FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14 !* for more details.
15 !*
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup topography_mod topography_mod
20 !> @ingroup topography
21 !> @brief Routines for creating land surface topography fields and land-water masks
22 !! for latitude-longitude grids.
23 !> @author Bruce Wyman
24 !!
25 !! This module generates realistic mountains and land-water masks
26 !! on a specified latitude-longitude grid by interpolating from the
27 !! 1/6 degree Navy mean topography and percent water data sets.
28 !! The fields that can be generated are mean and standard deviation
29 !! of topography within the specified grid boxes; and land-ocean (or
30 !! water) mask and land-ocean (or water) fractional area.
31 !!
32 !! The interpolation scheme conserves the area-weighted average
33 !! of the input data by using module horiz_interp.
34 !!
35 !! The interfaces get_gaussian_topog and gaussian_topog_init are documented
36 !! in @ref gaussian_topog_mod
38 module topography_mod
40 use gaussian_topog_mod, only: gaussian_topog_init, get_gaussian_topog
41 use horiz_interp_mod, only: horiz_interp_type, horiz_interp_new, &
44 use fms_mod, only: check_nml_error, stdlog, &
45  mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, write_version_number, &
46  error_mesg, fatal, note, &
47  mpp_error
48 ! required for fms2_io
49 use fms2_io_mod, only: read_data, fmsnetcdffile_t, file_exists, open_file
50 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
52 use constants_mod, only: pi
53 use mpp_mod, only: input_nml_file
54 use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind, fms_path_len
56 implicit none
57 private
59 public :: topography_init, &
65 !> @brief Returns a "realistic" mean surface height field.
66 !!
67 !> Returns realistic mountains on a latitude-longtude grid.
68 !! The returned field is the mean topography for the given grid boxes.
69 !! Computed using a conserving area-weighted interpolation.
70 !! The current input data set is the 1/6 degree Navy mean topography.
71 !!
72 !! @param blon The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
73 !! @param blat The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
74 !! @param zmean The mean surface height (meters). The size of this
75 !! field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
76 !! @return A logical value of TRUE is returned if the surface height field
77 !! was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned if the
78 !! input topography data set was not readable.
79 !!
80 !! <br>Example usage:
81 !! @code{.F90} flag = get_topog_mean ( blon, blat, zmean )@endcode
82 !> @ingroup topography_mod
84 interface get_topog_mean
85  module procedure get_topog_mean_1d_r4, get_topog_mean_1d_r8
86  module procedure get_topog_mean_2d_r4, get_topog_mean_2d_r8
87 end interface get_topog_mean
89 !> Returns a standard deviation of higher resolution topography with
90 !! the given model grid boxes.
91 !!
92 !> Returns the standard deviation of the "finer" input topography data set,
93 !! currently the Navy 1/6 degree mean topography data, within the
94 !! boundaries of the given input grid.
95 !!
96 !! @param blon The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
97 !! @param blat The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
98 !! @param [out] stdev The standard deviation of surface height (in meters) within
99 !! given input model grid boxes.
100 !! The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
101 !!
102 !! @return A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field was
103 !! successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned if the
104 !! input topography data set was not readable.
105 !!
106 !! Example usage:
107 !! @code{.F90} flag = get_topog_stdev( blon, blat, stdev ) @code
108 !> @ingroup topography_mod
110  module procedure get_topog_stdev_1d_r4, get_topog_stdev_1d_r8
111  module procedure get_topog_stdev_2d_r4, get_topog_stdev_2d_r8
112 end interface get_topog_stdev
114 !> @brief Returns fractional area covered by ocean in a grid box.
115 !! Returns fractional area covered by ocean in the given model grid boxes.
116 !!
117 !! @param blon The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
118 !! @param blat The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
119 !! @param ocean_frac The fractional amount (0 to 1) of ocean in a grid box.
120 !! The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
121 !!
122 !! @return A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
123 !! was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
124 !! if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable.
125 !!
126 !! Example usage:
127 !! @code{.F90} flag = get_ocean_frac ( blon, blat, ocean_frac ) @endcode
128 !> @ingroup topography_mod
129 interface get_ocean_frac
130  module procedure get_ocean_frac_1d_r4, get_ocean_frac_1d_r8
131  module procedure get_ocean_frac_2d_r4, get_ocean_frac_2d_r8
132 end interface get_ocean_frac
134 !> @brief Returns a land-ocean mask in a grid box.
135 !!
136 !> Returns a land-ocean mask in the given model grid boxes.
137 !!
138 !! @param blon The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
139 !! @param blat The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
140 !! @param ocean_frac The fractional amount (0 to 1) of ocean in a grid box.
141 !! The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
142 !!
143 !! @return A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
144 !! was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
145 !! if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable.
146 !!
147 !! Example code:
148 !! @code{.F90} flag = get_ocean_mask( blon, blat, ocean_mask ) @endcode
149 !> @ingroup topography_mod
150 interface get_ocean_mask
151  module procedure get_ocean_mask_1d_r4, get_ocean_mask_1d_r8
152  module procedure get_ocean_mask_2d_r4, get_ocean_mask_2d_r8
153 end interface get_ocean_mask
155 !> @brief Returns fractional area covered by water.
156 !!
157 !> Returns the percent of water in a grid box.
158 !!
159 !! @param blon The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
160 !! @param blat The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
161 !! @param [out] water_frac The fractional amount (0 to 1) of water in a grid box.
162 !! The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
163 !!
164 !! @return A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
165 !! was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
166 !! if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable.
167 !!
168 !! <br>Example usage:<br> @code{.F90} flag = get_water_frac ( blon, blat, water_frac ) @endcode
169 !> @ingroup topography_mod
170 interface get_water_frac
171  module procedure get_water_frac_1d_r4, get_water_frac_1d_r8
172  module procedure get_water_frac_2d_r4, get_water_frac_2d_r8
173 end interface get_water_frac
175 !> @brief Returns a land-water mask in a grid box.
176 !!
177 !> Returns a land-water mask in the given model grid boxes.
178 !!
179 !! @param blon The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
180 !! @param blat The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries.
181 !! @param water_mask A binary mask for water (true) or land (false).
182 !! The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1.
183 !!
184 !! @return A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
185 !! was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
186 !! if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable.
187 !!
188 !! Example usage: @code{.F90}flag = get_water_mask( blon, blat, water_mask ) @endcode
189 !> @ingroup topography_mod
190 interface get_water_mask
191  module procedure get_water_mask_1d_r4, get_water_mask_1d_r8
192  module procedure get_water_mask_2d_r4, get_water_mask_2d_r8
193 end interface get_water_mask
195 interface interp_topog
196  module procedure interp_topog_1d_r4, interp_topog_1d_r8
197  module procedure interp_topog_2d_r4, interp_topog_2d_r8
198 end interface interp_topog
200 interface find_indices
201  module procedure find_indices_r4, find_indices_r8
202 end interface find_indices
204 interface input_data
205  module procedure input_data_r4, input_data_r8
206 end interface input_data
208 interface interp_water
209  module procedure interp_water_1d_r4, interp_water_1d_r8
210  module procedure interp_water_2d_r4, interp_water_2d_r8
211 end interface interp_water
214  module procedure determine_ocean_points_r4, determine_ocean_points_r8
215 end interface determine_ocean_points
217 !> @addtogroup topography_mod
218 !> @{
220 character(len=FMS_PATH_LEN) :: topog_file = 'DATA/', &
221  water_file = 'DATA/'
222 namelist /topography_nml/ topog_file, water_file
224 integer, parameter :: TOPOG_INDEX = 1
225 integer, parameter :: WATER_INDEX = 2
226 logical :: file_is_opened(2) = .false.
227 type(fmsnetcdffile_t) :: fileobj(2) !< needed for fms2_io
229 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
230 ! --- resolution of the topography data set ---
231 ! <DATASET NAME="">
232 ! This module uses the 1/6 degree U.S. Navy mean topography
233 ! and percent water data sets.
234 !
235 ! These data sets have been re-formatted to separate 32-bit IEEE files.
236 ! The names of these files is specified by the <LINK SRC="#NAMELIST">namelist</LINK> input.
237 !
238 !The format for both files is as follows:
239 ! <PRE>
240 ! record = 1 nlon, nlat
241 ! record = 2 blon, blat
242 ! record = 3 data
243 ! </PRE>
244 !where:
245 ! <PRE>
246 ! nlon, nlat = The number of longitude and latitude points
247 ! in the horizontal grid. For the 1/6 degree
248 ! data sets this is 2160 x 1080. [integer]
249 ! blon, blat = The longitude and latitude grid box boundaries in degrees.
250 ! [real :: blon(nlon+1), blat(nlat+1)]
251 !
252 ! data = The topography or percent water data.
253 ! [real :: data(nlon,nlat)]
254 ! </PRE>
255 ! </DATASET>
256 integer :: ipts, jpts
257 integer, parameter :: compute_stdev = 123 ! use this flag to
258  ! compute st dev
260 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
262 ! Include variable "version" to be written to log file.
263 #include<file_version.h>
265 logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
267 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
269 contains
271 !#######################################################################
273 subroutine topography_init ()
274  if ( module_is_initialized ) return
275  call write_version_number("TOPOGRAPHY_MOD", version)
276  call read_namelist
277  module_is_initialized = .true.
278 end subroutine topography_init
280 !#######################################################################
281 !#######################################################################
282 !################## private interfaces below here ##################
283 !#######################################################################
285 function open_topog_file ( )
286 logical :: open_topog_file
287 real(kind=r4_kind) :: r_ipts, r_jpts
288 integer :: namelen
290 namelen = len(trim(topog_file))
291  if ( file_exists(topog_file) .AND. topog_file(namelen-2:namelen) == '.nc') then
292  if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('topography_mod', &
293  'Reading NetCDF formatted input data file: '//trim(topog_file), note)
294  if(.not. file_is_opened(topog_index) ) then
295  if(.not. open_file(fileobj(topog_index), topog_file, 'read' )) then
296  call mpp_error(fatal, 'topography_mod: Error in opening file '//trim(topog_file))
297  endif
298  endif
300  call read_data(fileobj(topog_index), 'ipts', r_ipts)
301  call read_data(fileobj(topog_index), 'jpts', r_jpts)
302  ipts = nint(r_ipts)
303  jpts = nint(r_jpts)
304  open_topog_file = .true.
305  file_is_opened(topog_index) = .true.
306  else
307  open_topog_file = .false.
308  endif
310 end function open_topog_file
312 function open_water_file ( )
313 logical :: open_water_file
314 real(kind=r4_kind) :: r_ipts, r_jpts
315 integer :: namelen
317 namelen = len(trim(water_file))
318 if ( file_exists(water_file) .AND. water_file(namelen-2:namelen) == '.nc') then
319  if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('topography_mod', &
320  'Reading NetCDF formatted input data file: '//trim(water_file), note)
321  if(.not. file_is_opened(water_index) ) then
322  if(.not. open_file(fileobj(water_index), water_file, 'read' )) then
323  call mpp_error(fatal, 'topography_mod: Error in opening file '//trim(water_file))
324  endif
325  endif
327  call read_data(fileobj(water_index), 'ipts', r_ipts)
328  call read_data(fileobj(water_index), 'jpts', r_jpts)
329  ipts = nint(r_ipts)
330  jpts = nint(r_jpts)
331  open_water_file = .true.
332  file_is_opened(water_index) = .true.
333  else
334  open_water_file = .false.
335  endif
337 end function open_water_file
340 !#######################################################################
342 !> @brief Reads the namelist file, write namelist to log file,
343 !! and initializes constants
344 subroutine read_namelist
346 integer :: iunit, ierr, io
348 ! read namelist
350 read (input_nml_file, topography_nml, iostat=io)
351 ierr = check_nml_error(io,'topography_nml')
353 ! write version and namelist to log file
355 if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
356  iunit = stdlog()
357  write (iunit, nml=topography_nml)
358 endif
360 end subroutine read_namelist
362 #include "topography_r4.fh"
363 #include "topography_r8.fh"
365 end module topography_mod
367 ! <INFO>
370 !
371 ! To run this program you will need the topography and percent water
372 ! data sets and use the following namelist (in the input nml file).
373 !
374 ! &amp;gaussian_topog_nml
375 ! height = 5000., 3000., 3000., 3000.,
376 ! olon = 90., 255., 285., 0.,
377 ! olat = 45., 45., -15., -90.,
378 ! wlon = 15., 10., 5., 180.,
379 ! wlat = 15., 25., 25., 20., /
380 !
381 ! program test
382 !
383 ! ! test program for topography and gaussian_topog modules
384 ! <PRE>
385 ! use topography_mod
386 ! implicit none
387 !
388 ! integer, parameter :: nlon=24, nlat=18
389 ! real :: x(nlon), y(nlat), xb(nlon+1), yb(nlat+1), z(nlon,nlat)
390 ! real :: hpi, rtd
391 ! integer :: i,j
392 ! logical :: a
393 !
394 ! ! gaussian mountain parameters
395 ! real, parameter :: ht=4000.
396 ! real, parameter :: x0=90., y0=45. ! origin in degrees
397 ! real, parameter :: xw=15., yw=15. ! half-width in degees
398 ! real, parameter :: xr=30., yr= 0. ! ridge-width in degrees
399 !
400 ! ! create lat/lon grid in radians
401 ! hpi = acos(0.0)
402 ! rtd = 90./hpi ! rad to deg
403 ! do i=1,nlon
404 ! xb(i) = 4.*hpi*real(i-1)/real(nlon)
405 ! enddo
406 ! xb(nlon+1) = xb(1)+4.*hpi
407 ! yb(1) = -hpi
408 ! do j=2,nlat
409 ! yb(j) = yb(j-1) + 2.*hpi/real(nlat)
410 ! enddo
411 ! yb(nlat+1) = hpi
412 ! ! mid-point of grid boxes
413 ! x(1:nlon) = 0.5*(xb(1:nlon)+xb(2:nlon+1))
414 ! y(1:nlat) = 0.5*(yb(1:nlat)+yb(2:nlat+1))
415 ! ! test topography_mod routines
416 ! a = get_topog_mean(xb,yb,z)
417 ! call printz ('get_topog_mean')
418 !
419 ! a = get_water_frac(xb,yb,z)
420 ! z = z*100. ! in percent
421 ! call printz ('get_water_frac')
422 !
423 ! a = get_ocean_frac(xb,yb,z)
424 ! z = z*100. ! in percent
425 ! call printz ('get_ocean_frac')
426 !
427 ! ! test gaussian_topog_mod routines
428 ! a = .true.
429 ! z = get_gaussian_topog(x,y,ht,x0,y0,xw,yw,xr,yr)
430 ! call printz ('get_gaussian_topog')
431 !
432 ! call gaussian_topog_init (x,y,z)
433 ! call printz ('gaussian_topog_init')
434 !
435 ! contains
436 !
437 ! ! simple printout of topog/water array
438 ! subroutine printz (lab)
439 ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: lab
440 ! if (a) then
441 ! print '(/a)', trim(lab)
442 ! else
443 ! print '(/a)', 'no data available: '//trim(lab)
444 ! return
445 ! endif
446 ! ! print full grid
447 ! print '(3x,25i5)', (nint(x(i)*rtd),i=1,nlon)
448 ! do j=nlat,1,-1
449 ! print '(i3,25i5)', nint(y(j)*rtd), (nint(z(i,j)),i=1,nlon)
450 ! enddo
451 ! end subroutine printz
452 !
453 ! end program test
454 ! </PRE>
457 ! <BUG>
458 ! Water mask produces some possible erroneous water points along
459 ! the coast of Antarctic (at about 90W).
460 ! </BUG>
462 ! <FUTURE>Use of netcdf data sets. </FUTURE>
463 ! <FUTURE>Incorporate other topography and ocean data sets. </FUTURE>
464 !
465 ! </INFO>
466 !> @}
467 ! close documentation grouping
Opens a given netcdf or domain file.
Definition: fms2_io.F90:122
Read data from a defined field in a file.
Definition: fms2_io.F90:292
integer function, public check_nml_error(IOSTAT, NML_NAME)
Checks the iostat argument that is returned after reading a namelist and determines if the error code...
Definition: fms.F90:580
subroutine, public write_version_number(version, tag, unit)
Prints to the log file (or a specified unit) the version id string and tag name.
Definition: fms.F90:758
subroutine, public error_mesg(routine, message, level)
Print notes, warnings and error messages; terminates program for warning and error messages....
Definition: fms.F90:498
subroutine, public horiz_interp_del(Interp)
Deallocates memory used by "horiz_interp_type" variables. Must be called before reinitializing with h...
Subroutine for performing the horizontal interpolation between two grids.
integer function stdlog()
This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for log messages. Log messages,...
integer function mpp_pe()
Returns processor ID.
Error handler.
Definition: mpp.F90:382
subroutine read_namelist
Reads the namelist file, write namelist to log file, and initializes constants.
Definition: topography.F90:345
type(fmsnetcdffile_t), dimension(2) fileobj
needed for fms2_io
Definition: topography.F90:227
Returns fractional area covered by ocean in a grid box. Returns fractional area covered by ocean in t...
Definition: topography.F90:129
Returns a land-ocean mask in a grid box.
Definition: topography.F90:150
Returns a "realistic" mean surface height field.
Definition: topography.F90:84
Returns fractional area covered by water.
Definition: topography.F90:170
Returns a land-water mask in a grid box.
Definition: topography.F90:190
Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable that contains pre-computed interpolation indi...
Returns a standard deviation of higher resolution topography with the given model grid boxes.
Definition: topography.F90:109