FMS Coupler 2022.03
No Matches
Flux Exchange Configuration

flux_exchange_mod is configured via the flux_exchange_nml namelist in the input.nml file. The following table are the available namelist variables.

Variable Name Type Default Value Description
z_ref_heat real 2.0 Reference height (meters) for temperature and relative humidity diagnostics (t_ref, rh_ref, del_h, del_q).
z_ref_mom real 10.0 Reference height (meters) for mementum diagnostics (u_ref, v_ref, del_m).
do_area_weighted_flux logical .FALSE.
debug_stocks logical .FALSE.
divert_stocks_report logical .FALSE.
do_runoff logical .TRUE. Turns on/off the land runoff interpolation to the ocean.
do_forecast logical .FALSE.
nblocks integer 1 Specify number of blocks that n_xgrid_sfc is divided into. The main purpose is for Openmp implementation. Normally you may set nblocks to be coupler_nml atmos_nthreads.
partition_fprec_from_lprec logical .FALSE. Option for ATM override experiments where liquid+frozen precip are combined. This option will convert liquid precip to snow when t_ref is less than tfreeze parameter
scale_precip_2d logical .false. Option to scale the Atmlprec. If this varible is set to .true. Atmlprec will be rescaled by a field read from the data_table