FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
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6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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15 !*
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20 !> @defgroup fms_string_utils_mod fms_string_utils_mod
21 !> @ingroup string_utils
22 !> @brief Routines to use for string manipulation
24 !> @file
25 !> @brief File for @ref fms_string_utils_mod
27 !> @addtogroup fms_string_utils_mod
28 !> @{
29 module fms_string_utils_mod
30  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
31  use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind, i4_kind, i8_kind
32  use mpp_mod
34  implicit none
35  private
37  public :: fms_array_to_pointer
38  public :: fms_pointer_to_array
39  public :: fms_sort_this
40  public :: fms_find_my_string
41  public :: fms_find_unique
42  public :: fms_c2f_string
43  public :: fms_f2c_string
44  public :: fms_cstring2cpointer
45  public :: string
46  public :: string_copy
47  public :: stringify
48 !> @}
50  interface
51  !> @brief Sorts an array of pointers (my pointer) of size (p_size) in
52  !! alphabetical order.
53  subroutine fms_sort_this(my_pointer, p_size, indices) bind(c)
54  use iso_c_binding
56  type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: my_pointer(*) !< IN: Array of c pointers to sort
57  !! OUT: Sorted array of c pointers
58  integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: p_size !< Size of the array
59  integer(kind=c_int), intent(inout) :: indices(*) !< IN: Array of the indices of my_pointer
60  !! OUT: Sorted array of indices
61  end subroutine fms_sort_this
63  !> @brief Private c function that finds a string in a SORTED array of c pointers
64  !! @return Indices of my_pointer where the string was found as a string!!!
65  function fms_find_my_string_binding(my_pointer, p_size, string_to_find, nfound) bind(c) &
66  result(indices)
67  use iso_c_binding
69  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: my_pointer(*) !< Array of sorted c pointer
70  integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: p_size !< Size of the array
71  character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: string_to_find(*) !< String to find
72  integer(kind=c_int), intent(inout) :: nfound !< Number of times the array was found
74  type(c_ptr) :: indices
75  end function fms_find_my_string_binding
77  !> @brief c function that finds the number of unique strings in an array of c pointers
78  !! @return number of unique strings
79  function fms_find_unique(my_pointer, p_size) bind(c)&
80  result(ntimes)
81  use iso_c_binding
83  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: my_pointer(*) !< Array of sorted c pointer
84  integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: p_size !< Size of the array
85  integer(kind=c_int) :: ntimes
87  end function fms_find_unique
89  !> @brief converts a kind=c_char to type c_ptr
90  pure function fms_cstring2cpointer (cs) result (cp) bind(c, name="cstring2cpointer")
91  import c_char, c_ptr
92  character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: cs(*) !< C string input
93  type (c_ptr) :: cp !< C pointer
94  end function fms_cstring2cpointer
96  !> @brief Finds the length of a C-string
97  integer(c_size_t) pure function c_strlen(s) bind(c,name="strlen")
98  import c_size_t, c_ptr
99  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: s !< A C-string whose size is desired
100  end function
102  !> @brief Frees a C pointer
103  subroutine c_free(ptr) bind(c,name="free")
104  import c_ptr
105  type(c_ptr), value :: ptr !< A C-pointer to free
106  end subroutine
108 end interface
110 !> Converts a C string to a Fortran string
111 !> @ingroup fms_mod
112 interface fms_c2f_string
113  module procedure cstring_fortran_conversion
114  module procedure cpointer_fortran_conversion
115 end interface
117 !> Converts an array of real numbers to a string
118 !> @ingroup fms_mod
119 interface stringify
120  module procedure stringify_1d_r4, stringify_1d_r8
121  module procedure stringify_2d_r4, stringify_2d_r8
122  module procedure stringify_3d_r4, stringify_3d_r8
123 end interface
125 !> @addtogroup fms_string_utils_mod
126 !> @{
127 contains
129  !> @brief Converts a character array to an array of c pointers!
130  !! @return An array of c pointers
131  function fms_array_to_pointer(my_array) &
132  result(my_pointer)
133  character(len=*), target :: my_array(:) !!< Array of strings to convert
134  type(c_ptr), allocatable :: my_pointer(:)
136  integer :: i !< For do loops
138  if (allocated(my_pointer)) call mpp_error(fatal, "The c pointer array is &
139  already allocated. Deallocated before calling fms_array_to_pointer")
140  allocate(my_pointer(size(my_array)))
142  do i = 1, size(my_array)
143  my_pointer(i) = c_loc(my_array(i))
144  enddo
145  end function fms_array_to_pointer
147  !> @brief Convert an array of c pointers back to a character array
148  !! @return A character array
149  function fms_pointer_to_array(my_pointer, narray) &
150  result(my_array)
151  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: my_pointer(*) !< Array of c pointer
152  integer, intent(in) :: narray !< Length of the array
153  character(len=:), allocatable :: my_array(:)
155  character(len=:), allocatable :: buffer !< Buffer to store a string
156  integer :: i !< For do loops
158  allocate(character(len=255) :: my_array(narray))
159  do i = 1, narray
160  buffer = fms_c2f_string(my_pointer(i))
161  my_array(i) = buffer
162  deallocate(buffer)
163  enddo
164  end function fms_pointer_to_array
166  !> @brief Searches through a SORTED array of pointers for a string
167  !! @return the indices where the array was found
168  !! If the string was not found, indices will be indices(1) = -999
169  !> <br>Example usage:
170  !! my_pointer = fms_array_to_pointer(my_array)
171  !! call fms_sort_this(my_pointer, n_array, indices)
172  !! ifind = fms_find_my_string(my_pointer, n_array, string_to_find)
173  function fms_find_my_string(my_pointer, narray, string_to_find) &
174  result(ifind)
175  type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: my_pointer(*) !< Array of c pointer
176  integer, intent(in) :: narray !< Length of the array
177  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string_to_find !< string to find
178  integer, allocatable :: ifind(:)
180  integer :: nfind !< number of times the string was found
181  character(len=:), allocatable :: buffer !< buffer to read the indices into
183  buffer = fms_c2f_string(&
184  fms_find_my_string_binding(my_pointer, narray, trim(string_to_find)//c_null_char, nfind))
186  if (allocated(ifind)) call mpp_error(fatal, "The indices array is already allocated. &
187  Deallocate it before calling fms_find_my_string")
189  if (nfind .gt. 0) then
190  allocate(ifind(nfind))
191  read(buffer,*) ifind
192  else
193  allocate(ifind(1))
194  ifind = -999
195  endif
197  end function fms_find_my_string
199  !> \brief Converts a C-string to a pointer and then to a Fortran string
200  function cstring_fortran_conversion (cstring) result(fstring)
201  character (kind=c_char), intent(in) :: cstring (*) !< Input C-string
202  character(len=:), allocatable :: fstring !< The fortran string returned
204  end function cstring_fortran_conversion
206  !> \brief Converts a C-string returned from a TYPE(C_PTR) function to
207  !! a fortran string with type character.
208  function cpointer_fortran_conversion (cstring) result(fstring)
209  type (c_ptr), intent(in) :: cstring !< Input C-pointer
210  character(len=:), allocatable :: fstring !< The fortran string returned
211  character(len=:,kind=c_char), pointer :: string_buffer !< A temporary pointer to between C and Fortran
212  integer(c_size_t) :: length !< The string length
214  length = c_strlen(cstring)
215  allocate (character(len=length, kind=c_char) :: string_buffer)
216  block
217  character(len=length,kind=c_char), pointer :: s
218  call c_f_pointer(cstring,s) ! Recovers a view of the C string
219  string_buffer = s ! Copies the string contents
220  end block
222  allocate(character(len=length) :: fstring) !> Set the length of fstring
223  fstring = string_buffer
224  deallocate(string_buffer)
225  end function cpointer_fortran_conversion
227 !> @brief Copies a Fortran string into a C string and puts c_null_char in any trailing spaces
228  subroutine fms_f2c_string (dest, str_in)
229  character (c_char), intent (out) :: dest (:) !< C String to be copied into
230  character (len=*), intent (in) :: str_in !< Fortran string to copy to C string
231  integer :: i !< for looping
232 !> Drop an error if the C string is not large enough to hold the input and the c_null_char at the end.
233  if (len(trim(str_in)) .ge. size(dest)) call mpp_error(fatal, &
234  "The string "//trim(str_in)//" is larger than the destination C string")
235 !> Copy c_null_char into each spot in dest
236  dest = c_null_char
237 !> Loop though and put each character of the Fortran string into the C string array
238  do i = 1, len(trim(str_in))
239  dest(i) = str_in(i:i)
240  enddo
241 end subroutine fms_f2c_string
243  !> @brief Converts a number or a Boolean value to a string
244  !> @return The argument as a string
245  function string(v, fmt)
246  class(*), intent(in) :: v !< Value to be converted to a string
247  character(*), intent(in), optional :: fmt !< Optional format string for a real or integral argument
248  character(:), allocatable :: string
250  select type(v)
251  type is (logical)
252  if (present(fmt)) then
253  call mpp_error(warning, "string(): Ignoring `fmt` argument for type `logical`")
254  endif
255  if (v) then
256  string = "True"
257  else
258  string = "False"
259  endif
261  type is (integer(i4_kind))
262  allocate(character(32) :: string)
263  if (present(fmt)) then
264  write(string, "(" // fmt // ")") v
265  else
266  write(string, '(i0)') v
267  endif
268  string = trim(adjustl(string))
270  type is (integer(i8_kind))
271  allocate(character(32) :: string)
272  if (present(fmt)) then
273  write(string, "(" // fmt // ")") v
274  else
275  write(string, '(i0)') v
276  endif
277  string = trim(adjustl(string))
279  type is (real(r4_kind))
280  allocate(character(32) :: string)
281  if (present(fmt)) then
282  write(string, "(" // fmt // ")") v
283  else
284  write(string, *) v
285  endif
286  string = trim(adjustl(string))
288  type is (real(r8_kind))
289  allocate(character(32) :: string)
290  if (present(fmt)) then
291  write(string, "(" // fmt // ")") v
292  else
293  write(string, *) v
294  endif
295  string = trim(adjustl(string))
297  class default
298  call mpp_error(fatal, "string(): Called with incompatible argument type. Possible types &
299  &include integer(4), integer(8), real(4), real(8), or logical.")
300  end select
301  end function string
303  !> @brief Safely copy a string from one buffer to another.
304  subroutine string_copy(dest, source, check_for_null)
305  character(len=*), intent(inout) :: dest !< Destination string.
306  character(len=*), intent(in) :: source !< Source string.
307  logical, intent(in), optional :: check_for_null !<Flag indicating to test for null character
309  integer :: i
310  logical :: check_null
312  check_null = .false.
313  if (present(check_for_null)) check_null = check_for_null
315  i = 0
316  if (check_null) then
317  i = index(source, char(0)) - 1
318  endif
320  if (i < 1 ) i = len_trim(source)
322  if (len_trim(source(1:i)) .gt. len(dest)) then
323  call mpp_error(fatal, "The input destination string is not big enough to" &
324  //" to hold the input source string.")
325  endif
326  dest = ""
327  dest = adjustl(trim(source(1:i)))
328  end subroutine string_copy
330 #include "fms_string_utils_r4.fh"
331 #include "fms_string_utils_r8.fh"
333 end module fms_string_utils_mod
334 !> @}
335 ! close documentation grouping
Converts a C string to a Fortran string.
Converts an array of real numbers to a string.
character(len=:) function, allocatable cstring_fortran_conversion(cstring)
Converts a C-string to a pointer and then to a Fortran string.
character(len=:) function, dimension(:), allocatable, public fms_pointer_to_array(my_pointer, narray)
Convert an array of c pointers back to a character array.
subroutine, public string_copy(dest, source, check_for_null)
Safely copy a string from one buffer to another.
character(:) function, allocatable, public string(v, fmt)
Converts a number or a Boolean value to a string.
type(c_ptr) function, dimension(:), allocatable, public fms_array_to_pointer(my_array)
Converts a character array to an array of c pointers!
integer function, dimension(:), allocatable, public fms_find_my_string(my_pointer, narray, string_to_find)
Searches through a SORTED array of pointers for a string.
character(len=:) function, allocatable cpointer_fortran_conversion(cstring)
Converts a C-string returned from a TYPE(C_PTR) function to a fortran string with type character.
subroutine, public fms_f2c_string(dest, str_in)
Copies a Fortran string into a C string and puts c_null_char in any trailing spaces.
Finds the length of a C-string.
converts a kind=c_char to type c_ptr
Private c function that finds a string in a SORTED array of c pointers.
c function that finds the number of unique strings in an array of c pointers
Sorts an array of pointers (my pointer) of size (p_size) in alphabetical order.