FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches

Performs spatial interpolation between grids using inverse-distance-weighted scheme. This module can interpolate data from rectangular/tripolar grid to rectangular/tripolar grid. The interpolation scheme is inverse-distance-weighted scheme. There is an optional mask field for missing input data. An optional output mask field may be used in conjunction with the input mask to show where output data exists. More...

Data Types

interface  horiz_interp_spherical_new
interface  horiz_interp_spherical_wght
interface  spherical_distance


subroutine full_search_ (theta_src, phi_src, theta_dst, phi_dst, map_src_add, map_src_dist, num_found, num_neighbors, max_src_dist)
subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_ (interp, data_in, data_out, verbose, mask_in, mask_out, missing_value)
 Subroutine for performing the horizontal interpolation between two grids. HORIZ_INTERP_SPHERICAL_NEW_ must be called before calling this routine.
subroutine, public horiz_interp_spherical_del (interp)
 Deallocates memory used by "HI_KIND_TYPE" variables. Must be called before reinitializing with horiz_interp_spherical_new.
real(fms_hi_kind_) function horiz_interp_spherical_distance_ (theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2)
subroutine, public horiz_interp_spherical_init
 Initializes module and writes version number to logfile.out.
subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_new_ (interp, lon_in, lat_in, lon_out, lat_out, num_nbrs, max_dist, src_modulo)
subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_wght_ (interp, wt, verbose, mask_in, mask_out, missing_value)
 This routine isn't used internally it's similar to the routine above, just gets the weights as an out variable.
subroutine radial_search_ (theta_src, phi_src, theta_dst, phi_dst, map_src_xsize, map_src_ysize, map_src_add, map_src_dist, num_found, num_neighbors, max_src_dist, src_is_modulo)
logical function update_dest_neighbors_ (map_src_add, map_src_dist, src_add, d, num_found, min_nbrs)


real(r8_kind), parameter epsln =1.e-10_r8_kind
real(r8_kind), parameter large =1.e20_r8_kind
real(r8_kind), parameter max_dist_default = 0.1_r8_kind
integer, parameter max_neighbors = 400
logical module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
integer, parameter num_nbrs_default = 4
integer pe
integer root_pe
character(len=32) search_method = "radial_search"
 Namelist variable to indicate the searching method to find the nearest neighbor points. Its value can be "radial_search" and "full_search", with default value "radial_search". when search_method is "radial_search", the search may be not quite accurate for some cases. Normally the search will be ok if you chose suitable max_dist. When search_method is "full_search", it will be always accurate, but will be slower comparing to "radial_search". Normally these two search algorithm will produce same results other than order of operation. "radial_search" are recommended to use. The purpose to add "full_search" is in case you think you interpolation results is not right, you have other option to verify.

Detailed Description

Performs spatial interpolation between grids using inverse-distance-weighted scheme. This module can interpolate data from rectangular/tripolar grid to rectangular/tripolar grid. The interpolation scheme is inverse-distance-weighted scheme. There is an optional mask field for missing input data. An optional output mask field may be used in conjunction with the input mask to show where output data exists.

Initialization routine.

Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable that contains pre-computed interpolation indices and weights.

Data Type Documentation

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_mod::full_search

interface horiz_interp_spherical_mod::full_search

private helper routines

Definition at line 63 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_spherical_mod::horiz_interp_spherical_new

interface horiz_interp_spherical_mod::horiz_interp_spherical_new

Definition at line 49 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_spherical_mod::horiz_interp_spherical_wght

interface horiz_interp_spherical_mod::horiz_interp_spherical_wght

Definition at line 54 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_spherical_mod::radial_search

interface horiz_interp_spherical_mod::radial_search

Definition at line 68 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

Public Member Functions


◆ horiz_interp_spherical_mod::spherical_distance

interface horiz_interp_spherical_mod::spherical_distance

Definition at line 73 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

Public Member Functions


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ full_search_()

subroutine full_search_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  theta_src,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  phi_src,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  theta_dst,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  phi_dst,
integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out)  map_src_add,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out)  map_src_dist,
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out)  num_found,
integer, intent(in)  num_neighbors,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  max_src_dist 

Definition at line 792 of file

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_()

subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_ ( type(horiz_interp_type), intent(in)  interp,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  data_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(out)  data_out,
integer, intent(in), optional  verbose,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional  mask_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), optional  mask_out,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in), optional  missing_value 

Subroutine for performing the horizontal interpolation between two grids. HORIZ_INTERP_SPHERICAL_NEW_ must be called before calling this routine.

[in]interpA derived type variable containing indices and weights for subsequent interpolations. Returned by a previous call to HORIZ_INTERP_SPHERICAL_NEW_
[in]data_inInput data on source grid
[out]data_outOutput data on destination grid
[in]verbose0 = no output; 1 = min,max,means; 2 = most output
[in]mask_inInput mask, must be the same size as the input data. The real(FMS_HI_KIND_) value of mask_in must be in the range (0.,1.). Set mask_in=0.0 for data points that should not be used or have missing data
[out]mask_outOutput mask that specifies whether data was computed.
[in]missing_valueUsed to indicate missing data

Definition at line 202 of file

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_del()

subroutine, public horiz_interp_spherical_del ( type (horiz_interp_type), intent(inout)  interp)

Deallocates memory used by "HI_KIND_TYPE" variables. Must be called before reinitializing with horiz_interp_spherical_new.

[in,out]interpA derived-type variable returned by previous call to horiz_interp_spherical_new. The input variable must have allocated arrays. The returned variable will contain deallocated arrays.

Definition at line 129 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_distance_()

real(fms_hi_kind_) function horiz_interp_spherical_distance_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  theta1,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  phi1,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  theta2,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  phi2 

Definition at line 769 of file

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_init()

subroutine, public horiz_interp_spherical_init

Initializes module and writes version number to logfile.out.

Definition at line 112 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_new_()

subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_new_ ( type(horiz_interp_type), intent(inout)  interp,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lon_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lat_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lon_out,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  lat_out,
integer, intent(in), optional  num_nbrs,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in), optional  max_dist,
logical, intent(in), optional  src_modulo 
[in,out]interpA derived type variable containing indices and weights for subsequent interpolations. To reinitialize for different grid-to-grid interpolation horiz_interp_del must be used first.
[in]lon_inLatitude (radians) for source data grid
[in]lat_inLongitude (radians) for source data grid
[in]lon_outLongitude (radians) for output data grid
[in]lat_outLatitude (radians) for output data grid
[in]src_moduloindicates if the boundary condition along zonal boundary is cyclic or not. Cyclic when true
[in]num_nbrsNumber of nearest neighbors for regridding When number of neighbors within the radius max_dist is less than num_nbrs, All the neighbors will be used to interpolate onto destination grid. when number of neighbors within the radius max_dist is greater than num_nbrs, at least "num_nbrs"
[in]max_distMaximum region of influence around destination grid points

Definition at line 25 of file

◆ horiz_interp_spherical_wght_()

subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_wght_ ( type (horiz_interp_type), intent(in)  interp,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out)  wt,
integer, intent(in), optional  verbose,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional  mask_in,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(inout), optional  mask_out,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in), optional  missing_value 

This routine isn't used internally it's similar to the routine above, just gets the weights as an out variable.

Definition at line 347 of file

◆ radial_search_()

subroutine radial_search_ ( real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  theta_src,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(in)  phi_src,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  theta_dst,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  phi_dst,
integer, intent(in)  map_src_xsize,
integer, intent(in)  map_src_ysize,
integer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out)  map_src_add,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out)  map_src_dist,
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout)  num_found,
integer, intent(in)  num_neighbors,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  max_src_dist,
logical, intent(in)  src_is_modulo 

Definition at line 433 of file

◆ update_dest_neighbors_()

logical function update_dest_neighbors_ ( integer, dimension(:), intent(inout)  map_src_add,
real(fms_hi_kind_), dimension(:), intent(inout)  map_src_dist,
integer, intent(in)  src_add,
real(fms_hi_kind_), intent(in)  d,
integer, intent(inout)  num_found,
integer, intent(in)  min_nbrs 

Definition at line 659 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ epsln

real(r8_kind), parameter epsln =1.e-10_r8_kind

Definition at line 82 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ large

real(r8_kind), parameter large =1.e20_r8_kind

Definition at line 81 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ max_dist_default

real(r8_kind), parameter max_dist_default = 0.1_r8_kind

Definition at line 79 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ max_neighbors

integer, parameter max_neighbors = 400

Definition at line 78 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ module_is_initialized

logical module_is_initialized = .FALSE.

Definition at line 105 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ num_nbrs_default

integer, parameter num_nbrs_default = 4

Definition at line 80 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ pe

integer pe

Definition at line 84 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ root_pe

integer root_pe

Definition at line 84 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.

◆ search_method

character(len=32) search_method = "radial_search"

Namelist variable to indicate the searching method to find the nearest neighbor points. Its value can be "radial_search" and "full_search", with default value "radial_search". when search_method is "radial_search", the search may be not quite accurate for some cases. Normally the search will be ok if you chose suitable max_dist. When search_method is "full_search", it will be always accurate, but will be slower comparing to "radial_search". Normally these two search algorithm will produce same results other than order of operation. "radial_search" are recommended to use. The purpose to add "full_search" is in case you think you interpolation results is not right, you have other option to verify.

Definition at line 87 of file horiz_interp_spherical.F90.