94#if defined(use_libMPI)
98 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : mpp_debug, mpp_verbose, mpp_domain_time
99 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : global_data_domain, cyclic_global_domain, global,cyclic
100 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : agrid, bgrid_sw, bgrid_ne, cgrid_ne, cgrid_sw, dgrid_ne, dgrid_sw
101 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : fold_west_edge, fold_east_edge, fold_south_edge, fold_north_edge
102 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : wupdate, eupdate, supdate, nupdate, xupdate, yupdate
103 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : non_bitwise_exact_sum, bitwise_exact_sum, mpp_domain_time
104 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : center, corner, scalar_pair, scalar_bit, bitwise_efp_sum
105 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : north, north_east, east, south_east
106 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : south, south_west, west, north_west
107 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : max_domain_fields, null_pe, domain_id_base
108 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : zero, ninety, minus_ninety, one_hundred_eighty, max_tiles
109 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : event_send, event_recv, root_global
110 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : nonblock_update_tag, edgeonly, edgeupdate
111 use mpp_parameter_mod,
only : nonsymedge, nonsymedgeupdate
112 use mpp_data_mod,
only : mpp_domains_stack, ptr_domains_stack
113 use mpp_data_mod,
only : mpp_domains_stack_nonblock, ptr_domains_stack_nonblock
114 use mpp_mod,
only : mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_npes,
mpp_error, fatal, warning, note
116 use mpp_mod,
only : mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end
119 use mpp_mod,
only :
mpp_sync, mpp_init, lowercase
121 use mpp_mod,
only :
mpp_type, mpp_byte
123 use mpp_mod,
only : comm_tag_1, comm_tag_2, comm_tag_3, comm_tag_4
124 use mpp_mod,
only : mpp_declare_pelist, mpp_set_current_pelist
132 public :: global_data_domain, cyclic_global_domain, bgrid_ne, bgrid_sw, cgrid_ne, cgrid_sw, agrid
133 public :: dgrid_ne, dgrid_sw, fold_west_edge, fold_east_edge, fold_south_edge, fold_north_edge
134 public :: wupdate, eupdate, supdate, nupdate, xupdate, yupdate
135 public :: non_bitwise_exact_sum, bitwise_exact_sum, mpp_domain_time, bitwise_efp_sum
136 public :: center, corner, scalar_pair
137 public :: north, north_east, east, south_east
138 public :: south, south_west, west, north_west
139 public :: zero, ninety, minus_ninety, one_hundred_eighty
140 public :: edgeupdate, nonsymedgeupdate
143 public :: null_domain1d, null_domain2d
193 public :: mpp_define_unstruct_domain,
domainug, mpp_get_ug_io_domain
194 public :: mpp_get_ug_domain_npes, mpp_get_ug_compute_domain, mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id
195 public :: mpp_get_ug_domain_pelist, mpp_get_ug_domain_grid_index
196 public :: mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles, mpp_get_ug_global_domain
198 public :: mpp_define_null_ug_domain, null_domainug, mpp_get_ug_domains_index
199 public :: mpp_get_ug_sg_domain, mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_pe_inf
204 public :: mpp_get_nest_coarse_domain, mpp_get_nest_fine_domain
205 public :: mpp_is_nest_coarse, mpp_is_nest_fine
206 public :: mpp_get_nest_pelist, mpp_get_nest_npes
207 public :: mpp_get_nest_fine_pelist, mpp_get_nest_fine_npes
211 public :: mpp_domain_ug_is_tile_root_pe
212 public :: mpp_deallocate_domainug
213 public :: mpp_get_io_domain_ug_layout
216 integer,
parameter :: NAME_LENGTH = 64
217 integer,
parameter :: MAXLIST = 100
218 integer,
parameter :: MAXOVERLAP = 200
219 integer,
parameter :: FIELD_S = 0
220 integer,
parameter :: FIELD_X = 1
221 integer,
parameter :: FIELD_Y = 2
231 integer :: begin, end, size, max_size
232 integer :: begin_index, end_index
239 type(unstruct_axis_spec) :: compute
251 integer,
pointer :: i(:)=>null()
252 integer,
pointer :: j(:)=>null()
259 integer :: nsend, nrecv
260 type(unstruct_overlap_type),
pointer :: recv(:)=>null()
261 type(unstruct_overlap_type),
pointer :: send(:)=>null()
270 type(
pointer :: io_domain=>null()
273 integer,
pointer :: grid_index(:) => null()
274 type(
pointer :: sg_domain => null()
279 integer :: tile_root_pe
281 integer :: npes_io_group
282 integer(i4_kind) :: io_layout
300 type(domain_axis_spec) :: compute
301 type(domain_axis_spec) :: global
311 integer,
pointer :: tile_id(:) => null()
314 integer :: tile_root_pe
325 integer ,
pointer :: msgsize(:) => null()
326 integer,
pointer :: tileme(:) => null()
327 integer,
pointer :: tilenbr(:) => null()
328 integer,
pointer :: is(:) => null()
329 integer,
pointer :: ie(:) => null()
330 integer,
pointer :: js(:) => null()
331 integer,
pointer :: je(:) => null()
332 integer,
pointer :: dir(:) => null()
333 integer,
pointer :: rotation(:) => null()
334 integer,
pointer :: index(:) => null()
335 logical,
pointer :: from_contact(:) => null()
343 integer :: whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo
344 integer :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend
345 integer :: nsend, nrecv
346 integer :: sendsize, recvsize
355 integer :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend
369 character(len=NAME_LENGTH) :: name=
370 integer(i8_kind) :: id
375 integer :: whalo, ehalo
376 integer :: shalo, nhalo
379 integer :: tile_comm_id
380 integer :: max_ntile_pe
382 logical :: rotated_ninety
383 logical :: initialized=.false.
384 integer :: tile_root_pe
385 integer :: io_layout(2)
387 integer,
pointer :: pearray(:,:) => null()
388 integer,
pointer :: tile_id(:) => null()
389 integer,
pointer :: tile_id_all(:)=> null()
420 integer,
pointer :: tile(:) =>null()
421 integer,
pointer :: align1(:)=>null(), align2(:)=>null()
422 real,
pointer :: refine1(:)=>null(), refine2(:)=>null()
423 integer,
pointer :: is1(:)=>null(), ie1(:)=>null()
424 integer,
pointer :: js1(:)=>null(), je1(:)=>null()
425 integer,
pointer :: is2(:)=>null(), ie2(:)=>null()
426 integer,
pointer :: js2(:)=>null(), je2(:)=>null()
432 integer :: is_me, ie_me, js_me, je_me
433 integer :: is_you, ie_you, js_you, je_you
440 integer :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend
441 integer :: xbegin_c, xend_c, ybegin_c, yend_c
442 integer :: xbegin_f, xend_f, ybegin_f, yend_f
443 integer :: xsize_c, ysize_c
444 type(index_type) :: west, east, south, north, center
445 integer :: nsend, nrecv
446 integer :: extra_halo
447 type(overlap_type),
pointer :: send(:) => null()
448 type(overlap_type),
pointer :: recv(:) => null()
449 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: next => null()
456 character(len=NAME_LENGTH) :: name
458 integer,
pointer :: nest_level(:) => null()
461 integer,
pointer :: tile_fine(:), tile_coarse(:)
462 integer,
pointer :: istart_fine(:), iend_fine(:), jstart_fine(:), jend_fine(:)
463 integer,
pointer :: istart_coarse(:), iend_coarse(:), jstart_coarse(:), jend_coarse(:)
471 logical :: is_fine, is_coarse
473 integer :: my_num_nest
474 integer,
pointer :: my_nest_id(:)
475 integer,
pointer :: tile_fine(:), tile_coarse(:)
476 integer,
pointer :: istart_fine(:), iend_fine(:), jstart_fine(:), jend_fine(:)
477 integer,
pointer :: istart_coarse(:), iend_coarse(:), jstart_coarse(:), jend_coarse(:)
478 integer :: x_refine, y_refine
479 logical :: is_fine_pe, is_coarse_pe
480 integer,
pointer :: pelist(:) => null()
481 integer,
pointer :: pelist_fine(:) => null()
482 integer,
pointer :: pelist_coarse(:) => null()
483 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: C2F_T => null()
484 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: C2F_C => null()
485 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: C2F_E => null()
486 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: C2F_N => null()
487 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: F2C_T => null()
488 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: F2C_C => null()
489 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: F2C_E => null()
490 type(nestSpec),
pointer :: F2C_N => null()
491 type(domain2d),
pointer :: domain_fine => null()
492 type(domain2d),
pointer :: domain_coarse => null()
500 logical :: initialized=.false.
501 integer(i8_kind) :: id=-9999
502 integer(i8_kind) :: l_addr =-9999
503 integer(i8_kind) :: l_addrx =-9999
504 integer(i8_kind) :: l_addry =-9999
505 type(domain2D),
pointer :: domain =>null()
506 type(domain2D),
pointer :: domain_in =>null()
507 type(domain2D),
pointer :: domain_out =>null()
508 type(overlapSpec),
pointer :: send(:,:,:,:) => null()
509 type(overlapSpec),
pointer :: recv(:,:,:,:) => null()
510 integer,
allocatable :: sendis
511 integer,
allocatable :: sendie
512 integer,
allocatable :: sendjs
513 integer,
allocatable :: sendje
514 integer,
allocatable :: recvis
515 integer,
allocatable :: recvie
516 integer,
allocatable :: recvjs
517 integer,
allocatable :: recvje
518 logical,
allocatable :: S_do_buf
519 logical,
allocatable :: R_do_buf
520 integer,
allocatable :: cto_pe
521 integer,
allocatable :: cfrom_pe
522 integer,
allocatable :: S_msize
523 integer,
allocatable :: R_msize
524 integer :: Slist_size=0, rlist_size=0
525 integer :: isize=0, jsize=0, ke=0
526 integer :: isize_in=0, jsize_in=0
527 integer :: isize_out=0, jsize_out=0
528 integer :: isize_max=0, jsize_max=0
529 integer :: gf_ioff=0, gf_joff=0
531 integer,
dimension(:) ,
allocatable :: isizeR
532 integer,
dimension(:) ,
allocatable :: jsizeR
533 integer,
allocatable :: sendisR
534 integer,
allocatable :: sendjsR
535 integer(i8_kind),
allocatable :: rem_addr
536 integer(i8_kind),
allocatable :: rem_addrx
537 integer(i8_kind),
allocatable :: rem_addry
538 integer(i8_kind),
allocatable :: rem_addrl
539 integer(i8_kind),
allocatable :: rem_addrlx
540 integer(i8_kind),
allocatable :: rem_addrly
544 integer,
parameter :: max_request = 100
551 integer :: recv_msgsize
552 integer :: send_msgsize
553 integer :: update_flags
554 integer :: update_position
555 integer :: update_gridtype
556 integer :: update_whalo
557 integer :: update_ehalo
558 integer :: update_shalo
559 integer :: update_nhalo
560 integer :: request_send_count
561 integer :: request_recv_count
562 integer,
dimension(MAX_REQUEST) :: request_send
563 integer,
dimension(MAX_REQUEST) :: request_recv
564 integer,
dimension(MAX_REQUEST) :: size_recv
565 integer,
dimension(MAX_REQUEST) :: type_recv
566 integer,
dimension(MAX_REQUEST) :: buffer_pos_send
567 integer,
dimension(MAX_REQUEST) :: buffer_pos_recv
568 integer(i8_kind) :: field_addrs(MAX_DOMAIN_FIELDS)
569 integer(i8_kind) :: field_addrs2(MAX_DOMAIN_FIELDS)
577 logical :: initialized = .false.
578 logical :: k_loop_inside = .true.
579 logical :: nonsym_edge = .false.
580 integer :: nscalar = 0
581 integer :: nvector = 0
582 integer :: flags_s=0, flags_v=0
583 integer :: whalo_s=0, ehalo_s=0, shalo_s=0, nhalo_s=0
584 integer :: isize_s=0, jsize_s=0, ksize_s=1
585 integer :: whalo_v=0, ehalo_v=0, shalo_v=0, nhalo_v=0
586 integer :: isize_x=0, jsize_x=0, ksize_v=1
587 integer :: isize_y=0, jsize_y=0
588 integer :: position=0, gridtype=0
589 logical :: recv_s(8), recv_x(8), recv_y(8)
590 integer :: is_s=0, ie_s=0, js_s=0, je_s=0
591 integer :: is_x=0, ie_x=0, js_x=0, je_x=0
592 integer :: is_y=0, ie_y=0, js_y=0, je_y=0
593 integer :: nrecv=0, nsend=0
594 integer :: npack=0, nunpack=0
595 integer :: reset_index_s = 0
596 integer :: reset_index_v = 0
597 integer :: tot_msgsize = 0
598 integer :: from_pe(MAXOVERLAP)
599 integer :: to_pe(MAXOVERLAP)
600 integer :: recv_size(MAXOVERLAP)
601 integer :: send_size(MAXOVERLAP)
602 integer :: buffer_pos_recv(MAXOVERLAP)
603 integer :: buffer_pos_send(MAXOVERLAP)
604 integer :: pack_type(MAXOVERLAP)
605 integer :: pack_buffer_pos(MAXOVERLAP)
606 integer :: pack_rotation(MAXOVERLAP)
607 integer :: pack_size(MAXOVERLAP)
608 integer :: pack_is(MAXOVERLAP)
609 integer :: pack_ie(MAXOVERLAP)
610 integer :: pack_js(MAXOVERLAP)
611 integer :: pack_je(MAXOVERLAP)
612 integer :: unpack_type(MAXOVERLAP)
613 integer :: unpack_buffer_pos(MAXOVERLAP)
614 integer :: unpack_rotation(MAXOVERLAP)
615 integer :: unpack_size(MAXOVERLAP)
616 integer :: unpack_is(MAXOVERLAP)
617 integer :: unpack_ie(MAXOVERLAP)
618 integer :: unpack_js(MAXOVERLAP)
619 integer :: unpack_je(MAXOVERLAP)
620 integer(i8_kind) :: addrs_s(MAX_DOMAIN_FIELDS)
621 integer(i8_kind) :: addrs_x(MAX_DOMAIN_FIELDS)
622 integer(i8_kind) :: addrs_y(MAX_DOMAIN_FIELDS)
623 integer :: buffer_start_pos = -1
624 integer :: request_send(MAX_REQUEST)
625 integer :: request_recv(MAX_REQUEST)
626 integer :: type_recv(MAX_REQUEST)
655 logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
656 logical :: debug = .false.
657 logical :: verbose=.false.
658 logical :: mosaic_defined = .false.
659 integer :: mpp_domains_stack_size=0
660 integer :: mpp_domains_stack_hwm=0
661 type(
save :: null_domain1d
662 type(
save :: null_domain2d
663 type(
save :: null_domainug
664 integer :: current_id_update = 0
665 integer :: num_update = 0
666 integer :: num_nonblock_group_update = 0
667 integer :: nonblock_buffer_pos = 0
668 integer :: nonblock_group_buffer_pos = 0
669 logical :: start_update = .true.
670 logical :: complete_update = .false.
672 integer,
parameter :: max_nonblock_update = 100
674 integer :: group_update_buffer_pos = 0
675 logical :: complete_group_update_on = .false.
678 integer,
parameter :: max_addrs=512
680 integer,
save ::
685 integer,
parameter :: max_addrs2=128
691 integer,
parameter :: max_dom_ids=128
692 integer(i8_kind),
save ::
693 integer,
save ::
698 integer,
parameter :: max_fields=1024
710 integer(i8_kind),
parameter :: gt_base = 256_i8_kind
713 integer(i8_kind),
parameter :: ke_base = 281474976710656_i8_kind
715 integer(i8_kind) :: domain_cnt=0
718 logical :: domain_clocks_on=.false.
719 integer :: send_clock=0, recv_clock=0, unpk_clock=0
720 integer :: wait_clock=0, pack_clock=0
721 integer :: send_pack_clock_nonblock=0, recv_clock_nonblock=0, unpk_clock_nonblock=0
722 integer :: wait_clock_nonblock=0
723 integer :: nest_send_clock=0, nest_recv_clock=0, nest_unpk_clock=0
724 integer :: nest_wait_clock=0, nest_pack_clock=0
725 integer :: group_recv_clock=0, group_send_clock=0, group_pack_clock=0, group_unpk_clock=0, group_wait_clock=0
726 integer :: nonblock_group_recv_clock=0, nonblock_group_send_clock=0, nonblock_group_pack_clock=0
727 integer :: nonblock_group_unpk_clock=0, nonblock_group_wait_clock=0
748 logical :: use_alltoallw = .false.
754 integer,
parameter :: no_check = -1
755 integer :: debug_update_level = no_check
904 module procedure mpp_define_null_domain1d
905 module procedure mpp_define_null_domain2d
920 module procedure mpp_deallocate_domain1d
921 module procedure mpp_deallocate_domain2d
1013 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_2d
1014 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_3d
1015 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_4d
1016 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_5d
1017 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_2dv
1018 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_3dv
1019 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_4dv
1020 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r8_5dv
1022 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c8_2d
1023 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c8_3d
1024 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c8_4d
1025 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c8_5d
1027 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i8_2d
1028 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i8_3d
1029 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i8_4d
1030 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i8_5d
1031 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_2d
1032 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_3d
1033 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_4d
1034 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_5d
1035 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_2dv
1036 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_3dv
1037 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_4dv
1038 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_r4_5dv
1040 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c4_2d
1041 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c4_3d
1042 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c4_4d
1043 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_c4_5d
1045 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i4_2d
1046 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i4_3d
1047 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i4_4d
1048 module procedure mpp_update_domain2d_i4_5d
1194 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_2d
1195 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_3d
1196 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_4d
1197 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_5d
1198 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_2dv
1199 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_3dv
1200 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_4dv
1201 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r8_5dv
1203 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c8_2d
1204 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c8_3d
1205 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c8_4d
1206 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c8_5d
1208 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i8_2d
1209 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i8_3d
1210 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i8_4d
1211 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i8_5d
1212 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_2d
1213 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_3d
1214 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_4d
1215 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_5d
1216 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_2dv
1217 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_3dv
1218 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_4dv
1219 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_r4_5dv
1221 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c4_2d
1222 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c4_3d
1223 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c4_4d
1224 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_c4_5d
1226 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i4_2d
1227 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i4_3d
1228 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i4_4d
1229 module procedure mpp_start_update_domain2d_i4_5d
1237 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_2d
1238 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_3d
1239 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_4d
1240 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_5d
1241 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_2dv
1242 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_3dv
1243 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_4dv
1244 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r8_5dv
1246 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c8_2d
1247 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c8_3d
1248 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c8_4d
1249 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c8_5d
1251 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i8_2d
1252 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i8_3d
1253 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i8_4d
1254 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i8_5d
1255 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_2d
1256 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_3d
1257 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_4d
1258 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_5d
1259 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_2dv
1260 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_3dv
1261 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_4dv
1262 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_r4_5dv
1264 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c4_2d
1265 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c4_3d
1266 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c4_4d
1267 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_c4_5d
1269 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i4_2d
1270 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i4_3d
1271 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i4_4d
1272 module procedure mpp_complete_update_domain2d_i4_5d
1278 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_r8_3d
1279 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_r8_3dv
1281 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_c8_3d
1283 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_i8_3d
1284 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_r4_3d
1285 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_r4_3dv
1287 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_c4_3d
1289 module procedure mpp_start_do_update_i4_3d
1295 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_r8_3d
1296 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_r8_3dv
1298 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_c8_3d
1300 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_i8_3d
1301 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_r4_3d
1302 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_r4_3dv
1304 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_c4_3d
1306 module procedure mpp_complete_do_update_i4_3d
1315 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r4_2d
1316 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r4_3d
1317 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r4_4d
1318 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r4_2dv
1319 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r4_3dv
1320 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r4_4dv
1321 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r8_2d
1322 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r8_3d
1323 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r8_4d
1324 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r8_2dv
1325 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r8_3dv
1326 module procedure mpp_create_group_update_r8_4dv
1331 module procedure mpp_do_group_update_r4
1332 module procedure mpp_do_group_update_r8
1343 module procedure mpp_start_group_update_r4
1344 module procedure mpp_start_group_update_r8
1355 module procedure mpp_complete_group_update_r4
1356 module procedure mpp_complete_group_update_r8
1361 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r4_2d
1362 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r4_3d
1363 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r4_4d
1364 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r4_2dv
1365 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r4_3dv
1366 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r4_4dv
1367 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r8_2d
1368 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r8_3d
1369 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r8_4d
1370 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r8_2dv
1371 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r8_3dv
1372 module procedure mpp_reset_group_update_field_r8_4dv
1384 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r8_2d
1385 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r8_3d
1386 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r8_4d
1387 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r8_2dv
1388 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r8_3dv
1389 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r8_4dv
1391 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_c8_2d
1392 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_c8_3d
1393 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_c8_4d
1395 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_i8_2d
1396 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_i8_3d
1397 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_i8_4d
1398 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r4_2d
1399 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r4_3d
1400 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r4_4d
1401 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r4_2dv
1402 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r4_3dv
1403 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_r4_4dv
1405 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_c4_2d
1406 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_c4_3d
1407 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_c4_4d
1409 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_i4_2d
1410 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_i4_3d
1411 module procedure mpp_update_nest_fine_i4_4d
1416 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_r8_3d
1417 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_r8_3dv
1419 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_c8_3d
1421 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_i8_3d
1422 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_r4_3d
1423 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_r4_3dv
1425 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_c4_3d
1427 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_fine_i4_3d
1438 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r8_2d
1439 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r8_3d
1440 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r8_4d
1441 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r8_2dv
1442 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r8_3dv
1443 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r8_4dv
1445 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_c8_2d
1446 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_c8_3d
1447 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_c8_4d
1449 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_i8_2d
1450 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_i8_3d
1451 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_i8_4d
1452 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r4_2d
1453 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r4_3d
1454 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r4_4d
1455 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r4_2dv
1456 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r4_3dv
1457 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_r4_4dv
1459 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_c4_2d
1460 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_c4_3d
1461 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_c4_4d
1463 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_i4_2d
1464 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_i4_3d
1465 module procedure mpp_update_nest_coarse_i4_4d
1472 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_r8_3d
1473 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_r8_3dv
1475 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_c8_3d
1477 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_i8_3d
1478 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_r4_3d
1479 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_r4_3dv
1481 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_c4_3d
1483 module procedure mpp_do_update_nest_coarse_i4_3d
1506 module procedure mpp_broadcast_domain_1
1507 module procedure mpp_broadcast_domain_2
1508 module procedure mpp_broadcast_domain_ug
1509 module procedure mpp_broadcast_domain_nest_fine
1510 module procedure mpp_broadcast_domain_nest_coarse
1519 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_2d
1520 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_3d
1521 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_4d
1522 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_5d
1523 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_2dv
1524 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_3dv
1525 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_4dv
1526 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r8_5dv
1527 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_2d
1528 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_3d
1529 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_4d
1530 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_5d
1531 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_2dv
1532 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_3dv
1533 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_4dv
1534 module procedure mpp_update_domains_ad_2d_r4_5dv
1540 module procedure mpp_do_update_r8_3d
1541 module procedure mpp_do_update_r8_3dv
1543 module procedure mpp_do_update_c8_3d
1545 module procedure mpp_do_update_i8_3d
1546 module procedure mpp_do_update_r4_3d
1547 module procedure mpp_do_update_r4_3dv
1549 module procedure mpp_do_update_c4_3d
1551 module procedure mpp_do_update_i4_3d
1556 module procedure mpp_do_check_r8_3d
1557 module procedure mpp_do_check_r8_3dv
1559 module procedure mpp_do_check_c8_3d
1561 module procedure mpp_do_check_i8_3d
1562 module procedure mpp_do_check_r4_3d
1563 module procedure mpp_do_check_r4_3dv
1565 module procedure mpp_do_check_c4_3d
1567 module procedure mpp_do_check_i4_3d
1576 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_r8_2d
1577 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_r8_3d
1578 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_r4_2d
1579 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_r4_3d
1580 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_i4_2d
1581 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_i4_3d
1582 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_l4_2d
1583 module procedure mpp_pass_sg_to_ug_l4_3d
1592 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_r8_2d
1593 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_r8_3d
1594 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_r4_2d
1595 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_r4_3d
1596 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_i4_2d
1597 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_i4_3d
1598 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_l4_2d
1599 module procedure mpp_pass_ug_to_sg_l4_3d
1609 module procedure mpp_do_update_ad_r8_3d
1610 module procedure mpp_do_update_ad_r8_3dv
1611 module procedure mpp_do_update_ad_r4_3d
1612 module procedure mpp_do_update_ad_r4_3dv
1625 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r8_2d
1626 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r8_3d
1629 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r8_2dv
1630 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r8_3dv
1633 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r4_2d
1634 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r4_3d
1637 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r4_2dv
1638 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_r4_3dv
1645 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r8_2d
1646 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r8_3d
1647 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r8_2dv
1648 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r8_3dv
1649 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r4_2d
1650 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r4_3d
1651 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r4_2dv
1652 module procedure mpp_get_boundary_ad_r4_3dv
1657 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_r8_3d
1658 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_r8_3dv
1659 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_r4_3d
1660 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_r4_3dv
1665 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_ad_r8_3d
1666 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_ad_r8_3dv
1667 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_ad_r4_3d
1668 module procedure mpp_do_get_boundary_ad_r4_3dv
1679 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r8_2d
1680 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r8_3d
1681 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r8_4d
1682 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r8_5d
1684 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c8_2d
1685 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c8_3d
1686 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c8_4d
1687 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c8_5d
1689 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i8_2d
1690 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i8_3d
1691 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i8_4d
1692 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i8_5d
1697 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r4_2d
1698 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r4_3d
1699 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r4_4d
1700 module procedure mpp_redistribute_r4_5d
1702 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c4_2d
1703 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c4_3d
1704 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c4_4d
1705 module procedure mpp_redistribute_c4_5d
1707 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i4_2d
1708 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i4_3d
1709 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i4_4d
1710 module procedure mpp_redistribute_i4_5d
1719 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_r8_3d
1721 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_c8_3d
1723 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_i8_3d
1724 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_l8_3d
1725 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_r4_3d
1727 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_c4_3d
1729 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_i4_3d
1730 module procedure mpp_do_redistribute_l4_3d
1752 module procedure mpp_check_field_2d
1753 module procedure mpp_check_field_3d
1785 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_2d
1786 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_3d
1787 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_4d
1788 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_5d
1790 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_2d
1791 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_3d
1792 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_4d
1793 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_5d
1795 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_2d
1796 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_3d
1797 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_4d
1798 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_5d
1799 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_2d
1800 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_3d
1801 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_4d
1802 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_5d
1803 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_2d
1804 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_3d
1805 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_4d
1806 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_5d
1808 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_2d
1809 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_3d
1810 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_4d
1811 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_5d
1813 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_2d
1814 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_3d
1815 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_4d
1816 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_5d
1817 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_2d
1818 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_3d
1819 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_4d
1820 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_5d
1825 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_2d_ad
1826 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_3d_ad
1827 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_4d_ad
1828 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r8_5d_ad
1830 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_2d_ad
1831 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_3d_ad
1832 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_4d_ad
1833 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c8_5d_ad
1835 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_2d_ad
1836 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_3d_ad
1837 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_4d_ad
1838 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i8_5d_ad
1839 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_2d_ad
1840 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_3d_ad
1841 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_4d_ad
1842 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l8_5d_ad
1843 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_2d_ad
1844 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_3d_ad
1845 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_4d_ad
1846 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_r4_5d_ad
1848 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_2d_ad
1849 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_3d_ad
1850 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_4d_ad
1851 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_c4_5d_ad
1853 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_2d_ad
1854 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_3d_ad
1855 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_4d_ad
1856 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_i4_5d_ad
1857 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_2d_ad
1858 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_3d_ad
1859 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_4d_ad
1860 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_l4_5d_ad
1866 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_r8_3d
1868 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_c8_3d
1870 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_i8_3d
1871 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_l8_3d
1872 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_r4_3d
1874 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_c4_3d
1876 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_i4_3d
1877 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_l4_3d
1881 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_r8_3d
1883 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_c8_3d
1885 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_i8_3d
1886 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_l8_3d
1887 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_r4_3d
1889 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_c4_3d
1891 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_i4_3d
1892 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_a2a_l4_3d
1898 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r8_2d
1899 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r8_3d
1900 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r8_4d
1901 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r8_5d
1902 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i8_2d
1903 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i8_3d
1904 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i8_4d
1905 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i8_5d
1906 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r4_2d
1907 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r4_3d
1908 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r4_4d
1909 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_r4_5d
1910 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i4_2d
1911 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i4_3d
1912 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i4_4d
1913 module procedure mpp_global_field2d_ug_i4_5d
1918 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_r8_3d_ad
1920 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_c8_3d_ad
1922 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_i8_3d_ad
1923 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_l8_3d_ad
1924 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_r4_3d_ad
1926 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_c4_3d_ad
1928 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_i4_3d_ad
1929 module procedure mpp_do_global_field2d_l4_3d_ad
1950 module procedure mpp_global_max_r8_2d
1951 module procedure mpp_global_max_r8_3d
1952 module procedure mpp_global_max_r8_4d
1953 module procedure mpp_global_max_r8_5d
1954 module procedure mpp_global_max_r4_2d
1955 module procedure mpp_global_max_r4_3d
1956 module procedure mpp_global_max_r4_4d
1957 module procedure mpp_global_max_r4_5d
1958 module procedure mpp_global_max_i8_2d
1959 module procedure mpp_global_max_i8_3d
1960 module procedure mpp_global_max_i8_4d
1961 module procedure mpp_global_max_i8_5d
1962 module procedure mpp_global_max_i4_2d
1963 module procedure mpp_global_max_i4_3d
1964 module procedure mpp_global_max_i4_4d
1965 module procedure mpp_global_max_i4_5d
1986 module procedure mpp_global_min_r8_2d
1987 module procedure mpp_global_min_r8_3d
1988 module procedure mpp_global_min_r8_4d
1989 module procedure mpp_global_min_r8_5d
1990 module procedure mpp_global_min_r4_2d
1991 module procedure mpp_global_min_r4_3d
1992 module procedure mpp_global_min_r4_4d
1993 module procedure mpp_global_min_r4_5d
1994 module procedure mpp_global_min_i8_2d
1995 module procedure mpp_global_min_i8_3d
1996 module procedure mpp_global_min_i8_4d
1997 module procedure mpp_global_min_i8_5d
1998 module procedure mpp_global_min_i4_2d
1999 module procedure mpp_global_min_i4_3d
2000 module procedure mpp_global_min_i4_4d
2001 module procedure mpp_global_min_i4_5d
2024 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r8_2d
2025 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r8_3d
2026 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r8_4d
2027 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r8_5d
2029 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c8_2d
2030 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c8_3d
2031 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c8_4d
2032 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c8_5d
2034 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r4_2d
2035 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r4_3d
2036 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r4_4d
2037 module procedure mpp_global_sum_r4_5d
2039 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c4_2d
2040 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c4_3d
2041 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c4_4d
2042 module procedure mpp_global_sum_c4_5d
2044 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i8_2d
2045 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i8_3d
2046 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i8_4d
2047 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i8_5d
2048 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i4_2d
2049 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i4_3d
2050 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i4_4d
2051 module procedure mpp_global_sum_i4_5d
2057 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r8_2d
2058 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r8_3d
2059 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r8_4d
2060 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r8_5d
2062 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c8_2d
2063 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c8_3d
2064 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c8_4d
2065 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c8_5d
2067 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r4_2d
2068 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r4_3d
2069 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r4_4d
2070 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_r4_5d
2072 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c4_2d
2073 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c4_3d
2074 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c4_4d
2075 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_c4_5d
2077 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i8_2d
2078 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i8_3d
2079 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i8_4d
2080 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i8_5d
2081 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i4_2d
2082 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i4_3d
2083 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i4_4d
2084 module procedure mpp_global_sum_tl_i4_5d
2091 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r8_2d
2092 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r8_3d
2093 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r8_4d
2094 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r8_5d
2096 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c8_2d
2097 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c8_3d
2098 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c8_4d
2099 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c8_5d
2101 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r4_2d
2102 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r4_3d
2103 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r4_4d
2104 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_r4_5d
2106 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c4_2d
2107 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c4_3d
2108 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c4_4d
2109 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_c4_5d
2111 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i8_2d
2112 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i8_3d
2113 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i8_4d
2114 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i8_5d
2115 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i4_2d
2116 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i4_3d
2117 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i4_4d
2118 module procedure mpp_global_sum_ad_i4_5d
2170 interface operator(.EQ.)
2173 module procedure mpp_domainug_eq
2177 interface operator(.NE.)
2180 module procedure mpp_domainug_ne
2336 module procedure check_data_size_1d
2337 module procedure check_data_size_2d
2357#include <mpp_define_nest_domains.inc>
2358#include <mpp_domains_util.inc>
2359#include <mpp_domains_comm.inc>
2360#include <mpp_domains_define.inc>
2361#include <mpp_domains_misc.inc>
2362#include <mpp_domains_reduce.inc>
2363#include <mpp_unstruct_domain.inc>
2365end module mpp_domains_mod
subroutine mpp_get_overlap(domain, action, p, is, ie, js, je, dir, rot, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_neighbor_pe_2d(domain, direction, pe)
Return PE North/South/East/West of this PE-domain. direction must be NORTH, SOUTH,...
subroutine mpp_get_global_domains1d(domain, begin, end, size)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_domain_npes(domain)
Set user stack size.
integer, save a2_sort_len
length sorted memory list
subroutine mpp_define_nest_domains(nest_domain, domain, num_nest, nest_level, tile_fine, tile_coarse, istart_coarse, icount_coarse, jstart_coarse, jcount_coarse, npes_nest_tile, x_refine, y_refine, extra_halo, name)
Set up a domain to pass data between aligned coarse and fine grid of nested model.
subroutine mpp_modify_domain2d(domain_in, domain_out, isc, iec, jsc, jec, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo)
logical function mpp_domain2d_eq(a, b)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_tile_npes(domain)
Returns number of processors used on current tile.
integer, dimension(-1:max_dom_ids), save ids_idx
index of d_comm associated with sorted addesses
integer nthread_control_loop
Determine the loop order for packing and unpacking. When number of threads is greater than nthread_co...
integer, save i_sort_len
length sorted domain ids list
subroutine mpp_get_global_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, tile_count, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_pelist1d(domain, pelist, pos)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_set_global_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_layout2d(domain, layout)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_tile_pelist(domain, pelist)
Get the processors list used on current tile.
logical efp_sum_overflow_check
If .true., always do overflow_check when doing EFP bitwise mpp_global_sum.
subroutine mpp_get_domain_components(domain, x, y, tile_count)
Retrieve 1D components of 2D decomposition.
subroutine mpp_get_domain_extents1d(domain, xextent, yextent)
Set user stack size.
logical function mpp_group_update_is_set(group)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_domain_tile_commid(domain)
Set user stack size.
character(len=32) debug_update_domain
namelist interface
subroutine mpp_set_global_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize, tile_count)
Set user stack size.
logical function mpp_domain1d_eq(a, b)
Set user stack size.
integer function, dimension(size(domain%tile_id(:))) mpp_get_tile_id(domain)
Returns the tile_id on current pe.
logical function mpp_domain_is_symmetry(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_create_super_grid_domain(domain)
Modifies the indices of the input domain to create the supergrid domain.
logical function mpp_mosaic_defined()
Accessor function for value of mosaic_defined.
integer function mpp_get_num_overlap(domain, action, p, position)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_current_ntile(domain)
Returns number of tile on current pe.
subroutine mpp_define_domains1d(global_indices, ndivs, domain, pelist, flags, halo, extent, maskmap, memory_size, begin_halo, end_halo)
Define data and computational domains on a 1D set of data (isg:ieg) and assign them to PEs.
subroutine mpp_set_domain_symmetry(domain, symmetry)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_ntile_count(domain)
Returns number of tiles in mosaic.
subroutine mpp_get_domain_extents2d(domain, xextent, yextent)
This will return xextent and yextent for each tile.
logical debug_message_passing
Will check the consistency on the boundary between processor/tile when updating domain for symmetric ...
subroutine mpp_get_global_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size, max_size)
Set user stack size.
integer function, dimension(2) mpp_get_io_domain_layout(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_shift_nest_domains(nest_domain, domain, delta_i_coarse, delta_j_coarse, extra_halo)
Based on mpp_define_nest_domains, but just resets positioning of nest Modifies the parent/coarse star...
subroutine mpp_get_neighbor_pe_1d(domain, direction, pe)
Return PE to the righ/left of this PE-domain.
subroutine mpp_define_mosaic_pelist(sizes, pe_start, pe_end, pelist, costpertile)
Defines a pelist for use with mosaic tiles.
subroutine mpp_get_tile_compute_domains(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_compute_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_compute_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size, max_size, is_global)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_define_io_domain(domain, io_layout)
Define the layout for IO pe's for the given domain.
subroutine mpp_get_f2c_index_coarse(nest_domain, is_coarse, ie_coarse, js_coarse, je_coarse, nest_level, position)
subroutine mpp_compute_extent(isg, ieg, ndivs, ibegin, iend, extent)
Computes extents for a grid decomposition with the given indices and divisions.
integer, dimension(-1:max_fields), save d_comm_idx
index of d_comm associated with sorted addresses
logical function mpp_domain1d_ne(a, b)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_modify_domain1d(domain_in, domain_out, cbegin, cend, gbegin, gend, hbegin, hend)
Modifies the exents of a domain.
subroutine mpp_get_layout1d(domain, layout)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_update_pelist(domain, action, pelist, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_set_data_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize, x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_compute_domains1d(domain, begin, end, size)
Set user stack size.
integer(i8_kind), parameter addr2_base
= 0x0000000000010000
integer function mpp_get_domain_tile_root_pe(domain)
Set user stack size.
integer, dimension(-1:max_addrs2), save addrs2_idx
index of addr2 associated with d_comm
subroutine mpp_define_mosaic(global_indices, layout, domain, num_tile, num_contact, tile1, tile2, istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1, istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2, pe_start, pe_end, pelist, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo, xextent, yextent, maskmap, name, memory_size, symmetry, xflags, yflags, tile_id)
Defines a domain for mosaic tile grids.
integer, save n_comm
number of communicators used
subroutine mpp_get_pelist2d(domain, pelist, pos)
Set user stack size.
integer, save n_ids
number of domain ids used (=i_sort_len; domain ids are never removed)
integer, save a_sort_len
length sorted memory list
subroutine mpp_get_memory_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, x_is_global, y_is_global, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_define_layout2d(global_indices, ndivs, layout)
subroutine mpp_set_compute_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size, is_global)
Set user stack size.
integer function mpp_get_domain_pe(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_tile_list(domain, tiles)
Return the tile_id on current pelist. one-tile-per-pe is assumed.
subroutine mpp_get_f2c_index_fine(nest_domain, is_coarse, ie_coarse, js_coarse, je_coarse, is_fine, ie_fine, js_fine, je_fine, nest_level, position)
subroutine mpp_compute_block_extent(isg, ieg, ndivs, ibegin, iend)
Computes the extents of a grid block.
logical function mpp_group_update_initialized(group)
Set user stack size.
integer, save dc_sort_len
length sorted comm keys (=num active communicators)
subroutine mpp_set_compute_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize, x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count)
Set user stack size.
type(domain2d) function, pointer mpp_get_io_domain(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_compute_domains2d(domain, xbegin, xend, xsize, ybegin, yend, ysize, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_copy_domain2d(domain_in, domain_out)
Copies input 2d domain to the output 2d domain.
integer(i8_kind), dimension(max_fields), save dckey_sorted
list of sorted local addresses
subroutine mpp_get_memory_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size, max_size, is_global)
Set user stack size.
type(domaincommunicator2d), dimension(:), allocatable, target, save d_comm
domain communicators
subroutine mpp_get_domain_shift(domain, ishift, jshift, position)
Returns the shift value in x and y-direction according to domain position..
logical function mpp_domain2d_ne(a, b)
Set user stack size.
logical function mpp_domain_is_initialized(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine nullify_domain2d_list(domain)
Set user stack size.
integer, dimension(-1:max_addrs), save addrs_idx
index of address associated with d_comm
logical function mpp_domain_is_tile_root_pe(domain)
Returns if current pe is the root pe of the tile, if number of tiles on current pe is greater than 1,...
character(len=name_length) function mpp_get_domain_name(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_global_domains2d(domain, xbegin, xend, xsize, ybegin, yend, ysize, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_c2f_index(nest_domain, is_fine, ie_fine, js_fine, je_fine, is_coarse, ie_coarse, js_coarse, je_coarse, dir, nest_level, position)
Get the index of the data passed from coarse grid to fine grid.
integer function mpp_get_domain_commid(domain)
Set user stack size.
integer, save n_addrs2
number of memory addresses used
subroutine mpp_get_data_domain2d(domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count, position)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_domain_pelist(domain, pelist)
Set user stack size.
integer(i8_kind), dimension(max_addrs2), save addrs2_sorted
list of sorted local addresses
subroutine mpp_domains_set_stack_size(n)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_clear_group_update(group)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_get_update_size(domain, nsend, nrecv, position)
Set user stack size.
integer(i8_kind), dimension(max_addrs), save addrs_sorted
list of sorted local addresses
integer(i8_kind), dimension(max_dom_ids), save ids_sorted
list of sorted domain identifiers
integer function mpp_get_domain_root_pe(domain)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_set_data_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size, is_global)
Set user stack size.
recursive subroutine mpp_copy_domain1d(domain_in, domain_out)
Copies input 1d domain to the output 1d domain.
integer, save n_addrs
number of memory addresses used
subroutine mpp_get_data_domain1d(domain, begin, end, size, max_size, is_global)
Set user stack size.
subroutine mpp_define_domains2d(global_indices, layout, domain, pelist, xflags, yflags, xhalo, yhalo, xextent, yextent, maskmap, name, symmetry, memory_size, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo, is_mosaic, tile_count, tile_id, complete, x_cyclic_offset, y_cyclic_offset)
Define 2D data and computational domain on global rectilinear cartesian domain (isg:ieg,...
Private interface for internal usage, compares two sizes.
Broadcasts domain to every pe. Only useful outside the context of it's own pelist.
Parallel checking between two ensembles which run on different set pes at the same time There are tw...
Private interface used for non blocking updates.
Completes a pending non-blocking group update Must follow a call to mpp_start_group_update.
Must be used after a call to mpp_start_update_domains in order to complete a nonblocking domain updat...
Constructor for the mpp_group_update_type which is then used with mpp_start_group_update.
Deallocate given 1D or 2D domain.
Set up a domain decomposition.
Retrieve layout associated with a domain decomposition. Given a global 2D domain and the number of di...
Defines a nullified 1D or 2D domain.
Private interface to updates data domain of 3D field whose computational domains have been computed.
Private helper interface used by mpp_global_field.
Private interface used for mpp_update_domains.
Passes a data field from a unstructured grid to an structured grid Example usage:
Used by mpp_update_nest_coarse to perform domain updates.
Get the boundary data for symmetric domain when the data is at C, E, or N-cell center....
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the compute domains....
Retrieve the entire array of compute domain extents associated with a decomposition.
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the data domains. The domain is a der...
Get the index of the data passed from fine grid to coarse grid. Example usage:
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the global domains....
Retrieve layout associated with a domain decomposition The 1D version of this call returns the number...
These routines retrieve the axis specifications associated with the memory domains....
Retrieve PE number of a neighboring domain.
Retrieve list of PEs associated with a domain decomposition. The 1D version of this call returns an a...
Fill in a global array from domain-decomposed arrays.
Same functionality as mpp_global_field but for unstructured domains.
Global max of domain-decomposed arrays. mpp_global_max is used to get the maximum value of a domain-...
Global min of domain-decomposed arrays. mpp_global_min is used to get the minimum value of a domain-...
Global sum of domain-decomposed arrays. mpp_global_sum is used to get the sum of a domain-decomposed...
Modifies the extents (compute, data and global) of a given domain.
Nullify domain list. This interface is needed in mpp_domains_test. 1-D case can be added in if needed...
Passes data from a structured grid to an unstructured grid Example usage:
Passes a data field from a structured grid to an unstructured grid Example usage:
Reorganization of distributed global arrays. mpp_redistribute is used to reorganize a distributed ar...
These routines set the axis specifications associated with the compute domains. The domain is a deriv...
These routines set the axis specifications associated with the data domains. The domain is a derived ...
These routines set the axis specifications associated with the global domains. The domain is a derive...
Private interface used for non blocking updates.
Starts non-blocking group update Must be followed up with a call to mpp_complete_group_update mpp_gro...
Interface to start halo updates mpp_start_update_domains is used to start a halo update of a domain-d...
Performs halo updates for a given domain.
Similar to mpp_update_domains , updates adjoint domains.
Pass the data from fine grid to fill the buffer to be ready to be interpolated onto coarse grid....
Pass the data from coarse grid to fill the buffer to be ready to be interpolated onto fine grid....
Type used to represent the contact between tiles.
One dimensional domain used to manage shared data access between pes.
A private type used to specify index limits for a domain decomposition.
The domain2D type contains all the necessary information to define the global, compute and data domai...
Private type to specify multiple index limits and pe information for a 2D domain.
Used to specify index limits along an axis of a domain.
Used for sending domain data between pe's.
Domain information for managing data on unstructured grids.
index bounds for use in nestSpec
used for updates on a group
domain with nested fine and course tiles
Private type to hold data for each level of nesting.
Used to specify bounds and index information for nested tiles as a linked list.
Used for nonblocking data transfer.
Type for overlapping data.
Private type for overlap specifications.
Upper and lower x and y bounds for a tile.
Private type for axis specification data for an unstructured grid.
Private type for axis specification data for an unstructured domain.
This interface uses a conversion to an integer representation of real numbers to give order-invariant...
subroutine, public mpp_memuse_begin
Initialize the memory module, and record the initial memory use.
subroutine, public mpp_memuse_end(text, unit)
End the memory collection, and report on total memory used during the execution of the model run.
subroutine mpp_sync_self(pelist, check, request, msg_size, msg_type)
This is to check if current PE's outstanding puts are complete but we can't use shmem_fence because w...
subroutine mpp_sync(pelist, do_self)
Synchronize PEs in list.
Scatter a vector across all PEs.
Perform parallel broadcasts.
Reduction operations. Find the max of scalar a from the PEs in pelist result is also automatically br...
Reduction operations. Find the min of scalar a from the PEs in pelist result is also automatically br...
Recieve data from another PE.
Send data to a receiving PE.
Calculates sum of a given numerical array across pe's for adjoint domains.
Basic message-passing call.
Create a mpp_type variable.
Data types for generalized data transfer (e.g. MPI_Type)