32module gaussian_topog_mod
34use fms_mod,
only: check_nml_error, &
35 stdlog, write_version_number, &
36 mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, &
39use constants_mod,
only: pi
41use mpp_mod,
only: input_nml_file
42use platform_mod,
only: r4_kind, r8_kind
50 module procedure gaussian_topog_init_r4
51 module procedure gaussian_topog_init_r8
55 module procedure get_gaussian_topog_r4, get_gaussian_topog_r8
95 integer,
parameter :: maxmts = 10
97 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
height = 0.0_r8_kind
98 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
olon = 0.0_r8_kind
99 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
olat = 0.0_r8_kind
100 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
wlon = 0.0_r8_kind
101 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
wlat = 0.0_r8_kind
102 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
rlon = 0.0_r8_kind
104 real(kind=r8_kind),
dimension(maxmts) ::
rlat = 0.0_r8_kind
115logical :: do_nml = .true.
116logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
126 integer :: iunit, ierr, io
130 read (input_nml_file, gaussian_topog_nml, iostat=io)
131 ierr = check_nml_error(io,
135 if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())
137 write (iunit, nml=gaussian_topog_nml)
146#include "gaussian_topog_r4.fh"
147#include "gaussian_topog_r8.fh"
149end module gaussian_topog_mod
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) wlon
Longitude of half-width mountain trails (degrees)
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) rlon
Longitude of half-width mountain ridges (degrees) for "standard" gaussian mountain set,...
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) olon
longitude of mountain origins (degrees)
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) olat
Latitude of mountain origins (degrees)
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) height
height in meters of the gaussian mountiains
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) rlat
Latitude of half-width mountain ridges (degrees) for "standard" gaussian mountain set,...
real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(maxmts) wlat
Latitude of half-width mountain trails (degrees)