fre.yamltools.combine_yamls_script module

script that combines the model yaml with the compile, platform, and experiment yamls.

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls_script.consolidate_yamls(yamlfile, experiment, platform, target, use, output)

Depending on use argument passed, either create the final combined yaml for compilation or post-processing

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls_script.get_combined_cmoryaml(CMORYaml, experiment, output=None)

Combine the model, experiment, and cmor yamls Arguments:

CMORYaml (required): combined cmor-yaml object output (optional): string/Path representing target output file to write yamlfile to

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls_script.get_combined_compileyaml(comb, output=None)

Combine the model, compile, and platform yamls Arguments: comb : combined yaml object

fre.yamltools.combine_yamls_script.get_combined_ppyaml(comb, experiment, output=None)

Combine the model, experiment, and analysis yamls Arguments: comb : combined yaml object