FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @defgroup fms_yaml_output_mod fms_yaml_output_mod
20!> @ingroup parser
21!> @author Tom Robinson
22!> @description Writes a 3 tiered yaml where the first and second tier can have 1 key that has an
23!! array of values. This is usefule for writing a diag_output.yaml Here is an example:
24!! \verbatim
25!! ---
26!! basedate: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27!! experiment: c192L65_exp
28!! files:
29!! - name: atmos_daily
30!! freq: days
31!! vars:
32!! - name: temp
33!! units: K
34!! - name: P
35!! longname: pressure
36!! - name: wind
37!! units: m/s
38!! longname: wind velocity magnitude
39!! - name: atmos_monthly
40!! freq: months
41!! vars:
42!! - name: temp
43!! units: K
44!! ...
45!! \endverbatim
46!! In this example, basedate, experiment, and files are the level 1 (top level) keys. files is the
47!! level2key in the keys struct. The array of structs for the files with name, freq has a size of 2, and
48!! vars is the level2key. The key3 and var3 arrays should have a size of 4, and a3each=(\3,1\‍)
49!! corresponding to the number of elements in each array within the yaml.
51!> @file
52!> @brief File for @ref fms_yaml_output_mod
54!> @addtogroup fms_yaml_output_mod
55!> @{
56module fms_yaml_output_mod
57#ifdef use_yaml
59use iso_c_binding
60use fms_string_utils_mod, only: fms_f2c_string
61implicit none
68public :: string_len_parameter
71integer, parameter :: string_len_parameter = 255 !< Max number of characters in the key and value strings.
72 !! Must match whats in yaml_output_functions.c
73integer, parameter :: lvl2_key_parameter = 8 !< Max number of strings to be stored in lvl2keys
74 !! Must match whats in yaml_output_functions.c
75!> Keys for the output yaml on a given level corresponding to the struct in yaml_output_functions.c
76!! Should be set using the fms_f2c_string routine to get properly formatted c style strings
77!! level2keys should be set with add_level2key()
78type, bind(c) :: fmsYamlOutKeys_type
79 character (c_char) :: key1 (string_len_parameter)
80 character (c_char) :: key2 (string_len_parameter)
81 character (c_char) :: key3 (string_len_parameter)
82 character (c_char) :: key4 (string_len_parameter)
83 character (c_char) :: key5 (string_len_parameter)
84 character (c_char) :: key6 (string_len_parameter)
85 character (c_char) :: key7 (string_len_parameter)
86 character (c_char) :: key8 (string_len_parameter)
87 character (c_char) :: key9 (string_len_parameter)
88 character (c_char) :: key10 (string_len_parameter)
89 character (c_char) :: key11 (string_len_parameter)
90 character (c_char) :: key12 (string_len_parameter)
91 character (c_char) :: key13 (string_len_parameter)
92 character (c_char) :: key14 (string_len_parameter)
93 character (c_char) :: key15 (string_len_parameter)
94 character (c_char) :: key16 (string_len_parameter)
95 character (c_char) :: level2key (string_len_parameter * lvl2_key_parameter)
96 integer(c_int) :: level2key_offset
98!> Values for the output yaml on a given level corresponding to the struct in yaml_output_functions.c
99type, bind(c) :: fmsYamlOutValues_type
100 character (c_char) :: val1 (string_len_parameter)
101 character (c_char) :: val2 (string_len_parameter)
102 character (c_char) :: val3 (string_len_parameter)
103 character (c_char) :: val4 (string_len_parameter)
104 character (c_char) :: val5 (string_len_parameter)
105 character (c_char) :: val6 (string_len_parameter)
106 character (c_char) :: val7 (string_len_parameter)
107 character (c_char) :: val8 (string_len_parameter)
108 character (c_char) :: val9 (string_len_parameter)
109 character (c_char) :: val10 (string_len_parameter)
110 character (c_char) :: val11 (string_len_parameter)
111 character (c_char) :: val12 (string_len_parameter)
112 character (c_char) :: val13 (string_len_parameter)
113 character (c_char) :: val14 (string_len_parameter)
114 character (c_char) :: val15 (string_len_parameter)
115 character (c_char) :: val16 (string_len_parameter)
120subroutine write_yaml_from_struct_3 (yamlname, a1size, keys, vals, a2size, key2, val2, a3size, a3each,&
121 key3, val3, lvl2keyeach) bind(C, name="write_yaml_from_struct_3")
122use iso_c_binding
124character (c_char) :: yamlname !< The output yaml file name
125integer (c_int), value :: a1size !< The size of the first yaml array
126type (fmsYamlOutKeys_type) :: keys(a1size) !< Top level yaml keys
127type (fmsYamlOutValues_type) :: vals(a1size) !< Values corresponding to keys
128integer (c_int), value :: a2size !< The size of the second yaml array
129type (fmsYamlOutKeys_type) :: key2(a2size) !< Second level keys
130type (fmsYamlOutValues_type) :: val2(a2size) !< Values corresponding to key2
131integer (c_int), value :: a3size !< The size of the third yaml array
132integer (c_int) :: a3each (a2size) !< Array that has the number of elements for each level 2 key's
133 !! third level elements. If using multiple lvl2keys, a value must be
134 !! present for each key.
135type (fmsYamlOutKeys_type) :: key3(a3size) !< Third level keys
136type (fmsYamlOutValues_type) :: val3(a3size) !< Values corresponding to keys2
137integer (c_int) :: lvl2keyeach(lvl2_key_parameter) !< amount of key2 'blocks' to print per level2key in keys
138end subroutine write_yaml_from_struct_3
139!> Adds a level 2 key (key that starts new tabbed section) to the list.
140!! @ref yaml_out_add_level2key (wrapper routine) should be used instead.
141subroutine yaml_out_add_level2key_c(key_length, key_name, keytype) bind(C, name="add_level2key")
142 use iso_c_binding
144 character(c_char), intent(in) :: key_name !< name of level 2 key (starts a new tabbed section) to add to list
145 integer(c_int), value :: key_length !< length of key_name
146 type(fmsyamloutkeys_type), intent(inout) :: keytype !< struct of keys to output
147end subroutine
148end interface
152!> Adds a level 2 key (key that starts new tabbed section) to the list.
153!! Will print level 2 keys in the order added. See write_yaml_from_struct_3 for more details.
154!! This routine is a wrapper for @ref yaml_out_add_level2key_c .
155subroutine yaml_out_add_level2key(key_name, keytype)
156 character(len=*) :: key_name
157 type(fmsyamloutkeys_type), intent(inout) :: keytype
158 call yaml_out_add_level2key_c(len_trim(key_name), key_name, keytype )
159end subroutine
161!! Initialize one instance of the fmsYamlOutKeys_type structure.
162subroutine initialize_key_struct( yk )
163 type (fmsyamloutkeys_type), intent(inout) :: yk !< Instance of the stucture
164 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key1,"")
165 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key2,"")
166 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key3,"")
167 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key4,"")
168 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key5,"")
169 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key6,"")
170 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key7,"")
171 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key8,"")
172 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key9,"")
173 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key10,"")
174 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key11,"")
175 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key12,"")
176 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key13,"")
177 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key14,"")
178 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key15,"")
179 call fms_f2c_string (yk%key16,"")
180 call fms_f2c_string(yk%level2key,"")
181 yk%level2key_offset = -1
182end subroutine initialize_key_struct
184!! Initialize one instance of the fmsYamlOutValues_type structure.
186 type (fmsyamloutvalues_type), intent(inout):: yv !< Instance of the stucture
187 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val1,"")
188 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val2,"")
189 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val3,"")
190 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val4,"")
191 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val5,"")
192 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val6,"")
193 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val7,"")
194 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val8,"")
195 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val9,"")
196 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val10,"")
197 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val11,"")
198 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val12,"")
199 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val13,"")
200 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val14,"")
201 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val15,"")
202 call fms_f2c_string (yv%val16,"")
203end subroutine initialize_val_struct
206end module fms_yaml_output_mod
207!> @}
208! close documentation grouping
subroutine, public fms_f2c_string(dest, str_in)
Copies a Fortran string into a C string and puts c_null_char in any trailing spaces.
subroutine, public initialize_val_struct(yv)
integer, parameter lvl2_key_parameter
Max number of strings to be stored in lvl2keys Must match whats in yaml_output_functions....
subroutine, public yaml_out_add_level2key(key_name, keytype)
Adds a level 2 key (key that starts new tabbed section) to the list. Will print level 2 keys in the o...
subroutine, public initialize_key_struct(yk)
Adds a level 2 key (key that starts new tabbed section) to the list. yaml_out_add_level2key (wrapper ...
Keys for the output yaml on a given level corresponding to the struct in yaml_output_functions....
Values for the output yaml on a given level corresponding to the struct in yaml_output_functions....