Handles calculation of fluxes on the exchange grids, see module page for more information.
subroutine | surface_flux_mod::surface_flux_1d (t_atm, q_atm_in, u_atm, v_atm, p_atm, z_atm, p_surf, t_surf, t_ca, q_surf, u_surf, v_surf, rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust, flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, thv_atm, thv_surf, dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm, dtaudv_atm, dt, land, seawater, avail) |
subroutine | surface_flux_mod::surface_flux_0d (t_atm_0, q_atm_0, u_atm_0, v_atm_0, p_atm_0, z_atm_0, p_surf_0, t_surf_0, t_ca_0, q_surf_0, u_surf_0, v_surf_0, rough_mom_0, rough_heat_0, rough_moist_0, rough_scale_0, gust_0, flux_t_0, flux_q_0, flux_r_0, flux_u_0, flux_v_0, cd_m_0, cd_t_0, cd_q_0, w_atm_0, u_star_0, b_star_0, q_star_0, thv_atm_0, thv_surf_0, dhdt_surf_0, dedt_surf_0, dedq_surf_0, drdt_surf_0, dhdt_atm_0, dedq_atm_0, dtaudu_atm_0, dtaudv_atm_0, dt, land_0, seawater_0, avail_0) |
subroutine | surface_flux_mod::surface_flux_2d (t_atm, q_atm_in, u_atm, v_atm, p_atm, z_atm, p_surf, t_surf, t_ca, q_surf, u_surf, v_surf, rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust, flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, thv_atm, thv_surf, dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm, dtaudv_atm, dt, land, seawater, avail) |
subroutine, public | surface_flux_mod::surface_flux_init |
| Initialization of the surface flux module–reads the nml.
subroutine | surface_flux_mod::ncar_ocean_fluxes (u_del, t, ts, q, qs, z, avail, cd, ch, ce, ustar, bstar) |
| Over-ocean fluxes following Large and Yeager (used in NCAR models) !
subroutine | surface_flux_mod::ncar_ocean_fluxes_multilevel (u_del, t, ts, q, qs, zu, zt, zq, avail, cd, ch, ce, ustar, bstar) |
| Over-ocean fluxes following Large and Yeager (used in NCAR models) !
subroutine | surface_flux_mod::iter_monin_obukhov_ocean (z_atm, u_atm, v_atm, w_atm, thv_atm, q_atm, u_surf, v_surf, thv_surf, q_surf0, rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, u_star, b_star, avail, seawater) |
| Update air-sea flux variables to be consistent with the concurrent atmospheric states.
character(len= *), parameter | surface_flux_mod::version = '$Id$' |
character(len= *), parameter | surface_flux_mod::tagname = '$Name$' |
logical | surface_flux_mod::module_is_initialized = .false. |
real, parameter | surface_flux_mod::d622 = rdgas/rvgas |
real, parameter | surface_flux_mod::d378 = 1.-d622 |
real, parameter | surface_flux_mod::hlars = hlv/rvgas |
real, parameter | surface_flux_mod::gcp = grav/cp_air |
real, parameter | surface_flux_mod::kappa = rdgas/cp_air |
real | surface_flux_mod::d608 = d378/d622 |
character(len=32) | surface_flux_mod::rough_scheme_ocean |
| ocean roughness length scheme to be read from ocean_rough_nml
logical | surface_flux_mod::no_neg_q = .false. |
| If a_atm_in (specific humidity) is negative (because of numerical truncation), then override with 0.0.
logical | surface_flux_mod::use_virtual_temp = .true. |
| If .TRUE., use virtual potential temp to calculate the stability of the surface layer. If .FALSE., use potential temp.
logical | surface_flux_mod::alt_gustiness = .false. |
| An alternaive formulation for gustiness calculation. A minimum bound on the wind speed used influx calculations,with the bound equal to gust_const.
logical | surface_flux_mod::old_dtaudv = .false. |
| The derivative of surface wind stress with respect to the zonal wind and meridional wind are approximated by the same tendency.
logical | surface_flux_mod::use_mixing_ratio = .false. |
| An option to provide capability to run the Manabe Climate form of the surface flux (coded for legacy purposes).
real | surface_flux_mod::gust_const = 1.0 |
| Constant for alternative gustiness calculation.
real | surface_flux_mod::gust_min = 0.0 |
| Minimum gustiness used when alt_gustiness is .FALSE.
logical | surface_flux_mod::ncar_ocean_flux = .false. |
| Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager, NCAR Technical Document, 2004.
logical | surface_flux_mod::ncar_ocean_flux_orig = .false. |
| Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager, NCAR Technical Document, 2004, using the original GFDL implementation, which contains a bug in the specification of the exchange coefficient for the sensible heat. This option is available for legacy purposes, and is not recommended for new experiments.
logical | surface_flux_mod::ncar_ocean_flux_multilevel = .false. |
| Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager, allows for different reference height for wind, temp and spec. hum.
logical | surface_flux_mod::do_iter_monin_obukhov = .false. |
| If .TRUE, call monin obukhov funtcions a couple of times to update rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, cd, ch, b_star, u_star.
logical | surface_flux_mod::use_u10_neutral = .false. |
| If .TRUE., use 10m neutral wind rather than the standard 10m wind to obtain rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist.
real | surface_flux_mod::bulk_zu = 10. |
| Reference height for wind speed (meters)
real | surface_flux_mod::bulk_zt = 10. |
| Reference height for atm temperature (meters)
real | surface_flux_mod::bulk_zq = 10. |
| Reference height for atm humidity (meters)
logical | surface_flux_mod::raoult_sat_vap = .false. |
| Reduce saturation vapor pressure to account for seawater.
logical | surface_flux_mod::do_simple = .false. |
integer | surface_flux_mod::niter_monin_obukhov = 5 |
| iteration times to call iter_monin_obukhov_ocean. Typically 3-5 times should converge
Handles calculation of fluxes on the exchange grids, see module page for more information.