fre.yamltools.pp_info_parser module

post-processing yaml class

class fre.yamltools.pp_info_parser.InitPPYaml(yamlfile, experiment, platform, target)

Bases: object

class holding routines for initalizing post-processing yamls


Clean the yaml; remove unnecessary sections in final combined yaml.

combine_analysis(yaml_content, loaded_yaml)

Combine analysis yamls with the defined combined.yaml If more than 1 analysis yaml defined, return a list of paths.

combine_experiment(yaml_content, loaded_yaml)

Combine experiment yamls with the defined combined.yaml. If more than 1 pp yaml defined, return a list of paths.


Create the combined.yaml and merge it with the model yaml

merge_multiple_yamls(pp_list, analysis_list, loaded_yaml)

Merge separately combined post-processing and analysis yamls into fully combined yaml (without overwriting like sections).

fre.yamltools.pp_info_parser.experiment_check(mainyaml_dir, experiment, loaded_yaml)

Check that the experiment given is an experiment listed in the model yaml. Extract experiment specific information and file paths. Arguments: mainyaml_dir : model yaml file comb : combined yaml file name experiment : experiment name