FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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15 !*
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19 !----------
20 !ug support
21 !> @addtogroup fms_io_mod
22 !> @{
24 !>Add a field to a restart object (restart_file_type). Return the index of the
25 !!inputted field in the fileObj%var array.
27  filename, &
28  fieldname, &
29  field_dimension_order, &
30  field_dimension_sizes, &
31  index_field, &
32  domain, &
33  mandatory, &
34  data_default, &
35  longname, &
36  units, &
37  read_only, &
38  owns_data)
40  !Inputs/Outputs
41  type(restart_file_type),intent(inout) :: fileObj !<A restart object.
42  character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename !<The name of the restart file.
43  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fieldname !<The name of a field.
44  integer(INT_KIND),dimension(:),intent(in) :: field_dimension_order !<Array telling the ordering
45  !! of the dimensions for the field.
46  integer(INT_KIND),dimension(NIDX),intent(in) :: field_dimension_sizes !<Array of sizes of the dimensions
47  !! of the inputted field.
48  integer(INT_KIND),intent(out) :: index_field !<Index of the inputted field
49  !! in the fileObj%var array.
50  type(domainug),intent(in),target :: domain !<An unstructured mpp domain.
51  logical(INT_KIND),intent(in),optional :: mandatory !<Flag telling if the field
52  !! is mandatory for the restart.
53  real,intent(in),optional :: data_default !<A default value for the data.
54  character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: longname !<A more descriptive name of the field.
55  character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: units !<Units for the field.
56  logical(INT_KIND),intent(in),optional :: read_only !<Tells whether or not the
57  !! variable will be written to the restart file.
58  logical(INT_KIND),intent(in),optional :: owns_data !<Tells if the data will be
59  !! deallocated when the restart object is deallocated.
61  !Local variables
62  real(DOUBLE_KIND) :: default_data !<The "default" data value. This defaults to MPP_FILL_DOUBLE.
63  !! Shouldn't this be a real(DOUBLE_KIND)?
64  character(len=256) :: filename2 !<A string used to manipulate the inputted filename.
65  integer(INT_KIND) :: length !<the length of the (trimmed) inputted file name.
66  character(len=256) :: append_string !<A string used to append the filename_appendix module
67  !! variable string to the inputted filename.
68  character(len=256) :: fname !<A string to hold a file name.
69  type(var_type),pointer :: cur_var !<A convenience pointer.
70  integer(INT_KIND) :: i !<Loop variable.
71  character(len=256) :: error_msg !<An error message string.
73  !Make sure that the field does not have more than five dimensions.
74  if (size(field_dimension_order) .gt. 5) then
75  call mpp_error(fatal, &
76  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
77  //" the inputted field cannot contain more than" &
78  //" five dimensions.")
79  endif
81  !Make sure that each dimension size is greater than zero.
82  if (any(field_dimension_sizes .lt. 0)) then
83  call mpp_error(fatal, &
84  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
85  //" all dimensions must have a size that is a non-" &
86  //" negative integer.")
87  endif
89  !Set the "default" data value for the field.
90  if (present(data_default)) then
91  default_data = data_default
92  else
93  default_data = mpp_fill_double
94  endif
96  !Remove the ".nc" from file name.
97  length = len_trim(filename)
98  if (filename(length-2:length) .eq. ".nc") then
99  filename2 = filename(1:length-3)
100  else
101  filename2 = filename(1:length)
102  endif
104  !Append the filename_appendix string to the file name.
105  !filename_appendix is a module variable.
106  append_string = ""
107  if (len_trim(filename_appendix) .gt. 0) then
108  append_string = filename_appendix
109  endif
110  if (len_trim(append_string) .gt. 0) then
111  filename2 = trim(filename2)//'.'//trim(append_string)
112  endif
114  !If necessary, add the correct domain ".tilexxxx" string to the inputted
115  !file name. For a file named, this would become
116  call get_mosaic_tile_file_ug(filename2, &
117  fname, &
118  domain)
120  if (associated(fileobj%var)) then
122  !Make sure that the filename stored in fileObj matches the filename
123  !returned from get_mosaic_tile_file_ug.
124  if (trim(fileobj%name) .ne. trim(fname)) then
125  call mpp_error(fatal, &
126  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
127  //" filename = "//trim(fname)//" is not" &
128  //" consistent with the filename of the" &
129  //" restart object = "//trim(fileobj%name))
130  endif
131  else
133  !If any axis has already been registered, then make sure that the
134  !filename returned from get_mosaic_tile_file_ug matches the filename
135  !stored in the fileObj restart object. If this is the first axis/
136  !field registered to the restart object, then store the filename
137  !returned from get_mosaic_tile_file_ug in the restart object.
138  if (allocated(fileobj%axes)) then
139  if (trim(fileobj%name) .ne. trim(fname)) then
140  call mpp_error(fatal, &
141  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
142  //" filename = "//trim(fname)//" is not" &
143  //" consistent with the filename of the" &
144  //" restart object = "//trim(fileobj%name))
145  endif
146  else
147  fileobj%name = trim(fname)
148  endif
150  !Allocate necessary space in hte restart object.
151  allocate(fileobj%var(max_fields))
152  allocate(fileobj%p0dr(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
153  allocate(fileobj%p1dr(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
154  allocate(fileobj%p2dr(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
155  allocate(fileobj%p3dr(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
156  allocate(fileobj%p4dr(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
157  allocate(fileobj%p2dr8(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
158  allocate(fileobj%p3dr8(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
159  allocate(fileobj%p0di(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
160  allocate(fileobj%p1di(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
161  allocate(fileobj%p2di(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
162  allocate(fileobj%p3di(max_time_level_register,max_fields))
164  !Make sure that the restart file name is not currently being used by
165  !an other restart objects. Shouldn't this be fatal?
166  !num_registered files is a module variable.
167  do i = 1,num_registered_files
168  if (trim(fname) .eq. trim(registered_file(i))) then
169  call mpp_error(fatal, &
170  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field: " &
171  //trim(fname)//" is already registered with" &
172  //" another restart_file_type data.")
173  exit
174  endif
175  enddo
177  !Iterate the number of registered restart files, and add the inputted
178  !file to the array. Should this be fatal?
179  !max_files_w is a module variable.
180  num_registered_files = num_registered_files + 1
181  if (num_registered_files .gt. max_files_w) then
182  call mpp_error(fatal, &
183  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
184  //" the number of registered files is greater" &
185  //" than max_files_w. Please increase" &
186  //" max_files_w in the fms_io_nml namelist.")
187  endif
188  registered_file(num_registered_files) = trim(fname)
190  !Set values for the restart object.
191  !max_fields is a module variable.
192  fileobj%register_id = num_registered_files
193  fileobj%max_ntime = field_dimension_sizes(tidx)
194  fileobj%is_root_pe = mpp_domain_ug_is_tile_root_pe(domain)
195  fileobj%nvar = 0
196  do i = 1,max_fields
197  fileobj%var(i)%name = "none"
198  fileobj%var(i)%longname = "";
199  fileobj%var(i)%units = "none";
200  fileobj%var(i)%domain_present = .false.
201  fileobj%var(i)%domain_idx = -1
202  fileobj%var(i)%is_dimvar = .false.
203  fileobj%var(i)%read_only = .false.
204  fileobj%var(i)%owns_data = .false.
205  fileobj%var(i)%position = center
206  fileobj%var(i)%ndim = -1
207  fileobj%var(i)%siz(:) = -1
208  fileobj%var(i)%gsiz(:) = -1
209  fileobj%var(i)%id_axes(:) = -1
210  fileobj%var(i)%initialized = .false.
211  fileobj%var(i)%mandatory = .true.
212  fileobj%var(i)%is = -1
213  fileobj%var(i)%ie = -1
214  fileobj%var(i)%js = -1
215  fileobj%var(i)%je = -1
216  fileobj%var(i)%default_data = -1
217  fileobj%var(i)%compressed_axis = ""
218  fileobj%var(i)%ishift = -1
219  fileobj%var(i)%jshift = -1
220  fileobj%var(i)%x_halo = -1
221  fileobj%var(i)%y_halo = -1
222  fileobj%var(i)%field_dimension_order(:) = -1
223  fileobj%var(i)%field_dimension_sizes(:) = -1
224  enddo
225  endif
227  !Get the index of the field in the fileObj%var array, if it exists. If
228  !it doesn't exist, set the index to be -1.
229  index_field = -1
230  do i = 1,fileobj%nvar
231  if (trim(fileobj%var(i)%name) .eq. trim(fieldname)) then
232  index_field = i
233  exit
234  endif
235  enddo
237  if (index_field > 0) then
239  !If the field already exists in the fileObj%var array, then update its
240  !time level.
241  cur_var => null()
242  cur_var => fileobj%var(index_field)
244  !Make sure tha the inputted array describing the ordering of the
245  !dimensions for the field matches the dimension ordering for the
246  !found field.
247  do i = 1,size(field_dimension_order)
248  if (field_dimension_order(i) .ne. cur_var%field_dimension_order(i)) then
249  call mpp_error(fatal, &
250  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
251  //" field dimension ordering mismatch for " &
252  //trim(fieldname)//" of file "//trim(filename))
253  endif
254  enddo
256  !Make sure that the array of field dimension sizes matches the
257  !dimension sizes of the found field for all dimensions except the
258  !time level.
259  if (cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(xidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(xidx) .or. &
260  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(yidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(yidx) .or. &
261  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(cidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(cidx) .or. &
262  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(zidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(zidx) .or. &
263  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(hidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(hidx) .or. &
264  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(uidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(uidx) .or. &
265  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes(ccidx) .ne. field_dimension_sizes(ccidx)) then
266  call mpp_error(fatal, &
267  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
268  //" field dimension size mismatch for field " &
269  //trim(fieldname)//" of file "//trim(filename))
270  endif
272  !Update the time level.
273  cur_var%siz(4) = cur_var%siz(4) + field_dimension_sizes(tidx)
274  if (fileobj%max_ntime .lt. cur_var%siz(4)) then
275  fileobj%max_ntime = cur_var%siz(4)
276  endif
277  if (cur_var%siz(4) .gt. max_time_level_register) then
278  call mpp_error(fatal, &
279  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
280  //" the time level of field "//trim(cur_var%name) &
281  //" in file "//trim(fileobj%name)//" is greater" &
282  //" than MAX_TIME_LEVEL_REGISTER(=2), increase" &
283  //" MAX_TIME_LEVEL_REGISTER or check your code.")
284  endif
285  else
287  !If this is a new field, then add it the restart object.
288  fileobj%nvar = fileobj%nvar + 1
289  if (fileobj%nvar .gt. max_fields) then
290  write(error_msg,'(I3,"/",I3)') fileobj%nvar,max_fields
291  call mpp_error(fatal, &
292  "fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field:" &
293  //" max_fields exceeded, needs increasing," &
294  //" nvar/max_fields = "//trim(error_msg))
295  endif
296  index_field = fileobj%nvar
297  cur_var => null()
298  cur_var => fileobj%var(index_field)
300  !Point to the inputted unstructured domain.
301  cur_var%domain_ug => domain
303  !Copy in the dimension sizes of the data domain (siz, used for
304  !writes), and of the global domain (gsiz, used for reads).
305  cur_var%field_dimension_sizes = field_dimension_sizes
306  do i = 1,size(field_dimension_order)
307  cur_var%field_dimension_order(i) = field_dimension_order(i)
308  enddo
309  cur_var%siz(4) = field_dimension_sizes(tidx)
311  !Copy in the rest of the data.
312  cur_var%name = fieldname
313  cur_var%default_data = real(default_data)
314  if (present(mandatory)) then
315  cur_var%mandatory = mandatory
316  endif
317  if (present(read_only)) then
318  cur_var%read_only = read_only
319  endif
320  if (present(owns_data)) then
321  cur_var%owns_data = owns_data
322  endif
323  if (present(longname)) then
324  cur_var%longname = longname
325  else
326  cur_var%longname = fieldname
327  endif
328  if (present(units)) then
329  cur_var%units = units
330  endif
331  endif
333  !Nullify local pointer.
334  cur_var => null()
336  return
338 !> @}
subroutine fms_io_unstructured_setup_one_field(fileObj, filename, fieldname, field_dimension_order, field_dimension_sizes, index_field, domain, mandatory, data_default, longname, units, read_only, owns_data)
Add a field to a restart object (restart_file_type). Return the index of the inputted field in the fi...