FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
fmsdiagibounds_type Type Reference

Data structure holding a 3D bounding box. It is commonlyused to represent the interval bounds or limits of a 3D sub-array such as the array index bounds of the spatial component a diag_manager field output buffer array. More...

Collaboration diagram for fmsdiagibounds_type:

Public Member Functions

procedure get_imax (this)
 Gets imax of fmsDiagIbounds_type.
procedure get_imin (this)
 Gets imin of fmsDiagIbounds_type.
procedure get_jmax (this)
 Gets jmax of fmsDiagIbounds_type.
procedure get_jmin (this)
 Gets jmin of fmsDiagIbounds_type.
procedure get_kmax (this)
 Gets kmax of fmsDiagIbounds_type.
procedure get_kmin (this)
 Gets kmin of fmsDiagIbounds_type.
procedure rebase_input (bounds_in, bounds, starting, ending, dim)
 Rebase the input bounds for a given dimension based on the starting and ending indices of a subregion. This is for when blocking is used.
procedure rebase_output (bounds_out, starting, ending, dim)
 Rebase the ouput bounds for a given dimension based on the starting and ending indices of a subregion. This is for when blocking is used.
procedure reset (this, lower_val, upper_val)
 Reset the instance bounding lower and upper bounds to lower_val and upper_val, respectively.
procedure reset_bounds_from_array_4d (this, array)
 Reset the instance bounding box with the bounds determined from the first three dimensions of the 5D "array" argument.
procedure reset_bounds_from_array_5d (this, array)
 Reset the instance bounding box with the bounds determined from the first three dimensions of the 5D "array" argument.
procedure set_bounds (this, field_data, lower_i, upper_i, lower_j, upper_j, lower_k, upper_k, has_halos)
 Sets the bounds of a bounding region.
procedure update_bounds (this, lower_i, upper_i, lower_j, upper_j, lower_k, upper_k)
 Update the the first three (normally x, y, and z) min and max boundaries (array indices) of the instance bounding box the six specified bounds values.
procedure update_index (this, starting_index, ending_index, dim, ignore_halos)
 Updates the starting and ending index of a given dimension.

Public Attributes

logical has_halos
 .True. if the buffer has halos
integer imax
 Upper i bound.
integer imin
 Lower i bound.
integer jmax
 Upper j bound.
integer jmin
 Lower j bound.
integer kmax
 Upper k bound.
integer kmin
 Lower k bound.
integer nhalo_i
 Number of halos in i.
integer nhalo_j
 Number of halos in j.

Detailed Description

Data structure holding a 3D bounding box. It is commonlyused to represent the interval bounds or limits of a 3D sub-array such as the array index bounds of the spatial component a diag_manager field output buffer array.

Definition at line 41 of file fms_diag_bbox.F90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: