fre.yamltools.combine_yamls module

OLDER script that combines the model yaml with the compile, platform, and experiment yamls.

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls.combined_compile_existcheck(combined, yml, platform, target)

Checks for if combined compile yaml exists already. If not, combine model, compile, and platform yamls.

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls.consolidate_yamls(yamlfile, experiment, platform, target, use)

Depending on use argument passed, either create the final combined yaml for compilation or post-processing

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls.experiment_check(mainyaml_dir, comb, experiment)

Check that the experiment given is an experiment listed in the model yaml. Extract experiment specific information and file paths. Arguments: mainyaml_dir : model yaml file comb : combined yaml file name experiment : experiment name


Combine the model, compile, and platform yamls Arguments: comb : combined yaml object


Combine the model, experiment, and analysis yamls Arguments: comb : combined yaml object

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls.get_compile_paths(mainyaml_dir, comb)

Extract compile and platform paths from model yaml

class fre.yamltools.combine_yamls.init_compile_yaml(yamlfile, platform, target)

Bases: object

class holding routines for initalizing compilation yamls


Clean the yaml; remove unnecessary sections in final combined yaml.


Combine compile yaml with the defined combined.yaml


Create the combined.yaml and merge it with the model yaml


Combine platforms yaml with the defined combined.yaml

class fre.yamltools.combine_yamls.init_pp_yaml(yamlfile, experiment, platform, target)

Bases: object

class holding routines for initalizing post-processing yamls


Clean the yaml; remove unnecessary sections in final combined yaml.


Combine analysis yamls with the defined combined.yaml If more than 1 analysis yaml defined, return a list of paths.


Combine experiment yamls with the defined combined.yaml. If more than 1 pp yaml defined, return a list of paths.


Create the combined.yaml and merge it with the model yaml

merge_multiple_yamls(pp_list, analysis_list)

Merge separately combined post-processing and analysis yamls into fully combined yaml (without overwriting).

remove_tmp_yamlfiles(exp_yamls, analysis_yamls)

Clean up separately created model/pp experiment and model/analysis yamls. They are used for final combined yaml but not needed separately.