fre.pp.configure_script_xml module
Primary Usage: fre-bronx-to-canopy -x XML -e EXP -p PLATFORM -t TARGET
The Bronx-to-Canopy XML converter overwrites 3 files: - rose-suite.conf - app/remap-pp-components/rose-app.conf - app/regrid-xy/rose-app.conf
- fre.pp.configure_script_xml.chunk_from_legacy(legacy_chunk)
Return ISO8601 duration given Bronx-style chunk
- Arguments:
legacy_chunk[str]: The Bronx chunk
- fre.pp.configure_script_xml.duration_to_seconds(duration)
Returns the conversion of a chunk duration to seconds
- Arguments:
duration[str]: The original chunk duration
- fre.pp.configure_script_xml.frelist_xpath(xml, platform, target, experiment, xpath)
- Returns filepaths of FRE XML elements that use X-path notation
using Bronx’s ‘frelist’ command via subprocess module
- Arguments:
args[str]: Argparse user-input arguments
xpath[str]: X-path (XML) notation required by ‘frelist’
- fre.pp.configure_script_xml.freq_from_legacy(legacy_freq)
Return ISO8601 duration given Bronx-style frequencies
- Arguments:
legacy_freq[str]: The Bronx frequency
- fre.pp.configure_script_xml.main(xml, platform, target, experiment, do_analysis, historydir, refinedir, ppdir, do_refinediag, pp_start, pp_stop, validate, verbose, quiet, dual)
The meat of the converter
- Arguments:
args[argparse Namespace]: Arguments given at the command line
- Tasks:
Generate key-value pairs for the rose-suite.conf.
Generate content for the regrid-xy app
Generate content for the remap-pp-components app