FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***********************************************************************
2  * GNU Lesser General Public License
3  *
4  * This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5  *
6  * FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7  * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9  * your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14  * for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
18  **********************************************************************/
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include "mosaic_util.h"
23 #include "interp.h"
24 #include "create_xgrid.h"
26 /** \file
27  * \ingroup mosaic
28  * \brief Grid interpolation functions for use in @ref mosaic_mod
29  */
31 /*********************************************************************
32  void cublic_spline_sp(size1, size2, grid1, grid2, data1, data2)
34  Calculate a shape preserving cubic spline. Monotonicity is ensured over each subinterval
35  unlike classic cubic spline interpolation.
36  It will be used to interpolation data in 1-D space.
38  INPUT Arguments:
39  grid1: grid for input data grid.
40  grid2: grid for output data grid.
41  size1: size of input grid.
42  size2: size of output grid.
43  data1: input data associated with grid1.
46  data2: output data associated with grid2. (OUTPUT)
48 *********************************************************************/
50 void cubic_spline_sp(int size1, int size2, const double *grid1, const double *grid2, const double *data1,
51  double *data2 )
52 {
53  double *delta=NULL, *d=NULL, *dh=NULL, *b=NULL, *c = NULL;
54  double s, w1, w2, p;
55  int i, k, n, klo, khi, kmax;
57  for(i=1; i<size1; i++) {
58  if( grid1[i] <= grid1[i-1] ) error_handler("cubic_spline_sp: grid1 is not monotonic increasing");
59  }
61  for(i=0; i<size2; i++) {
62  if( grid2[i] < grid1[0] || grid2[i] > grid1[size1-1]) error_handler("cubic_spline_sp: grid2 lies outside grid1");
63  }
65  if(size1 < 2) error_handler("cubic_spline_sp: the size of input grid should be at least 2");
66  if(size1 == 2) { /* when size1 is 2, it just reduced to a linear interpolation */
67  p = (data1[1]-data1[0])/(grid1[1]-grid1[0]);
68  for(i=0; i< size2; i++) data2[i] = p*(grid2[i] - grid1[0]) + data1[0];
69  return;
70  }
71  delta = (double *)malloc((size1-1)*sizeof(double));
72  dh = (double *)malloc((size1-1)*sizeof(double));
73  d = (double *)malloc(size1*sizeof(double));
74  for(k=0;k<size1-1;k++) {
75  dh[k] = grid1[k+1]-grid1[k];
76  delta[k] = (data1[k+1]-data1[k])/(dh[k]);
77  }
78  /*
79  Interior slopes
80  */
81  for(k=1;k<size1-1;k++) {
82  if( delta[k]*delta[k-1] > 0.0 ) {
83  w1 = 2.0*dh[k] + dh[k-1];
84  w2 = dh[k] + 2.0*dh[k-1];
85  d[k] = (w1+w2)/(w1/delta[k-1]+w2/delta[k]);
86  }
87  else {
88  d[k] = 0.0;
89  }
90  }
91  /*
92  End slopes
93  */
94  kmax = size1-1;
95  d[0] = ((2.0*dh[0] + dh[1])*delta[0] - dh[0]*delta[1])/(dh[0]+dh[1]);
97  if ( d[0]*delta[0] < 0.0 ) {
98  d[0] = 0.0;
99  }
100  else {
101  if ( delta[0]*delta[1] < 0.0 && fabs(d[0]) > fabs(3.0*delta[0])) {
102  d[0]=3.0*delta[0];
103  }
104  }
106  d[kmax] = ((2.0*dh[kmax-1] + dh[kmax-2])*delta[kmax-1] - dh[kmax-1]*delta[kmax-2])/(dh[kmax-1]+dh[kmax-2]);
107  if ( d[kmax]*delta[kmax-1] < 0.0 ) {
108  d[kmax] = 0.0;
109  }
110  else {
111  if ( delta[kmax-1]*delta[kmax-2] < 0.0 && fabs(d[kmax]) > fabs(3.0*delta[kmax-1])) {
112  d[kmax]=3.0*delta[kmax-1];
113  }
114  }
116  /* Precalculate coefficients */
117  b = (double *)malloc((size1-1)*sizeof(double));
118  c = (double *)malloc((size1-1)*sizeof(double));
119  for (k=0; k<size1-1; k++) {
120  c[k] = (3.0*delta[k]-2.0*d[k]-d[k+1])/dh[k];
121  b[k] = (d[k]-2.0*delta[k]+d[k+1])/(dh[k]*dh[k]);
122  }
123  /* interpolate data onto grid2 */
124  for(k=0; k<size2; k++) {
125  n = nearest_index(grid2[k],grid1, size1);
126  if (grid1[n] < grid2[k]) {
127  klo = n;
128  }
129  else {
130  if(n==0) {
131  klo = n;
132  }
133  else {
134  klo = n -1;
135  }
136  }
137  khi = klo+1;
138  s = grid2[k] - grid1[klo];
139  data2[k] = data1[klo]+s*(d[klo]+s*(c[klo]+s*b[klo]));
140  }
142  free(c);
143  free(b);
144  free(d);
145  free(dh);
146  free(delta);
148 }/* cubic spline sp */
151 /*********************************************************************
152  void cublic_spline(size1, size2, grid1, grid2, data1, data2, yp1, ypn )
154  This alborithm is to get an interpolation formula that is smooth in the first
155  derivative, and continuous in the second derivative, both within an interval
156  and its boundaries. It will be used to interpolation data in 1-D space.
158  INPUT Arguments:
159  grid1: grid for input data grid.
160  grid2: grid for output data grid.
161  size1: size of input grid.
162  size2: size of output grid.
163  data1: input data associated with grid1.
164  yp1: first derivative of starting point.
165  Set to 0 to be "natural" (INPUT)
166  ypn: first derivative of ending point.
167  Set to 0 to be "natural" (INPUT)
170  data2: output data associated with grid2. (OUTPUT)
172 *********************************************************************/
175 void cubic_spline(int size1, int size2, const double *grid1, const double *grid2, const double *data1,
176  double *data2, double yp1, double ypn )
177 {
178  double *y2=NULL, *u=NULL;
179  double p, sig, qn, un, h, a, b;
180  int i, k, n, klo, khi;
182  for(i=1; i<size1; i++) {
183  if( grid1[i] <= grid1[i-1] ) error_handler("cubic_spline: grid1 is not monotonic increasing");
184  }
186  for(i=0; i<size2; i++) {
187  if( grid2[i] < grid1[0] || grid2[i] > grid1[size1-1]) error_handler("cubic_spline: grid2 lies outside grid1");
188  }
190  if(size1 < 2) error_handler("cubic_spline: the size of input grid should be at least 2");
191  if(size1 == 2) { /* when size1 is 2, it just reduced to a linear interpolation */
192  p = (data1[1]-data1[0])/(grid1[1]-grid1[0]);
193  for(i=0; i< size2; i++) data2[i] = p*(grid2[i] - grid1[0]) + data1[0];
194  return;
195  }
196  y2 = (double *)malloc(size1*sizeof(double));
197  u = (double *)malloc(size1*sizeof(double));
198  if (yp1 >.99e30) {
199  y2[0]=0.;
200  u[0]=0.;
201  }
202  else {
203  y2[0]=-0.5;
204  u[0]=(3./(grid1[1]-grid1[0]))*((data1[1]-data1[0])/(grid1[1]-grid1[0])-yp1);
205  }
207  for(i=1; i<size1-1; i++) {
208  sig=(grid1[i]-grid1[i-1])/(grid1[i+1]-grid1[i-1]);
209  p=sig*y2[i-1]+2.;
210  y2[i]=(sig-1.)/p;
211  u[i]=(6.*((data1[i+1]-data1[i])/(grid1[i+1]-grid1[i])-(data1[i]-data1[i-1])
212  /(grid1[i]-grid1[i-1]))/(grid1[i+1]-grid1[i-1])-sig*u[i-1])/p;
214  }
216  if (ypn > .99e30) {
217  qn=0.;
218  un=0.;
219  }
220  else {
221  qn=0.5;
222  un=(3./(grid1[size1-1]-grid1[size1-2]))*(ypn-(data1[size1-1]-data1[size1-2])/(grid1[size1-1]-grid1[size1-2]));
223  }
225  y2[size1-1]=(un-qn*u[size1-2])/(qn*y2[size1-2]+1.);
227  for(k=size1-2; k>=0; k--) y2[k] = y2[k]*y2[k+1]+u[k];
229  /* interpolate data onto grid2 */
230  for(k=0; k<size2; k++) {
231  n = nearest_index(grid2[k],grid1, size1);
232  if (grid1[n] < grid2[k]) {
233  klo = n;
234  }
235  else {
236  if(n==0) {
237  klo = n;
238  }
239  else {
240  klo = n -1;
241  }
242  }
243  khi = klo+1;
244  h = grid1[khi]-grid1[klo];
245  a = (grid1[khi] - grid2[k])/h;
246  b = (grid2[k] - grid1[klo])/h;
247  data2[k] = a*data1[klo] + b*data1[khi]+ ((pow(a,3.0)-a)*y2[klo] + (pow(b,3.0)-b)*y2[khi])*(pow(h,2.0))/6;
248  }
250  free(y2);
251  free(u);
253 }/* cubic spline */
256 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257  void conserve_interp()
258  conservative interpolation through exchange grid.
259  Currently only first order interpolation are implemented here.
260  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
261 void conserve_interp(int nx_src, int ny_src, int nx_dst, int ny_dst, const double *x_src,
262  const double *y_src, const double *x_dst, const double *y_dst,
263  const double *mask_src, const double *data_src, double *data_dst )
264 {
265  int n, nxgrid;
266  int *xgrid_i1, *xgrid_j1, *xgrid_i2, *xgrid_j2;
267  double *xgrid_area, *dst_area, *area_frac;
269  /* get the exchange grid between source and destination grid. */
270  xgrid_i1 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
271  xgrid_j1 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
272  xgrid_i2 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
273  xgrid_j2 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
274  xgrid_area = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(double));
275  dst_area = (double *)malloc(nx_dst*ny_dst*sizeof(double));
276  nxgrid = create_xgrid_2dx2d_order1(&nx_src, &ny_src, &nx_dst, &ny_dst, x_src, y_src, x_dst, y_dst, mask_src,
277  xgrid_i1, xgrid_j1, xgrid_i2, xgrid_j2, xgrid_area );
278  /* The source grid may not cover the destination grid
279  so need to sum of exchange grid area to get dst_area
280  get_grid_area(&nx_dst, &ny_dst, x_dst, y_dst, dst_area);
281  */
282  for(n=0; n<nx_dst*ny_dst; n++) dst_area[n] = 0;
283  for(n=0; n<nxgrid; n++) dst_area[xgrid_j2[n]*nx_dst+xgrid_i2[n]] += xgrid_area[n];
285  area_frac = (double *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(double));
286  for(n=0; n<nxgrid; n++) area_frac[n] = xgrid_area[n]/dst_area[xgrid_j2[n]*nx_dst+xgrid_i2[n]];
288  for(n=0; n<nx_dst*ny_dst; n++) {
289  data_dst[n] = 0;
290  }
291  for(n=0; n<nxgrid; n++) {
292  data_dst[xgrid_j2[n]*nx_dst+xgrid_i2[n]] += data_src[xgrid_j1[n]*nx_src+xgrid_i1[n]]*area_frac[n];
293  }
295  free(xgrid_i1);
296  free(xgrid_j1);
297  free(xgrid_i2);
298  free(xgrid_j2);
299  free(xgrid_area);
300  free(dst_area);
301  free(area_frac);
303 } /* conserve_interp */
305 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
306  void conserve_interp_great_circle()
307  conservative interpolation through exchange grid.
308  Currently only first order interpolation are implemented here.
309  great_circle algorithm is used for clipping and interpolation.
310  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
311 void conserve_interp_great_circle(int nx_src, int ny_src, int nx_dst, int ny_dst, const double *x_src,
312  const double *y_src, const double *x_dst, const double *y_dst,
313  const double *mask_src, const double *data_src, double *data_dst )
314 {
315  int n, nxgrid;
316  int *xgrid_i1, *xgrid_j1, *xgrid_i2, *xgrid_j2;
317  double *xgrid_area, *dst_area, *area_frac, *xgrid_di, *xgrid_dj;
319  /* get the exchange grid between source and destination grid. */
320  xgrid_i1 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
321  xgrid_j1 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
322  xgrid_i2 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
323  xgrid_j2 = (int *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(int));
324  xgrid_area = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(double));
325  xgrid_di = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(double));
326  xgrid_dj = (double *)malloc(MAXXGRID*sizeof(double));
327  dst_area = (double *)malloc(nx_dst*ny_dst*sizeof(double));
328  nxgrid = create_xgrid_great_circle(&nx_src, &ny_src, &nx_dst, &ny_dst, x_src, y_src, x_dst, y_dst, mask_src,
329  xgrid_i1, xgrid_j1, xgrid_i2, xgrid_j2, xgrid_area, xgrid_di, xgrid_dj );
330  /* The source grid may not cover the destination grid
331  so need to sum of exchange grid area to get dst_area
332  get_grid_area(&nx_dst, &ny_dst, x_dst, y_dst, dst_area);
333  */
334  for(n=0; n<nx_dst*ny_dst; n++) dst_area[n] = 0;
335  for(n=0; n<nxgrid; n++) dst_area[xgrid_j2[n]*nx_dst+xgrid_i2[n]] += xgrid_area[n];
337  area_frac = (double *)malloc(nxgrid*sizeof(double));
338  for(n=0; n<nxgrid; n++) area_frac[n] = xgrid_area[n]/dst_area[xgrid_j2[n]*nx_dst+xgrid_i2[n]];
340  for(n=0; n<nx_dst*ny_dst; n++) {
341  data_dst[n] = 0;
342  }
343  for(n=0; n<nxgrid; n++) {
344  data_dst[xgrid_j2[n]*nx_dst+xgrid_i2[n]] += data_src[xgrid_j1[n]*nx_src+xgrid_i1[n]]*area_frac[n];
345  }
347  free(xgrid_i1);
348  free(xgrid_j1);
349  free(xgrid_i2);
350  free(xgrid_j2);
351  free(xgrid_area);
352  free(dst_area);
353  free(area_frac);
355 } /* conserve_interp_great_circle */
359 void linear_vertical_interp(int nx, int ny, int nk1, int nk2, const double *grid1, const double *grid2,
360  double *data1, double *data2)
361 {
362  int n, k, l;
363  double w;
365  for(k=1; k<nk1; k++) {
366  if(grid1[k] <= grid1[k-1]) error_handler("interp.c: grid1 not monotonic");
367  }
368  for(k=1; k<nk2; k++) {
369  if(grid2[k] <= grid2[k-1]) error_handler("interp.c: grid2 not monotonic");
370  }
372  if (grid1[0] > grid2[0] ) error_handler("interp.c: grid2 lies outside grid1");
373  if (grid1[nk1-1] < grid2[nk2-1] ) error_handler("interp.c: grid2 lies outside grid1");
375  for(k=0; k<nk2; k++) {
376  n = nearest_index(grid2[k],grid1,nk1);
377  if (grid1[n] < grid2[k]) {
378  w = (grid2[k]-grid1[n])/(grid1[n+1]-grid1[n]);
379  for(l=0; l<nx*ny; l++) {
380  data2[k*nx*ny+l] = (1.-w)*data1[n*nx*ny+l] + w*data1[(n+1)*nx*ny+l];
381  }
382  }
383  else {
384  if(n==0)
385  for(l=0;l<nx*ny;l++) data2[k*nx*ny+l] = data1[n*nx*ny+l];
386  else {
387  w = (grid2[k]-grid1[n-1])/(grid1[n]-grid1[n-1]);
388  for(l=0; l<nx*ny; l++) {
389  data2[k*nx*ny+l] = (1.-w)*data1[(n-1)*nx*ny+l] + w*data1[n*nx*ny+l];
390  }
391  }
392  }
393  }
394 }