FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
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2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @defgroup axis_utils2_mod axis_utils2_mod
20!> @ingroup axis_utils
21!> @brief A set of utilities for manipulating axes and extracting axis attributes.
22!! FMS2_IO equivalent version of @ref axis_utils_mod.
23!> @author M.J. Harrison
25!> @addtogroup axis_utils2_mod
26!> @{
27module axis_utils2_mod
28 use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, fatal, stdout
29 use fms_mod, only: lowercase, uppercase, string_array_index, fms_error_handler
30 use fms2_io_mod, only: fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t, variable_att_exists, fmsnetcdffile_t, &
31 get_variable_num_dimensions, get_variable_attribute, &
32 get_variable_size, read_data, variable_exists
33 use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind
35 implicit none
40 private
42 integer, parameter :: maxatts = 100
43 real(r8_kind), parameter :: epsln = 1.e-10_r8_kind
44 real(r8_kind), parameter :: fp5 = 0.5_r8_kind, f360 = 360.0_r8_kind
46!> @}
47! Include variable "version" to be written to log file.
50 !> Perform 1D interpolation between grids.
51 !!
52 !> Data and grids can have 1, 2, or 3 dimensions.
53 !! @param grid1 grid for data1
54 !! @param grid2 grid for data2
55 !! @param data1 Data to interpolate
56 !! @param [inout] data2 Interpolated data
57 !! @param method Either "linear" or "cubic_spline" interpolation method, default="linear"
58 !! @ingroup axis_utils2_mod
60 interface axis_edges
61 module procedure axis_edges_r4, axis_edges_r8
62 end interface axis_edges
64 interface lon_in_range
65 module procedure lon_in_range_r4, lon_in_range_r8
66 end interface lon_in_range
68 interface frac_index
69 module procedure frac_index_r4, frac_index_r8
70 end interface frac_index
72 interface nearest_index
73 module procedure nearest_index_r4, nearest_index_r8
74 end interface nearest_index
76 interface tranlon
77 module procedure tranlon_r4, tranlon_r8
78 end interface tranlon
81 module procedure interp_1d_linear_r4, interp_1d_linear_r8
82 end interface interp_1d_linear
85 module procedure interp_1d_cubic_spline_r4, interp_1d_cubic_spline_r8
86 end interface interp_1d_cubic_spline
88 interface interp_1d
89 module procedure interp_1d_1d_r4, interp_1d_1d_r8
90 module procedure interp_1d_2d_r4, interp_1d_2d_r8
91 module procedure interp_1d_3d_r4, interp_1d_3d_r8
92 end interface interp_1d
94 interface find_index
95 module procedure find_index_r4, find_index_r8
96 end interface find_index
98!> @addtogroup axis_utils2_mod
99!> @{
103 !> @brief Returns X,Y,Z or T cartesian attribute
104 subroutine get_axis_cart(fileobj, axisname, cart)
105 type(fmsnetcdffile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< file object to read from
106 character(len=*), intent(in) :: axisname !< name of axis to retrieve
107 character(len=1), intent(out) :: cart !< Returned attribute axis
109 character(len=1) :: axis_cart
110 character(len=16), dimension(2) :: lon_names, lat_names
111 character(len=16), dimension(3) :: z_names
112 character(len=16), dimension(2) :: t_names
113 character(len=16), dimension(3) :: lon_units, lat_units
114 character(len=8) , dimension(4) :: z_units
115 character(len=3) , dimension(6) :: t_units
116 character(len=32) :: name
117 integer :: i
119 lon_names = (/'lon','x '/)
120 lat_names = (/'lat','y '/)
121 z_names = (/'depth ','height','z '/)
122 t_names = (/'time','t '/)
123 lon_units = (/'degrees_e ', 'degrees_east', 'degreese '/)
124 lat_units = (/'degrees_n ', 'degrees_north', 'degreesn '/)
125 z_units = (/'cm ','m ','pa ','hpa'/)
126 t_units = (/'sec', 'min','hou','day','mon','yea'/)
128 cart = "N"
129 if (variable_exists(fileobj, axisname)) then
130 if (variable_att_exists(fileobj, axisname, "cartesian_axis")) then
131 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, axisname, "cartesian_axis", cart(1:1))
132 elseif (variable_att_exists(fileobj, axisname, "axis")) then
133 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, axisname, "axis", cart(1:1))
134 endif
135 axis_cart = uppercase(cart)
136 if (axis_cart .eq. 'X' .or. axis_cart .eq. 'Y' .or. axis_cart .eq. 'Z' &
137 .or. axis_cart .eq. 'T') then
138 cart = axis_cart
139 return
140 endif
141 endif
143 if (cart /= 'X' .and. cart /= 'Y' .and. cart /= 'Z' .and. cart /= 'T') then
144 name = lowercase(axisname)
145 do i=1,size(lon_names(:))
146 if (trim(name(1:3)) == trim(lon_names(i))) cart = 'X'
147 enddo
148 do i=1,size(lat_names(:))
149 if (trim(name(1:3)) == trim(lat_names(i))) cart = 'Y'
150 enddo
151 do i=1,size(z_names(:))
152 if (trim(name) == trim(z_names(i))) cart = 'Z'
153 enddo
154 do i=1,size(t_names(:))
155 if (trim(name) == t_names(i)) cart = 'T'
156 enddo
157 end if
159 if (cart /= 'X' .and. cart /= 'Y' .and. cart /= 'Z' .and. cart /= 'T') then
160 name = lowercase(axisname)
161 do i=1,size(lon_units(:))
162 if (trim(name) == trim(lon_units(i))) cart = 'X'
163 enddo
164 do i=1,size(lat_units(:))
165 if (trim(name) == trim(lat_units(i))) cart = 'Y'
166 enddo
167 do i=1,size(z_units(:))
168 if (trim(name) == trim(z_units(i))) cart = 'Z'
169 enddo
170 do i=1,size(t_units(:))
171 if (name(1:3) == trim(t_units(i))) cart = 'T'
172 enddo
173 end if
174 end subroutine get_axis_cart
176 !> @brief Checks if 'modulo' variable exists for a given axis.
177 !!
178 !> @return true if modulo variable exists in fileobj for the given axis name.
179 function get_axis_modulo(fileobj, axisname)
180 type(fmsnetcdffile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj
181 character(len=*), intent(in) :: axisname
182 logical :: get_axis_modulo
184 get_axis_modulo = variable_att_exists(fileobj, axisname, "modulo")
185 end function get_axis_modulo
187 !> @return true if modulo_beg and modulo_end exist in fileobj with the given
188 !! axis, and returns their values in tbeg and tend.
189 function get_axis_modulo_times(fileobj, axisname, tbeg, tend)
190 type(fmsnetcdffile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj
191 character(len=*), intent(in) :: axisname
192 character(len=*), intent(out) :: tbeg, tend
193 logical :: get_axis_modulo_times
194 logical :: found_tbeg, found_tend
196 found_tbeg = variable_att_exists(fileobj, axisname, "modulo_beg")
197 found_tend = variable_att_exists(fileobj, axisname, "modulo_end")
199 if (found_tbeg .and. .not. found_tend) then
200 call mpp_error(fatal,'error in get: Found modulo_beg but not modulo_end')
201 endif
202 if (.not. found_tbeg .and. found_tend) then
203 call mpp_error(fatal,'error in get: Found modulo_end but not modulo_beg')
204 endif
206 if (found_tbeg) then
207 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, axisname, "modulo_beg", tbeg)
208 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, axisname, "modulo_end", tend)
209 else
210 tbeg = ""
211 tend = ""
212 endif
213 get_axis_modulo_times = found_tbeg
214 end function get_axis_modulo_times
216#include "axis_utils2_r4.fh"
217#include "axis_utils2_r8.fh"
219end module axis_utils2_mod
220!> @}
221! close documentation grouping
subroutine, public get_axis_cart(fileobj, axisname, cart)
Returns X,Y,Z or T cartesian attribute.
logical function, public get_axis_modulo_times(fileobj, axisname, tbeg, tend)
logical function, public get_axis_modulo(fileobj, axisname)
Checks if 'modulo' variable exists for a given axis.
Perform 1D interpolation between grids.
Read data from a defined field in a file.
Definition fms2_io.F90:292
Error handler.
Definition mpp.F90:382