FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
get_topog_stdev Interface Reference

Returns a standard deviation of higher resolution topography with the given model grid boxes. More...

Public Member Functions


Detailed Description

Returns a standard deviation of higher resolution topography with the given model grid boxes.

Returns the standard deviation of the "finer" input topography data set, currently the Navy 1/6 degree mean topography data, within the boundaries of the given input grid.

blonThe longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
blatThe latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
[out]stdevThe standard deviation of surface height (in meters) within given input model grid boxes. The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned if the input topography data set was not readable.

Example usage:

flag = get_topog_stdev( blon, blat, stdev ) @code
@ingroup topography_mod

Definition at line 109 of file topography.F90.

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