FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @defgroup fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
20!> @ingroup fms2_io
21!> @brief Domain-specific I/O wrappers.
23!> @addtogroup fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
24!> @{
25module fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
26use netcdf
27use mpp_mod
28use mpp_domains_mod
29use fms_io_utils_mod
30use netcdf_io_mod
31use platform_mod
32implicit none
36!Module constants.
37integer, parameter :: no_domain_decomposed_dimension = 0
38integer, parameter, public :: max_num_domain_decomposed_dims = 10
39integer, parameter :: variable_not_found = 0
40integer, parameter :: default_domain_position = center
41character(len=16), parameter :: domain_pos_att = "domain_position"
42character(len=16), parameter :: domain_axis_att_name = "domain_axis"
43character(len=16), parameter :: x = "x"
44character(len=16), parameter :: y = "y"
46!> @}
48!> @brief Domain variable.
49!> @ingroup fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
50type, private :: domaindimension_t
51 character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname !< Variable name.
52 integer :: pos !< Domain position.
56!> @brief netcdf domain file type.
57!> @ingroup fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
58type, extends(fmsnetcdffile_t), public :: fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t
59 type(domain2d) :: domain !< Two-dimensional domain.
60 type(domaindimension_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: xdims !< Dimensions associated
61 !! with the "x" axis
62 !! of a 2d domain.
63 integer :: nx !< Number of "x" dimensions.
64 type(domaindimension_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: ydims !< Dimensions associated
65 !! with the "y" axis
66 !! of a 2d domain.
67 integer :: ny !< Number of "y" dimensions.
68 character(len=FMS_PATH_LEN) :: non_mangled_path !< Non-domain-mangled file path.
69 logical :: adjust_indices !< Flag telling if indices need to be adjusted
70 !! for domain-decomposed read.
74public :: open_domain_file
75public :: close_domain_file
84public :: domain_read_0d
85public :: domain_read_1d
86public :: domain_read_2d
87public :: domain_read_3d
88public :: domain_read_4d
89public :: domain_read_5d
90public :: domain_write_0d
91public :: domain_write_1d
92public :: domain_write_2d
93public :: domain_write_3d
94public :: domain_write_4d
95public :: domain_write_5d
96public :: save_domain_restart
101public :: get_mosaic_tile_grid
103!> @ingroup fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
105 module procedure compute_global_checksum_2d
106 module procedure compute_global_checksum_3d
107 module procedure compute_global_checksum_4d
108end interface compute_global_checksum
110!> @addtogroup fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
111!> @{
116!> @brief Get the index of a domain decomposed dimension.
117!! @return Index of domain decomposed dimension.
118function get_domain_decomposed_index(name_, array, size_) &
119 result(index_)
121 character(len=*), intent(in) :: name_ !< Name.
122 type(domaindimension_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array !< Array to search through.
123 integer, intent(in) :: size_ !< Number of spots to look in.
124 integer :: index_
126 integer :: i
128 index_ = variable_not_found
129 do i = 1, size_
130 if (string_compare(array(i)%varname, name_)) then
131 index_ = i
132 return
133 endif
134 enddo
138!> @brief Add a domain decomposed dimension to an array.
139subroutine append_domain_decomposed_dimension(name_, position_, array, size_)
141 character(len=*), intent(in) :: name_ !< Variable name.
142 integer, intent(in) :: position_ !< Domain position.
143 type(domaindimension_t), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: array !< Array to search through.
144 integer, intent(inout) :: size_ !< Number of spots to look in.
146 integer :: i
148 do i = 1, size_
149 if (string_compare(array(i)%varname, name_)) then
150 call error("variable "//trim(name_)//" already registered.")
151 endif
152 enddo
153 size_ = size_ + 1
154 if (size_ .gt. size(array)) then
155 call error("number of domain decomposed variables exceeds limit.")
156 endif
157 call string_copy(array(size_)%varname, name_)
158 array(size_)%pos = position_
162!> @brief Given a domain decomposed dimension, get its domain position.
163!! @return Position of the domain decomposed variable.
164function get_domain_position(name_, array, size_) &
165 result(dpos)
167 character(len=*), intent(in) :: name_ !< Variable name.
168 type(domaindimension_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array !< Array to search through.
169 integer, intent(in) :: size_
170 integer :: dpos
172 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(name_, array, size_)
173 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
174 dpos = array(dpos)%pos
175 endif
176end function get_domain_position
179!> @brief Given a variable, get the index of the "x" or "y" domain decomposed
180!! dimension.
181!! @return Index of the domain decomposed dimension or else
182!! no_domain_decomposed_dimension.
183function get_domain_decomposed_dimension_index(fileobj, variable_name, &
184 xory, broadcast) &
185 result(index_)
187 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(in), target :: fileobj !< File object.
188 character(len=*), intent(in) :: variable_name !< Variable name.
189 character(len=*), intent(in) :: xory !< String telling which dimension to
190 !! look for. Valid values are "x"
191 !! or "y".
192 logical, intent(in), optional :: broadcast !< Flag controlling whether or
193 !! not the index will be
194 !! broadcast to non "I/O root"
195 !! ranks. The broadcast will
196 !! be done by default.
197 integer :: index_
199 integer :: ndims
200 character(len=nf90_max_name), dimension(:), allocatable :: dim_names
201 type(domaindimension_t), dimension(:), pointer :: p
202 integer :: n
203 integer :: i
205 index_ = no_domain_decomposed_dimension
206 if (fileobj%is_root) then
207 ndims = get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, variable_name, broadcast=.false.)
208 allocate(dim_names(ndims))
209 dim_names(:) = ""
210 call get_variable_dimension_names(fileobj, variable_name, dim_names, broadcast=.false.)
211 if (string_compare(xory, x, .true.)) then
212 p => fileobj%xdims
213 n = fileobj%nx
214 elseif (string_compare(xory, y, .true.)) then
215 p => fileobj%ydims
216 n = fileobj%ny
217 else
218 call error("unrecognized xory flag value.")
219 endif
220 do i = 1, size(dim_names)
221 if (get_domain_decomposed_index(dim_names(i), p, n) .ne. variable_not_found) then
222 index_ = i
223 exit
224 endif
225 enddo
226 deallocate(dim_names)
227 endif
228 if (present(broadcast)) then
229 if (.not. broadcast) then
230 return
231 endif
232 endif
233 call mpp_broadcast(index_, fileobj%io_root, pelist=fileobj%pelist)
237!> @brief Determine if a variable is "domain decomposed."
238!! @return Flag telling if the variable is "domain decomposed."
239function is_variable_domain_decomposed(fileobj, variable_name, broadcast, &
240 xindex, yindex, xpos, ypos) &
241 result(is_decomposed)
243 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object.
244 character(len=*), intent(in) :: variable_name !< Variable name.
245 logical, intent(in), optional :: broadcast !< Flag controlling whether or
246 !! not the index will be
247 !! broadcast to non "I/O root"
248 !! ranks. The broadcast will
249 !! be done by default.
250 integer, intent(out), optional :: xindex !< The index of the domain
251 !! x dimension.
252 integer, intent(out), optional :: yindex !< The index of the domain
253 !! y dimension.
254 integer, intent(out), optional :: xpos !< Domain position of the x dimension.
255 integer, intent(out), optional :: ypos !< Domain position of the y dimension.
256 logical :: is_decomposed
258 integer, dimension(2) :: indices
259 integer :: ndims
260 character(len=nf90_max_name), dimension(:), allocatable :: dim_names
262 indices(1) = get_domain_decomposed_dimension_index(fileobj, variable_name, x, broadcast)
263 if (present(xindex)) then
264 xindex = indices(1)
265 endif
266 indices(2) = get_domain_decomposed_dimension_index(fileobj, variable_name, y, broadcast)
267 if (present(yindex)) then
268 yindex = indices(2)
269 endif
270 is_decomposed = (indices(1) .ne. no_domain_decomposed_dimension) .and. &
271 (indices(2) .ne. no_domain_decomposed_dimension)
272 if (is_decomposed) then
273 if (.not. present(xpos) .and. .not. present(ypos)) then
274 return
275 endif
276 ndims = get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, variable_name, broadcast)
277 allocate(dim_names(ndims))
278 dim_names(:) = ""
279 call get_variable_dimension_names(fileobj, variable_name, dim_names, broadcast)
280 if (present(xpos)) then
281 xpos = get_domain_position(dim_names(indices(1)), fileobj%xdims, fileobj%nx)
282 endif
283 if (present(ypos)) then
284 ypos = get_domain_position(dim_names(indices(2)), fileobj%ydims, fileobj%ny)
285 endif
286 deallocate(dim_names)
287 else
288 if (present(xpos)) then
289 xpos = -1
290 endif
291 if (present(ypos)) then
292 ypos = -1
293 endif
294 endif
298!> @brief Determine whether a domain-decomposed dimension has been registered to the file object
299!! @return Flag telling if the dimension is registered to the file object
300function is_dimension_registered(fileobj, dimension_name) &
301 result(is_registered)
303 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object.
304 character(len=*), intent(in) :: dimension_name !< Dimension name.
306 ! local
307 logical :: is_registered
308 integer :: dpos
310 dpos = 0
311 is_registered = .false.
312 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(dimension_name, fileobj%xdims, fileobj%nx)
313 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
314 is_registered = .true.
315 else
316 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(dimension_name, fileobj%ydims, fileobj%ny)
317 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) is_registered = .true.
318 endif
320end function is_dimension_registered
323!> @brief Open a domain netcdf file.
324!! @return Flag telling if the open completed successfully.
325function open_domain_file(fileobj, path, mode, domain, nc_format, is_restart, dont_add_res_to_filename) &
326 result(success)
328 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t),intent(inout) :: fileobj !< File object.
329 character(len=*), intent(in) :: path !< File path.
330 character(len=*), intent(in) :: mode !< File mode. Allowed values
331 !! are "read", "append", "write", or
332 !! "overwrite".
333 type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain !< Two-dimensional domain.
334 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: nc_format !< Netcdf format that
335 !! new files are written
336 !! as. Allowed values
337 !! are: "64bit", "classic",
338 !! or "netcdf4". Defaults to
339 !! "64bit".
340 logical, intent(in), optional :: is_restart !< Flag telling if this file
341 !! is a restart file. Defaults
342 !! to false.
343 logical, intent(in), optional :: dont_add_res_to_filename !< Flag indicating not to add
344 !! ".res" to the filename
345 logical :: success
347 integer, dimension(2) :: io_layout
348 integer, dimension(1) :: tile_id
349 character(len=FMS_PATH_LEN) :: combined_filepath
350 type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain
351 character(len=FMS_PATH_LEN) :: distributed_filepath
352 integer :: pelist_size
353 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pelist
354 logical :: success2
355 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t) :: fileobj2
357 !Get the path of a "combined" file.
358 io_layout = mpp_get_io_domain_layout(domain)
359 tile_id = mpp_get_tile_id(domain)
361 !< If the number of tiles is greater than 1 or if the current tile is greater
362 !than 1 add .tileX. to the filename
363 if (mpp_get_ntile_count(domain) .gt. 1 .or. tile_id(1) > 1) then
364 call domain_tile_filepath_mangle(combined_filepath, path, tile_id(1))
365 else
366 call string_copy(combined_filepath, path)
367 endif
369 !Get the path of a "distributed" file.
370 io_domain => mpp_get_io_domain(domain)
371 if (.not. associated(io_domain)) then
372 call error("The domain associated with the file:"//trim(path)//" does not have an io_domain.")
373 endif
374 if (io_layout(1)*io_layout(2) .gt. 1) then
375 tile_id = mpp_get_tile_id(io_domain)
376 call io_domain_tile_filepath_mangle(distributed_filepath, combined_filepath, tile_id(1))
377 else
378 call string_copy(distributed_filepath, combined_filepath)
379 endif
381 !Make sure the input domain has an I/O domain and get its pelist.
382 pelist_size = mpp_get_domain_npes(io_domain)
383 allocate(pelist(pelist_size))
384 call mpp_get_pelist(io_domain, pelist)
385 fileobj%adjust_indices = .true. !Set the default to true
387 !Open the distibuted files.
388 success = netcdf_file_open(fileobj, distributed_filepath, mode, nc_format, pelist, &
389 is_restart, dont_add_res_to_filename)
390 if (string_compare(mode, "read", .true.) .or. string_compare(mode, "append", .true.)) then
391 if (success) then
392 if (.not. string_compare(distributed_filepath, combined_filepath)) then
393 success2 = netcdf_file_open(fileobj2, combined_filepath, mode, nc_format, pelist, &
394 is_restart, dont_add_res_to_filename)
395 if (success2) then
396 call error("The domain decomposed file:"//trim(path)// &
397 & " contains both combined (*.nc) and distributed files (*.nc.XXXX).")
398 endif
399 endif
400 else
401 success = netcdf_file_open(fileobj, combined_filepath, mode, nc_format, pelist, &
402 is_restart, dont_add_res_to_filename)
403 !If the file is combined and the layout is not (1,1) set the adjust_indices flag to false
404 if (success .and. (io_layout(1)*io_layout(2) .gt. 1)) fileobj%adjust_indices = .false.
405 endif
406 endif
407 if (.not. success) then
408 deallocate(pelist)
409 return
410 endif
412 !Store/initialize necessary properties.
413 call string_copy(fileobj%non_mangled_path, path)
414 fileobj%domain = domain
415 allocate(fileobj%xdims(max_num_domain_decomposed_dims))
416 fileobj%nx = 0
417 allocate(fileobj%ydims(max_num_domain_decomposed_dims))
418 fileobj%ny = 0
419 call string_copy(fileobj%non_mangled_path, path)
421 if (string_compare(mode, "write", .true.) .or. string_compare(mode, "overwrite", .true.)) then
422 !Add global attribute needed by mppnccombine.
423 call register_global_attribute(fileobj, "NumFilesInSet", io_layout(1)*io_layout(2))
424 endif
425end function open_domain_file
428!> @brief Close a domain netcdf file.
429subroutine close_domain_file(fileobj)
431 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< File object.
433 call netcdf_file_close(fileobj)
434 deallocate(fileobj%xdims)
435 fileobj%nx = 0
436 deallocate(fileobj%ydims)
437 fileobj%ny = 0
438end subroutine close_domain_file
441!> @brief Add a dimension to a file associated with a two-dimensional domain.
442subroutine register_domain_decomposed_dimension(fileobj, dim_name, xory, domain_position)
444 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< File object.
445 character(len=*), intent(in) :: dim_name !< Dimension name.
446 character(len=*), intent(in) :: xory !< Flag telling if the dimension
447 !! is associated with the "x" or "y"
448 !! axis of the 2d domain. Allowed
449 !! values are "x" or "y".
450 integer, intent(in), optional :: domain_position !< Domain position.
452 integer :: dpos
453 type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain
454 integer :: domain_size
455 integer :: dim_size
457 dpos = default_domain_position
458 if (mpp_domain_is_symmetry(fileobj%domain) .and. present(domain_position)) then
459 dpos = domain_position
460 endif
461 io_domain => mpp_get_io_domain(fileobj%domain)
462 if (string_compare(xory, x, .true.)) then
463 if (dpos .ne. center .and. dpos .ne. east) then
464 call error("Only domain_position=center or domain_position=EAST is supported for x dimensions."// &
465 & " Fix your register_axis call for file:"&
466 &//trim(fileobj%path)//" and dimension:"//trim(dim_name))
467 endif
468 call mpp_get_global_domain(io_domain, xsize=domain_size, position=dpos)
469 call append_domain_decomposed_dimension(dim_name, dpos, fileobj%xdims, fileobj%nx)
470 elseif (string_compare(xory, y, .true.)) then
471 if (dpos .ne. center .and. dpos .ne. north) then
472 call error("Only domain_position=center or domain_position=NORTH is supported for y dimensions."// &
473 & " Fix your register_axis call for file:"&
474 &//trim(fileobj%path)//" and dimension:"//trim(dim_name))
475 endif
476 call mpp_get_global_domain(io_domain, ysize=domain_size, position=dpos)
477 call append_domain_decomposed_dimension(dim_name, dpos, fileobj%ydims, fileobj%ny)
478 else
479 call error("The register_axis call for file:"//trim(fileobj%path)//" and dimension:"//trim(dim_name)// &
480 & " has an unrecognized xory flag value:"&
481 &//trim(xory)//" only 'x' and 'y' are allowed.")
482 endif
483 if (fileobj%is_readonly .or. (fileobj%mode_is_append .and. dimension_exists(fileobj, dim_name))) then
484 call get_dimension_size(fileobj, dim_name, dim_size, broadcast=.true.)
485 if (dim_size .lt. domain_size) then
486 call error("dimension "//trim(dim_name)//" in the file "//trim(fileobj%path)//" is smaller than the size of" &
487 //" the associated domain "//trim(xory)//" axis.")
488 endif
489 else
490 call netcdf_add_dimension(fileobj, dim_name, domain_size, is_compressed=.false.)
491 endif
495!> @brief Add a "domain_decomposed" attribute to the axis variables because it is
496!! required by mppnccombine.
497!! @internal
498subroutine add_domain_attribute(fileobj, variable_name)
500 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< File object.
501 character(len=*), intent(in) :: variable_name !< Variable name.
503 type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain
504 integer :: dpos
505 integer :: sg
506 integer :: eg
507 integer :: s
508 integer :: e
509 integer, dimension(2) :: io_layout !< Io_layout in the fileobj's domain
511 !< Don't add the "domain_decomposition" variable attribute if the io_layout is
512 !! 1,1, to avoid frecheck "failures"
513 io_layout = mpp_get_io_domain_layout(fileobj%domain)
514 if (io_layout(1) .eq. 1 .and. io_layout(2) .eq. 1) return
516 io_domain => mpp_get_io_domain(fileobj%domain)
517 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(variable_name, fileobj%xdims, fileobj%nx)
518 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
519 dpos = fileobj%xdims(dpos)%pos
520 call mpp_get_global_domain(fileobj%domain, xbegin=sg, xend=eg, position=dpos)
521 call mpp_get_global_domain(io_domain, xbegin=s, xend=e, position=dpos)
522 call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, variable_name, "domain_decomposition", &
523 (/sg, eg, s, e/))
524 else
525 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(variable_name, fileobj%ydims, fileobj%ny)
526 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
527 dpos = fileobj%ydims(dpos)%pos
528 call mpp_get_global_domain(fileobj%domain, ybegin=sg, yend=eg, position=dpos)
529 call mpp_get_global_domain(io_domain, ybegin=s, yend=e, position=dpos)
530 call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, variable_name, "domain_decomposition", &
531 (/sg, eg, s, e/))
532 endif
533 endif
534end subroutine add_domain_attribute
537!> @brief Add a domain decomposed variable.
538subroutine register_domain_variable(fileobj, variable_name, variable_type, dimensions)
540 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< File object.
541 character(len=*), intent(in) :: variable_name !< Variable name.
542 character(len=*), intent(in) :: variable_type !< Variable type. Allowed
543 !! values are: "int", "int64",
544 !! "float", or "double".
545 character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: dimensions !< Dimension names.
547 if (.not. fileobj%is_readonly) then
548 call netcdf_add_variable(fileobj, variable_name, variable_type, dimensions)
549 if (present(dimensions)) then
550 if (size(dimensions) .eq. 1) then
551 call add_domain_attribute(fileobj, variable_name)
552 endif
553 endif
554 endif
555end subroutine register_domain_variable
558!> @brief Loop through registered restart variables and write them to
559!! a netcdf file.
560subroutine save_domain_restart(fileobj, unlim_dim_level)
562 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object.
563 integer, intent(in), optional :: unlim_dim_level !< Unlimited dimension level.
565 integer :: i
566 character(len=32) :: chksum
567 logical :: is_decomposed
569 if (.not. fileobj%is_restart) then
570 call error("file "//trim(fileobj%path)// &
571 & " is not a restart file. You must set is_restart=.true. in your open_file call.")
572 endif
574! Calculate the variable's checksum and write it to the netcdf file
575 do i = 1, fileobj%num_restart_vars
576 if (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d)) then
577 chksum = compute_global_checksum(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
578 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d, is_decomposed)
579 if (is_decomposed) then
580 call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
581 "checksum", chksum(1:len(chksum)), str_len=len(chksum))
582 endif
583 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d)) then
584 chksum = compute_global_checksum(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
585 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d, is_decomposed)
586 if (is_decomposed) then
587 call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
588 "checksum", chksum(1:len(chksum)), str_len=len(chksum))
589 endif
590 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d)) then
591 chksum = compute_global_checksum(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
592 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d, is_decomposed)
593 if (is_decomposed) then
594 call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
595 "checksum", chksum(1:len(chksum)), str_len=len(chksum))
596 endif
597 endif
598 enddo
600! Write the variable's data to the netcdf file
601 do i = 1, fileobj%num_restart_vars
602 if (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data0d)) then
603 call domain_write_0d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
604 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data0d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
605 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data1d)) then
606 call domain_write_1d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
607 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data1d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
608 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d)) then
609 call domain_write_2d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
610 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
611 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d)) then
612 call domain_write_3d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
613 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
614 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d)) then
615 call domain_write_4d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
616 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
617 else
618 call error("This routine only accepts data that is scalar, 1d 2d 3d or 4d."//&
619 " The data sent in has an unsupported dimensionality")
620 endif
621 enddo
623end subroutine save_domain_restart
626!> @brief Loop through registered restart variables and read them from
627!! a netcdf file.
628subroutine restore_domain_state(fileobj, unlim_dim_level, ignore_checksum)
630 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< File object.
631 integer, intent(in), optional :: unlim_dim_level !< Unlimited dimension level.
632 logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_checksum !< Checksum data integrity flag.
634 integer :: i
635 character(len=32) :: chksum_in_file
636 character(len=32) :: chksum
637 logical :: chksum_ignore = .false. !< local variable for data integrity checks
638 !! default: .FALSE. - checks enabled
639 logical :: is_decomposed
641 if (PRESENT(ignore_checksum)) chksum_ignore = ignore_checksum
643 if (.not. fileobj%is_restart) then
644 call error("file "//trim(fileobj%path)// &
645 & " is not a restart file. You must set is_restart=.true. in your open_file call.")
646 endif
647 do i = 1, fileobj%num_restart_vars
648 if (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data0d)) then
649 call domain_read_0d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
650 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data0d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
651 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data1d)) then
652 call domain_read_1d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
653 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data1d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
654 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d)) then
655 call domain_read_2d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
656 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
657 if (.not.chksum_ignore) then
658 chksum = compute_global_checksum(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
659 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data2d, is_decomposed)
660 if (variable_att_exists(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, "checksum") .and. &
661 is_decomposed) then
662 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
663 "checksum", chksum_in_file)
664 if (.not. string_compare(trim(adjustl(chksum_in_file)), trim(adjustl(chksum)))) then
665 call error("The checksum in the file:"//trim(fileobj%path)//" and variable:"// &
666 & trim(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname)// &
667 &" does not match the checksum calculated from the data. file:"//trim(adjustl(chksum_in_file))//&
668 &" from data:"//trim(adjustl(chksum)))
669 endif
670 endif
671 endif
672 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d)) then
673 call domain_read_3d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
674 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
675 if (.not.chksum_ignore) then
676 chksum = compute_global_checksum(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
677 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data3d, is_decomposed)
678 if (variable_att_exists(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, "checksum") .and. &
679 is_decomposed) then
680 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
681 "checksum", chksum_in_file(1:len(chksum_in_file)))
682 if (.not. string_compare(trim(adjustl(chksum_in_file)), trim(adjustl(chksum)))) then
683 call error("The checksum in the file:"//trim(fileobj%path)//" and variable:"// &
684 & trim(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname)//&
685 &" does not match the checksum calculated from the data. file:"//trim(adjustl(chksum_in_file))//&
686 &" from data:"//trim(adjustl(chksum)))
687 endif
688 endif
689 endif
690 elseif (associated(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d)) then
691 call domain_read_4d(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
692 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d, unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level)
693 if (.not.chksum_ignore) then
694 chksum = compute_global_checksum(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
695 fileobj%restart_vars(i)%data4d, is_decomposed)
696 if (variable_att_exists(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, "checksum") .and. &
697 is_decomposed) then
698 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, &
699 "checksum", chksum_in_file)
700 if (.not. string_compare(trim(adjustl(chksum_in_file)), trim(adjustl(chksum)))) then
701 call error("The checksum in the file:"//trim(fileobj%path)//" and variable:"// &
702 & trim(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname)//&
703 &" does not match the checksum calculated from the data. file:"//trim(adjustl(chksum_in_file))//&
704 &" from data:"//trim(adjustl(chksum)))
705 endif
706 endif
707 endif
708 else
709 call error("There is no data associated with the variable: "//trim(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname)//&
710 &" and the file: "//trim(fileobj%path)//". Check your register_restart_variable call")
711 endif
712 enddo
713end subroutine restore_domain_state
716!> @brief Return an array of compute domain indices.
717subroutine get_compute_domain_dimension_indices(fileobj, dimname, indices)
719 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object.
720 character(len=*), intent(in) :: dimname !< Name of dimension variable.
721 integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: indices !< Compute domain indices.
723 type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain
724 integer :: dpos
725 integer :: s
726 integer :: e
727 integer :: i
729 io_domain => mpp_get_io_domain(fileobj%domain)
730 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(dimname, fileobj%xdims, fileobj%nx)
731 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
732 dpos = fileobj%xdims(dpos)%pos
733 call mpp_get_compute_domain(io_domain, xbegin=s, xend=e, position=dpos)
734 else
735 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(dimname, fileobj%ydims, fileobj%ny)
736 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
737 dpos = fileobj%ydims(dpos)%pos
738 call mpp_get_compute_domain(io_domain, ybegin=s, yend=e, position=dpos)
739 else
740 call error("get_compute_domain_dimension_indices: the input dimension:"//trim(dimname)// &
741 & " is not domain decomposed.")
742 endif
743 endif
744 if (allocated(indices)) then
745 deallocate(indices)
746 endif
747 allocate(indices(e-s+1))
748 do i = s, e
749 indices(i-s+1) = i
750 enddo
754!> @brief Utility routine that retrieves domain indices.
755!! @internal
756subroutine domain_offsets(data_xsize, data_ysize, domain, xpos, ypos, &
757 isd, isc, xc_size, jsd, jsc, yc_size, &
758 buffer_includes_halos, extra_x_point, &
759 extra_y_point, msg)
761 integer, intent(in) :: data_xsize !< Size of buffer's domain "x" dimension.
762 integer, intent(in) :: data_ysize !< Size of buffer's domain "y" dimension.
763 type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain !< Parent domain.
764 integer, intent(in) :: xpos !< Variable's domain x dimension position.
765 integer, intent(in) :: ypos !< Variable's domain y dimension position.
766 integer, intent(out) :: isd !< Starting index for x dimension of data domain.
767 integer, intent(out) :: isc !< Starting index for x dimension of compute domain.
768 integer, intent(out) :: xc_size !< Size of x dimension of compute domain.
769 integer, intent(out) :: jsd !< Starting index for y dimension of data domain.
770 integer, intent(out) :: jsc !< Starting index for y dimension of compute domain.
771 integer, intent(out) :: yc_size !< Size of y dimension of compute domain.
772 logical, intent(out) :: buffer_includes_halos !< Flag telling if input buffer includes space for halos.
773 logical, intent(out), optional :: extra_x_point !< Flag indicating if data_array has an extra point in x
774 logical, intent(out), optional :: extra_y_point !< Flag indicating if data_array has an extra point in y
775 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: msg !< Message appended to fatal error
777 integer :: xd_size
778 integer :: yd_size
779 integer :: iec
780 integer :: xmax
781 integer :: jec
782 integer :: ymax
783 type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain !< I/O domain variable is decomposed over.
785 io_domain => mpp_get_io_domain(domain)
787 call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, xend=xmax, position=xpos)
788 call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, yend=ymax, position=ypos)
789 call mpp_get_data_domain(io_domain, xbegin=isd, xsize=xd_size, position=xpos)
790 call mpp_get_data_domain(io_domain, ybegin=jsd, ysize=yd_size, position=ypos)
792 call mpp_get_compute_domain(io_domain, xbegin=isc, xend=iec, xsize=xc_size, &
793 position=xpos)
794 ! If the xpos is east and the ending x index is NOT equal to max allowed, set extra_x_point to true
795 if (present(extra_x_point)) then
796 if ((xpos .eq. east) .and. (iec .ne. xmax)) then
797 extra_x_point = .true.
798 else
799 extra_x_point = .false.
800 endif
801 endif
803 call mpp_get_compute_domain(io_domain, ybegin=jsc, yend=jec, ysize=yc_size, &
804 position=ypos)
805 ! If the ypost is north and the ending y index is NOT equal to max allowed, set extra_y_point to true
806 if (present(extra_y_point)) then
807 if ((ypos .eq. north) .and. (jec .ne. ymax)) then
808 extra_y_point = .true.
809 else
810 extra_y_point = .false.
811 endif
812 endif
814 buffer_includes_halos = (data_xsize .eq. xd_size) .and. (data_ysize .eq. yd_size)
815 if (.not. buffer_includes_halos .and. data_xsize .ne. xc_size .and. data_ysize &
816 .ne. yc_size) then
817 print *, "buffer_includes_halos:", buffer_includes_halos, " data_xsize:", &
818 data_xsize, " xc_size:", xc_size, " data_ysize:", data_ysize, " yc_size:", &
819 yc_size
820 call error(trim(msg)//" The data is not on the compute domain or the data domain")
821 endif
822end subroutine domain_offsets
825!> @brief Get starting/ending global indices of the I/O domain for a domain decomposed
826!! file.
827subroutine get_global_io_domain_indices(fileobj, dimname, is, ie, indices)
829 type(fmsnetcdfdomainfile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object.
830 character(len=*), intent(in) :: dimname !< Name of dimension variable.
831 integer, intent(out) :: is !< Staring index of I/O global domain.
832 integer, intent(out) :: ie !< Ending index of I/O global domain.
833 integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out), optional :: indices !< Global domain indices
835 type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain
836 integer :: dpos
837 integer :: i
839 io_domain => mpp_get_io_domain(fileobj%domain)
840 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(dimname, fileobj%xdims, fileobj%nx)
841 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
842 dpos = fileobj%xdims(dpos)%pos
843 call mpp_get_global_domain(io_domain, xbegin=is, xend=ie, position=dpos)
844 else
845 dpos = get_domain_decomposed_index(dimname, fileobj%ydims, fileobj%ny)
846 if (dpos .ne. variable_not_found) then
847 dpos = fileobj%ydims(dpos)%pos
848 call mpp_get_global_domain(io_domain, ybegin=is, yend=ie, position=dpos)
849 else
850 call error("get_global_io_domain_indices: the dimension "//trim(dimname)//" in the file: "//trim(fileobj%path)//&
851 &" is not domain decomposed. Check your register_axis call")
852 endif
853 endif
855! Allocate indices to the difference between the ending and starting indices and
856! fill indices with the data
857 if (present(indices)) then
858 if(allocated(indices)) then
859 call error("get_global_io_domain_indices: the variable indices should not be allocated.")
860 endif
861 allocate(indices(ie-is+1))
862 do i = is, ie
863 indices(i-is+1) = i
864 enddo
865 endif
868end subroutine get_global_io_domain_indices
870!> @brief Read a mosaic_file and get the grid filename for the current tile or
871!! for the tile specified
872subroutine get_mosaic_tile_grid(grid_file,mosaic_file, domain, tile_count)
873 character(len=*), intent(out) :: grid_file !< Filename of the grid file for the
874 !! current domain tile or for tile
875 !! specified in tile_count
876 character(len=*), intent(in) :: mosaic_file !< Filename that will be read
877 type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain !< Input domain
878 integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count !< Optional argument indicating
879 !! the tile you want grid file name for
880 !! this is for when a pe is in more than
881 !! tile.
882 integer :: tile !< Current domian tile or tile_count
883 integer :: ntileme !< Total number of tiles in the domain
884 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tile_id !< List of tiles in the domain
885 type(fmsnetcdffile_t) :: fileobj !< Fms2io file object
887 tile = 1
888 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count
889 ntileme = mpp_get_current_ntile(domain)
890 allocate(tile_id(ntileme))
891 tile_id = mpp_get_tile_id(domain)
893 if (netcdf_file_open(fileobj, mosaic_file, "read")) then
894 call netcdf_read_data(fileobj, "gridfiles", grid_file, corner=tile_id(tile))
895 grid_file = 'INPUT/'//trim(grid_file)
896 call netcdf_file_close(fileobj)
897 endif
899end subroutine get_mosaic_tile_grid
901include ""
902include ""
903include ""
904#include ""
907end module fms_netcdf_domain_io_mod
908!> @}
909! close documentation grouping
subroutine domain_read_0d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner)
I/O domain root reads in a domain decomposed variable at a specific unlimited dimension level and sca...
subroutine domain_write_3d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
Gather "compute" domain data on the I/O root rank and then have the I/O root write out the data that ...
subroutine register_domain_restart_variable_3d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, dimensions, is_optional, chunksizes)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
subroutine domain_write_4d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
Gather "compute" domain data on the I/O root rank and then have the I/O root write out the data that ...
subroutine register_domain_restart_variable_1d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, dimensions, is_optional, chunksizes)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
subroutine domain_write_1d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
Gather "compute" domain data on the I/O root rank and then have the I/O root write out the data that ...
subroutine domain_write_5d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
Gather "compute" domain data on the I/O root rank and then have the I/O root write out the data that ...
subroutine register_domain_restart_variable_5d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, dimensions, is_optional, chunksizes)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
subroutine domain_write_0d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner)
Gather "compute" domain data on the I/O root rank and then have the I/O root write out the data that ...
subroutine domain_write_2d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
Gather "compute" domain data on the I/O root rank and then have the I/O root write out the data that ...
subroutine domain_read_3d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
I/O domain root reads in a domain decomposed variable at a specific unlimited dimension level and sca...
subroutine register_domain_restart_variable_4d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, dimensions, is_optional, chunksizes)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
subroutine domain_read_1d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
I/O domain root reads in a domain decomposed variable at a specific unlimited dimension level and sca...
subroutine domain_read_2d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
I/O domain root reads in a domain decomposed variable at a specific unlimited dimension level and sca...
subroutine domain_read_4d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
I/O domain root reads in a domain decomposed variable at a specific unlimited dimension level and sca...
subroutine domain_read_5d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, unlim_dim_level, corner, edge_lengths)
I/O domain root reads in a domain decomposed variable at a specific unlimited dimension level and sca...
subroutine register_domain_restart_variable_0d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, dimensions, is_optional, chunksizes)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
subroutine register_domain_restart_variable_2d(fileobj, variable_name, vdata, dimensions, is_optional, chunksizes)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
logical function, public string_compare(string1, string2, ignore_case)
Compare strings.
subroutine, public domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, domain_tile_id)
Add the domain tile id to an input filepath.
subroutine, public io_domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, io_domain_tile_id)
Add the I/O domain tile id to an input filepath.
subroutine, public get_global_io_domain_indices(fileobj, dimname, is, ie, indices)
Get starting/ending global indices of the I/O domain for a domain decomposed file.
subroutine, public get_mosaic_tile_grid(grid_file, mosaic_file, domain, tile_count)
Read a mosaic_file and get the grid filename for the current tile or for the tile specified.
integer function get_domain_decomposed_index(name_, array, size_)
Get the index of a domain decomposed dimension.
logical function, public open_domain_file(fileobj, path, mode, domain, nc_format, is_restart, dont_add_res_to_filename)
Open a domain netcdf file.
subroutine, public get_compute_domain_dimension_indices(fileobj, dimname, indices)
Return an array of compute domain indices.
subroutine, public register_domain_variable(fileobj, variable_name, variable_type, dimensions)
Add a domain decomposed variable.
integer function get_domain_decomposed_dimension_index(fileobj, variable_name, xory, broadcast)
Given a variable, get the index of the "x" or "y" domain decomposed dimension.
subroutine domain_offsets(data_xsize, data_ysize, domain, xpos, ypos, isd, isc, xc_size, jsd, jsc, yc_size, buffer_includes_halos, extra_x_point, extra_y_point, msg)
Utility routine that retrieves domain indices.
subroutine append_domain_decomposed_dimension(name_, position_, array, size_)
Add a domain decomposed dimension to an array.
logical function is_variable_domain_decomposed(fileobj, variable_name, broadcast, xindex, yindex, xpos, ypos)
Determine if a variable is "domain decomposed.".
integer function get_domain_position(name_, array, size_)
Given a domain decomposed dimension, get its domain position.
character(len=32) function compute_global_checksum_3d(fileobj, variable_name, variable_data, is_decomposed)
@briefs Calculates a variable's checksum across all ranks in the current pelist.
logical function, public is_dimension_registered(fileobj, dimension_name)
Determine whether a domain-decomposed dimension has been registered to the file object.
character(len=32) function compute_global_checksum_4d(fileobj, variable_name, variable_data, is_decomposed)
@briefs Calculates a variable's checksum across all ranks in the current pelist.
subroutine, public close_domain_file(fileobj)
Close a domain netcdf file.
character(len=32) function compute_global_checksum_2d(fileobj, variable_name, variable_data, is_decomposed)
@briefs Calculates a variable's checksum across all ranks in the current pelist.
subroutine, public register_domain_decomposed_dimension(fileobj, dim_name, xory, domain_position)
Add a dimension to a file associated with a two-dimensional domain.
subroutine, public save_domain_restart(fileobj, unlim_dim_level)
Loop through registered restart variables and write them to a netcdf file.
subroutine add_domain_attribute(fileobj, variable_name)
Add a "domain_decomposed" attribute to the axis variables because it is required by mppnccombine.
subroutine, public restore_domain_state(fileobj, unlim_dim_level, ignore_checksum)
Loop through registered restart variables and read them from a netcdf file.
integer function mpp_get_domain_npes(domain)
Set user stack size.
integer function, dimension(size(domain%tile_id(:))) mpp_get_tile_id(domain)
Returns the tile_id on current pe.
logical function mpp_domain_is_symmetry(domain)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_current_ntile(domain)
Returns number of tile on current pe.
integer function mpp_get_ntile_count(domain)
Returns number of tiles in mosaic.
integer function, dimension(2) mpp_get_io_domain_layout(domain)
Set user stack size.
type(domain2d) function, pointer mpp_get_io_domain(domain)
Set user stack size.
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the compute domains....
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the data domains. The domain is a der...
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the global domains....
Retrieve list of PEs associated with a domain decomposition. The 1D version of this call returns an a...
The domain2D type contains all the necessary information to define the global, compute and data domai...
Perform parallel broadcasts.
Definition mpp.F90:1091
logical function, public dimension_exists(fileobj, dimension_name, broadcast)
Determine if a dimension exists.
subroutine, public netcdf_add_variable(fileobj, variable_name, variable_type, dimensions, chunksizes)
Add a variable to a file.
subroutine, public get_variable_dimension_names(fileobj, variable_name, dim_names, broadcast)
Get the name of a variable's dimensions.
subroutine, public netcdf_add_dimension(fileobj, dimension_name, dimension_length, is_compressed)
Add a dimension to a file.
integer function, public get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, variable_name, broadcast)
Get the number of dimensions a variable depends on.
logical function, public netcdf_file_open(fileobj, path, mode, nc_format, pelist, is_restart, dont_add_res_to_filename)
Open a netcdf file.
logical function, public variable_att_exists(fileobj, variable_name, attribute_name, broadcast)
Determine if a variable's attribute exists.
subroutine, public netcdf_file_close(fileobj)
Close a netcdf file.
subroutine, public get_dimension_size(fileobj, dimension_name, dim_size, broadcast)
Get the length of a dimension.