fre.cmor.cmor_yamler module
this module is for ‘fre cmor yaml’ calls, driving and steering the cmor_run_subtool via a model-yaml file holding configuration information on e.g. target experiments
- fre.cmor.cmor_yamler.cmor_yaml_subtool(yamlfile=None, exp_name=None, platform=None, target=None, output=None, run_one_mode=False)
A routine that cmorizes targets based on configuration stored in the model yaml. The model yaml points to various cmor-yaml configurations. The two levels of information are combined, their fields are parsed to de-reference anchors and call fre’s internal yaml constructor functions.
yamlfile (required): string or Path to a model-yaml exp_name (required): string representing an experiment name. it must be present in the list of
experiments within the targeted yamlfile
platform (required): string representing platform target (e.g. target (required): string representing compilation target (e.g. prod-openmp) output (optional): string or Path representing target location for yamlfile output if desired run_one_mode (optional): boolean, when True, will only process one of targeted files, then exit.