FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @file
20!> @brief Routines for the @ref gather_data_bc interface
22!> @addtogroup netcdf_io_mod
23!> @{
25!> @brief gathers the 2d vdata from all of the relevant pes into the root_pe and saves it to a
26!! buffer.
27subroutine gather_data_bc_2d(fileobj, vdata, bc_info)
28 class(fmsnetcdffile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< Fms2io netcdf fileobj
29 class(*), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: vdata !< Data to be gather
30 type(bc_information), intent(inout) :: bc_info !< information about the boundary condition variable
32 integer :: i_glob !< Size of the global domain in x
33 integer :: j_glob !< Size of the global domain in y
35 integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec !< current PE's indices
36 integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2 !< current PE's indices relative to the global domain
37 integer :: i_add, j_add !< current PE's shift
39 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: global_buf_r4_kind !< buffer with a data gathered
40 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: local_buf_r4_kind !< current PEs data
41 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: global_buf_r8_kind !< buffer with a data gathered
42 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target :: local_buf_r8_kind !< current PEs data
44 integer(kind=i8_kind) :: chksum_val !< Checksum value calculated from the gathered data
45 character(len=32) :: chksum !< Cheksum value converted to a string
47 !> Set the indices
48 isc = bc_info%indices(1)
49 iec = bc_info%indices(2)
50 jsc = bc_info%indices(3)
51 jec = bc_info%indices(4)
53 !> This is the section of the PE that will actually be added to the global_buffer
54 i1 = 1 + bc_info%x_halo
55 i2 = i1 + (iec-isc)
56 j1 = 1 + bc_info%y_halo
57 j2 = j1 + (jec-jsc)
59 !> Set up index shifts for global array
60 i_add = bc_info%ishift
61 j_add = bc_info%jshift
63 !> Only root allocates a global_buffer that will be written
64 if (fileobj%is_root) then
65 i_glob = bc_info%global_size(1)
66 j_glob = bc_info%global_size(2)
67 endif
69 !> Gather the data and calculate the checksum for the resulting array.
70 select type(vdata)
71 type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
72 !> If the fileobj's root does not have data for this variable
73 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
74 !> Allocate global_buf_r4_kind to be one size bigger, global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob+1,,:) is just dummy data
75 allocate(global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob+1, j_glob))
76 !> Allocate a temp local buffer to the fileobj's root. This is needed because the data needs to be send
77 !! to the fileobj's root, but because fileobj's root doesn't have any data, we just create dummy data and
78 !! not write it later
79 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(1,1))
80 local_buf_r4_kind = 0.
81 isc = 1+i_glob; i_add=0; iec=1+i_glob; jsc=j_glob; j_add=0; jec=j_glob
82 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
83 else
84 !! In this case there is data in fileobj's root, so there is no need for the dummy data
85 if(fileobj%is_root) allocate(global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob, j_glob))
86 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(size(vdata,1), size(vdata,2)))
87 local_buf_r4_kind = vdata
88 endif
90 call mpp_gather(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, bc_info%pelist, &
91 local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2), &
92 global_buf_r4_kind, fileobj%is_root)
94 deallocate(local_buf_r4_kind)
95 !> If you are on fileobj's root, calculate the checksum and save the gathered data in a buffer
96 if (fileobj%is_root) then
97 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r4_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob), (/mpp_pe()/))
98 allocate(bc_info%globaldata2d_r4(i_glob, j_glob))
99 bc_info%globaldata2d_r4=global_buf_r4_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob)
100 deallocate(global_buf_r4_kind)
101 endif
102 type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
103 !> If the fileobj's root does not have data for this variable
104 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
105 !> Allocate global_buf_r8_kind to be one size bigger, global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob+1,,:) is just dummy data
106 allocate(global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob+1, j_glob))
107 !> Allocate a temp local buffer to the fileobj's root. This is needed because the data needs to be send
108 !! to the fileobj's root, but because fileobj's root doesn't have any data, we just create dummy data and
109 !! not write it later
110 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(1,1))
111 local_buf_r8_kind = 0.
112 isc = 1+i_glob; i_add=0; iec=1+i_glob; jsc=j_glob; j_add=0; jec=j_glob
113 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
114 else
115 !! In this case there is data in fileobj's root, so there is no need for the dummy data
116 if(fileobj%is_root) allocate(global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob, j_glob))
117 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(size(vdata,1), size(vdata,2)))
118 local_buf_r8_kind = vdata
119 endif
121 call mpp_gather(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, bc_info%pelist, &
122 local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2), &
123 global_buf_r8_kind, fileobj%is_root)
124 deallocate(local_buf_r8_kind)
125 !> If you are on fileobj's root, calculate the checksum and save the gathered data in a buffer
126 if (fileobj%is_root) then
127 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r8_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob), (/mpp_pe()/))
128 allocate(bc_info%globaldata2d_r8(i_glob, j_glob))
129 bc_info%globaldata2d_r8=global_buf_r8_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob)
130 deallocate(global_buf_r8_kind)
131 endif
132 class default
133 call error("gather_data_bc_2d: unsupported type. Currently only r8_kind and r4_kinds are supported")
134 end select
136 !> Save the checksum, so you can write it later
137 if (fileobj%is_root) then
138 chksum = ""
139 write(chksum, "(Z16)") chksum_val
140 bc_info%chksum = chksum
141 endif
143end subroutine gather_data_bc_2d
145!> @brief gathers the 2d vdata from all of the relevant pes into the root_pe and saves it to a
146!! buffer.
147subroutine gather_data_bc_3d(fileobj, vdata, bc_info)
148 class(fmsnetcdffile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< Fms2io netcdf fileobj
149 class(*), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: vdata !< Data to be gather
150 type(bc_information), intent(inout) :: bc_info !< information about the boundary condition variable
152 integer :: i_glob !< Size of the global domain in x
153 integer :: j_glob !< Size of the global domain in y
154 integer :: k_glob !< Size of the z axis
156 integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec !< current PE's indices
157 integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2 !< current PE's indices relative to the global domain
158 integer :: i_add, j_add !< current PE's shift
160 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target :: global_buf_r4_kind !< buffer with a data gathered
161 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target :: local_buf_r4_kind !< current PEs data
162 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target :: global_buf_r8_kind !< buffer with a data gathered
163 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, target :: local_buf_r8_kind !< current PEs data
165 integer(kind=i8_kind) :: chksum_val !< Checksum value calculated from the gathered data
166 character(len=32) :: chksum !< Cheksum value converted to a string
168 !> Set the indices
169 isc = bc_info%indices(1)
170 iec = bc_info%indices(2)
171 jsc = bc_info%indices(3)
172 jec = bc_info%indices(4)
174 !> This is the section of the PE that will actually be added to the global_buffer
175 i1 = 1 + bc_info%x_halo
176 i2 = i1 + (iec-isc)
177 j1 = 1 + bc_info%y_halo
178 j2 = j1 + (jec-jsc)
180 !> Set up index shifts for global array
181 i_add = bc_info%ishift
182 j_add = bc_info%jshift
184 !> Allocate a global_buffer that will be written
185 if (fileobj%is_root) then
186 i_glob = bc_info%global_size(1)
187 j_glob = bc_info%global_size(2)
188 endif
190 k_glob=bc_info%global_size(3)
191 !> Gather the data and calculate the checksum for the resulting array.
192 select type(vdata)
193 type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
194 !> If the fileobj's root does not have data for this variable
195 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
196 !> Allocate global_buf_r8_kind to be one size bigger, global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob+1,,:) is just dummy data
197 allocate(global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob+1, j_glob, bc_info%global_size(3)))
198 !> Allocate a temp local buffer to the fileobj's root. This is needed because the data needs to be send
199 !! to the fileobj's root, but because fileobj's root doesn't have any data, we just create dummy data and
200 !! not write it later
201 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(1,1,1))
202 local_buf_r4_kind = 0.
203 isc = 1+i_glob; i_add=0; iec=1+i_glob; jsc=j_glob; j_add=0; jec=j_glob
204 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
205 else
206 !! In this case there is data in fileobj's root, so there is no need for the dummy data
207 if(fileobj%is_root) allocate(global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob, j_glob, k_glob))
208 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(size(vdata,1), size(vdata,2), size(vdata,3)))
209 local_buf_r4_kind = vdata
210 endif
212 call mpp_gather(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, k_glob, bc_info%pelist, &
213 local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), &
214 global_buf_r4_kind, fileobj%is_root)
215 deallocate(local_buf_r4_kind)
216 !> If you are on fileobj's root, calculate the checksum and save the gathered data in a buffer
217 if (fileobj%is_root) then
218 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r4_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob, :), (/mpp_pe()/))
219 allocate(bc_info%globaldata3d_r4(i_glob, j_glob, bc_info%global_size(3)))
220 bc_info%globaldata3d_r4=global_buf_r4_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob,:)
221 deallocate(global_buf_r4_kind)
222 endif
223 type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
224 !> If the fileobj's root does not have data for this variable
225 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
226 !> Allocate global_buf_r8_kind to be one size bigger, global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob+1,,:) is just dummy data
227 allocate(global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob+1, j_glob, bc_info%global_size(3)))
228 !> Allocate a temp local buffer to the fileobj's root. This is needed because the data needs to be send
229 !! to the fileobj's root, but because fileobj's root doesn't have any data, we just create dummy data and
230 !! not write it later
231 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(1,1,1))
232 local_buf_r8_kind = 0.
233 isc = 1+i_glob; i_add=0; iec=1+i_glob; jsc=j_glob; j_add=0; jec=j_glob
234 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
235 else
236 !! In this case there is data in fileobj's root, so there is no need for the dummy data
237 if(fileobj%is_root) allocate(global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob, j_glob, k_glob))
238 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(size(vdata,1), size(vdata,2), size(vdata,3)))
239 local_buf_r8_kind = vdata
240 endif
242 call mpp_gather(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, k_glob, bc_info%pelist, &
243 local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), &
244 global_buf_r8_kind, fileobj%is_root)
245 deallocate(local_buf_r8_kind)
246 !> If you are on fileobj's root, calculate the checksum and save the gathered data in a buffer
247 if (fileobj%is_root) then
248 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r8_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob, :), (/mpp_pe()/))
249 allocate(bc_info%globaldata3d_r8(i_glob, j_glob, bc_info%global_size(3)))
250 bc_info%globaldata3d_r8=global_buf_r8_kind(1:i_glob,1:j_glob,:)
251 deallocate(global_buf_r8_kind)
252 endif
253 class default
254 call error("gather_data_bc_3d: unsupported type. Currently only r8_kind and r4_kinds are supported")
255 end select
257 !> Save the checksum, so you can write it later
258 if (fileobj%is_root) then
259 chksum = ""
260 write(chksum, "(Z16)") chksum_val
261 bc_info%chksum = chksum
262 endif
264end subroutine gather_data_bc_3d
265!> @}
subroutine gather_data_bc_3d(fileobj, vdata, bc_info)
gathers the 2d vdata from all of the relevant pes into the root_pe and saves it to a buffer.
subroutine gather_data_bc_2d(fileobj, vdata, bc_info)
gathers the 2d vdata from all of the relevant pes into the root_pe and saves it to a buffer.