FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches

Computes a weight and dates/indices for linearly interpolating between two dates. More...

Data Types

interface  time_interp
 Returns a weight and dates or indices for interpolating between two dates. The interface fraction_of_year is provided for backward compatibility with the previous version.
. More...


subroutine bisect (timelist, time, index1, index2)
 Given an array of times in ascending order and a specific time returns values of index1 and index2 such that the Timelist(index1)<=Time and Time<=Timelist(index2), and index2=index1+1 index1=0, index2=1 or index=n, index2=n+1 are returned to indicate that the time is out of range.
subroutine error_handler (string)
real(r8_kind) function, public fraction_of_year (time)
 Wrapper function to return the fractional time into the current year Always returns an r8_kind, conversion to r4 will be done implicitly if needed.
type(time_type) function month_midpt (yr, mo)
type(time_type) function set_modtime (tin, modtime)
subroutine time_interp_day_ (time, weight, year1, year2, month1, month2, day1, day2)
 Calculates fractional time between mid points of consecutive days.
subroutine time_interp_frac_ (time, weight)
 Calculates the fractional time into the current year.
subroutine, public time_interp_init ()
subroutine time_interp_list_ (time, timelist, weight, index1, index2, modtime, err_msg)
subroutine time_interp_modulo_ (time, time_beg, time_end, timelist, weight, index1, index2, correct_leap_year_inconsistency, err_msg)
 Part of the time_interp interface, calculates for cyclical data Time_beg and Time_end mark a repeating period.
subroutine time_interp_month_ (time, weight, year1, year2, month1, month2)
 Calculates fractional time between mid points of consecutive months.
subroutine time_interp_year_ (time, weight, year1, year2)
 Calculates fractional time between mid points of consecutive years.
type(time_type) function year_midpt (yr)


integer, parameter, public day =3
integer dymod
integer, parameter halfday = secday/2
integer, parameter hourday = 24
integer, parameter minhour = 60
logical mod_leapyear
logical module_is_initialized =.FALSE.
integer momod
integer, parameter, public month =2
integer, parameter monyear = 12
integer, parameter, public none =0
logical perthlike_behavior =.FALSE.
integer, parameter secday = secmin*minhour*hourday
integer, parameter sechour = secmin*minhour
integer, parameter secmin = 60
integer, parameter, public year =1
integer yrmod

Detailed Description

Computes a weight and dates/indices for linearly interpolating between two dates.

Bruce Wyman

A time type is converted into two consecutive dates plus a fraction representing the distance between the dates. This information can be used to interpolate between the dates. The dates may be expressed as years, months, or days or as indices in an array.

Data Type Documentation

◆ time_interp_mod::time_interp

interface time_interp_mod::time_interp

Returns a weight and dates or indices for interpolating between two dates. The interface fraction_of_year is provided for backward compatibility with the previous version.

Returns weight by interpolating Time between Time1 and Time2. i.e. weight = (Time-Time1)/(Time2-Time1) Time1 and Time2 may be specified by any of several different ways, which is the reason for multiple interfaces.

  • If Time1 and Time2 are the begining and end of the year in which Time falls, use first interface.
  • If Time1 and Time2 fall on year boundaries, use second interface.
  • If Time1 and Time2 fall on month boundaries, use third.
  • If Time1 and Time2 fall on day boundaries, use fourth.
  • If Time1 and Time2 are consecutive elements of an assending list, use fifth. The fifth also returns the indices of Timelist between which Time falls.
  • The sixth interface is for cyclical data. Time_beg and Time_end specify the begining and end of a repeating period. In this case:
    weight = (Time_adjusted - Time1) / (Time2 - Time1)
    time1 = timelist(index1)
    time2 = timelist(index2)
    time_adjusted = time - n*period
    period = time_end-time_beg
    N is between (Time-Time_end)/Period and (Time-Time_beg)/Period That is, N is the integer that results in Time_adjusted that is between Time_beg and Time_end.

Example usages:

call time_interp( time, weight )
call time_interp( time, weight, year1, year2 )
call time_interp( time, weight, year1, year2, month1, month2 )
call time_interp( time, weight, year1, year2, month1, month2, day1, day2 )
call time_interp( time, timelist, weight, index1, index2 [, modtime] )
call time_interp( time, time_beg, time_end, timelist, weight, index1, index2

For all routines in this module the calendar type in module time_manager must be set.

The following private parameters are set by this module:

 seconds per minute = 60
 minutes per hour   = 60
 hours   per day    = 24
 months  per year   = 12
TimeThe time at which the the weight is computed.
Time_begFor cyclical interpolation: Time_beg specifies the begining time of a cycle.
Time_endFor cyclical interpolation: Time_end specifies the ending time of a cycle.
TimelistFor cyclical interpolation: Timelist is an array of times between Time_beg and Time_end. Must be monotonically increasing.
index1Timelist(index1) = The largest value of Timelist which is less than mod(Time,Time_end-Time_beg)
index2Timelist(index2) = The smallest value of Timelist which is greater than mod(Time,Time_end-Time_beg)
correct_leap_year_inconsistencyTurns on a kluge for an inconsistency which may occur in a special case. When the modulo time period (i.e. Time_end - Time_beg) is a whole number of years and is not a multiple of 4, and the calendar in use has leap years, then it is likely that the interpolation will involve mapping a common year onto a leap year. In this case it is often desirable, but not absolutely necessary, to use data for Feb 28 of the leap year when it is mapped onto a common year. To turn this on, set correct_leap_year_inconsistency=.true.
weightweight = (mod(Time,Time_end-Time_beg) - Timelist(index1)) / (Timelist(index2) - Timelist(index1))

Definition at line 127 of file time_interp.F90.

Public Member Functions


Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ bisect()

subroutine bisect ( type(time_type), dimension(:), intent(in)  timelist,
type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
integer, intent(out), optional  index1,
integer, intent(out), optional  index2 

Given an array of times in ascending order and a specific time returns values of index1 and index2 such that the Timelist(index1)<=Time and Time<=Timelist(index2), and index2=index1+1 index1=0, index2=1 or index=n, index2=n+1 are returned to indicate that the time is out of range.

Definition at line 198 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ error_handler()

subroutine error_handler ( character(len=*), intent(in)  string)

Definition at line 299 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ fraction_of_year()

real(r8_kind) function, public fraction_of_year ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time)

Wrapper function to return the fractional time into the current year Always returns an r8_kind, conversion to r4 will be done implicitly if needed.

Timetime to calculate fraction with
real(kind=8) fraction of time passed in current year

Definition at line 184 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ month_midpt()

type (time_type) function month_midpt ( integer, intent(in)  yr,
integer, intent(in)  mo 

Definition at line 245 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ set_modtime()

type(time_type) function set_modtime ( type(time_type), intent(in)  tin,
integer, intent(in), optional  modtime 

Definition at line 264 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ time_interp_day_()

subroutine time_interp_day_ ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
real(fms_ti_kind_), intent(out)  weight,
integer, intent(out)  year1,
integer, intent(out)  year2,
integer, intent(out)  month1,
integer, intent(out)  month2,
integer, intent(out)  day1,
integer, intent(out)  day2 

Calculates fractional time between mid points of consecutive days.

Definition at line 132 of file

◆ time_interp_frac_()

subroutine time_interp_frac_ ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
real(fms_ti_kind_), intent(out)  weight 

Calculates the fractional time into the current year.

[out]weightfractional time

Definition at line 24 of file

◆ time_interp_init()

subroutine, public time_interp_init

Definition at line 163 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ time_interp_list_()

subroutine time_interp_list_ ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
type(time_type), dimension(:), intent(in)  timelist,
real(fms_ti_kind_), intent(out)  weight,
integer, intent(out)  index1,
integer, intent(out)  index2,
integer, intent(in), optional  modtime,
character(len=*), intent(out), optional  err_msg 

Definition at line 350 of file

◆ time_interp_modulo_()

subroutine time_interp_modulo_ ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
type(time_type), intent(in)  time_beg,
type(time_type), intent(in)  time_end,
type(time_type), dimension(:), intent(in)  timelist,
real(fms_ti_kind_), intent(out)  weight,
integer, intent(out)  index1,
integer, intent(out)  index2,
logical, intent(in), optional  correct_leap_year_inconsistency,
character(len=*), intent(out), optional  err_msg 

Part of the time_interp interface, calculates for cyclical data Time_beg and Time_end mark a repeating period.

Finds mid points and fractional weight for a time perioid

[in]timea specific time value
[in]time_begbegining of period to search with
[in]time_endend of period to search with
[in]timelistascending time values to search between
[out]index2indices of bounding time values within Timelist
[in]correct_leap_year_inconsistencyWhen true turns on a kluge for an inconsistency which may occur in a special case. When the modulo time period (i.e. Time_end - Time_beg) is a whole number of years and is not a multiple of 4, and the calendar in use has leap years, then it is likely that the interpolation will involve mapping a common year onto a leap year. In this case it is often desirable, but not absolutely necessary, to use data for Feb 28 of the leap year when it is mapped onto a common year.

Definition at line 181 of file

◆ time_interp_month_()

subroutine time_interp_month_ ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
real(fms_ti_kind_), intent(out)  weight,
integer, intent(out)  year1,
integer, intent(out)  year2,
integer, intent(out)  month1,
integer, intent(out)  month2 

Calculates fractional time between mid points of consecutive months.

Definition at line 82 of file

◆ time_interp_year_()

subroutine time_interp_year_ ( type(time_type), intent(in)  time,
real(fms_ti_kind_), intent(out)  weight,
integer, intent(out)  year1,
integer, intent(out)  year2 

Calculates fractional time between mid points of consecutive years.

[out]weightfractional time between midpoints of year1 and year2

Definition at line 48 of file

◆ year_midpt()

type (time_type) function year_midpt ( integer, intent(in)  yr)

Definition at line 232 of file time_interp.F90.

Variable Documentation

◆ day

integer, parameter, public day =3

Definition at line 138 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ dymod

integer dymod

Definition at line 149 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ halfday

integer, parameter halfday = secday/2

Definition at line 147 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ hourday

integer, parameter hourday = 24

Definition at line 142 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ minhour

integer, parameter minhour = 60

Definition at line 142 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ mod_leapyear

logical mod_leapyear

Definition at line 150 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ module_is_initialized

logical module_is_initialized =.FALSE.

Definition at line 155 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ momod

integer momod

Definition at line 149 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ month

integer, parameter, public month =2

Definition at line 138 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ monyear

integer, parameter monyear = 12

Definition at line 146 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ none

integer, parameter, public none =0

Definition at line 138 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ perthlike_behavior

logical perthlike_behavior =.FALSE.

Definition at line 156 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ secday

integer, parameter secday = secmin*minhour*hourday

Definition at line 142 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ sechour

integer, parameter sechour = secmin*minhour

Definition at line 142 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ secmin

integer, parameter secmin = 60

Definition at line 142 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ year

integer, parameter, public year =1

Definition at line 138 of file time_interp.F90.

◆ yrmod

integer yrmod

Definition at line 149 of file time_interp.F90.