FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
20!> @defgroup fms_diag_time_reduction_mod fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
21!> @ingroup diag_manager
22!> @brief fms_diag_time_reduction_mod defines classes encapsulating the diag_manager
23!! time redution types.
25!> @author Miguel Zuniga
27!> @file
28!> @brief File for @ref fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
29!> @addtogroup fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
30!> @{
31MODULE fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
33 USE diag_data_mod, only: every_time
34 USE fms_mod, ONLY: error_mesg, fatal
36 implicit none
38 !!TODO: (Future effort) Note that time_diurnal processing is a little different
39 !! and more complex than the other reduction methods, and therefore refactoring its
40 !! processing may simplify the overall related codebase. The refactoring,
41 !! if possible, may be done elsewhere in the diag_manager.
43 !!These parametes are the possible kinds of time reduction operations.
44 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_none = 0 !< There is no reduction method
45 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_average = 1 !< The reduction method is average
46 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_rms = 2 !< The reduction method is rms
47 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_max = 3 !< The reduction method is max
48 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_min = 4 !< The reduction method is min
49 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_sum = 5 !< The reudction method is sum
50 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_diurnal = 6 !< The reduction method is diurnal
51 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: time_power = 7 !< The reduction method is power
53 !> @brief Class fmsDiagTimeReduction_type has an encapsulation of the "Fortran enum" time
54 !! reduction integer parameters, plus an encapsulation of the groupings of
55 !! the time reduction types. It is intended to provide some of the functionality
56 !! that was coded in the legacy function diag_data.F90:init_output_fields.
57 !! The functionality in the end is used by send_data in (EFFICIENT) do loops calling
58 !! the weighting or math functions to update buffers.
59 !! The integer parameters above are the legal time reduction types,
60 !! but they are not necessarily mutually exclusive in some contexts.
61 !!
62 !> @addtogroup fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
64 integer , private :: the_time_reduction !< The time reduction type, as an integer defined above.
65 logical , private :: time_averaging !< Set true iff time_average, time_rms, time_power or time_diurnal is true
66 logical , private :: time_ops !< Set true iff time_min, time_max, time_rms or time_average is true.
68 procedure, public :: do_time_averaging => do_time_averaging_imp
69 procedure, public :: has_time_ops => has_time_ops_imp
70 procedure, public :: is_time_none => is_time_none_imp
71 procedure, public :: is_time_average => is_time_average_imp
72 procedure, public :: is_time_rms => is_time_rms_imp
73 procedure, public :: is_time_max => is_time_max_imp
74 procedure, public :: is_time_min => is_time_min_imp
75 procedure, public :: is_time_sum => is_time_sum_imp
76 procedure, public :: is_time_diurnal => is_time_diurnal_imp
77 procedure, public :: is_time_power => is_time_power_imp
78 procedure, public :: initialize
79 procedure, public :: copy
82 !> @brief This interface is for the class constructor.
83 !> @addtogroup fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
86 end interface fmsdiagtimereduction_type
90 !> @brief The class contructors. Just allocates the class and calls an initializer
91 !! @return An allocated instance of fmsDiagTimeReduction_type, which is nitialized using
92 !! provided values for arguments dt and out_freqeuncy.
93 function fmsdiagtimereduction_type_constructor(dt, out_frequency) result(time_redux)
94 integer, intent(in) :: dt !< The redution type (time_rms, time_power, etc)
95 integer, intent(in) :: out_frequency !< The output frequency.
96 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), allocatable :: time_redux !< The instance of the fmsDiagTimeReduction_type
97 !!class allocated and returned by this constructor.
98 allocate(time_redux)
99 call time_redux%initialize(dt, out_frequency)
102 !> @brief Initialize the object. As an alternative to the constructor, one can
103 !! allocate an fmsDiagTimeReduction_type instance, then call its initialize function.
104 subroutine initialize(this, dt, out_frequency)
105 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(inout) :: this !< The fmsDiagTimeReduction_type object
106 integer, intent(in) :: dt !< The redution type (time_rms, time_porer, etc)
107 integer, intent(in) :: out_frequency !< The output frequency.
109 this%the_time_reduction = dt
111 !! Set the time_averaging flag
112 !! See legacy init_ouput_fields function, lines 1470ff
113 IF(( dt .EQ. time_average) .OR. (dt .EQ. time_rms) .OR. (dt .EQ. time_power) .OR. &
114 & (dt .EQ. time_diurnal)) THEN
115 this%time_averaging = .true.
116 ELSE
117 this%time_averaging= .false.
118 IF((dt .NE. time_max) .AND. (dt .ne. time_min) .AND. (dt .NE. time_sum) &
119 & .AND. (dt .NE. time_none)) THEN
120 CALL error_mesg('fmsDiagTimeReduction_type: initialize', &
121 & 'time_averaging=.false. but reduction type not compatible', fatal)
123 END IF
125 !!TODO: (MDM) Add other checks? E.g. If time_averaging == .false., then
126 !! out_frequency == EVERY_TIME
128 IF((dt .EQ. time_min) .OR. (dt .EQ. time_max) .OR. &
129 & ( dt .EQ. time_average) .OR. (dt .EQ. time_sum) ) THEN
130 this%time_ops = .true.
131 ELSE
132 this%time_ops = .false.
133 END IF
134 end subroutine initialize
136 !> @brief Copy the source time reduction object into the this object.
137 subroutine copy(this, source)
138 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type),intent(inout):: this !< The fmsDiagTimeReduction_type object
139 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type),intent(in):: source !< The fmsDiagTimeReduction_type object
140 this%the_time_reduction = source%the_time_reduction
141 this%time_averaging = source%time_averaging
142 this%time_ops = source%time_ops
143 end subroutine copy
145 !> \brief Returns true if any of time_min, time_max, time_rms or time_average is true.
146 !! @return true if any of time_min, time_max, time_rms or time_average is true.
147 pure function has_time_ops_imp (this)
148 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
149 logical :: has_time_ops_imp
150 has_time_ops_imp = this%time_ops
151 end function has_time_ops_imp
153 !> \brief Returns true iff time_averaging is true.
154 !! @return true iff time_averaging is true.
155 pure function do_time_averaging_imp (this)
156 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
157 logical :: do_time_averaging_imp
158 do_time_averaging_imp = this%time_averaging
159 end function do_time_averaging_imp
161 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_average
162 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_average
163 pure function is_time_average_imp (this)
164 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
165 logical :: is_time_average_imp
166 is_time_average_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_average
167 end function is_time_average_imp
169 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_none
170 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_none
171 pure function is_time_none_imp (this)
172 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
173 logical :: is_time_none_imp
174 is_time_none_imp = (this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_none)
175 end function is_time_none_imp
177 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_rms
178 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_rms
179 pure function is_time_rms_imp (this)
180 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
181 logical :: is_time_rms_imp
182 is_time_rms_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_rms
183 end function is_time_rms_imp
185 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_max
186 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_max
187 pure function is_time_max_imp (this)
188 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
189 logical :: is_time_max_imp
190 is_time_max_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_max
191 end function is_time_max_imp
193 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_min
194 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_min
195 pure function is_time_min_imp (this)
196 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
197 logical :: is_time_min_imp
198 is_time_min_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_min
199 end function is_time_min_imp
201 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_sum
202 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_sum
203 pure function is_time_sum_imp (this)
204 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
205 logical :: is_time_sum_imp
206 is_time_sum_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_sum
207 end function is_time_sum_imp
209 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_diurnal
210 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_diurnal
211 pure function is_time_diurnal_imp (this)
212 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
213 logical :: is_time_diurnal_imp
214 is_time_diurnal_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_diurnal
215 end function is_time_diurnal_imp
217 !> \brief Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_power
218 !! @return true iff the_time_reduction is time_power
219 pure function is_time_power_imp (this)
220 class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type), intent(in) :: this !<The object this function is bound to.
221 logical :: is_time_power_imp
222 is_time_power_imp = this%the_time_reduction .EQ. time_power
223 end function is_time_power_imp
225end module fms_diag_time_reduction_mod
226!> @}
227! close documentation grouping
integer, parameter time_min
The reduction method is min value.
integer, parameter time_diurnal
The reduction method is diurnal.
integer, parameter time_power
The reduction method is average with exponents.
integer, parameter time_average
The reduction method is average of values.
integer, parameter time_sum
The reduction method is sum of values.
integer, parameter time_rms
The reudction method is root mean square of values.
integer, parameter time_max
The reduction method is max value.
subroutine copy(this, source)
Copy the source time reduction object into the this object.
class(fmsdiagtimereduction_type) function, allocatable fmsdiagtimereduction_type_constructor(dt, out_frequency)
The class contructors. Just allocates the class and calls an initializer.
pure logical function has_time_ops_imp(this)
Returns true if any of time_min, time_max, time_rms or time_average is true.
pure logical function is_time_sum_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_sum.
pure logical function is_time_diurnal_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_diurnal.
pure logical function is_time_power_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_power.
pure logical function is_time_max_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_max.
pure logical function is_time_min_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_min.
pure logical function is_time_rms_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_rms.
pure logical function is_time_none_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_none.
subroutine initialize(this, dt, out_frequency)
Initialize the object. As an alternative to the constructor, one can allocate an fmsDiagTimeReduction...
pure logical function do_time_averaging_imp(this)
Returns true iff time_averaging is true.
pure logical function is_time_average_imp(this)
Returns true iff the_time_reduction is time_average.