FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
19!> @file
20!> @brief Routines for the @ref gather_data_bc interface
22!> @addtogroup netcdf_io_mod
23!> @{
25!< Root pe reads the data in the netcdf file and scatters it to the other pes
26subroutine scatter_data_bc_2d(fileobj, varname, vdata, bc_info, unlim_dim_level, ignore_checksum)
27 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< Fms2io netcdf fileobj
28 character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< Variable name.
29 class(*), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: vdata !< scattered data
30 type(bc_information), intent(inout) :: bc_info !< information about the boundary condition variable
31 integer, intent(in), optional :: unlim_dim_level !< Unlimited dimension level.
32 logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_checksum !< Checksum data integrity flag.
34 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: global_buf_r8_kind !< buffer with a data read in from file
35 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: local_buf_r8_kind !< current pe's portion of the data
36 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: global_buf_r4_kind !< buffer with a data read in from file
37 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: local_buf_r4_kind !< current pe's portion of the data
39 integer(kind=i8_kind) :: chksum_val !< Checksum value calculated from the read data
40 character(len=32) :: chksum !< Cheksum value converted to a string
41 character(len=32) :: chksum_read !< String checksum read in from file
42 logical :: chksum_ignore = .false. !< local variable for data integrity checks
43 !! default: .FALSE. - checks enabled
45 integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec !< current PE's indices
46 integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2 !< current PE's indices relative to the global domain
47 integer :: i_add, j_add !< current PE's shift
49 integer :: i_glob !< Size of the global domain in x
50 integer :: j_glob !< Size of the global domain in y
52 if (PRESENT(ignore_checksum)) chksum_ignore = ignore_checksum
54 !> Set the indices
55 isc = bc_info%indices(1)
56 iec = bc_info%indices(2)
57 jsc = bc_info%indices(3)
58 jec = bc_info%indices(4)
60 !> This is the section of the PE that will actually be read from the global_buffer
61 i1 = 1 + bc_info%x_halo
62 i2 = i1 + (iec-isc)
63 j1 = 1 + bc_info%y_halo
64 j2 = j1 + (jec-jsc)
66 !> Set up index shifts for global array
67 i_add = bc_info%ishift
68 j_add = bc_info%jshift
70 if (fileobj%is_root) then
71 i_glob = bc_info%global_size(1)
72 j_glob = bc_info%global_size(2)
73 endif
75 select type(vdata)
76 type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
77 if (fileobj%is_root) then
78 !> If you are the file root, read in the data
79 allocate(global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob, j_glob))
81 call netcdf_read_data(fileobj, varname, &
82 global_buf_r4_kind, &
83 unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level, &
84 broadcast=.false.)
85 !> If the checksum exists read it and compare it with the calculated from the data that was read
86 if (.not.chksum_ignore .and. variable_att_exists(fileobj, varname, "checksum", broadcast=.false.)) then
87 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, varname, "checksum", chksum_read, broadcast=.false.)
88 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r4_kind, (/mpp_pe()/))
89 chksum = ""
90 write(chksum, "(Z16)") chksum_val
91 if (.not. string_compare(adjustl(chksum), adjustl(chksum_read))) then
92 call error("scatter_data_bc_2d: "//trim(varname)//" chksum_in:"//(chksum)//" chksum_out:"// &
93 & (chksum_read))
94 endif
95 endif
96 endif
98 !> If the fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root, then no data will be read for the
99 !! file root
100 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
101 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(1,1))
102 local_buf_r4_kind = 0.
103 isc = 1; i_add=0; iec=1; jsc=1; j_add=0; jec=1
104 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
105 else
106 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2))
107 endif
109 !> Scatter the data to the other PE
110 call mpp_scatter(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, bc_info%pelist, &
111 local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2), global_buf_r4_kind, fileobj%is_root)
113 !> Return if fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root
114 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
115 deallocate(local_buf_r4_kind)
116 return
117 endif
119 !> Set vdata to equal the scattered data
120 vdata(i1:i2,j1:j2) = local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2)
122 deallocate(local_buf_r4_kind)
123 if (fileobj%is_root) deallocate(global_buf_r4_kind)
125 type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
126 if (fileobj%is_root) then
127 !> If you are the file root, read in the data
128 allocate(global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob, j_glob))
130 call netcdf_read_data(fileobj, varname, &
131 global_buf_r8_kind, &
132 unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level, &
133 broadcast=.false.)
134 !> If the checksum exists read it and compare it with the calculated from the data that was read
135 if (.not.chksum_ignore .and. variable_att_exists(fileobj, varname, "checksum", broadcast=.false.)) then
136 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, varname, "checksum", chksum_read, broadcast=.false.)
137 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r8_kind, (/mpp_pe()/))
138 chksum = ""
139 write(chksum, "(Z16)") chksum_val
140 if (.not. string_compare(adjustl(chksum), adjustl(chksum_read))) then
141 call error("scatter_data_bc_2d: "//trim(varname)//" chksum_in:"//chksum//" chksum_out:"//chksum_read)
142 endif
143 endif
144 endif
146 !> If the fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root, then no data will be read for the
147 !! file root
148 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
149 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(1,1))
150 local_buf_r8_kind = 0.
151 isc = 1; i_add=0; iec=1; jsc=1; j_add=0; jec=1
152 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
153 else
154 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2))
155 endif
157 !> Scatter the data to the other PE
158 call mpp_scatter(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, bc_info%pelist, &
159 local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2), global_buf_r8_kind, fileobj%is_root)
161 !> Return if fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root
162 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
163 deallocate(local_buf_r8_kind)
164 return
165 endif
167 !> Set vdata to equal the scattered data
168 vdata(i1:i2,j1:j2) = local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2)
170 deallocate(local_buf_r8_kind)
171 if (fileobj%is_root) deallocate(global_buf_r8_kind)
173 class default
174 call error("scatter_data_bc_2d: unsupported type. Currently only r8_kind and r4_kinds are supported")
175 end select
176end subroutine scatter_data_bc_2d
178!< Root pe reads the data in the netcdf file and scatters it to the other pes
179subroutine scatter_data_bc_3d(fileobj, varname, vdata, bc_info, unlim_dim_level, ignore_checksum)
180 class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj !< Fms2io netcdf fileobj
181 character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname !< Variable name.
182 class(*), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: vdata !< scattered data
183 type(bc_information), intent(inout) :: bc_info !< information about the boundary condition variable
184 integer, intent(in), optional :: unlim_dim_level !< Unlimited dimension level.
185 logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_checksum !< Checksum data integrity flag.
187 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: global_buf_r8_kind !< buffer with a data read in from file
188 real(kind=r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: local_buf_r8_kind !< current pe's portion of the data
189 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: global_buf_r4_kind !< buffer with a data read in from file
190 real(kind=r4_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: local_buf_r4_kind !< current pe's portion of the data
192 integer(kind=i8_kind) :: chksum_val !< Checksum value calculated from the read data
193 character(len=32) :: chksum !< Cheksum value converted to a string
194 character(len=32) :: chksum_read !< String checksum read in from file
195 logical :: chksum_ignore = .false. !< local variable for data integrity checks
196 !! default: .FALSE. - checks enabled
198 integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec !< current PE's indices
199 integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2 !< current PE's indices relative to the global domain
200 integer :: i_add, j_add !< current PE's shift
202 integer :: i_glob !< Size of the global domain in x
203 integer :: j_glob !< Size of the global domain in y
204 integer :: k_glob !< Size of the z axis
206 if (PRESENT(ignore_checksum)) chksum_ignore = ignore_checksum
208 !> Set the indices
209 isc = bc_info%indices(1)
210 iec = bc_info%indices(2)
211 jsc = bc_info%indices(3)
212 jec = bc_info%indices(4)
214 !> This is the section of the PE that will actually be read from the global_buffer
215 i1 = 1 + bc_info%x_halo
216 i2 = i1 + (iec-isc)
217 j1 = 1 + bc_info%y_halo
218 j2 = j1 + (jec-jsc)
220 !> Set up index shifts for global array
221 i_add = bc_info%ishift
222 j_add = bc_info%jshift
224 if (fileobj%is_root) then
225 i_glob = bc_info%global_size(1)
226 j_glob = bc_info%global_size(2)
227 endif
229 k_glob = bc_info%global_size(3)
231 select type(vdata)
232 type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
233 if (fileobj%is_root) then
234 !> If you are the file root, read in the data
235 allocate(global_buf_r4_kind(i_glob, j_glob, k_glob))
237 call netcdf_read_data(fileobj, varname, &
238 global_buf_r4_kind, &
239 unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level, &
240 broadcast=.false.)
241 !> If the checksum exists read it and compare it with the calculated from the data that was read
242 if (.not.chksum_ignore .and. variable_att_exists(fileobj, varname, "checksum", broadcast=.false.)) then
243 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, varname, "checksum", chksum_read, broadcast=.false.)
244 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r4_kind, (/mpp_pe()/))
245 chksum = ""
246 write(chksum, "(Z16)") chksum_val
247 if (.not. string_compare(adjustl(chksum), adjustl(chksum_read))) then
248 call error("scatter_data_bc_2d: "//trim(varname)//" chksum_in:"//(chksum)//" chksum_out:"// &
249 & (chksum_read))
250 endif
251 endif
252 endif
254 !> If the fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root, then no data will be read for the
255 !! file root
256 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
257 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(1,1,k_glob))
258 local_buf_r4_kind = 0.
259 isc = 1; i_add=0; iec=1; jsc=1; j_add=0; jec=1
260 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1
261 else
262 allocate(local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,k_glob))
263 endif
265 !> Scatter the data to the other PE
266 call mpp_scatter(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, k_glob, bc_info%pelist, &
267 local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), global_buf_r4_kind, fileobj%is_root)
269 !> Return if fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root
270 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
271 deallocate(local_buf_r4_kind)
272 return
273 endif
275 !> Set vdata to equal the scattered data
276 vdata(i1:i2,j1:j2,:) = local_buf_r4_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,:)
278 deallocate(local_buf_r4_kind)
279 if (fileobj%is_root) deallocate(global_buf_r4_kind)
281 type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
282 if (fileobj%is_root) then
283 !> If you are the file root, read in the data
284 allocate(global_buf_r8_kind(i_glob, j_glob, k_glob))
286 call netcdf_read_data(fileobj, varname, &
287 global_buf_r8_kind, &
288 unlim_dim_level=unlim_dim_level, &
289 broadcast=.false.)
290 !> If the checksum exists read it and compare it with the calculated from the data that was read
291 if (.not.chksum_ignore .and. variable_att_exists(fileobj, varname, "checksum", broadcast=.false.)) then
292 call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, varname, "checksum", chksum_read, broadcast=.false.)
293 chksum_val = mpp_chksum(global_buf_r8_kind, (/mpp_pe()/))
294 chksum = ""
295 write(chksum, "(Z16)") chksum_val
296 if (.not. string_compare(adjustl(chksum), adjustl(chksum_read))) then
297 call error("scatter_data_bc_2d: "//trim(varname)//" chksum_in:"//chksum//" chksum_out:"//chksum_read)
298 endif
299 endif
300 endif
302 !> If the fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root, then no data will be read for the
303 !! file root
304 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
305 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(1,1,k_glob))
306 local_buf_r8_kind = 0.
307 isc = 1; i_add=0; iec=1; jsc=1; j_add=0; jec=1
308 i1=1; i2=1; j1=1; j2=1;
309 else
310 allocate(local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,k_glob))
311 endif
313 !> Scatter the data to the other PE
314 call mpp_scatter(isc+i_add, iec+i_add, jsc+j_add, jec+j_add, k_glob, bc_info%pelist, &
315 local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), global_buf_r8_kind, fileobj%is_root)
317 !> Return if fileobj's root is not the same as the variable's root
318 if (fileobj%is_root .and. .not. bc_info%data_on_file_root) then
319 deallocate(local_buf_r8_kind)
320 return
321 endif
323 !> Set vdata to equal the scattered data
324 vdata(i1:i2,j1:j2,:) = local_buf_r8_kind(i1:i2,j1:j2,:)
326 deallocate(local_buf_r8_kind)
327 if (fileobj%is_root) deallocate(global_buf_r8_kind)
329 class default
330 call error("scatter_data_bc_3d: unsupported type. Currently only r8_kind and r4_kinds are supported")
331 end select
332end subroutine scatter_data_bc_3d