compressed |
interface | mpp_read_distributed_ascii |
interface | mpp_write |
interface | mpp_write_compressed |
interface | mpp_write_meta |
Each file can contain any number of fields, which can be functions of 0-3 spatial axes and 0-1 time axes. Axis descriptors are stored in the <axistype> structure and field descriptors in the <fieldtype> structure. More... | |
interface | mpp_write_unlimited_axis |
type | validtype |
interface | write_record |
Functions/Subroutines | |
logical function | do_cf_compliance () |
subroutine | file_size (fsize, fname, size) |
logical function | mpp_attribute_exist (field, name) |
subroutine | mpp_close (unit, action) |
mpp_copy_meta_axis | |
mpp_copy_meta_field | |
mpp_copy_meta_global | |
mpp_def_dim_int | |
mpp_def_dim_nodata | |
mpp_def_dim_real | |
subroutine | mpp_dist_io_pelist (ssize, pelist) |
logical function | mpp_file_is_opened (unit) |
return if certain file with unit is opened or not | |
integer function | mpp_find_att (atts, name) |
subroutine | mpp_flush (unit) |
character(len=att%len) function | mpp_get_att_char (att) |
return the char value of an attribute. | |
integer function | mpp_get_att_length (att) |
return the length of an attribute. | |
character(len=len(att%name)) function | mpp_get_att_name (att) |
return the name of an attribute. | |
real function, dimension(size(att%fatt(:))) | mpp_get_att_real (att) |
return the real array value of an attribute. | |
real function | mpp_get_att_real_scalar (att) |
return the real array value of an attribute. | |
integer function | mpp_get_att_type (att) |
return the type of an attribute. | |
subroutine | mpp_get_axes (unit, axes, time_axis) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data) | |
mpp_get_axis_atts | |
subroutine | mpp_get_axis_atts (axis, name, units, longname, cartesian, calendar, sense, len, natts, atts, compressed) |
logical function | mpp_get_axis_bounds (axis, data, name) |
type(axistype) function | mpp_get_axis_by_name (unit, axisname) |
subroutine | mpp_get_axis_data (axis, data) |
mpp_get_axis_id | |
integer function | mpp_get_axis_id (axis) |
integer function | mpp_get_axis_index (axes, axisname) |
integer function | mpp_get_axis_length (axis) |
character(len=len(default_axis%calendar)) function | mpp_get_default_calendar () |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data) | |
integer function | mpp_get_dimension_length (unit, dimname, found) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data) | |
mpp_get_field_att_text | |
subroutine | mpp_get_field_att_text (unit, fieldname, attname, attvalue) |
return the attribute value of given field name | |
mpp_get_field_atts | |
subroutine | mpp_get_field_atts (field, name, units, longname, min, max, missing, ndim, siz, axes, atts, valid, scale, add, checksum) |
mpp_get_field_id | |
integer function | mpp_get_field_id (field) |
integer function | mpp_get_field_index (fields, fieldname) |
character(len=len(field%name)) function | mpp_get_field_name (field) |
return the name of an field | |
integer function, dimension(4) | mpp_get_field_size (field) |
subroutine | mpp_get_fields (unit, variables) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data) | |
character(len=len(mpp_file(1)%name)) function | mpp_get_file_name (unit) |
return the file name of corresponding unit | |
mpp_get_global_atts | |
subroutine | mpp_get_global_atts (unit, global_atts) |
Copy global file attributes for use by user. | |
subroutine | mpp_get_info (unit, ndim, nvar, natt, ntime) |
Get some general information about a file. | |
integer function | mpp_get_maxunits () |
Return the maximum number of MPP file units available. | |
integer function | mpp_get_ncid (unit) |
Get netCDF ID of an open file. | |
integer function | mpp_get_recdimid (unit) |
subroutine | mpp_get_time_axis (unit, time_axis) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data) | |
subroutine | mpp_get_times (unit, time_values) |
Get file time data. | |
subroutine | mpp_get_valid (f, v) |
Based on presence/absence of attributes, defines valid range or missing. | |
logical function | mpp_io_clock_on () |
return mpp_io_nml variable io_clock_on | |
subroutine | mpp_io_exit (string) |
subroutine | mpp_io_init (flags, maxunit) |
subroutine | mpp_io_set_stack_size (n) |
Set the mpp_io_stack variable to be at least n LONG words long. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_1d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_1d (funit, field, domain, fdata, tindex, start, nread, threading) |
Read in one-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_2d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_2d (funit, field, domain, fdata, tindex, start, nread, threading) |
Read in two-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_3d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_3d (funit, field, domain, fdata, tindex, start, nread, threading) |
Read in three-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_1d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_1d (funit, field, domain, fdata, tindex, start, nread, threading) |
Read in one-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_2d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_2d (funit, field, domain, fdata, tindex, start, nread, threading) |
Read in two-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_3d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_3d (funit, field, domain, fdata, tindex, start, nread, threading) |
Read in three-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_1d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_1d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 1D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_2d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_2d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 2D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_3d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_3d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 3D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_4d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_4d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io_in, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 4D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_1d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_1d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 1D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_2d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_2d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 2D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_3d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_3d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 3D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_4d | |
subroutine | mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_4d (funit, field, domain, fdata, nelems_io_in, tstamp, default_data) |
Write data for a 4D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file. | |
logical function | mpp_is_dist_ioroot (ssize, ioroot, lsize) |
logical elemental function | mpp_is_valid (x, v) |
mpp_modify_axis_meta | |
mpp_modify_field_meta | |
subroutine | mpp_open (unit, file, action, form, access, threading, fileset, iospec, nohdrs, recl, iostat, is_root_pe, domain, domain_ug) |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_distributed_ascii_a1d | |
mpp_read_distributed_ascii_i1d | |
mpp_read_distributed_ascii_r1d | |
mpp_read_r0d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r0d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_read_region_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_region_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_region_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_region_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_text | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_write_axis | |
mpp_write_compressed_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_write_meta_axis_i1d | |
mpp_write_meta_axis_r1d | |
mpp_write_meta_axis_unlimited | |
mpp_write_meta_field | |
mpp_write_meta_global | |
mpp_write_meta_global_scalar_i | |
mpp_write_meta_global_scalar_r | |
mpp_write_meta_scalar_i | |
mpp_write_meta_scalar_r | |
mpp_write_meta_var | |
mpp_write_r0d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r0d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_write_unlimited_axis_r1d | |
subroutine | netcdf_err (err, file, axis, field, attr, string) |
write_record_r4 | |
write_record_r8 | |
Variables | |
logical | cf_compliance = .false. |
logical | debug = .FALSE. |
type(atttype), save, public | default_att |
type(axistype), save, public | default_axis |
type(fieldtype), save, public | default_field |
integer | deflate = 0 |
integer | deflate_level = -1 |
integer | error |
logical | global_field_on_root_pe = .true. |
integer | header_buffer_val = 16384 |
logical | io_clocks_on = .false. |
integer, parameter | max_att_length = 1280 |
integer | maxunits |
logical | module_is_initialized = .FALSE. |
integer | mpp_close_clock =0 |
type(filetype), dimension(:), allocatable | mpp_file |
real(r8_kind), dimension(:), allocatable | mpp_io_stack |
integer | mpp_io_stack_hwm =0 |
integer | mpp_io_stack_size =0 |
integer | mpp_open_clock =0 |
integer | mpp_read_clock =0 |
integer | mpp_write_clock =0 |
integer | npes |
integer | pack_size |
integer | pe |
integer | records_per_pe |
integer | shuffle = 0 |
character(len=256) | text |
integer | unit_begin |
integer | unit_end |
integer | varnum =0 |
logical | verbose =.FALSE. |
a set of simple calls for parallel I/O on distributed systems. It is geared toward the writing of data in netCDF format
In massively parallel environments, an often difficult problem is the reading and writing of data to files on disk. MPI-IO and MPI-2 IO are moving toward providing this capability, but are currently not widely implemented. Further, it is a rather abstruse API. mpp_io_mod is an attempt at a simple API encompassing a certain variety of the I/O tasks that will be required. It does not attempt to be an all-encompassing standard such as MPI, however, it can be implemented in MPI if so desired. It is equally simple to add parallel I/O capability to mpp_io_mod based on vendor-specific APIs while providing a layer of insulation for user codes.
The mpp_io_mod parallel I/O API built on top of the <LINK SRC="mpp_domains.html">mpp_domains_mod</LINK> and <LINK SRC="mpp.html">mpp_mod</LINK> API for domain decomposition and message passing. Features of mpp_io_mod include:
1) Simple, minimal API, with free access to underlying API for more complicated stuff.
2) Self-describing files: comprehensive header information (metadata) in the file itself.
3) Strong focus on performance of parallel write: the climate models for which it is designed typically read a minimal amount of data (typically at the beginning of the run); but on the other hand, tend to write copious amounts of data during the run. An interface for reading is also supplied, but its performance has not yet been optimized.
4) Integrated netCDF capability: <LINK SRC
="">netCDF</LINK> is a data format widely used in the climate/weather modeling community. netCDF is considered the principal medium of data storage for mpp_io_mod. But I provide a raw unformatted fortran I/O capability in case netCDF is not an option, either due to unavailability, inappropriateness, or poor performance.
5) May require off-line post-processing: a tool for this purpose, mppnccombine
, is available. GFDL users may use ~hnv/pub/mppnccombine
. Outside users may obtain the source <LINK SRC
="">here</LINK>. It can be compiled on any C compiler and linked with the netCDF library. The program is free and is covered by the <LINK SRC
="">GPL license</LINK>.
The internal representation of the data being written out is assumed be the default real type, which can be 4 or 8-byte. Time data is always written as 8-bytes to avoid overflow on climatic time scales in units of seconds.
<LINK SRC="modes"></LINK>
The I/O activity critical to performance in the models for which mpp_io_mod is designed is typically the writing of large datasets on a model grid volume produced at intervals during a run. Consider a 3D grid volume, where model arrays are stored as (i,j,k)
. The domain decomposition is typically along i
or j
: thus to store data to disk as a global volume, the distributed chunks of data have to be seen as non-contiguous. If we attempt to have all PEs write this data into a single file, performance can be seriously compromised because of the data reordering that will be required. Possible options are to have one PE acquire all the data and write it out, or to have all the PEs write independent files, which are recombined offline. These three modes of operation are described in the mpp_io_mod terminology in terms of two parameters, threading and fileset, as follows:
Single-threaded I/O: a single PE acquires all the data and writes it out.
Multi-threaded, single-fileset I/O: many PEs write to a single file.
Multi-threaded, multi-fileset I/O: many PEs write to independent files. This is also called distributed I/O.
The middle option is the most difficult to achieve performance. The choice of one of these modes is made when a file is opened for I/O, in <LINK SRC="#mpp_open">mpp_open</LINK>.
<LINK name="metadata"></LINK>
A requirement of the design of mpp_io_mod is that the file must be entirely self-describing: comprehensive header information describing its contents is present in the header of every file. The header information follows the model of netCDF. Variables in the file are divided into axes and fields. An axis describes a co-ordinate variable, e.g x,y,z,t
. A field consists of data in the space described by the axes. An axis is described in mpp_io_mod using the defined type axistype
type, public :: axistype sequence character(len=128) :: name character(len=128) :: units character(len=256) :: longname character(len=8) :: cartesian integer :: len integer :: sense !+/-1, depth or height? type(domain1D), pointer :: domain real, dimension(:), pointer :: data integer :: id, did integer :: type ! external NetCDF type format for axis data integer :: natt type(atttype), pointer :: Att(:) ! axis attributes end type axistype
A field is described using the type fieldtype
type, public :: fieldtype sequence character(len=128) :: name character(len=128) :: units character(len=256) :: longname real :: min, max, missing, fill, scale, add integer :: pack type(axistype), dimension(:), pointer :: axes integer, dimension(:), pointer :: size integer :: time_axis_index integer :: id integer :: type ! external NetCDF format for field data integer :: natt, ndim type(atttype), pointer :: Att(:) ! field metadata end type fieldtype
An attribute (global, field or axis) is described using the atttype
type, public :: atttype sequence integer :: type, len character(len=128) :: name character(len=256) :: catt real(r4_kind), pointer :: fatt(:) end type atttype
<LINK name="packing"></LINK>This default set of field attributes corresponds closely to various conventions established for netCDF files. The pack
attribute of a field defines whether or not a field is to be packed on output. Allowed values of pack
are 1,2,4 and 8. The value of pack
is the number of variables written into 8 bytes. In typical use, we write 4-byte reals to netCDF output; thus the default value of pack
is 2. For pack
= 4 or 8, packing uses a simple-minded linear scaling scheme using the scale
and add
attributes. There is thus likely to be a significant loss of dynamic range with packing. When a field is declared to be packed, the missing
and fill
attributes, if supplied, are packed also.
Please note that the pack values are the same even if the default real is 4 bytes, i.e PACK=1
still follows the definition above and writes out 8 bytes.
A set of attributes for each variable is also available. The variable definitions and attribute information is written/read by calling <LINK SRC="#mpp_write_meta">mpp_write_meta</LINK> or <LINK SRC="#mpp_read_meta">mpp_read_meta</LINK>. A typical calling sequence for writing data might be:
... type(domain2D), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: domain type(fieldtype) :: field type(axistype) :: x, y, z, t ... call mpp_define_domains( (/1,nx,1,ny/), domain ) allocate( a(domain(pe)xdatastart_index:domain(pe)xdataend_index, & domain(pe)ydatastart_index:domain(pe)ydataend_index,nz) ) ... call mpp_write_meta( unit, x, 'X', 'km', 'X distance', & domain=domain(pe)x, data=(/(float(i),i=1,nx)/) ) call mpp_write_meta( unit, y, 'Y', 'km', 'Y distance', & domain=domain(pe)y, data=(/(float(i),i=1,ny)/) ) call mpp_write_meta( unit, z, 'Z', 'km', 'Z distance', & data=(/(float(i),i=1,nz)/) ) call mpp_write_meta( unit, t, 'Time', 'second', 'Time' ) call mpp_write_meta( unit, field, (/x,y,z,t/), 'a', '(m/s)', AAA', & missing=-1e36 ) ... call mpp_write( unit, x ) call mpp_write( unit, y ) call mpp_write( unit, z ) ...
In this example, x
and y
have been declared as distributed axes, since a domain decomposition has been associated. z
and t
are undistributed axes. t
is known to be a record axis (netCDF terminology) since we do not allocate the data
element of the axistype
. Only one record axis may be associated with a file. The call to <LINK
SRC="#mpp_write_meta">mpp_write_meta</LINK> initializes the axes, and associates a unique variable ID with each axis. The call to mpp_write_meta
with argument field
declared field
to be a 4D variable that is a function of (x,y,z,t)
, and a unique variable ID is associated with it. A 3D field will be written at each call to mpp_write(field)
The data to any variable, including axes, is written by mpp_write
Any additional attributes of variables can be added through subsequent mpp_write_meta
calls, using the variable ID as a handle. Global attributes, associated with the dataset as a whole, can also be written thus. See the <LINK
SRC="#mpp_write_meta">mpp_write_meta</LINK> call syntax below for further details.
You cannot interleave calls to mpp_write
and mpp_write_meta
: the first call to mpp_write
implies that metadata specification is complete.
A typical calling sequence for reading data might be:
... integer :: unit, natt, nvar, ntime type(domain2D), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: domain type(fieldtype), allocatable, dimension(:) :: fields type(atttype), allocatable, dimension(:) :: global_atts real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: times ... call mpp_define_domains( (/1,nx,1,ny/), domain ) call mpp_read_meta(unit) call mpp_get_info(unit,natt,nvar,ntime) allocate(global_atts(natt)) call mpp_get_atts(unit,global_atts) allocate(fields(nvar)) call mpp_get_vars(unit, fields) allocate(times(ntime)) call mpp_get_times(unit, times) allocate( a(domain(pe)xdatastart_index:domain(pe)xdataend_index, & domain(pe)ydatastart_index:domain(pe)ydataend_index,nz) ) ... do i=1, nvar if (fields(i)name == 'a') call mpp_read(unit,fields(i),domain(pe), a, tindex) enddo ...
In this example, the data are distributed as in the previous example. The call to <LINK
SRC="#mpp_read_meta">mpp_read_meta</LINK> initializes all of the metadata associated with the file, including global attributes, variable attributes and non-record dimension data. The call to mpp_get_info
returns the number of global attributes (natt
), variables (nvar
) and time levels (ntime
) associated with the file identified by a unique ID (unit
). mpp_get_atts
returns all global attributes for the file in the derived type atttype(natt)
. mpp_get_vars
returns variable types (fieldtype(nvar)
). Since the record dimension data are not allocated for calls to <LINK SRC="#mpp_write">mpp_write</LINK>, a separate call to mpp_get_times
is required to access record dimension data. Subsequent calls to mpp_read
return the field data arrays corresponding to the fieldtype. The domain
type is an optional argument. If domain
is omitted, the incoming field array should be dimensioned for the global domain, otherwise, the field data is assigned to the computational domain of a local array.
Multi-fileset reads are not supported with mpp_read
type mpp_io_mod::atttype |
Definition at line 406 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Attributes | |
character(len=max_att_length) | catt |
real, dimension(:), pointer | fatt =>NULL() |
integer | len |
character(len=128) | name |
Private Attributes | |
integer | type |
character(len=max_att_length) catt |
Definition at line 410 of file mpp_io.F90.
real, dimension(:), pointer fatt =>NULL() |
Definition at line 411 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer len |
Definition at line 408 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=128) name |
Definition at line 409 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 408 of file mpp_io.F90.
type mpp_io_mod::axistype |
Definition at line 415 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Attributes | |
type(atttype), dimension(:), pointer | att =>NULL() |
character(len=24) | calendar |
character(len=8) | cartesian |
character(len=256) | compressed |
real, dimension(:), pointer | data =>NULL() |
real, dimension(:), pointer | data_bounds =>NULL() |
integer | did |
type(domain1d) | domain |
integer | id |
integer, dimension(:), pointer | idata =>NULL() |
integer | len |
character(len=256) | longname |
character(len=128) | name_bounds |
integer | natt |
integer | sense |
integer | shift |
integer | type |
character(len=128) | units |
Private Attributes | |
character(len=128) | name |
type(atttype), dimension(:), pointer att =>NULL() |
Definition at line 432 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=24) calendar |
Definition at line 423 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=8) cartesian |
Definition at line 421 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=256) compressed |
Definition at line 422 of file mpp_io.F90.
real, dimension(:), pointer data =>NULL() |
Definition at line 426 of file mpp_io.F90.
real, dimension(:), pointer data_bounds =>NULL() |
Definition at line 427 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer did |
Definition at line 429 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(domain1d) domain |
Definition at line 425 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer id |
Definition at line 429 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer, dimension(:), pointer idata =>NULL() |
Definition at line 428 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer len |
Definition at line 424 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=256) longname |
Definition at line 420 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 417 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=128) name_bounds |
Definition at line 418 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer natt |
Definition at line 429 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer sense |
Definition at line 424 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer shift |
Definition at line 431 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer type |
Definition at line 429 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=128) units |
Definition at line 419 of file mpp_io.F90.
type mpp_io_mod::fieldtype |
Definition at line 443 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Attributes | |
real | add |
type(atttype), dimension(:), pointer | att =>NULL() |
type(axistype), dimension(:), pointer | axes =>NULL() |
integer(i8_kind), dimension(3) | checksum |
real | fill |
integer | id |
character(len=256) | longname |
real | max |
real | min |
real | missing |
integer | natt |
integer | ndim |
integer | pack |
integer | position |
real | scale |
integer, dimension(:), pointer | size =>NULL() |
character(len=256) | standard_name |
integer | time_axis_index |
integer | type |
character(len=128) | units |
Private Attributes | |
character(len=128) | name |
real add |
Definition at line 449 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(atttype), dimension(:), pointer att =>NULL() |
Definition at line 458 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(axistype), dimension(:), pointer axes =>NULL() |
Definition at line 452 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer(i8_kind), dimension(3) checksum |
Definition at line 451 of file mpp_io.F90.
real fill |
Definition at line 449 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer id |
Definition at line 457 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=256) longname |
Definition at line 447 of file mpp_io.F90.
real max |
Definition at line 449 of file mpp_io.F90.
real min |
Definition at line 449 of file mpp_io.F90.
real missing |
Definition at line 449 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 445 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer natt |
Definition at line 457 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer ndim |
Definition at line 457 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer pack |
Definition at line 450 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer position |
Definition at line 459 of file mpp_io.F90.
real scale |
Definition at line 449 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer, dimension(:), pointer size =>NULL() |
Definition at line 455 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=256) standard_name |
Definition at line 448 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer time_axis_index |
Definition at line 456 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer type |
Definition at line 457 of file mpp_io.F90.
character(len=128) units |
Definition at line 446 of file mpp_io.F90.
type mpp_io_mod::filetype |
Definition at line 463 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Attributes | |
integer | access |
integer | action |
type(atttype), dimension(:), pointer | att =>NULL() |
type(axistype), dimension(:), pointer | axis =>NULL() |
type(domain2d), pointer | domain =>NULL() |
type(domainug), pointer | domain_ug => null() |
integer | fileset |
integer | format |
integer | id |
logical | initialized |
logical | io_domain_exist |
integer | natt |
integer | ncid |
integer | ndim |
logical | nohdrs |
integer | nvar |
logical | opened |
logical | read_on_this_pe |
integer | recdimid |
integer | record |
integer | threading |
real(r8_kind) | time |
integer | time_level |
real(r8_kind), dimension(:), pointer | time_values =>NULL() |
logical | valid |
type(fieldtype), dimension(:), pointer | var =>NULL() |
logical | write_on_this_pe |
Private Attributes | |
character(len=256) | name |
integer access |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer action |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(atttype), dimension(:), pointer att =>NULL() |
Definition at line 485 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(axistype), dimension(:), pointer axis =>NULL() |
Definition at line 483 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(domain2d), pointer domain =>NULL() |
Definition at line 486 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(domainug), pointer domain_ug => null() |
Definition at line 489 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer fileset |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer format |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer id |
Definition at line 474 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical initialized |
Definition at line 467 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical io_domain_exist |
Definition at line 473 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 465 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer natt |
Definition at line 480 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer ncid |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer ndim |
Definition at line 480 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical nohdrs |
Definition at line 467 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer nvar |
Definition at line 480 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical opened |
Definition at line 467 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical read_on_this_pe |
Definition at line 472 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer recdimid |
Definition at line 475 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer record |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer threading |
Definition at line 466 of file mpp_io.F90.
real(r8_kind) time |
Definition at line 469 of file mpp_io.F90.
integer time_level |
Definition at line 468 of file mpp_io.F90.
real(r8_kind), dimension(:), pointer time_values =>NULL() |
Definition at line 476 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical valid |
Definition at line 470 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(fieldtype), dimension(:), pointer var =>NULL() |
Definition at line 484 of file mpp_io.F90.
logical write_on_this_pe |
Definition at line 471 of file mpp_io.F90.
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_copy_meta |
Definition at line 899 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_copy_meta_axis | |
mpp_copy_meta_field | |
mpp_copy_meta_global | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_def_dim |
Definition at line 1120 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_def_dim_int | |
mpp_def_dim_nodata | |
mpp_def_dim_real | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_get_att_value |
Definition at line 528 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_get_field_att_text | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_get_atts |
Get file global metadata.
Example usage: call mpp_get_atts( unit, global_atts)
Definition at line 522 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_get_axis_atts | |
mpp_get_field_atts | |
mpp_get_global_atts | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_get_id |
Definition at line 500 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_get_axis_id | |
mpp_get_field_id | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_io_unstructured_read |
Definition at line 1184 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_1d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_2d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_3d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_1d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_2d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_3d | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_io_unstructured_write |
Definition at line 1173 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_1d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_2d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_3d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_4d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_1d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_2d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_3d | |
mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_4d | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_modify_meta |
Definition at line 905 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_modify_axis_meta | |
mpp_modify_field_meta | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_read |
Definition at line 594 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_read_2ddecomp_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r0d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r0d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_read_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_read_region_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_region_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_region_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_region_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_read_text | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_read_compressed |
Definition at line 689 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_read_compressed_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_read_compressed_r3d_r8 | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_read_distributed_ascii |
Definition at line 647 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_read_distributed_ascii_a1d | |
mpp_read_distributed_ascii_i1d | |
mpp_read_distributed_ascii_r1d | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_write |
Definition at line 999 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_write_2ddecomp_r4d_r8 | |
mpp_write_axis | |
mpp_write_r0d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r0d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r3d_r8 | |
mpp_write_r4d_r4 | |
mpp_write_r4d_r8 | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_write_compressed |
Definition at line 1060 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_write_compressed_r1d_r4 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r1d_r8 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r2d_r4 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r2d_r8 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r3d_r4 | |
mpp_write_compressed_r3d_r8 | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_write_meta |
Each file can contain any number of fields, which can be functions of 0-3 spatial axes and 0-1 time axes. Axis descriptors are stored in the <axistype> structure and field descriptors in the <fieldtype> structure.
The metadata contained in the type is always written for each axis and field. Any other metadata one wishes to attach to an axis or field can subsequently be passed to mpp_write_meta using the ID, as shown below.
mpp_write_meta can take several forms:
mpp_write_meta( unit, name, rval=rval, pack=pack ) mpp_write_meta( unit, name, ival=ival ) mpp_write_meta( unit, name, cval=cval ) integer, intent(in) :: unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: name real, intent(in), optional :: rval(:) integer, intent(in), optional :: ival(:) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: cval
This form defines global metadata associated with the file as a whole. The attribute is named <name> and can take on a real, integer or character value. <rval> and <ival> can be scalar or 1D arrays.
mpp_write_meta( unit, id, name, rval=rval, pack=pack ) mpp_write_meta( unit, id, name, ival=ival ) mpp_write_meta( unit, id, name, cval=cval ) integer, intent(in) :: unit, id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name real, intent(in), optional :: rval(:) integer, intent(in), optional :: ival(:) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: cval
This form defines metadata associated with a previously defined axis or field, identified to mpp_write_meta by its unique ID <id>. The attribute is named <name> and can take on a real, integer or character value. <rval> and <ival> can be scalar or 1D arrays. This need not be called for attributes already contained in the type.
PACK can take values 1,2,4,8. This only has meaning when writing floating point numbers. The value of PACK defines the number of words written into 8 bytes. For pack=4 and pack=8, an integer value is written: rval is assumed to have been scaled to the appropriate dynamic range. PACK currently only works for netCDF files, and is ignored otherwise.
subroutine mpp_write_meta_axis( unit, axis, name, units, longname, & cartesian, sense, domain, data ) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(axistype), intent(inout) :: axis character(len=*), intent(in) :: name, units, longname character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: cartesian integer, intent(in), optional :: sense type(domain1D), intent(in), optional :: domain real, intent(in), optional :: data(:)
This form defines a time or space axis. Metadata corresponding to the type above are written to the file on <unit>. A unique ID for subsequent references to this axis is returned in axisid. If the <domain> element is present, this is recognized as a distributed data axis and domain decomposition information is also written if required (the domain decomposition info is required for multi-fileset multi-threaded I/O). If the <datLINK> element is allocated, it is considered to be a space axis, otherwise it is a time axis with an unlimited dimension. Only one time axis is allowed per file.
This form defines a field. Metadata corresponding to the type above are written to the file on <unit>. A unique ID for subsequent references to this field is returned in fieldid. At least one axis must be associated, 0D variables are not considered. mpp_write_meta must previously have been called on all axes associated with this field.
The mpp_write_meta package also includes subroutines write_attribute and write_attribute_netcdf, that are private to this module.
Definition at line 886 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_write_meta_axis_i1d | |
mpp_write_meta_axis_r1d | |
mpp_write_meta_axis_unlimited | |
mpp_write_meta_field | |
mpp_write_meta_global | |
mpp_write_meta_global_scalar_i | |
mpp_write_meta_global_scalar_r | |
mpp_write_meta_scalar_i | |
mpp_write_meta_scalar_r | |
mpp_write_meta_var | |
interface mpp_io_mod::mpp_write_unlimited_axis |
Definition at line 1098 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
mpp_write_unlimited_axis_r1d | |
type mpp_io_mod::validtype |
Definition at line 436 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Attributes | |
real | max |
real | min |
Private Attributes | |
logical | is_range |
private |
Definition at line 438 of file mpp_io.F90.
real max |
Definition at line 439 of file mpp_io.F90.
real min |
Definition at line 439 of file mpp_io.F90.
interface mpp_io_mod::write_record |
Definition at line 994 of file mpp_io.F90.
Public Member Functions | |
write_record_r4 | |
write_record_r8 | |
logical function do_cf_compliance |
Definition at line 304 of file
subroutine file_size | ( | character(len=12), intent(in) | fsize, |
character(len=128), intent(in), optional | fname, | ||
integer, intent(out) | size | ||
) |
Definition at line 939 of file
logical function mpp_attribute_exist | ( | type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | name | ||
) |
Definition at line 838 of file
subroutine mpp_close | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
integer, intent(in), optional | action | ||
) |
Definition at line 801 of file
subroutine mpp_dist_io_pelist | ( | integer, intent(in) | ssize, |
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable | pelist | ||
) |
Definition at line 852 of file
logical function mpp_file_is_opened | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit | ) |
return if certain file with unit is opened or not
Definition at line 780 of file
integer function mpp_find_att | ( | type(atttype), dimension(:), intent(in) | atts, |
character(len=*) | name | ||
) |
Definition at line 669 of file
subroutine mpp_flush | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit | ) |
Definition at line 275 of file
character(len=att%len) function mpp_get_att_char | ( | type(atttype), intent(in) | att | ) |
return the char value of an attribute.
Definition at line 724 of file
integer function mpp_get_att_length | ( | type(atttype), intent(in) | att | ) |
return the length of an attribute.
Definition at line 711 of file
character(len=len(att%name)) function mpp_get_att_name | ( | type(atttype), intent(in) | att | ) |
return the name of an attribute.
Definition at line 687 of file
real function, dimension(size(att%fatt(:))) mpp_get_att_real | ( | type(atttype), intent(in) | att | ) |
return the real array value of an attribute.
Definition at line 736 of file
real function mpp_get_att_real_scalar | ( | type(atttype), intent(in) | att | ) |
return the real array value of an attribute.
Definition at line 748 of file
integer function mpp_get_att_type | ( | type(atttype), intent(in) | att | ) |
return the type of an attribute.
Definition at line 699 of file
subroutine mpp_get_axes | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
type(axistype), dimension(:), intent(inout) | axes, | ||
type(axistype), intent(inout), optional | time_axis | ||
) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data)
Definition at line 220 of file
subroutine mpp_get_axis_atts | ( | type(axistype), intent(in) | axis, |
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | name, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | units, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | longname, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | cartesian, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | calendar, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | sense, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | len, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | natts, | ||
type(atttype), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | atts, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | compressed | ||
) |
Definition at line 156 of file
logical function mpp_get_axis_bounds | ( | type(axistype), intent(in) | axis, |
real, dimension(:), intent(out) | data, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | name | ||
) |
Definition at line 434 of file
type(axistype) function mpp_get_axis_by_name | ( | integer | unit, |
character(len=*) | axisname | ||
) |
Definition at line 385 of file
subroutine mpp_get_axis_data | ( | type(axistype), intent(in) | axis, |
real, dimension(:), intent(out) | data | ||
) |
Definition at line 454 of file
integer function mpp_get_axis_id | ( | type(axistype), intent(in) | axis | ) |
Definition at line 520 of file
integer function mpp_get_axis_index | ( | type(axistype), dimension(:) | axes, |
character(len=*) | axisname | ||
) |
Definition at line 364 of file
integer function mpp_get_axis_length | ( | type(axistype) | axis | ) |
Definition at line 423 of file
character(len=len(default_axis%calendar)) function mpp_get_default_calendar |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data)
Definition at line 297 of file
integer function mpp_get_dimension_length | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | dimname, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | found | ||
) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data)
Definition at line 253 of file
subroutine mpp_get_field_att_text | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | fieldname, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in) | attname, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out) | attvalue | ||
) |
return the attribute value of given field name
Definition at line 791 of file
subroutine mpp_get_field_atts | ( | type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, |
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | name, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | units, | ||
character(len=*), intent(out), optional | longname, | ||
real, intent(out), optional | min, | ||
real, intent(out), optional | max, | ||
real, intent(out), optional | missing, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | ndim, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), optional | siz, | ||
type(axistype), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | axes, | ||
type(atttype), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional | atts, | ||
type(validtype), intent(out), optional | valid, | ||
real, intent(out), optional | scale, | ||
real, intent(out), optional | add, | ||
integer(i8_kind), dimension(:), intent(out), optional | checksum | ||
) |
Definition at line 79 of file
integer function mpp_get_field_id | ( | type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field | ) |
Definition at line 528 of file
integer function mpp_get_field_index | ( | type(fieldtype), dimension(:) | fields, |
character(len=*) | fieldname | ||
) |
Definition at line 343 of file
character(len=len(field%name)) function mpp_get_field_name | ( | type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field | ) |
return the name of an field
Definition at line 759 of file
integer function, dimension(4) mpp_get_field_size | ( | type(fieldtype) | field | ) |
Definition at line 406 of file
subroutine mpp_get_fields | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
type(fieldtype), dimension(:), intent(inout) | variables | ||
) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data)
Definition at line 194 of file
character(len=len(mpp_file(1)%name)) function mpp_get_file_name | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit | ) |
return the file name of corresponding unit
Definition at line 769 of file
subroutine mpp_get_global_atts | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
type(atttype), dimension(:), intent(inout) | global_atts | ||
) |
Copy global file attributes for use by user.
[in,out] | global_atts | an attribute type which is allocated from the calling routine |
Definition at line 52 of file
subroutine mpp_get_info | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
integer, intent(out) | ndim, | ||
integer, intent(out) | nvar, | ||
integer, intent(out) | natt, | ||
integer, intent(out) | ntime | ||
) |
Get some general information about a file.
Example usage:
Definition at line 32 of file
integer function mpp_get_maxunits |
Return the maximum number of MPP file units available.
maxunits is a mpp_io_mod module variable and defines the maximum number of Fortran file units that can be open simultaneously. mpp_get_maxunits simply returns this number.
Definition at line 300 of file
integer function mpp_get_ncid | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit | ) |
Get netCDF ID of an open file.
This returns the ncid
associated with the open file on unit
. It is used in the instance that the user desires to perform netCDF calls upon the file that are not provided by the mpp_io_mod
API itself.
Definition at line 511 of file
integer function mpp_get_recdimid | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit | ) |
Definition at line 474 of file
subroutine mpp_get_time_axis | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
type(axistype), intent(inout) | time_axis | ||
) |
Copy variable information from file (excluding data)
Definition at line 282 of file
subroutine mpp_get_times | ( | integer, intent(in) | unit, |
real, dimension(:), intent(inout) | time_values | ||
) |
Get file time data.
Copy time information from file and convert to time_type
Example usage:
Definition at line 311 of file
subroutine mpp_get_valid | ( | type(fieldtype), intent(in) | f, |
type(validtype), intent(out) | v | ||
) |
Based on presence/absence of attributes, defines valid range or missing.
Definition at line 555 of file
logical function mpp_io_clock_on |
return mpp_io_nml variable io_clock_on
Definition at line 829 of file
subroutine mpp_io_exit | ( | character(len=*), optional | string | ) |
Definition at line 214 of file
subroutine mpp_io_init | ( | integer, intent(in), optional | flags, |
integer, intent(in), optional | maxunit | ||
) |
Definition at line 52 of file
subroutine mpp_io_set_stack_size | ( | integer, intent(in) | n | ) |
Set the mpp_io_stack variable to be at least n LONG words long.
Definition at line 537 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_1d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | tindex, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | start, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nread, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | threading | ||
) |
Read in one-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain.
[in] | funit | A file unit returned by mpp_open. |
[in] | field | A field whose data will be read in from the file. |
[in] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain. |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be read in from the file. |
[in] | tindex | Time level index for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | start | Corner indices for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | nread | Edge lengths for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | threading | Flag telling whether one or multiple ranks will read the file. |
Definition at line 578 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_2d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | tindex, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | start, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nread, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | threading | ||
) |
Read in two-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain.
[in] | funit | A file unit returned by mpp_open. |
[in] | field | A field whose data will be read in from the file. |
[in] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain. |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be read in from the file. |
[in] | tindex | Time level index for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | start | Corner indices for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | nread | Edge lengths for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | threading | Flag telling whether one or multiple ranks will read the file. |
Definition at line 760 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_read_r4_3d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | tindex, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | start, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nread, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | threading | ||
) |
Read in three-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain.
[in] | funit | A file unit returned by mpp_open. |
[in] | field | A field whose data will be read in from the file. |
[in] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain. |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be read in from the file. |
[in] | tindex | Time level index for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | start | Corner indices for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | nread | Edge lengths for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | threading | Flag telling whether one or multiple ranks will read the file. |
Definition at line 942 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_1d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | tindex, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | start, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nread, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | threading | ||
) |
Read in one-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain.
[in] | funit | A file unit returned by mpp_open. |
[in] | field | A field whose data will be read in from the file. |
[in] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain. |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be read in from the file. |
[in] | tindex | Time level index for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | start | Corner indices for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | nread | Edge lengths for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | threading | Flag telling whether one or multiple ranks will read the file. |
Definition at line 28 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_2d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | tindex, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | start, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nread, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | threading | ||
) |
Read in two-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain.
[in] | funit | A file unit returned by mpp_open. |
[in] | field | A field whose data will be read in from the file. |
[in] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain. |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be read in from the file. |
[in] | tindex | Time level index for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | start | Corner indices for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | nread | Edge lengths for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | threading | Flag telling whether one or multiple ranks will read the file. |
Definition at line 210 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_read_r8_3d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(in) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | tindex, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | start, | ||
integer(i4_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nread, | ||
integer(i4_kind), intent(in), optional | threading | ||
) |
Read in three-dimensional data for a field associated with an unstructured mpp domain.
[in] | funit | A file unit returned by mpp_open. |
[in] | field | A field whose data will be read in from the file. |
[in] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain. |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be read in from the file. |
[in] | tindex | Time level index for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | start | Corner indices for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | nread | Edge lengths for a NetCDF file. |
[in] | threading | Flag telling whether one or multiple ranks will read the file. |
Definition at line 392 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_1d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nelems_io, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 1D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io | Number of grid points in the compressed dimension for each rank (correct sizes only exist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist) |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 724 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_2d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nelems_io, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 2D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io | Number of grid points in the compressed dimension for each rank (correct sizes only exist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist) |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 859 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_3d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nelems_io, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 3D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io | Number of grid points in the compressed dimension for each rank (correct sizes only exist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist) |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 1030 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r4_4d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nelems_io_in, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r4_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 4D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io_in | Number of grid points in the unstructured dimension for each rank (correct sizes only (cexist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 1214 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_1d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nelems_io, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 1D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io | Number of grid points in the compressed dimension for each rank (correct sizes only exist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist) |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 28 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_2d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nelems_io, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 2D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io | Number of grid points in the compressed dimension for each rank (correct sizes only exist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist) |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 163 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_3d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) | nelems_io, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 3D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io | Number of grid points in the compressed dimension for each rank (correct sizes only exist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist) |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 334 of file
subroutine mpp_io_unstructured_write_r8_4d | ( | integer(i4_kind), intent(in) | funit, |
type(fieldtype), intent(inout) | field, | ||
type(domainug), intent(inout) | domain, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) | fdata, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional | nelems_io_in, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | tstamp, | ||
real(kind=r8_kind), intent(in), optional | default_data | ||
) |
Write data for a 4D field associated with an unstructured mpp domain to a restart file.
[in] | funit | A file unit for the to which the data will be written |
[in,out] | field | A field whose data will be written |
[in,out] | domain | An unstructured mpp domain associatd with the inputted file |
[in,out] | fdata | The data that will be written to the file |
[in] | nelems_io_in | Number of grid points in the unstructured dimension for each rank (correct sizes only (cexist for the root rank of I/O domain pelist |
[in] | tstamp | A time value |
[in] | default_data | Fill value for the inputted field |
Definition at line 518 of file
logical function mpp_is_dist_ioroot | ( | integer, intent(in) | ssize, |
integer, intent(out), optional | ioroot, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | lsize | ||
) |
Definition at line 873 of file
logical elemental function mpp_is_valid | ( | real, intent(in) | x, |
type(validtype), intent(in) | v | ||
) |
Definition at line 655 of file
subroutine mpp_open | ( | integer, intent(out) | unit, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | file, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | action, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | form, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | access, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | threading, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | fileset, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | iospec, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | nohdrs, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | recl, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | iostat, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | is_root_pe, | ||
type(domain2d), intent(in), optional | domain, | ||
type(domainug), intent(in), optional, target | domain_ug | ||
) |
Definition at line 162 of file
subroutine netcdf_err | ( | integer, intent(in) | err, |
type(filetype), optional | file, | ||
type(axistype), optional | axis, | ||
type(fieldtype), optional | field, | ||
type(atttype), optional | attr, | ||
character(len=*), optional | string | ||
) |
Definition at line 251 of file
private |
Definition at line 1152 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1133 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(atttype), save, public default_att |
Definition at line 1160 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(axistype), save, public default_axis |
Definition at line 1158 of file mpp_io.F90.
type(fieldtype), save, public default_field |
Definition at line 1159 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1150 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1151 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1139 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1147 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1146 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1148 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 403 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1134 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1131 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1142 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1161 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1157 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1135 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1135 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1142 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1141 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1141 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1137 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1163 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1137 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1140 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1149 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1138 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1134 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1134 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1136 of file mpp_io.F90.
private |
Definition at line 1132 of file mpp_io.F90.