FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @defgroup tracer_manager_mod tracer_manager_mod
20!> @ingroup tracer_manager
23!> @brief Subroutine to set the tracer field to the wanted profile.
25!> If the profile type is 'fixed' then the tracer field values are set
26!! equal to the surface value.
27!! If the profile type is 'profile' then the top/bottom of model and
28!! surface values are read and an exponential profile is calculated,
29!! with the profile being dependent on the number of levels in the
30!! component model. This should be called from the part of the dynamical
31!! core where tracer restarts are called in the event that a tracer
32!! restart file does not exist.
34!! This can be activated by adding a method to the field_table
35!! e.g.
36!! @verbose "profile_type","fixed","surface_value = 1e-12" @endverbose
37!! would return values of surf_value = 1e-12 and a multiplier of 1.0
38!! One can use these to initialize the entire field with a value of 1e-12.
40!! "profile_type","profile","surface_value = 1e-12, top_value = 1e-15"
41!! In a 15 layer model this would return values of surf_value = 1e-12 and
42!! multiplier = 0.6309573 i.e 1e-15 = 1e-12*(0.6309573^15)
43!! In this case the model should be MODEL_ATMOS as you have a "top" value.
45!! If you wish to initialize the ocean model, one can use bottom_value instead
46!! of top_value.
47subroutine set_tracer_profile_(model, n, tracer, err_msg)
49integer, intent(in) :: model !< Parameter representing component model in use
50integer, intent(in) :: n !< Tracer number
51real(FMS_TM_KIND_), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:) :: tracer !< Initialized tracer array
52character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg
54real(FMS_TM_KIND_) :: surf_value, multiplier
55integer :: numlevels, k, n1, flag
56real(FMS_TM_KIND_) :: top_value, bottom_value
57character(len=80) :: scheme, control,profile_type
58character(len=128) :: err_msg_local
59character(len=11) :: chn
61integer, parameter :: lkind=fms_tm_kind_
63if(.not.module_is_initialized) call tracer_manager_init
65if (n < 1 .or. n > total_tracers(model)) then
66 write(chn, '(i11)') n
67 err_msg_local = ' Invalid tracer index. Model name = '//trim(model_names(model))//', Index='//trim(chn)
68 if(error_handler('set_tracer_profile', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return
70n1 = tracer_array(model,n)
72!default values
73profile_type = 'Fixed'
74surf_value = 0.0e+00_lkind
75top_value = surf_value
76bottom_value = surf_value
77multiplier = 1.0_lkind
79tracer = surf_value
81if ( query_method( 'profile_type',model,n,scheme,control)) then
82!Change the tracer_number to the tracer_manager version
84 if(lowercase(trim(scheme(1:5))).eq.'fixed') then
85 profile_type = 'Fixed'
86 flag =parse(control,'surface_value',surf_value)
87 multiplier = 1.0_lkind
88 tracer = surf_value
89 endif
91 if(lowercase(trim(scheme(1:7))).eq.'profile') then
92 profile_type = 'Profile'
93 flag=parse(control,'surface_value',surf_value)
94 if (surf_value .eq. 0.0_lkind) &
95 call mpp_error(fatal,'set_tracer_profile : Cannot have a zero surface value for an exponential profile. Tracer '&
96 //tracers(n1)%tracer_name//" "//control//" "//scheme)
97 select case (tracers(n1)%model)
98 case (model_atmos)
99 flag=parse(control,'top_value',top_value)
100 if(mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe() .and. flag == 0) &
101 call mpp_error(note,'set_tracer_profile : Parameter top_value needs to be defined for the tracer profile.')
102 case (model_ocean)
103 flag =parse(control,'bottom_value',bottom_value)
104 if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. flag == 0) &
105 call mpp_error(note, &
106 & 'set_tracer_profile : Parameter bottom_value needs to be defined for the tracer profile.')
107 case default
108! Should there be a NOTE or WARNING message here?
109 end select
111! If profile type is profile then set the surface value to the input
112! value and calculate the vertical multiplier.
114! Assume an exponential decay/increase from the surface to the top level
115! C = C0 exp ( -multiplier* level_number)
116! => multiplier = exp [ ln(Ctop/Csurf)/number_of_levels]
118numlevels = size(tracer,3) -1
119 select case (tracers(n1)%model)
120 case (model_atmos)
121 multiplier = exp( log(top_value/surf_value) /real(numlevels,lkind))
122 tracer(:,:,1) = surf_value
123 do k = 2, size(tracer,3)
124 tracer(:,:,k) = tracer(:,:,k-1) * multiplier
125 enddo
126 case (model_ocean)
127 multiplier = exp( log(bottom_value/surf_value) / real(numlevels,lkind))
128 tracer(:,:,size(tracer,3)) = surf_value
129 do k = size(tracer,3) - 1, 1, -1
130 tracer(:,:,k) = tracer(:,:,k+1) * multiplier
131 enddo
132 case default
133 end select
134 endif !scheme.eq.profile
136 if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write(*,700) 'Tracer ',trim(tracers(n1)%tracer_name), &
137 ' initialized with surface value of ',surf_value, &
138 ' and vertical multiplier of ',multiplier
139 700 FORMAT (3a,e13.6,a,f13.6)
141endif ! end of query scheme
143end subroutine set_tracer_profile_
146!> @}
147! close documentation grouping