27 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: UG_domain
28 type(domain2d),
intent(in) :: SG_domain
29 integer,
intent(in) :: npts_tile(:)
30 integer,
intent(in) :: grid_nlev(:)
31 integer,
intent(in) :: ndivs
32 integer,
intent(in) :: npes_io_group
35 integer,
intent(in) :: grid_index(:)
36 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: name
37 integer,
dimension(size(npts_tile(:))) :: ndivs_tile, pe_start, pe_end
38 integer,
dimension(0:ndivs-1) :: ibegin, iend, costs_list
39 integer :: ntiles, ndivs_used, cur_tile
40 integer :: n, ts, te, p, pos, tile_id, ngroup, group_id, my_pos, i
41 integer :: npes_in_group, is, ie, ntotal_costs, max_cost, cur_cost, costs_left
42 integer :: npts_left, ndiv_left, cur_pos, ndiv, prev_cost, ioff
44 integer :: costs(size(npts_tile(:)))
46 ug_domain%SG_domain => sg_domain
47 ntiles =
48 ug_domain%ntiles = ntiles
51 if(sum(npts_tile)<ndivs)
call mpp_error(fatal, &
52 &
"mpp_define_unstruct_domain: total number of points is less than ndivs")
54 do n = 1,
55 if(grid_nlev(n) < 1)
call mpp_error(fatal, &
56 &
"mpp_define_unstruct_domain: grid_nlev at some point is less than 1")
63 do i = 1, npts_tile(n)
65 costs(n) = costs(n) + grid_nlev(pos)
69 ntotal_costs = sum(costs)
72 ndivs_tile(n) = ceiling(real(costs(n)*ndivs)/ntotal_costs)
75 ndivs_used = sum(ndivs_tile)
76 do while (ndivs_used > ndivs)
80 if( ndivs_tile(n) > 1 )
81 cur_cost = ceiling(real(costs(n))/(ndivs_tile(n)-1))
82 if( max_cost == 0 .OR. cur_cost<max_cost)
88 ndivs_used = ndivs_used-1
89 ndivs_tile(cur_tile) = ndivs_tile(cur_tile) - 1
96 te = ts + ndivs_tile(n) - 1
98 ndiv_left = ndivs_tile(n)
99 npts_left = npts_tile(n)
101 do ndiv = 1, ndivs_tile(n)
103 ibegin(ts+ndiv-1) = cur_pos
104 avg_cost = real(costs_left)/ndiv_left
105 do i = cur_pos, npts_tile(n)
106 cur_cost = cur_cost + grid_nlev(i+ioff)
107 costs_left = costs_left - grid_nlev(i+ioff)
108 if(npts_left < ndiv_left )
109 call mpp_error(fatal,
"mpp_define_unstruct_domain: npts_left < ndiv_left")
110 else if(npts_left == ndiv_left )
113 else if(cur_cost .GE. avg_cost)
114 prev_cost = cur_cost - grid_nlev(i+ioff)
118 else if( cur_cost - avg_cost .LE. avg_cost - prev_cost )
124 costs_left = costs_left + grid_nlev(i+ioff)
125 npts_left = npts_left+1
129 npts_left = npts_left-1
131 iend(ts+ndiv-1) = cur_pos - 1
132 costs_list(ts+ndiv-1) = cur_cost
133 ndiv_left = ndiv_left-1
134 npts_left = npts_left-1
138 ioff = ioff+ npts_tile(n)
140 if (
141 allocate(ug_domain%list(0:ndivs-1))
143 ug_domain%list(p)%compute%begin = ibegin(p)
144 ug_domain%list(p)%compute%end = iend(p)
145 ug_domain%list(p)%compute%size = ug_domain%list(p)%compute%end - ug_domain%list(p)%compute%begin + 1
146 ug_domain%list(p)%compute%max_size = 0
147 ug_domain%list(p)%pos = p
148 ug_domain%list(p)%pe = p + mpp_root_pe()
151 if( p .GE. pe_start(n) .AND. p .LE. pe_end(n) )
152 ug_domain%list(p)%tile_id = n
155 pos = pos + npts_tile(n)
157 is = ug_domain%list(p)%compute%begin+pos
158 ie = ug_domain%list(p)%compute%end+pos
159 ug_domain%list(p)%compute%begin_index = minval(grid_index(is:ie))
160 ug_domain%list(p)%compute%end_index = maxval(grid_index(is:ie))
164 if(
mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and.
165 write(
"unstruct domain name = ", trim(name)
166 write(
stdout(),*) ug_domain%list(:)%compute%size
169 pos =
mpp_pe() - mpp_root_pe()
172 ug_domain%tile_id = ug_domain%list(pos)%tile_id
173 p = pe_start(ug_domain%tile_id)
174 ug_domain%tile_root_pe = ug_domain%list(p)%pe
175 ug_domain%tile_npes = pe_end(ug_domain%tile_id) - pe_start(ug_domain%tile_id) + 1
176 ug_domain%compute = ug_domain%list(pos)%compute
177 ug_domain%compute%max_size = maxval( ug_domain%list(:)%compute%size )
178 ug_domain%global%begin = 1
179 ug_domain%global%end = npts_tile(ug_domain%tile_id)
180 ug_domain%global%size = ug_domain%global%end - ug_domain%global%begin + 1
181 ug_domain%global%max_size = -1
183 do n = 1, ug_domain%tile_id-1
184 pos = pos + npts_tile(n)
186 ug_domain%global%begin_index = grid_index(pos+1)
187 ug_domain%global%end_index = grid_index(pos+npts_tile(n))
189 if (
190 allocate(ug_domain%grid_index(ug_domain%compute%size))
191 do n = 1, ug_domain%compute%size
192 ug_domain%grid_index(n) = grid_index(pos+ug_domain%compute%begin+n-1)
196 if (
197 allocate(ug_domain%io_domain)
198 tile_id = ug_domain%tile_id
199 ug_domain%io_domain%pe = ug_domain%pe
201 if(npes_io_group == 0)
204 ngroup = ceiling(real(ndivs_tile(tile_id))/ npes_io_group)
209 ug_domain%npes_io_group = npes_io_group
210 ug_domain%io_layout = ngroup
213 call mpp_compute_extent(1, ndivs_tile(tile_id), ngroup, ibegin(0:ngroup-1), iend(0:ngroup-1))
214 my_pos = ug_domain%pe - ug_domain%tile_root_pe + 1
216 if( my_pos .GE. ibegin(n) .AND. my_pos .LE. iend(n) )
222 ug_domain%io_domain%tile_id = group_id+1
223 ug_domain%io_domain%compute = ug_domain%compute
224 ug_domain%io_domain%pe = ug_domain%pe
225 ug_domain%io_domain%pos = my_pos - ibegin(group_id) + 1
226 ug_domain%io_domain%tile_root_pe = ibegin(group_id) + ug_domain%tile_root_pe - 1
227 pos = ug_domain%io_domain%tile_root_pe - mpp_root_pe()
228 ug_domain%io_domain%global%begin = ug_domain%list(pos)%compute%begin
229 ug_domain%io_domain%global%begin_index = ug_domain%list(pos)%compute%begin_index
230 pos = iend(group_id) + ug_domain%tile_root_pe - mpp_root_pe() - 1
231 ug_domain%io_domain%global%end = ug_domain%list(pos)%compute%end
232 ug_domain%io_domain%global%end_index = ug_domain%list(pos)%compute%end_index
233 ug_domain%io_domain%global%size = ug_domain%io_domain%global%end - ug_domain%io_domain%global%begin + 1
235 npes_in_group = iend(group_id) - ibegin(group_id) + 1
236 if (
237 allocate(ug_domain%io_domain%list(0:npes_in_group-1))
238 do n = 0, npes_in_group-1
239 pos = ug_domain%io_domain%tile_root_pe - mpp_root_pe() + n
240 ug_domain%io_domain%list(n)%compute = ug_domain%list(pos)%compute
241 ug_domain%io_domain%list(n)%pos = n
242 ug_domain%io_domain%list(n)%pe = ug_domain%list(pos)%pe
243 ug_domain%io_domain%list(n)%tile_id = group_id+1
246 call compute_overlap_sg2ug(ug_domain, sg_domain)
247 call compute_overlap_ug2sg(ug_domain)
255 subroutine compute_overlap_sg2ug(UG_domain, SG_domain)
256 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: UG_domain
257 type(domain2d),
intent(in) :: SG_domain
258 integer,
dimension(0:size(SG_domain%list(:))-1) :: send_cnt, recv_cnt
259 integer,
dimension(0:size(SG_domain%list(:))-1) :: send_buffer_pos, recv_buffer_pos
260 integer,
allocatable :: send_buffer, recv_buffer, index_list
261 integer,
allocatable :: buffer_pos
262 integer :: tile_id, nlist, nxg, begin_index, end_index, i, j
263 integer :: m, n, list, l, isc, iec, jsc, jec, ibegin, iend, grid_index
264 integer :: nrecv, nsend, send_pos, recv_pos, pos
267 tile_id = ug_domain%tile_id
268 nlist =
269 nxg = sg_domain%x(1)%global%size
270 begin_index = ug_domain%compute%begin_index
271 end_index = ug_domain%compute%end_index
274 allocate(index_list(ug_domain%compute%size))
275 allocate(send_buffer(ug_domain%compute%size))
278 if(sg_domain%list(n)%tile_id(1) .NE. tile_id) cycle
279 isc = sg_domain%list(n)%x(1)%compute%begin; iec = sg_domain%list(n)%x(1)%compute%end
280 jsc = sg_domain%list(n)%y(1)%compute%begin; jec = sg_domain%list(n)%y(1)%compute%end
281 ibegin = (jsc-1)*nxg + isc
282 iend = (jec-1)*nxg + iec
283 if(ibegin > end_index .OR. iend < begin_index) cycle
284 do l = 1, ug_domain%compute%size
285 grid_index = ug_domain%grid_index(l)
286 i = mod((grid_index-1), nxg) + 1
287 j = (grid_index-1)/nxg + 1
288 if( i .GE. isc .AND. i .LE. iec .and. j .GE. jsc .AND. j .LE. jec )
289 recv_cnt(n) = recv_cnt(n) + 1
291 if(pos > ug_domain%compute%size)
call mpp_error(fatal, &
292 'compute_overlap_SG2UG: pos > UG_domain%compute%size')
294 send_buffer(pos) = grid_index
300 if( ug_domain%compute%size .NE. sum(recv_cnt) )
301 print*,
mpp_pe(), ug_domain%compute%size, sum(recv_cnt)
302 call mpp_error(fatal, &
303 .NE.
"compute_overlap_SG2UG: UG_domain%compute%size sum(recv_cnt)")
305 allocate(buffer_pos(0:nlist-1))
308 buffer_pos(list) = pos
309 pos = pos + recv_cnt(list)
312 nrecv = count( recv_cnt > 0 )
313 ug_domain%SG2UG%nrecv = nrecv
314 if (
315 allocate(ug_domain%SG2UG%recv(nrecv))
319 m = mod( sg_domain%pos+nlist-list, nlist )
320 if( recv_cnt(m) > 0 )
322 ug_domain%SG2UG%recv(nrecv)%count = recv_cnt(m)
323 ug_domain%SG2UG%recv(nrecv)%pe = ug_domain%list(m)%pe
324 allocate(ug_domain%SG2UG%recv(nrecv)%i(recv_cnt(m)))
326 do l = 1, recv_cnt(m)
328 ug_domain%SG2UG%recv(nrecv)%i(l) = index_list(pos)
336 call mpp_alltoall(send_cnt,1,recv_cnt,1)
338 if( ug_domain%compute%size .NE. sum(send_cnt) )
call mpp_error(fatal, &
339 .NE.
"compute_overlap_SG2UG: UG_domain%compute%size sum(send_cnt)")
340 allocate(recv_buffer(sum(recv_cnt)))
341 send_buffer_pos = 0; recv_buffer_pos = 0
342 send_pos = 0; recv_pos = 0
344 if(send_cnt(n) > 0)
345 send_buffer_pos(n) = send_pos
346 send_pos = send_pos + send_cnt(n)
348 if(recv_cnt(n) > 0)
349 recv_buffer_pos(n) = recv_pos
350 recv_pos = recv_pos + recv_cnt(n)
354 call mpp_alltoall(send_buffer, send_cnt, send_buffer_pos, &
355 recv_buffer, recv_cnt, recv_buffer_pos)
357 nsend = count( recv_cnt(:) > 0 )
358 ug_domain%SG2UG%nsend = nsend
359 if (
360 allocate(ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend))
362 isc = sg_domain%x(1)%compute%begin
363 jsc = sg_domain%y(1)%compute%begin
365 m = mod( sg_domain%pos+list, nlist )
366 if( recv_cnt(m) > 0 )
368 ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend)%count = recv_cnt(m)
369 ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend)%pe = ug_domain%list(m)%pe
370 allocate(ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend)%i(recv_cnt(m)))
371 allocate(ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend)%j(recv_cnt(m)))
372 pos = recv_buffer_pos(m)
373 do l = 1, recv_cnt(m)
374 grid_index = recv_buffer(pos+l)
375 ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend)%i(l) = mod(grid_index-1,nxg) + 1
376 ug_domain%SG2UG%send(nsend)%j(l) = (grid_index-1)/nxg + 1
380 deallocate(send_buffer, recv_buffer, index_list, buffer_pos)
384 end subroutine compute_overlap_sg2ug
387 subroutine compute_overlap_ug2sg(UG_domain)
388 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: UG_domain
391 ug_domain%UG2SG%nsend = ug_domain%SG2UG%nrecv
392 ug_domain%UG2SG%send => ug_domain%SG2UG%recv
393 ug_domain%UG2SG%nrecv = ug_domain%SG2UG%nsend
394 ug_domain%UG2SG%recv => ug_domain%SG2UG%send
398 end subroutine compute_overlap_ug2sg
401 subroutine mpp_get_ug_sg_domain(UG_domain,SG_domain)
402 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: UG_domain
403 type(domain2d),
pointer :: SG_domain
405 sg_domain => ug_domain%SG_domain
409 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_sg_domain
412 function mpp_get_ug_io_domain(domain)
413 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
414 type(domainug),
pointer :: mpp_get_UG_io_domain
416 if(
417 mpp_get_ug_io_domain => domain%io_domain
419 call mpp_error(fatal,
"mpp_get_UG_io_domain: io_domain is not defined, contact developer")
422 end function mpp_get_ug_io_domain
425 subroutine mpp_get_ug_compute_domain( domain, begin, end, size)
426 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
427 integer,
optional :: begin, end, size
429 if(
PRESENT(begin) )begin = domain%compute%begin
430 if(
end) )end = domain%compute%end
431 if(
PRESENT(size) )
size = domain%compute%size
433 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_compute_domain
436 subroutine mpp_get_ug_global_domain( domain, begin, end, size)
437 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
438 integer,
optional :: begin, end, size
440 if(
PRESENT(begin) )begin = domain%global%begin
441 if(
end) )end = domain%global%end
442 if(
PRESENT(size) )
size = domain%global%size
444 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_global_domain
447 subroutine mpp_get_ug_compute_domains( domain, begin, end, size )
448 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
449 integer,
dimension(:) :: begin, end, size
452 if(
PRESENT(begin) )
453 if( any(shape(begin).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) &
454 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_compute_domains: begin array size does not match domain.' )
455 begin(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%begin
457 if(
end) )then
458 if( any(shape(
end).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) &
459 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_compute_domains: end array size does not match domain.' )
460 end(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%end
462 if(
PRESENT(size) )
463 if( any(shape(size).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) &
464 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_compute_domains: size array size does not match domain.' )
465 size(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%size
468 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_compute_domains
471 subroutine mpp_get_ug_domains_index( domain, begin, end)
472 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
473 integer,
dimension(:) :: begin, end
476 if( any(shape(begin).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) &
477 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_compute_domains: begin array size does not match domain.' )
478 begin(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%begin_index
479 if( any(shape(
end).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) &
480 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_compute_domains: end array size does not match domain.' )
481 end(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%end_index
483 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_domains_index
486 function mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles(domain)
487 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
488 integer :: mpp_get_UG_domain_ntiles
490 mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles = domain%ntiles
492 end function mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles
495 subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_list(domain, tiles)
496 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
497 integer,
intent(inout) :: tiles(:)
500 if(
size(domain%list(:)) ) &
501 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_list: tiles array size does not match domain.' )
502 do i = 1,
503 tiles(i) = domain%list(i-1)%tile_id
506 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_list
509 function mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id(domain)
510 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
511 integer :: mpp_get_UG_domain_tile_id
513 mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id = domain%tile_id
515 end function mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id
518 function mpp_get_ug_domain_npes(domain)
519 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
520 integer :: mpp_get_UG_domain_npes
522 mpp_get_ug_domain_npes =
525 end function mpp_get_ug_domain_npes
529 subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_pelist( domain, pelist)
530 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
531 integer,
intent(out) :: pelist(:)
533 if(
size(domain%list(:)) ) &
534 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_domain_pelist: pelist array size does not match domain.' )
536 pelist(:) = domain%list(:)%pe
539 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_pelist
542 subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_pe_inf( domain, root_pe, npes, pelist)
543 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
544 integer,
intent(out) :: root_pe, npes
545 integer,
intent(out) :: pelist(:)
547 if(
present(root_pe)) root_pe = domain%tile_root_pe
548 if(
present(npes)) npes = domain%tile_npes
550 if(
551 if(
size(pelist(:)).NE. domain%tile_npes ) &
552 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_domain_tile_pe_inf: pelist array size does not match domain.' )
553 pelist(:) = domain%list(domain%pos:domain%pos+domain%tile_npes-1)%pe
557 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_pe_inf
561 subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_grid_index( domain, grid_index)
562 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
563 integer,
intent(out) :: grid_index(:)
565 if(
size(domain%grid_index(:)) ) &
566 call mpp_error( fatal,
'mpp_get_UG_domain_grid_index: grid_index array size does not match domain.' )
568 grid_index(:) = domain%grid_index(:)
571 end subroutine mpp_get_ug_domain_grid_index
574 subroutine mpp_define_null_ug_domain(domain)
575 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: domain
577 domain%global%begin = -1; domain%global%end = -1; domain%global%size = 0
578 domain%compute%begin = -1; domain%compute%end = -1; domain%compute%size = 0
583 domain%tile_root_pe = -1
585 end subroutine mpp_define_null_ug_domain
590 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: domain
591 integer,
allocatable :: pes(:)
593 integer :: listsize, listpos
595 integer,
dimension(7) :: msg, info
599 if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) &
600 call mpp_error( fatal,
'MPP_BROADCAST_DOMAIN_ug: You must first call mpp_domains_init.' )
604 call mpp_get_current_pelist(pes)
607 native =
611 listsize =
615 call mpp_max(listsize)
617 if( .NOT.native )
619 if (
620 allocate( domain%list(0:listsize-1) )
624 domain%compute%begin = 1
625 domain%compute%end = -1
626 domain%compute%begin_index = 1
627 domain%compute%end_index = -1
628 domain%global %begin = -1
629 domain%global %end = -1
631 domain%tile_root_pe = -1
636 info(3) = domain%tile_id
637 call mpp_get_ug_compute_domain( domain, info(4), info(5))
638 info(6) = domain%compute%begin_index
639 info(7) = domain%compute%end_index
644 if(
mpp_pe().EQ.pes(n) .AND. debug )
write( errunit,* )
'PE ',
'broadcasting msg ', msg
645 call mpp_broadcast( msg, 7, pes(n) )
648 if( .NOT.native .AND. msg(1).NE.null_pe )
649 domain%list(listpos)%pe = msg(1)
650 domain%list(listpos)%pos = msg(2)
651 domain%list(listpos)%tile_id = msg(3)
652 domain%list(listpos)%compute%begin = msg(4)
653 domain%list(listpos)%compute%end = msg(5)
654 domain%list(listpos)%compute%begin_index = msg(6)
655 domain%list(listpos)%compute%end_index = msg(7)
656 listpos = listpos + 1
657 if( debug )
write( errunit,* )
'PE ',
'received domain from PE ', msg(1),
'ls,le=', msg(4:5)
664 function mpp_domain_ug_is_tile_root_pe(domain)
667 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
668 logical(l8_kind) :: is_root
670 if (domain%pe .eq. domain%tile_root_pe)
677 end function mpp_domain_ug_is_tile_root_pe
683 function mpp_get_io_domain_ug_layout(domain)
686 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: domain
687 integer(i4_kind) :: io_layout
689 io_layout = domain%io_layout
696 subroutine deallocate_unstruct_overlap_type(overlap)
697 type(unstruct_overlap_type),
intent(inout) :: overlap
699 if(
700 if(
702 end subroutine deallocate_unstruct_overlap_type
705 subroutine deallocate_unstruct_pass_type(domain)
706 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: domain
709 do n = 1, domain%UG2SG%nsend
710 call deallocate_unstruct_overlap_type(domain%UG2SG%send(n))
712 do n = 1, domain%UG2SG%nrecv
713 call deallocate_unstruct_overlap_type(domain%UG2SG%recv(n))
719 if(
720 deallocate(domain%UG2SG%send)
721 nullify(domain%UG2SG%send)
722 nullify(domain%SG2UG%recv)
724 if(
725 deallocate(domain%UG2SG%recv)
726 nullify(domain%UG2SG%recv)
727 nullify(domain%SG2UG%send)
729 end subroutine deallocate_unstruct_pass_type
732 subroutine mpp_deallocate_domainug(domain)
735 type(domainug),
intent(inout) :: domain
737 if (
738 deallocate(domain%list)
739 domain%list => null()
742 if (
743 if (
744 deallocate(domain%io_domain%list)
745 domain%io_domain%list => null()
747 deallocate(domain%io_domain)
748 domain%io_domain => null()
751 call deallocate_unstruct_pass_type(domain)
753 if (
754 deallocate(domain%grid_index)
755 domain%grid_index => null()
758 if (
759 domain%SG_domain => null()
763 end subroutine mpp_deallocate_domainug
769 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: a, b
771 if (
associated(a%SG_domain) .and.
772 if (a%SG_domain .ne. b%SG_domain)
776 elseif (
associated(a%SG_domain) .and. .not.
779 elseif (.not.
associated(a%SG_domain) .and.
785 (a%pos .EQ. b%pos) .AND. &
786 (a%ntiles .EQ. b%ntiles) .AND. &
787 (a%tile_id .EQ. b%tile_id) .AND. &
788 (a%tile_npes .EQ. b%tile_npes) .AND. &
789 (a%tile_root_pe .EQ. b%tile_root_pe)
794 a%compute%end .EQ.b%compute%end .AND. &
795 a%global%begin .EQ.b%global%begin .AND. &
796 a%global%end .EQ.b%global%end .AND. &
797 a%SG2UG%nsend .EQ.b%SG2UG%nsend .AND. &
798 a%SG2UG%nrecv .EQ.b%SG2UG%nrecv .AND. &
799 a%UG2SG%nsend .EQ.b%UG2SG%nsend .AND. &
800 a%UG2SG%nrecv .EQ.b%UG2SG%nrecv &
809 type(domainug),
intent(in) :: a, b
816 #define MPP_TYPE_ real(r8_kind)
817 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_
818 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_r8_2d
819 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_
820 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_r8_3d
821 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_
822 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_r8_2d
823 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_
824 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_r8_3d
825 #include <mpp_unstruct_pass_data.fh>
828 #define MPP_TYPE_ real(r4_kind)
829 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_
830 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_r4_2d
831 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_
832 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_r4_3d
833 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_
834 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_r4_2d
835 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_
836 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_r4_3d
837 #include <mpp_unstruct_pass_data.fh>
840 #define MPP_TYPE_ integer(i4_kind)
841 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_
842 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_i4_2d
843 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_
844 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_i4_3d
845 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_
846 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_i4_2d
847 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_
848 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_i4_3d
849 #include <mpp_unstruct_pass_data.fh>
852 #define MPP_TYPE_ logical(i4_kind)
853 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_
854 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_2D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_l4_2d
855 #undef mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_
856 #define mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_3D_ mpp_pass_SG_to_UG_l4_3d
857 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_
858 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_2D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_l4_2d
859 #undef mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_
860 #define mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_3D_ mpp_pass_UG_to_SG_l4_3d
861 #include <mpp_unstruct_pass_data.fh>
863 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_
864 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r8_2d
865 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_
866 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r8_3d
867 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_
868 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r8_4d
869 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_
870 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r8_5d
872 #define MPP_TYPE_ real(r8_kind)
873 #include <mpp_global_field_ug.fh>
875 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_
876 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i8_2d
877 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_
878 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i8_3d
879 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_
880 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i8_4d
881 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_
882 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i8_5d
884 #define MPP_TYPE_ integer(i8_kind)
885 #include <mpp_global_field_ug.fh>
887 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_
888 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r4_2d
889 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_
890 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r4_3d
891 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_
892 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r4_4d
893 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_
894 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_r4_5d
896 #define MPP_TYPE_ real(r4_kind)
897 #include <mpp_global_field_ug.fh>
899 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_
900 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_2D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i4_2d
901 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_
902 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_3D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i4_3d
903 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_
904 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_4D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i4_4d
905 #undef MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_
906 #define MPP_GLOBAL_FIELD_UG_5D_ mpp_global_field2D_ug_i4_5d
908 #define MPP_TYPE_ integer(i4_kind)
909 #include <mpp_global_field_ug.fh>
subroutine mpp_define_unstruct_domain(UG_domain, SG_domain, npts_tile, grid_nlev, ndivs, npes_io_group, grid_index, name)
logical function mpp_domainug_ne(a, b)
Overload the .ne. for UG.
subroutine mpp_compute_extent(isg, ieg, ndivs, ibegin, iend, extent)
Computes extents for a grid decomposition with the given indices and divisions.
subroutine mpp_broadcast_domain_ug(domain)
Broadcast domain (useful only outside the context of its own pelist)
logical function mpp_domainug_eq(a, b)
Overload the .eq. for UG.
integer function stdout()
This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for output.
integer function stderr()
This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for error messages.
integer function mpp_npes()
Returns processor count for current pelist.
integer function mpp_pe()
Returns processor ID.