FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches

Delivers methods for bicubic interpolation from a coarse regular grid on a fine regular grid. More...

Data Types

interface  bcucof
interface  bcuint
interface  fill_xy
interface  horiz_interp_bicubic_new
 Creates a new horiz_interp_type for bicubic interpolation. Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable that contains pre-computed interpolation indices and weights. More...
interface  indl
 find the lower neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index More...
interface  indu
 find the upper neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index More...


subroutine bcucof_ (y, y1, y2, y12, d1, d2, c)
subroutine bcuint_ (y, y1, y2, y12, x1l, x1u, x2l, x2u, t, u, ansy, ansy1, ansy2)
subroutine fill_xy_ (fi, ics, ice, jcs, jce, mask, maxpass)
subroutine horiz_interp_bicubic_ (interp, data_in, data_out, verbose, mask_in, mask_out, missing_value, missing_permit)
 Perform bicubic horizontal interpolation.
subroutine, public horiz_interp_bicubic_del (interp)
 Free memory from a horiz_interp_type used for bicubic interpolation (allocated via horiz_bicubic_new)
subroutine, public horiz_interp_bicubic_init
 Initializes module and writes version number to logfile.out.
subroutine horiz_interp_bicubic_new_1d_ (interp, lon_in, lat_in, lon_out, lat_out, verbose, src_modulo)
 Creates a new horiz_interp_type.
subroutine horiz_interp_bicubic_new_1d_s_ (interp, lon_in, lat_in, lon_out, lat_out, verbose, src_modulo)
 Creates a new horiz_interp_type.
integer function indl_ (xc, xf)
 find the lower neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index
integer function indu_ (xc, xf)
 find the upper neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index


logical module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
real(r8_kind) tpi
integer verbose_bicubic = 0

Detailed Description

Delivers methods for bicubic interpolation from a coarse regular grid on a fine regular grid.

This module delivers methods for bicubic interpolation from a coarse regular grid on a fine regular grid. Subroutines

are methods taken from

  W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolski, W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery,
  Numerical Recipies in FORTRAN, The Art of Scientific Computing.
  Cambridge University Press, 1992

written by (2004) revised by (2004)

Version The module is thought to interact with MOM-4. Alle benotigten Felder werden extern von MOM verwaltet, da sie nicht fur alle interpolierten Daten die gleiche Dimension haben mussen.

Data Type Documentation

◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::bcucof

interface horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::bcucof

Definition at line 114 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::bcuint

interface horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::bcuint

Definition at line 109 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::fill_xy

interface horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::fill_xy

Definition at line 104 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::horiz_interp_bicubic_new

interface horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::horiz_interp_bicubic_new

Creates a new horiz_interp_type for bicubic interpolation. Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable that contains pre-computed interpolation indices and weights.

Definition at line 66 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::indl

interface horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::indl

find the lower neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index

Definition at line 120 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::indu

interface horiz_interp_bicubic_mod::indu

find the upper neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index

Definition at line 126 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

Public Member Functions


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ bcucof_()

subroutine bcucof_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y1,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y2,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y12,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  d1,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  d2,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4,4)  c 

Definition at line 460 of file

◆ bcuint_()

subroutine bcuint_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y1,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y2,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(4)  y12,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  x1l,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  x1u,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  x2l,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  x2u,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  t,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  u,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  ansy,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  ansy1,
real(fms_hi_kind_)  ansy2 

Definition at line 438 of file

◆ fill_xy_()

subroutine fill_xy_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(ics:ice,jcs:jce), intent(inout)  fi,
integer, intent(in)  ics,
integer, intent(in)  ice,
integer, intent(in)  jcs,
integer, intent(in)  jce,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(ics:ice,jcs:jce), intent(in), optional  mask,
integer, intent(in)  maxpass 

Definition at line 548 of file

◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_()

subroutine horiz_interp_bicubic_ ( type (horiz_interp_type), intent(in)  interp,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  data_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(out)  data_out,
integer, intent(in), optional  verbose,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional  mask_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), optional  mask_out,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in), optional  missing_value,
integer, intent(in), optional  missing_permit 

Perform bicubic horizontal interpolation.

Definition at line 354 of file

◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_del()

subroutine, public horiz_interp_bicubic_del ( type(horiz_interp_type), intent(inout)  interp)

Free memory from a horiz_interp_type used for bicubic interpolation (allocated via horiz_bicubic_new)

Definition at line 145 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_init()

subroutine, public horiz_interp_bicubic_init

Initializes module and writes version number to logfile.out.

Definition at line 134 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_new_1d_()

subroutine horiz_interp_bicubic_new_1d_ ( type(horiz_interp_type), intent(inout)  interp,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  lon_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  lat_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  lon_out,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  lat_out,
integer, intent(in), optional  verbose,
logical, intent(in), optional  src_modulo 

Creates a new horiz_interp_type.

Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable that contains pre-computed interpolation indices and weights.

Definition at line 201 of file

◆ horiz_interp_bicubic_new_1d_s_()

subroutine horiz_interp_bicubic_new_1d_s_ ( type(horiz_interp_type), intent(inout)  interp,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  lon_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  lat_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lon_out,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lat_out,
integer, intent(in), optional  verbose,
logical, intent(in), optional  src_modulo 

Creates a new horiz_interp_type.

Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable that contains pre-computed interpolation indices and weights.

[in,out]interpA derived-type variable containing indices and weights used for subsequent interpolations. To reinitialize this variable for a different grid-to-grid interpolation you must first use the HORIZ_INTERP_BICUBIC_NEW__del interface.
[in]lon_inLongitude (radians) for source data grid
[in]lat_inLatitude (radians) for source data grid
[in]lon_outLongitude (radians) for output data grid
[in]lat_outLatitude (radians) for output data grid
[in]verboseflag for print output amount
[in]src_moduloindicates if the boundary condition along zonal boundary is cyclic or not. Zonal boundary condition is cyclic when true

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ indl_()

integer function indl_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(1:), intent(in)  xc,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  xf 

find the lower neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index

Definition at line 516 of file

◆ indu_()

integer function indu_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(1:), intent(in)  xc,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  xf 

find the upper neighbour of xf in field xc, return is the index

Definition at line 533 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ module_is_initialized

logical module_is_initialized = .FALSE.

Definition at line 84 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

◆ tpi

real(r8_kind) tpi

Definition at line 100 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.

◆ verbose_bicubic

integer verbose_bicubic = 0

Definition at line 85 of file horiz_interp_bicubic.F90.