intent(in) :: domain_name
52type (domain2d),
intent(in) :: Domain
intent(in) :: nlon, nlat
55character(len=184) :: error_message
56integer :: xsize, ysize
59if(nlon .NE. xsize .OR. nlat .NE. ysize)
60 error_message =
'Error in data_override_init. Size of grid as specified by '// &
61 ' does not conform to that specified by grid_spec.nc.'// &
62 ' From : by From grid_spec.nc: by '
63 error_message( 59: 70) = domain_name
64 error_message(130:141) = domain_name
65 write(error_message(143:146),
'(i4)') xsize
66 write(error_message(150:153),
'(i4)') ysize
67 write(error_message(174:177),
'(i4)') nlon
68 write(error_message(181:184),
'(i4)') nlat
subroutine, public get_mosaic_tile_grid(grid_file, fileobj, domain, tile_count)
Gets the name of a mosaic tile grid file.
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the data domains. The domain is a der...
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the global domains....
The domain2D type contains all the necessary information to define the global, compute and data domai...