FMS Coupler 2022.03
surface_flux_mod is configured via the surface_flux_nml namelist in the input.nml
file. The following table are the available namelist variables.
Variable Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
no_neg_q | logical | .FALSE. | If q_atm_in (specific humidity) is negative (because of numerical truncation), then override with 0. |
use_virtual_temp | logical | .TRUE. | If true, use virtual potential temp to calculate the stability of the surface layer. if false, use potential temp. |
alt_gustiness | logical | .FALSE. | An alternative formulation for gustiness calculation. A minimum bound on the wind speed used influx calculations, with the bound equal to gust_const. |
old_dtaudv | logical | .FALSE. | The derivative of surface wind stress w.r.t. the zonal wind and meridional wind are approximated by the same tendency. |
use_mixing_ratio | logical | .FALSE. | An option to provide capability to run the Manabe Climate form of the surface flux (coded for legacy purposes). |
gust_const | real | 1.0 | Constant for alternative gustiness calculation. |
gust_min | real | 0.0 | Minimum gustiness used when alt_gustiness = false. |
ncar_ocean_flux | logical | .FALSE. | Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager, NCAR Technical Document, 2004. |
ncar_ocean_flux_orig | logical | .FALSE. | Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by Large and Yeager, NCAR Technical Document, 2004, using the original GFDL implementation, which contains a bug in the specification of the exchange coefficient for the sensible heat. This option is available for legacy purposes, and is not recommended for new experiments. |
raoult_sat_vap | logical | .FALSE. | Reduce saturation vapor pressures to account for seawater salinity. |
do_simple | logical | .FALSE. | </table |