FMS 2025.01.02-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
20!> @defgroup fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
21!> @ingroup diag_manager
22!! @brief fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod contains routines that are meant to be used for
23!! error checking and setting up to do the reduction methods
25!> @file
26!> @brief File for @ref fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
28!> @addtogroup fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
29!> @{
30module fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
31 use platform_mod, only: r8_kind, r4_kind
32 use fms_diag_bbox_mod, only: fmsdiagibounds_type
33 use fms_string_utils_mod, only: string
34 use diag_data_mod, only: time_diurnal, time_rms
35 use mpp_mod
36 implicit none
37 private
42 !> @brief Does the time_none reduction method. See include/
43 !TODO This needs to be extended to integers
44 interface do_time_none
45 module procedure do_time_none_r4, do_time_none_r8
46 end interface do_time_none
48 !> @brief Does the time_min reduction method. See include/
49 !TODO This needs to be extended to integers
50 interface do_time_min
51 module procedure do_time_min_r4, do_time_min_r8
52 end interface do_time_min
54 !> @brief Does the time_max reduction method. See include/
55 !TODO This needs to be extended to integers
56 interface do_time_max
57 module procedure do_time_max_r4, do_time_max_r8
58 end interface do_time_max
60 !> @brief Sum update updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation
61 !! (ie. time_sum, avg, rms, pow)
62 !!TODO This needs to be extended to integers
64 module procedure do_time_sum_update_r4, do_time_sum_update_r8
65 end interface
67 !> @brief Finishes a reduction that involves an average
68 !! (ie. time_avg, rms, pow)
69 !! This takes the average at the end of the time step
71 module procedure sum_update_done_r4, sum_update_done_r8
72 end interface
74 !> @brief Updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation
75 !! (ie. time_sum, avg, rms, pow)
76 !! In this case the mask is present
77 interface sum_mask
78 module procedure sum_mask_r4, sum_mask_r8
79 end interface
81 !> @brief Updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation
82 !! (ie. time_sum, avg, rms, pow)
83 !! In this case the mask is present and it varies over time
85 module procedure sum_mask_variant_r4, sum_mask_variant_r8
86 end interface sum_mask_variant
88 !> @brief Updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation
89 !! (ie. time_sum, avg, rms, pow)
90 !! In this case the mask is not present
91 interface sum_no_mask
92 module procedure sum_no_mask_r4, sum_no_mask_r8
93 end interface sum_no_mask
95 contains
97 !> @brief Checks improper combinations of is, ie, js, and je.
98 !! @return The error message, empty string if no errors were found
99 !> @note accept_data works in either one or another of two modes.
100 !! 1. Input field is a window (e.g. FMS physics)
101 !! 2. Input field includes halo data
102 !! It cannot handle a window of data that has halos.
103 !! (A field with no windows or halos can be thought of as a special case of either mode.)
104 !! The logic for indexing is quite different for these two modes, but is not clearly separated.
105 !! If both the beggining and ending indices are present, then field is assumed to have halos.
106 !! If only beggining indices are present, then field is assumed to be a window.
107 !> @par
108 !! There are a number of ways a user could mess up this logic, depending on the combination
109 !! of presence/absence of is,ie,js,je. The checks below should catch improper combinations.
110 pure function check_indices_order(is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in) &
111 result(error_msg)
112 integer, intent(in), optional :: is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in !< Indices passed to fms_diag_accept_data()
113 character(len=128) :: error_msg !< An error message used only for testing purpose!!!
115 error_msg = ""
116 IF ( PRESENT(ie_in) ) THEN
117 IF ( .NOT.PRESENT(is_in) ) THEN
118 error_msg = 'ie_in present without is_in'
119 return
120 END IF
121 IF ( PRESENT(js_in) .AND. .NOT.PRESENT(je_in) ) THEN
122 error_msg = 'is_in and ie_in present, but js_in present without je_in'
123 return
124 END IF
125 END IF
127 IF ( PRESENT(je_in) ) THEN
128 IF ( .NOT.PRESENT(js_in) ) THEN
129 error_msg = 'je_in present without js_in'
130 return
131 END IF
132 IF ( PRESENT(is_in) .AND. .NOT.PRESENT(ie_in) ) THEN
133 error_msg = 'js_in and je_in present, but is_in present without ie_in'
134 return
135 END IF
136 END IF
137 end function check_indices_order
139 !> @brief Sets the logical mask based on mask or rmask
140 !> @return logical mask
141 function init_mask(rmask, mask, field) &
142 result(oor_mask)
143 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), allocatable, INTENT(in) :: mask !< The location of the mask
144 CLASS(*), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), allocatable, INTENT(in) :: rmask !< The masking values
145 CLASS(*), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: field !< Field_data
147 logical, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: oor_mask !< mask
149 ALLOCATE(oor_mask(SIZE(field, 1), SIZE(field, 2), SIZE(field, 3), SIZE(field, 4)))
150 oor_mask = .true.
152 if (allocated(mask)) then
153 oor_mask = mask
154 elseif (allocated(rmask)) then
155 select type (rmask)
156 type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
157 WHERE (rmask < 0.5_r8_kind) oor_mask = .false.
158 type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
159 WHERE (rmask < 0.5_r4_kind) oor_mask = .false.
160 end select
161 endif
163 end function init_mask
165 !> @brief Sets the weight based on the weight passed into send_data (1.0_r8_kind if the weight is not passed in)
166 !! The weight will be saved as an r8 and converted to r4 as needed
167 !! @return weight to use when averaging
168 pure function set_weight(weight) &
169 result(out_weight)
170 CLASS(*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: weight !< The weight use when averaging
172 real(kind=r8_kind) :: out_weight
174 out_weight = 1.0_r8_kind
175 if (present(weight)) then
176 select type(weight)
177 type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
178 out_weight = real(weight, kind = r8_kind)
179 type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
180 out_weight = real(weight, kind = r8_kind)
181 end select
182 endif
183 end function set_weight
185#include "fms_diag_reduction_methods_r4.fh"
186#include "fms_diag_reduction_methods_r8.fh"
188end module fms_diag_reduction_methods_mod
189!> @}
190! close documentation grouping
integer, parameter time_diurnal
The reduction method is diurnal.
integer, parameter time_rms
The reudction method is root mean square of values.
logical function, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public init_mask(rmask, mask, field)
Sets the logical mask based on mask or rmask.
pure real(kind=r8_kind) function, public set_weight(weight)
Sets the weight based on the weight passed into send_data (1.0_r8_kind if the weight is not passed in...
pure character(len=128) function, public check_indices_order(is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in)
Checks improper combinations of is, ie, js, and je.
Does the time_max reduction method. See include/
Does the time_min reduction method. See include/
Sum update updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation (ie. time_sum,...
Updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation (ie. time_sum, avg, rms,...
Updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation (ie. time_sum, avg, rms,...
Updates the buffer for any reductions that involve summation (ie. time_sum, avg, rms,...
Finishes a reduction that involves an average (ie. time_avg, rms, pow) This takes the average at the ...
character(:) function, allocatable, public string(v, fmt)
Converts a number or a Boolean value to a string.
Does the time_none reduction method. See include/
Data structure holding a 3D bounding box. It is commonlyused to represent the interval bounds or limi...