FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @addtogroup horiz_interp_type_mod
20!> @{
21!> @brief This statistics is for bilinear interpolation and spherical regrid.
22 subroutine stats_ ( dat, low, high, avg, miss, missing_value, mask )
23 real(FMS_HI_KIND_), intent(in) :: dat(:,:)
24 real(FMS_HI_KIND_), intent(out) :: low, high, avg
25 integer, intent(out) :: miss
26 real(FMS_HI_KIND_), intent(in), optional :: missing_value
27 real(FMS_HI_KIND_), intent(in), optional :: mask(:,:)
29 real(FMS_HI_KIND_) :: dsum, buffer_real(3)
30 integer :: pe, root_pe, npes, p, buffer_int(2), npts
31 integer, parameter :: kindl = fms_hi_kind_ !< compiled kind size
33 pe = mpp_pe()
34 root_pe = mpp_root_pe()
35 npes = mpp_npes()
37 dsum = 0.0_kindl
38 miss = 0
40 if (present(missing_value)) then
41 miss = count(dat(:,:) == missing_value)
42 low = minval(dat(:,:), dat(:,:) /= missing_value)
43 high = maxval(dat(:,:), dat(:,:) /= missing_value)
44 dsum = sum(dat(:,:), dat(:,:) /= missing_value)
45 else if(present(mask)) then
46 miss = count(mask(:,:) <= 0.5_kindl )
47 low = minval(dat(:,:),mask=mask(:,:) > 0.5_kindl)
48 high = maxval(dat(:,:),mask=mask(:,:) > 0.5_kindl)
49 dsum = sum(dat(:,:), mask=mask(:,:) > 0.5_kindl)
50 else
51 miss = 0
52 low = minval(dat(:,:))
53 high = maxval(dat(:,:))
54 dsum = sum(dat(:,:))
55 endif
56 avg = 0.0_kindl
58 npts = size(dat(:,:)) - miss
59 if(pe == root_pe) then
60 do p = 1, npes - 1 ! root_pe receive data from other pe
61 ! Force use of "scalar", integer pointer mpp interface
62 call mpp_recv(buffer_real(1),glen=3, from_pe=p+root_pe, tag=comm_tag_1)
63 dsum = dsum + buffer_real(1)
64 low = min(low, buffer_real(2))
65 high = max(high, buffer_real(3))
66 call mpp_recv(buffer_int(1), glen=2, from_pe=p+root_pe, tag=comm_tag_2)
67 miss = miss + buffer_int(1)
68 npts = npts + buffer_int(2)
69 enddo
70 if(npts == 0) then
71 print*, 'Warning: no points is valid'
72 else
73 avg = dsum/real(npts, fms_hi_kind_)
74 endif
75 else ! other pe send data to the root_pe.
76 buffer_real(1) = dsum
77 buffer_real(2) = low
78 buffer_real(3) = high
79 ! Force use of "scalar", integer pointer mpp interface
80 call mpp_send(buffer_real(1),plen=3,to_pe=root_pe, tag=comm_tag_1)
81 buffer_int(1) = miss
82 buffer_int(2) = npts
83 call mpp_send(buffer_int(1), plen=2, to_pe=root_pe, tag=comm_tag_2)
84 endif
86 call mpp_sync_self()
88 return
90 end subroutine stats_
subroutine stats_(dat, area, asum, dsum, wsum, low, high, miss, mask)
This statistics is for conservative scheme.
subroutine mpp_sync_self(pelist, check, request, msg_size, msg_type)
This is to check if current PE's outstanding puts are complete but we can't use shmem_fence because w...