FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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15 !*
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup axis_utils2_mod axis_utils2_mod
20 !> @ingroup axis_utils
21 !> @brief A set of utilities for manipulating axes and extracting axis attributes.
22 !! FMS2_IO equivalent version of @ref axis_utils_mod.
23 !> @author M.J. Harrison
25 !> @addtogroup axis_utils2_mod
26 !> @{
28  !> get axis edge data from a given file
29  subroutine axis_edges_(fileobj, name, edge_data, reproduce_null_char_bug_flag)
31  class(fmsnetcdffile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object to read from
32  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name !< Name of a given axis
33  real(FMS_AU_KIND_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: edge_data !< Returned edge data from given axis name
34  logical, intent(in), optional :: reproduce_null_char_bug_flag !< Flag indicating to reproduce
35  !! the mpp_io bug where the null characters were not removed
36  !! after reading a string attribute
38  integer :: ndims
39  character(len=128) :: buffer
40  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: dim_sizes
41  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), allocatable :: r_var
42  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: r2d
43  integer :: i
44  integer :: n
45  logical :: reproduce_null_char_bug !< Local flag
46  !! indicating to reproduce the mpp_io bug where
47  !! the null characters were not removed after reading a string attribute
48  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
49  integer :: edge_index(2) !< Index to use when reading the edges from the file
50  !! (/1, 2/) if the axis data is monotonically increasing
51  !! (/2, 1/) if the axis data is monotonically decreasing
53  ndims = get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, name)
54  allocate(dim_sizes(ndims))
56  call get_variable_size(fileobj, name, dim_sizes)
58  n = dim_sizes(1)
59  if (size(edge_data) .ne. n+1) then
60  call mpp_error(fatal, "axis_edge: incorrect size of edge_data array.")
61  endif
62  deallocate(dim_sizes)
64  reproduce_null_char_bug = .false.
65  if (present(reproduce_null_char_bug_flag)) reproduce_null_char_bug = reproduce_null_char_bug_flag
67  buffer = ""
68  if (variable_att_exists(fileobj, name, "edges")) then
69  !! If the reproduce_null_char_bug flag is turned on fms2io will not remove the null character
70  call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, name, "edges", buffer(1:128), &
71  reproduce_null_char_bug_flag=reproduce_null_char_bug)
73  !! Check for a null character here, if it exists *_bnds will be calculated instead of read in
74  if (reproduce_null_char_bug) then
75  i = 0
76  i = index(buffer, char(0))
77  if (i > 0) buffer = ""
78  endif
79  elseif (variable_att_exists(fileobj, name, "bounds")) then
80  !! If the reproduce_null_char_bug flag is turned on fms2io will not remove the null character
81  call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, name, "bounds", buffer(1:128), &
82  reproduce_null_char_bug_flag=reproduce_null_char_bug)
84  !! Check for a null character here, if it exists *_bnds will be calculated instead of read in
85  if (reproduce_null_char_bug) then
86  i = 0
87  i = index(buffer, char(0))
88  if (i > 0) buffer = ""
89  endif
90  endif
91  if (trim(buffer) .ne. "") then
92  ndims = get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, buffer)
93  allocate(dim_sizes(ndims))
95  call get_variable_size(fileobj, buffer, dim_sizes)
97  if (size(dim_sizes) .eq. 1) then
98  if (dim_sizes(1) .ne. n+1) then
99  call mpp_error(fatal, "axis_edges: incorrect size of edge data.")
100  endif
102  call read_data(fileobj, buffer, edge_data)
104  elseif (size(dim_sizes) .eq. 2) then
105  if (dim_sizes(1) .ne. 2) then
106  call mpp_error(fatal, "axis_edges: first dimension of edge must be of size 2")
107  endif
108  if (dim_sizes(2) .ne. n) then
109  call mpp_error(fatal, "axis_edges: incorrect size of edge data.")
110  endif
112  allocate(r2d(dim_sizes(1), dim_sizes(2)))
113  call read_data(fileobj, buffer, r2d)
114  edge_index = (/1, 2/)
115  if (r2d(1,1) .gt. r2d(1,2)) edge_index = (/2, 1 /)
116  edge_data(1:dim_sizes(2)) = r2d(edge_index(1),:)
117  edge_data(dim_sizes(2)+1) = r2d(edge_index(2),dim_sizes(2))
118  deallocate(r2d)
119  endif
120  deallocate(dim_sizes)
121  else
122  allocate(r_var(n))
124  call read_data(fileobj, name, r_var)
126  do i = 2, n
127  edge_data(i) = r_var(i-1) + 0.5_lkind*(r_var(i) - r_var(i-1))
128  enddo
129  edge_data(1) = r_var(1) - 0.5_lkind*(r_var(2) - r_var(1))
130  if (abs(edge_data(1)) .lt. 1.e-10_lkind) then
131  edge_data(1) = 0.0_lkind
132  endif
133  edge_data(n+1) = r_var(n) + 0.5_lkind*(r_var(n) - r_var(n-1))
134  deallocate(r_var)
135  endif
136  end subroutine axis_edges_
138  !> @brief Returns lon_strt <= longitude <= lon_strt+360
139  !! @return real lon_in_range */
141  function lon_in_range_(lon, l_strt)
142  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(in) :: lon, l_strt
143  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: lon_in_range_
144  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: l_end
145  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
147  lon_in_range_ = lon
148  l_end = l_strt + 360.0_lkind
150  if (abs(lon_in_range_ - l_strt) < 1.e-4_lkind) then
151  lon_in_range_ = l_strt
152  return
153  endif
155  if (abs(lon_in_range_ - l_end) < 1.e-4_lkind) then
156  lon_in_range_ = l_strt
157  return
158  endif
160  do
161  if (lon_in_range_ < l_strt) then
162  lon_in_range_ = real(lon_in_range_, fms_au_kind_) + real(f360, fms_au_kind_)
163  else if (lon_in_range_ > l_end) then
164  lon_in_range_ = real(lon_in_range_, fms_au_kind_) - real(f360, fms_au_kind_)
165  else
166  exit
167  end if
168  end do
170  end function lon_in_range_
172  !> @brief Returns monotonic array of longitudes s.t., lon_strt <= lon(:) < lon_strt+360.
173  !!
174  !! This may require that entries be moved from the beginning of the array to
175  !! the end. If no entries are moved (i.e., if lon(:) is already monotonic in
176  !! the range from lon_start to lon_start + 360), then istrt is set to 0. If
177  !! any entries are moved, then istrt is set to the original index of the entry
178  !! which becomes lon(1).
179  !!
180  !! e.g.,
181  !!
182  !! lon = 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 358 359; lon_strt = 3
183  !! ==> lon = 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 359 360 361 362; istrt = 4
184  !!
185  subroutine tranlon_(lon, lon_start, istrt)
186  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: lon
187  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(in) :: lon_start
188  integer, intent(out) :: istrt
189  integer :: len, i
190  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: lon_strt, tmp(size(lon(:))-1)
192  len = size(lon(:))
194  do i = 1, len
195  lon(i) = lon_in_range(lon(i),lon_start)
196  enddo
198  istrt = 0
199  do i = 1,len-1
200  if (lon(i+1) < lon(i)) then
201  istrt = i+1
202  exit
203  endif
204  enddo
206  if (istrt>1) then ! grid is not monotonic
207  if (abs(lon(len)-lon(1)) < real(epsln, fms_au_kind_)) then
208  tmp = cshift(lon(1:len-1),istrt-1)
209  lon(1:len-1) = tmp
210  lon(len) = lon(1)
211  else
212  lon = cshift(lon,istrt-1)
213  endif
215  lon_strt = lon(1)
216  do i=2,len
217  lon(i) = lon_in_range(lon(i),lon_strt)
218  lon_strt = lon(i)
219  enddo
220  endif
222  return
223  end subroutine tranlon_
226  function frac_index_(rval, array)
228  integer :: ia, i, ii, iunit
229  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: rval !< arbitrary data...same units as elements in "array"
230  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: frac_index_
231  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:) :: array !< array of data points (must be monotonically increasing)
232  logical :: keep_going
233  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
234  ia = size(array(:))
236  do i = 2, ia
237  if (array(i) < array(i-1)) then
238  iunit = stdout()
239  write (iunit,*) '=> Error: "frac_index" array must be monotonically' &
240  & // 'increasing when searching for nearest value to ', rval
241  write (iunit,*) ' array(i) < array(i-1) for i=',i
242  write (iunit,*) ' array(i) for i=1..ia follows:'
243  do ii = 1, ia
244  write (iunit,*) 'i=',ii, ' array(i)=',array(ii)
245  enddo
246  call mpp_error(fatal,' "frac_index" array must be monotonically increasing.')
247  endif
248  enddo
250  if (rval < array(1) .or. rval > array(ia)) then
251  frac_index_ = -1.0_lkind
252  else
253  i = 1
254  keep_going = .true.
255  do while (i <= ia .and. keep_going)
256  i = i+1
257  if (rval <= array(i)) then
258  frac_index_ = real((i-1), lkind) + (rval-array(i-1)) / (array(i) - array(i-1))
259  keep_going = .false.
260  endif
261  enddo
262  endif
263  end function frac_index_
265  !> @brief Return index of nearest point along axis
266  !!
267  !> nearest_index = index of nearest data point within "array" corresponding to
268  !! "value".
269  !!
270  !! inputs:
271  !!
272  !! rval = arbitrary data...same units as elements in "array"
273  !! array = array of data points (must be monotonically)
274  !! ia = dimension of "array"
275  !!
276  !! output:
277  !!
278  !! nearest_index = index of nearest data point to "value"
279  !! if "value" is outside the domain of "array" then nearest_index = 1
280  !! or "ia" depending on whether array(1) or array(ia) is
281  !! closest to "value"
282  !!
283  !! note: if "array" is dimensioned array(0:ia) in the calling
284  !! program, then the returned index should be reduced
285  !! by one to account for the zero base.
286  !!
287  !! example:
288  !!
289  !! let model depths be defined by the following:
290  !! parameter (km=5)
291  !! dimension z(km)
292  !! data z /5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 250.0/
293  !!
294  !! k1 = nearest_index (12.5, z, km)
295  !! k2 = nearest_index (0.0, z, km)
296  !!
297  !! k1 would be set to 2, and k2 would be set to 1 so that
298  !! z(k1) would be the nearest data point to 12.5 and z(k2) would
299  !! be the nearest data point to 0.0
300  !! @return integer nearest_index
301  function nearest_index_(rval, array)
302  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(in) :: rval !< arbitrary data...same units as elements in "array"
303  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(in), dimension(:) :: array !< array of data points (must be monotonic)
305  integer :: nearest_index_
306  integer :: ia !< dimension of "array"
307  integer :: i !< For looping through "array"
309  logical :: increasing !< .True. if the array is increasing
311  ia = SIZE(array(:))
313  ! check if array is increasing
314  increasing = .true.
315  DO i = 2, ia-1
316  IF( array(i) .lt. array(i-1)) then
317  increasing = .false.
318  exit
319  endif
320  END DO
322  if (.not. increasing) then
323  ! if not increasing, check that it is decreasing
324  DO i = 2, ia-1
325  IF( array(i) .gt. array(i-1)) &
326  call mpp_error(fatal, 'axis_utils2::nearest_index array is NOT monotonously ordered')
327  END DO
328  endif
330  array_is_increasing: if (increasing) then
331  !< Check if the rval is outside the range of the array
332  if (rval .le. array(1)) then
333  nearest_index_ = 1
334  return
335  elseif (rval .ge. array(ia)) then
336  nearest_index_ = ia
337  return
338  endif
340  DO i = 2, ia
341  if (rval .le. array(i)) then
342  nearest_index_ = i
343  if (array(i) -rval .gt. rval - array(i-1)) nearest_index_ = i - 1
344  return
345  endif
346  END DO
347  else !array_is_decreasing
348  !< Check if the rval is outside the range of the array
349  if (rval .le. array(ia)) then
350  nearest_index_ = ia
351  return
352  elseif (rval .gt. array(1)) then
353  nearest_index_ = 1
354  return
355  endif
357  DO i = 2, ia
358  if (rval .ge. array(i)) then
359  nearest_index_ = i
360  if (rval - array(i) .gt. array(i-1) -rval ) nearest_index_ = i - 1
361  return
362  endif
363  END DO
364  endif array_is_increasing
365  end function nearest_index_
367  !#############################################################################
369  subroutine interp_1d_linear_(grid1,grid2,data1,data2)
371  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: grid1, data1, grid2
372  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: data2
374  integer :: n1, n2, i, n
375  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: w
376  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
378  n1 = size(grid1(:))
379  n2 = size(grid2(:))
382  do i = 2, n1
383  if (grid1(i) <= grid1(i-1)) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid1 not monotonic')
384  enddo
386  do i = 2, n2
387  if (grid2(i) <= grid2(i-1)) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid2 not monotonic')
388  enddo
390  if (grid1(1) > grid2(1) ) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid2 lies outside grid1')
391  if (grid1(n1) < grid2(n2) ) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid2 lies outside grid1')
393  do i = 1, n2
394  n = nearest_index(grid2(i),grid1)
396  if (grid1(n) < grid2(i)) then
397  w = (grid2(i)-grid1(n))/(grid1(n+1)-grid1(n))
398  data2(i) = (1.0_lkind-w)*data1(n) + w*data1(n+1)
399  else
400  if(n==1) then
401  data2(i) = data1(n)
402  else
403  w = (grid2(i)-grid1(n-1))/(grid1(n)-grid1(n-1))
404  data2(i) = (1.0_lkind-w)*data1(n-1) + w*data1(n)
405  endif
406  endif
407  enddo
410  return
412  end subroutine interp_1d_linear_
414  !###################################################################
415  subroutine interp_1d_cubic_spline_(grid1, grid2, data1, data2, yp1, ypn)
417  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: grid1, grid2, data1
418  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: data2
419  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(in) :: yp1, ypn
421  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(size(grid1)) :: y2, u
422  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: sig, p, qn, un, h, a ,b
423  integer :: n, m, i, k, klo, khi
424  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
426  n = size(grid1(:))
427  m = size(grid2(:))
429  do i = 2, n
430  if (grid1(i) <= grid1(i-1)) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid1 not monotonic')
431  enddo
433  do i = 2, m
434  if (grid2(i) <= grid2(i-1)) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid2 not monotonic')
435  enddo
437  if (grid1(1) > grid2(1) ) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid2 lies outside grid1')
438  if (grid1(n) < grid2(m) ) call mpp_error(fatal, 'grid2 lies outside grid1')
440 if (yp1>0.99e30_lkind) then
441  y2(1) = 0.0_lkind
442  u(1) = 0.0_lkind
443  else
444  y2(1) = -0.5_lkind
445  u(1) = (3.0_lkind)/(grid1(2)-grid1(1))*((data1(2)-data1(1))/(grid1(2)-grid1(1))-yp1)
446  endif
448  do i = 2, n-1
449  sig = (grid1(i)-grid1(i-1))/(grid1(i+1)-grid1(i-1))
450  p = sig*y2(i-1) + 2.0_lkind
451  y2(i) = (sig-1.0_lkind)/p
452  u(i) = (6.0_lkind*((data1(i+1)-data1(i))/(grid1(i+1)-grid1(i))-(data1(i)-data1(i-1)) &
453  /(grid1(i)-grid1(i-1)))/(grid1(i+1)-grid1(i-1))-sig*u(i-1))/p
454  enddo
456  if (ypn>0.99e30_lkind) then
457  qn = 0.0_lkind
458  un = 0.0_lkind
459  else
460  qn = 0.5_lkind
461  un = (3.0_lkind)/(grid1(n)-grid1(n-1))*(ypn-(data1(n)-data1(n-1))/ &
462  (grid1(n)-grid1(n-1)))
463  endif
465  y2(n) = (un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.0_lkind)
467  do k = n-1,1,-1
468  y2(k) = y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
469  enddo
471  do k = 1, m
472  n = nearest_index(grid2(k),grid1)
473  if (grid1(n) < grid2(k)) then
474  klo = n
475  else
476  if(n==1) then
477  klo = n
478  else
479  klo = n -1
480  endif
481  endif
483  khi = klo+1
484  h = grid1(khi)-grid1(klo)
485  a = (grid1(khi) - grid2(k))/h
486  b = (grid2(k) - grid1(klo))/h
487  data2(k) = a*data1(klo) + b*data1(khi)+ ((a**3-a)*y2(klo) + (b**3-b)*y2(khi))*(h**2) &
488  /6.0_lkind
489  enddo
491  end subroutine interp_1d_cubic_spline_
493  !###################################################################
495  subroutine interp_1d_1d_(grid1,grid2,data1,data2, method, yp1, yp2)
497  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: grid1, data1, grid2
498  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: data2
499  character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: method
500  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), optional, intent(in) :: yp1, yp2
502  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: y1, y2
503  character(len=32) :: interp_method
504  integer :: k2, ks, ke
505  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
507  k2 = size(grid2(:))
509  interp_method = "linear"
510  if(present(method)) interp_method = method
511  y1 = 1.0e30_lkind
513  if(present(yp1)) y1 = yp1
514  y2 = 1.0e30_lkind
516  if(present(yp2)) y2 = yp2
517  call find_index(grid1, grid2(1), grid2(k2), ks, ke)
518  select case(trim(interp_method))
519  case("linear")
520  call interp_1d_linear(grid1(ks:ke),grid2,data1(ks:ke),data2)
521  case("cubic_spline")
522  call interp_1d_cubic_spline(grid1(ks:ke),grid2,data1(ks:ke),data2, y1, y2)
523  case default
524  call mpp_error(fatal,"axis_utils: interp_method should be linear or cubic_spline")
525  end select
527  return
529  end subroutine interp_1d_1d_
531  !###################################################################
534  subroutine interp_1d_2d_(grid1,grid2,data1,data2)
536  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: grid1, data1, grid2
537  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: data2
539  integer :: n1, n2, n, k2, ks, ke
541  n1 = size(grid1,1)
542  n2 = size(grid2,1)
543  k2 = size(grid2,2)
545  if (n1 /= n2) call mpp_error(fatal,'grid size mismatch')
547  do n = 1, n1
548  call find_index(grid1(n,:), grid2(n,1), grid2(n,k2), ks, ke)
549  call interp_1d_linear(grid1(n,ks:ke),grid2(n,:),data1(n,ks:ke),data2(n,:))
550  enddo
552  return
554  end subroutine interp_1d_2d_
556  !###################################################################
558  subroutine interp_1d_3d_(grid1,grid2,data1,data2, method, yp1, yp2)
560  real(fms_au_kind_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: grid1, data1, grid2
561  real(fms_au_kind_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: data2
562  character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: method
563  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), optional, intent(in) :: yp1, yp2
565  integer :: n1, n2, m1, m2, k2, n, m
566  real(kind=fms_au_kind_) :: y1, y2
567  character(len=32) :: interp_method
568  integer :: ks, ke
569  integer, parameter :: lkind = fms_au_kind_
571  n1 = size(grid1,1)
572  n2 = size(grid2,1)
573  m1 = size(grid1,2)
574  m2 = size(grid2,2)
575  k2 = size(grid2,3)
577  interp_method = "linear"
578  if(present(method)) interp_method = method
579  y1 = 1.0e30_lkind
581  if(present(yp1)) y1 = yp1
582  y2 = 1.0e30_lkind
583  if(present(yp2)) y2 = yp2
585  if (n1 /= n2 .or. m1 /= m2) call mpp_error(fatal,'grid size mismatch')
587  select case(trim(interp_method))
588  case("linear")
589  do m = 1, m1
590  do n = 1, n1
591  call find_index(grid1(n,m,:), grid2(n,m,1), grid2(n,m,k2), ks, ke)
592  call interp_1d_linear(grid1(n,m,ks:ke),grid2(n,m,:),data1(n,m,ks:ke),data2(n,m,:))
593  enddo
594  enddo
596  case("cubic_spline")
597  do m = 1, m1
598  do n = 1, n1
599  call find_index(grid1(n,m,:), grid2(n,m,1), grid2(n,m,k2), ks, ke)
600  call interp_1d_cubic_spline(grid1(n,m,ks:ke),grid2(n,m,:), data1(n,m,ks:ke),data2(n,m,:), y1, y2)
601  enddo
602  enddo
604  case default
605  call mpp_error(fatal,"axis_utils: interp_method should be linear or cubic_spline")
606  end select
608  return
610  end subroutine interp_1d_3d_
613  !#####################################################################
614  subroutine find_index_(grid1, xs, xe, ks, ke)
615  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in) :: grid1
616  real(kind=fms_au_kind_), intent(in) :: xs, xe
617  integer, intent(out) :: ks, ke
619  integer :: k, nk
621  nk = size(grid1(:))
623  ks = 0; ke = 0
624  do k = 1, nk-1
625  if(grid1(k) <= xs .and. grid1(k+1) > xs ) then
626  ks = k
627  exit
628  endif
629  enddo
631  do k = nk, 2, -1
632  if(grid1(k) >= xe .and. grid1(k-1) < xe ) then
633  ke = k
634  exit
635  endif
636  enddo
638  if(ks == 0 ) call mpp_error(fatal,' xs locate outside of grid1')
639  if(ke == 0 ) call mpp_error(fatal,' xe locate outside of grid1')
641  end subroutine find_index_
642  !> @}
643  ! close documentation grouping
subroutine axis_edges_(fileobj, name, edge_data, reproduce_null_char_bug_flag)
get axis edge data from a given file
real(kind=fms_au_kind_) function frac_index_(rval, array)
integer function nearest_index_(rval, array)
Return index of nearest point along axis.
subroutine tranlon_(lon, lon_start, istrt)
Returns monotonic array of longitudes s.t., lon_strt <= lon(:) < lon_strt+360.
real(kind=fms_au_kind_) function lon_in_range_(lon, l_strt)
Returns lon_strt <= longitude <= lon_strt+360.
integer function stdout()
This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for output.