
FRE-cli is conda-installable from the “noaa-gfdl” anaconda channel ( and is deployed on GFDL systems as Environment Modules.

On GFDL systems

use Lmod

If you are at GFDL (gaea, PPAN, workstations), you may skip installation by using Lmod:

module load fre/2025.01
fre --help

use conda

If you are at GFDL (gaea, PPAN, workstations), you may activate the environments used by the modules directly with conda:

# get conda in your PATH
module load miniforge

# if on PPAN or workstation
conda activate

# if on gaea
conda activate

Build-your-own FRE environment

If you are outside GFDL, you must manage and configure your own installation of conda and/or miniforge. If you’re at GFDL, bring conda into your PATH like so:

module load miniforge

create environment from uploaded conda package

If one is not interested in contributing to FRE or developing fre-cli, the simplest approach is to grab the latest fre-cli from the NOAA-GFDL anaconda channel:

conda create --name fre --channel noaa-gfdl --channel conda-forge fre-cli

# to grab a specific version, instead do:
conda create --name fre-202501 --channel noaa-gfdl --channel conda-forge fre-cli::2025.01

and activate it:

conda activate fre

confirm the environment and package was build successfully with:

fre --help

create environment from github repo clone

If one is interested in contributing to FRE and wishes to develop features and have user-like functionality, it’s recommended to download and use the code from the repository directly. Assuming one has conda in their paths, then do the following:

# Append necessary channels- fre-cli needs only these two channels and no others to build.
# it's possible depending on your conda installation that additional configuration steps are needed
conda config --append channels noaa-gfdl
conda config --append channels conda-forge

# grab a copy of the code from github and cd into the repository directory
git clone --recursive
cd fre-cli

# to avoid being prompted for confirmation, add '-y' to the call
# this downloads/builds fre-cli's dependecies ONLY
conda env create -f environment.yml

# activate the environment you just created.
# fre-cli isn't installed yet though, ONLY dependencies
# if you changed the name of the build environment, activate that name instead of fre-cli
conda activate fre-cli

# add mkmf to your PATH
export PATH=$PATH:${PWD}/mkmf/bin

# now we pip install the local code under the `fre/` directory
# the -e flag makes re-installing the code after editing not necessary
pip install -e .