FMS 2025.01-dev
Flexible Modeling System
No Matches
2!* GNU Lesser General Public License
4!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
6!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9!* your option) any later version.
11!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14!* for more details.
16!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17!* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
20! data_override_r4 and data_override_r8 are not intended to be used directly -
21! they should be used through the data_override_mod API. The body of
22! data_override_r4 and data_override_r8 is contained in
24module data_override_r4
25#include "data_override_r4.fh"
26end module data_override_r4
28module data_override_r8
29#include "data_override_r8.fh"
30end module data_override_r8
32!> @defgroup data_override_mod data_override_mod
33!> @ingroup data_override
34!! @brief Routines to get data in a file whose path is described in a user-provided data_table
35!! and do spatial and temporal interpolation if necessary to convert data to model's grid and time.
36!! @author Z. Liang, M.J. Harrison, M. Winton
38!! Before using @ref data_override a data_table must be created with the following entries:
39!! gridname, fieldname_code, fieldname_file, file_name, ongrid, factor.
41!! More explainations about data_table entries can be found in the source code (defining data_type)
43!! If user wants to override fieldname_code with a const, set fieldname_file in data_table = ""
44!! and factor = const
46!! If user wants to override fieldname_code with data from a file, set fieldname_file = name in
47!! the netCDF data file, factor then will be for unit conversion (=1 if no conversion required)
49!! A field can be overriden globally (by default) or users can specify one or two regions in which
50!! data_override will take place, field values outside the region will not be affected.
52module data_override_mod
53 use data_override_r4
54 use data_override_r8
55 use platform_mod, only: r4_kind, r8_kind
56 use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, fatal
57 use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2d, domainug
58 use time_manager_mod, only: time_type
60implicit none
63!> Interface for inserting and interpolating data into a file
64!! for a model's grid and time. Data path must be described in
65!! a user-provided data_table, see @ref data_override_mod "module description"
66!! for more information.
67!> @ingroup data_override_mod
69 module procedure data_override_0d_r4
70 module procedure data_override_0d_r8
71 module procedure data_override_2d_r4
72 module procedure data_override_2d_r8
73 module procedure data_override_3d_r4
74 module procedure data_override_3d_r8
75end interface
77!> Version of @ref data_override for unstructured grids
78!> @ingroup data_override_mod
80 module procedure data_override_ug_1d_r4
81 module procedure data_override_ug_1d_r8
82 module procedure data_override_ug_2d_r4
83 module procedure data_override_ug_2d_r8
84end interface
86integer :: atm_mode = 0 !> Atmosphere mode - possible values are 0 (uninitialized), r4_kind, or r8_kind
87integer :: ocn_mode = 0 !> Ocean mode - possible values are 0 (uninitialized), r4_kind, or r8_kind
88integer :: lnd_mode = 0 !> Land mode - possible values are 0 (uninitialized), r4_kind, or r8_kind
89integer :: ice_mode = 0 !> Ice mode - possible values are 0 (uninitialized), r4_kind, or r8_kind
91!> @addtogroup data_override_mod
92!> @{
95public :: data_override_ug
99!> @brief Initialize either data_override_r4 or data_override_r8
100!! Users should call data_override_init before calling data_override
102!! This subroutine should be called in coupler_init after
103!! (ocean/atmos/land/ice)_model_init have been called.
105!! data_override_init can be called more than once. In one call the user can pass
106!! up to 4 domains of component models. At least one domain must be present in
107!! any call. The real precision of initialized domains can be specified via the
108!! optional mode argument. If no mode is specified, r8_kind is assumed. Mixed mode
109!! operation can be accomplished via multiple calls to data_override_init with
110!! different mode arguments.
112!! Data_table is initialized with default values in DATA_OVERRIDE_INIT_IMPL_. Users should
113!! provide "real" values that will override the default values. Real values can be
114!! specified in either data_table or data_table.yaml. Each line of data_table contains one
115!! data_entry. Items of data_entry are comma-separated.
116subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Land_domain_in, Land_domainUG_in, mode)
117 type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: atm_domain_in !< Atmosphere domain
118 type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: ocean_domain_in !< Ocean domain
119 type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: ice_domain_in !< Ice domain
120 type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: land_domain_in !< Land domain
121 type(domainug) , intent(in), optional :: land_domainug_in !< Land domain, unstructured grid
122 integer, intent(in), optional :: mode !< Real precision of initialized domains. Possible values are r4_kind or
123 !! r8_kind.
124 integer :: mode_selector
126 if (present(mode)) then
127 mode_selector = mode
128 else
129 mode_selector = r8_kind
130 endif
132 select case (mode_selector)
133 case (r4_kind)
134 call data_override_init_r4(atm_domain_in, ocean_domain_in, ice_domain_in, land_domain_in, land_domainug_in)
135 case (r8_kind)
136 call data_override_init_r8(atm_domain_in, ocean_domain_in, ice_domain_in, land_domain_in, land_domainug_in)
137 case default
138 call mpp_error(fatal, "data_override_init: unsupported mode argument")
139 end select
141 if (present(atm_domain_in)) atm_mode = mode_selector
142 if (present(ocean_domain_in)) ocn_mode = mode_selector
143 if (present(ice_domain_in)) ice_mode = mode_selector
144 if (present(land_domain_in)) lnd_mode = mode_selector
145end subroutine data_override_init
147!> @brief Unset domains that had previously been set for use by data_override.
149!! This subroutine deallocates any data override domains that have been set.
150subroutine data_override_unset_domains(unset_Atm, unset_Ocean, &
151 unset_Ice, unset_Land, must_be_set)
152 logical, intent(in), optional :: unset_atm, unset_ocean, unset_ice, unset_land !< Set to true to unset the
153 !! respective domain
154 logical, intent(in), optional :: must_be_set !< Set to false to suppress the error when attempting to unset
155 !! an uninitialized domain
156 logical :: fail_if_not_set
158 fail_if_not_set = .true. ; if (present(must_be_set)) fail_if_not_set = must_be_set
160 if (present(unset_atm)) then ; if (unset_atm) then
161 select case (atm_mode)
162 case (r4_kind)
163 call data_override_unset_atm_r4
164 case (r8_kind)
165 call data_override_unset_atm_r8
166 case default
167 if (fail_if_not_set) call mpp_error(fatal, &
168 "data_override_unset_domains: attempted to unset an Atm_domain that has not been set.")
169 end select
170 atm_mode = 0
171 endif ; endif
172 if (present(unset_ocean)) then ; if (unset_ocean) then
173 select case (ocn_mode)
174 case (r4_kind)
175 call data_override_unset_ocn_r4
176 case (r8_kind)
177 call data_override_unset_ocn_r8
178 case default
179 if (fail_if_not_set) call mpp_error(fatal, &
180 "data_override_unset_domains: attempted to unset an Ocn_domain that has not been set.")
181 end select
182 ocn_mode = 0
183 endif ; endif
184 if (present(unset_land)) then ; if (unset_land) then
185 select case (lnd_mode)
186 case (r4_kind)
187 call data_override_unset_lnd_r4
188 case (r8_kind)
189 call data_override_unset_lnd_r8
190 case default
191 if (fail_if_not_set) call mpp_error(fatal, &
192 "data_override_unset_domains: attempted to unset an Land_domain that has not been set.")
193 end select
194 lnd_mode = 0
195 endif ; endif
196 if (present(unset_ice)) then ; if (unset_ice) then
197 select case (ice_mode)
198 case (r4_kind)
199 call data_override_unset_ice_r4
200 case (r8_kind)
201 call data_override_unset_ice_r8
202 case default
203 if (fail_if_not_set) call mpp_error(fatal, &
204 "data_override_unset_domains: attempted to unset an Ice_domain that has not been set.")
205 end select
206 ice_mode = 0
207 endif ; endif
208end subroutine data_override_unset_domains
210end module data_override_mod
211!> @}
212! close documentation grouping
subroutine, public data_override_unset_domains(unset_atm, unset_ocean, unset_ice, unset_land, must_be_set)
Unset domains that had previously been set for use by data_override.
subroutine, public data_override_init(atm_domain_in, ocean_domain_in, ice_domain_in, land_domain_in, land_domainug_in, mode)
Initialize either data_override_r4 or data_override_r8 Users should call data_override_init before ca...
Interface for inserting and interpolating data into a file for a model's grid and time....
Version of Data Override for unstructured grids.
The domain2D type contains all the necessary information to define the global, compute and data domai...
Domain information for managing data on unstructured grids.
Error handler.
Definition mpp.F90:382
Type to represent amounts of time. Implemented as seconds and days to allow for larger intervals.