Performs flux calculations and exchange grid operations for atmosphere, land and ice.
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_init (Time, Atm, Land, Ice, atmos_ice_boundary, land_ice_atmos_boundary, Dt_atm_in, Dt_cpl_in, z_ref_heat_in, z_ref_mom_in, do_area_weighted_flux_in, do_forecast_in, partition_fprec_from_lprec_in, scale_precip_2d_in, nblocks_in, cplClock_in, ex_gas_fields_atm_in, ex_gas_fields_ice_in, ex_gas_fluxes_in) |
| Initialization routine. More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::sfc_boundary_layer (dt, Time, Atm, Land, Ice, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary) |
| Computes explicit fluxes as well as derivatives that will be used to compute an implicit flux correction. More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::flux_down_from_atmos (Time, Atm, Land, Ice, Atmos_boundary, Land_boundary, Ice_boundary) |
| Returns fluxes and derivatives corrected for the implicit treatment of atmospheric diffusive fluxes, as well as the increments in the temperature and specific humidity of the lowest atmospheric layer due to all explicit processes as well as the diffusive fluxes through the top of this layer. More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::generate_sfc_xgrid (Land, Ice) |
| Optimizes the exchange grids by eliminating land and ice partitions with no data. More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::flux_up_to_atmos (Time, Land, Ice, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary, Land_boundary, Ice_boundary) |
| Corrects the fluxes for consistency with the new surface temperatures in land and ice models. More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::flux_ex_arrays_dealloc |
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::flux_atmos_to_ocean (Time, Atm, Ice_boundary, Ice) |
subroutine | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::put_logical_to_real_sg (mask, id, ex_mask, xmap) |
| Puts land or ice model masks (with partitions) onto the exchange grid as a real array (1.=true, 0.=false) More...
subroutine | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::put_logical_to_real_ug (mask, id, ex_mask, xmap) |
| Puts land or ice model masks (with partitions) onto the exchange grid as a real array (1.=true, 0.=false) More...
subroutine | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::diag_field_init (Time, atmos_axes, land_axes, land_pe) |
| Initializes diagnostic fields that may be output from this module (the ID numbers may be referenced anywhere in this module) More...
subroutine | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::divide_by_area (data, area) |
| Divide data by area while avoiding zero area elements. More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::send_ice_mask_sic (Time) |
| Send out the ice_mask and/or sic data. This was called inside flux_ocean_to_ice. Why? More...
subroutine, public | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::atm_stock_integrate (Atm, res) |
character(len=128) | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::version = '$Id$' |
character(len=128) | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::tag = '$Name$' |
type(fmsxgridxmap_type), save | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::xmap_sfc |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::n_xgrid_sfc =0 |
character(len=4), parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::mod_name = 'flux' |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_drag_moist |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_drag_heat |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_drag_mom |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rough_moist |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rough_heat |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rough_mom |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_land_mask |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_ice_mask |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_u_star |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_b_star |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_star |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_u_flux |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_v_flux |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_surf |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_flux |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_r_flux |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_flux |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_slp |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_u_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_v_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_wind |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_thv_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_thv_surf |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_ref |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rh_ref |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_u_ref |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_v_ref |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_wind_ref |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_del_h |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_del_m |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_del_q |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rough_scale |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_ca |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_surf |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_z_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_p_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_gust |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_ref_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rh_ref_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_u_ref_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_v_ref_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_ref |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_ref_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_q_flux_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rh_ref_cmip |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_husslut_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_taslut_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_t_flux_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_co2_atm_dvmr |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_co2_surf_dvmr |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_co2_bot |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_co2_flux_pcair_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_o2_flux_pcair_atm |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_atm |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_surf |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_flux |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_mol_flux |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_mol_flux0 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_flux_land |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tr_mol_flux_land |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tas |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_uas |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_vas |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_ts |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_psl |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_sfcwind |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tauu |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tauv |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_hurs |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_huss |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_evspsbl |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_hfls |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_hfss |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rhs |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_sftlf |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tos |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_sic |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tslsi |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_height2m |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_height10m |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_evspsbl_g |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_ts_g |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tas_g |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_tasl_g |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_hfss_g |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_hfls_g |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::id_rls_g |
logical | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::first_static = .true. |
logical | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::do_init = .true. |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::remap_method = 1 |
real, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::bound_tol = 1e-7 |
real, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::d622 = rdgas/rvgas |
real, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::d378 = 1.0-d622 |
real, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::tfreeze = 273.15 |
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::frac_precip |
real | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::z_ref_heat = 2. |
| Reference height (meters) for temperature and relative humidity diagnostics (t_ref, rh_ref, del_h, del_q) More...
real | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::z_ref_mom = 10. |
| Reference height (meters) for mementum diagnostics (u_ref, v_ref, del_m) More...
logical | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::do_area_weighted_flux = .FALSE. |
logical | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::do_forecast = .false. |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nblocks = 1 |
logical | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::partition_fprec_from_lprec = .FALSE. |
| option for ATM override experiments where liquid+frozen precip are combined. This option will convert liquid precip to snow when t_ref is less than tfreeze parameter More...
logical | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::scale_precip_2d = .false. |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::my_nblocks = 1 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::block_start |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::block_end |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_t_surf |
| surface temperature for radiation calc, degK More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_t_surf_miz |
| miz More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_t_ca |
| near-surface (canopy) air temperature, degK More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_p_surf |
| surface pressure More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_slp |
| surface pressure More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_flux_t |
| sens heat flux More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_flux_lw |
| longwave radiation flux More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dhdt_surf |
| d(sens.heat.flux)/d(T canopy) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dedt_surf |
| d(water.vap.flux)/d(T canopy) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dqsatdt_surf |
| d(water.vap.flux)/d(q canopy) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_e_q_n |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_drdt_surf |
| d(LW flux)/d(T surf) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dhdt_atm |
| d(sens.heat.flux)/d(T atm) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_flux_u |
| u stress on atmosphere More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_flux_v |
| v stress on atmosphere More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dtaudu_atm |
| d(stress)/d(u) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dtaudv_atm |
| d(stress)/d(v) More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_seawater |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_albedo_fix |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_old_albedo |
| old value of albedo for downward flux calculations More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_drag_q |
| q drag.coeff. More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_cd_t |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_cd_m |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_b_star |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_u_star |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_wind |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_z_atm |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dhdt_surf_forland |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dedt_surf_forland |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dedq_surf_forland |
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_tr_surf |
| near-surface tracer fields More...
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_flux_tr |
| tracer fluxes More...
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dfdtr_surf |
| d(tracer flux)/d(surf tracer) More...
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_dfdtr_atm |
| d(tracer flux)/d(atm tracer) More...
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_e_tr_n |
| coefficient in implicit scheme More...
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_f_tr_delt_n |
| coefficient in implicit scheme More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_avail |
| true where data on exchange grid are available More...
logical, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_land |
| true if exchange grid cell is over land More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_e_t_n |
real, dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_f_t_delt_n |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::n_atm_tr |
| number of prognostic tracers in the atmos model More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::n_atm_tr_tot |
| number of prognostic tracers in the atmos model More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::n_lnd_tr |
| number of prognostic tracers in the land model More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::n_lnd_tr_tot |
| number of prognostic tracers in the land model More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::n_exch_tr |
| number of tracers exchanged between models More...
type(tracer_ind_type), dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::tr_table |
| table of tracer indices More...
type(tracer_exch_ind_type), dimension(:), allocatable | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::tr_table_map |
| map atm tracers to exchange, ice and land variables More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::isphum = NO_TRACER |
| index of specific humidity tracer in tracer table More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ico2 = NO_TRACER |
| index of co2 tracer in tracer table More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::inh3 = NO_TRACER |
| index of nh3 tracer in tracer table More...
type(fmscoupler1dbc_type), pointer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_gas_fields_atm =>NULL() |
| gas fields in atm Place holder for various atmospheric fields. More...
type(fmscoupler1dbc_type), pointer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_gas_fields_ice =>NULL() |
type(fmscoupler1dbc_type), pointer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ex_gas_fluxes =>NULL() |
| Place holder of intermediate calculations, such as piston velocities etc. More...
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ni_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nj_atm |
| to do atmos diagnostic from flux_ocean_to_ice More...
real, dimension(3) | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::ccc |
| for conservation checks More...
integer, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::regrid =1 |
integer, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::redist =2 |
integer, parameter | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::direct =3 |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::cplclock |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::sfcclock |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::fluxatmdnclock |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::regenclock |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::fluxatmupclock |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::x1_grid_atm |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::x1_grid_ice |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::x1_grid_lnd |
real | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::dt_atm |
real | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::dt_cpl |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nxc_ice =0 |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nyc_ice =0 |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nk_ice =0 |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nxc_lnd =0 |
integer | atm_land_ice_flux_exchange_mod::nyc_lnd =0 |
Performs flux calculations and exchange grid operations for atmosphere, land and ice.