FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
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6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
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19 !> @defgroup mpp_memutils_mod mpp_memutils_mod
20 !> @ingroup mpp
21 !> @brief Routines to initialize and report on memory usage during the model run.
23 !> @addtogroup mpp_memutils_mod
24 !> @{
25 module mpp_memutils_mod
27  use mpp_mod, only: mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_sum, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe
28  use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, fatal, stderr, mpp_npes
29  use platform_mod
31  implicit none
32  private
37  real :: begin_memuse
38  logical :: memuse_started = .false.
40 contains
42  !#######################################################################
43  !> Initialize the memory module, and record the initial memory use.
44  subroutine mpp_memuse_begin
45  if(memuse_started) then
46  call mpp_error(fatal, "mpp_memutils_mod: mpp_memuse_begin was already called")
47  endif
48  memuse_started = .true.
50  call mpp_mem_dump(begin_memuse)
51  end subroutine mpp_memuse_begin
53  !#######################################################################
54  !> End the memory collection, and report on total memory used during the
55  !! execution of the model run.
56  subroutine mpp_memuse_end(text, unit)
57  character(len=*), intent(in) :: text !< Text to include in memory use statement
58  integer, intent(in), optional :: unit !< Fortran unit number where memory report should go.
59  !! Default is stderr.
60  real :: m, mmin, mmax, mavg, mstd, end_memuse
61  integer :: mu
63  if(.NOT.memuse_started) then
64  call mpp_error(fatal, "mpp_memutils_mod: mpp_memuse_begin must be called before calling mpp_memuse_being")
65  endif
66  memuse_started = .false.
68  call mpp_mem_dump(end_memuse)
70  mu = stderr(); if( PRESENT(unit) )mu = unit
71  m = end_memuse - begin_memuse
72  mmin = m; call mpp_min(mmin)
73  mmax = m; call mpp_max(mmax)
74  mavg = m; call mpp_sum(mavg); mavg = mavg/mpp_npes()
75  mstd = (m-mavg)**2; call mpp_sum(mstd); mstd = sqrt( mstd/mpp_npes() )
76  if( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() )write( mu,'(a64,4es11.3)' ) &
77  'Memory(MB) used in '//trim(text)//'=', mmin, mmax, mstd, mavg
79  return
80  end subroutine mpp_memuse_end
82  !#######################################################################
83  !> Print the current memory high water mark to stderr, or the unit
84  !! specified.
85  subroutine mpp_print_memuse_stats(text, unit)
86  character(len=*), intent(in) :: text !< Text to include in memory print statement
87  integer, intent(in), optional :: unit !< Fortran unit number where print statement should go.
88  !! Default is stderr.
89  real :: m, mmin, mmax, mavg, mstd
90  integer :: mu
92  mu = stderr(); if( PRESENT(unit) )mu = unit
93  call mpp_mem_dump(m)
95  mmin = m; call mpp_min(mmin)
96  mmax = m; call mpp_max(mmax)
97  mavg = m; call mpp_sum(mavg); mavg = mavg/mpp_npes()
98  mstd = (m-mavg)**2; call mpp_sum(mstd); mstd = sqrt( mstd/mpp_npes() )
99  if( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() )write( mu,'(a64,4es11.3)' ) &
100  'Memuse(MB) at '//trim(text)//'=', mmin, mmax, mstd, mavg
102  return
103  end subroutine mpp_print_memuse_stats
105  !#######################################################################
107  !> \brief Return the memory high water mark in MiB
108  !!
109  !! Query the system for the memory high water mark, return the result in MiB.
110  subroutine mpp_mem_dump(memuse)
111  real, intent(out) :: memuse !< Memory, high water mark, in MiB
113  interface
114  integer(KIND=c_size_t) function getpeakrss() bind(c, name="getpeakrss")
115  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
116  end function getpeakrss
117  end interface
119  ! Value of Bytes to Mebibytes
120  real, parameter :: b_to_mib = 1048576.0
122  ! Get the max memory use, convert to MiB
123  memuse = real(getpeakrss())/b_to_mib
125  return
126  end subroutine mpp_mem_dump
127 end module mpp_memutils_mod
128 !> @}
129 ! close documentation grouping
subroutine, public mpp_memuse_end(text, unit)
End the memory collection, and report on total memory used during the execution of the model run.
subroutine, public mpp_memuse_begin
Initialize the memory module, and record the initial memory use.
subroutine, public mpp_mem_dump(memuse)
Return the memory high water mark in MiB.
subroutine, public mpp_print_memuse_stats(text, unit)
Print the current memory high water mark to stderr, or the unit specified.
integer function stderr()
This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for error messages.
integer function mpp_npes()
Returns processor count for current pelist.
integer function mpp_pe()
Returns processor ID.
Error handler.
Definition: mpp.F90:382
Reduction operations. Find the max of scalar a from the PEs in pelist result is also automatically br...
Definition: mpp.F90:538
Reduction operations. Find the min of scalar a from the PEs in pelist result is also automatically br...
Definition: mpp.F90:560
Reduction operation.
Definition: mpp.F90:597