FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
1 !***********************************************************************
2 !* GNU Lesser General Public License
3 !*
4 !* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
5 !*
6 !* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 !* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 !* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
9 !* your option) any later version.
10 !*
11 !* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 !* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 !* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
14 !* for more details.
15 !*
16 !* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 !* License along with FMS. If not, see <>.
18 !***********************************************************************
19 !> @defgroup fms_io_utils_mod fms_io_utils_mod
20 !> @ingroup fms2_io
21 !> @brief Misc. utility routines for use in @ref fms2_io
23 !> @addtogroup fms_io_utils_mod
24 !> @{
25 module fms_io_utils_mod
26 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
27 !use mpp_mod, only : get_ascii_file_num_lines_and_length, read_ascii_file
28 #ifdef _OPENMP
29 use omp_lib
30 #endif
31 use mpp_mod
32 use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d, domainug, mpp_get_ntile_count, &
34  mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles, mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id
35 use platform_mod
36 use fms_string_utils_mod, only: string_copy
37 implicit none
38 private
40 character(len=32), save :: filename_appendix = '' !< Appendix added to the restart filename
42 public :: char_linked_list
43 public :: error
44 public :: file_exists
45 public :: openmp_thread_trap
46 public :: string_copy
47 public :: is_in_list
48 public :: append_to_list
49 public :: destroy_list
52 public :: allocate_array
53 public :: put_array_section
54 public :: get_array_section
55 public :: get_data_type_string
56 public :: open_check
57 public :: string_compare
59 public :: ascii_read
60 public :: parse_mask_table
61 public :: get_mosaic_tile_file
62 public :: get_filename_appendix
63 public :: set_filename_appendix
64 public :: get_instance_filename
67 !> @}
69 !> @brief A linked list of strings
70 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
72  character(len=128) :: string
73  type(char_linked_list), pointer :: head => null()
74 endtype char_linked_list
76 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
78  module procedure parse_mask_table_2d
79  module procedure parse_mask_table_3d
80 end interface parse_mask_table
82 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
84  module procedure get_mosaic_tile_file_sg
85  module procedure get_mosaic_tile_file_ug
86 end interface get_mosaic_tile_file
88 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
89 interface allocate_array
90  module procedure allocate_array_i4_kind_1d
91  module procedure allocate_array_i4_kind_2d
92  module procedure allocate_array_i4_kind_3d
93  module procedure allocate_array_i4_kind_4d
94  module procedure allocate_array_i4_kind_5d
95  module procedure allocate_array_i8_kind_1d
96  module procedure allocate_array_i8_kind_2d
97  module procedure allocate_array_i8_kind_3d
98  module procedure allocate_array_i8_kind_4d
99  module procedure allocate_array_i8_kind_5d
100  module procedure allocate_array_r4_kind_1d
101  module procedure allocate_array_r4_kind_2d
102  module procedure allocate_array_r4_kind_3d
103  module procedure allocate_array_r4_kind_4d
104  module procedure allocate_array_r4_kind_5d
105  module procedure allocate_array_r8_kind_1d
106  module procedure allocate_array_r8_kind_2d
107  module procedure allocate_array_r8_kind_3d
108  module procedure allocate_array_r8_kind_4d
109  module procedure allocate_array_r8_kind_5d
110  module procedure allocate_array_char_1d
111  module procedure allocate_array_char_2d
112  module procedure allocate_array_char_3d
113  module procedure allocate_array_char_4d
114  module procedure allocate_array_char_5d
115  module procedure allocate_array_char_6d
116 end interface allocate_array
119 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
121  module procedure put_array_section_i4_kind_1d
122  module procedure put_array_section_i4_kind_2d
123  module procedure put_array_section_i4_kind_3d
124  module procedure put_array_section_i4_kind_4d
125  module procedure put_array_section_i4_kind_5d
126  module procedure put_array_section_i8_kind_1d
127  module procedure put_array_section_i8_kind_2d
128  module procedure put_array_section_i8_kind_3d
129  module procedure put_array_section_i8_kind_4d
130  module procedure put_array_section_i8_kind_5d
131  module procedure put_array_section_r4_kind_1d
132  module procedure put_array_section_r4_kind_2d
133  module procedure put_array_section_r4_kind_3d
134  module procedure put_array_section_r4_kind_4d
135  module procedure put_array_section_r4_kind_5d
136  module procedure put_array_section_r8_kind_1d
137  module procedure put_array_section_r8_kind_2d
138  module procedure put_array_section_r8_kind_3d
139  module procedure put_array_section_r8_kind_4d
140  module procedure put_array_section_r8_kind_5d
141 end interface put_array_section
144 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
146  module procedure get_array_section_i4_kind_1d
147  module procedure get_array_section_i4_kind_2d
148  module procedure get_array_section_i4_kind_3d
149  module procedure get_array_section_i4_kind_4d
150  module procedure get_array_section_i4_kind_5d
151  module procedure get_array_section_i8_kind_1d
152  module procedure get_array_section_i8_kind_2d
153  module procedure get_array_section_i8_kind_3d
154  module procedure get_array_section_i8_kind_4d
155  module procedure get_array_section_i8_kind_5d
156  module procedure get_array_section_r4_kind_1d
157  module procedure get_array_section_r4_kind_2d
158  module procedure get_array_section_r4_kind_3d
159  module procedure get_array_section_r4_kind_4d
160  module procedure get_array_section_r4_kind_5d
161  module procedure get_array_section_r8_kind_1d
162  module procedure get_array_section_r8_kind_2d
163  module procedure get_array_section_r8_kind_3d
164  module procedure get_array_section_r8_kind_4d
165  module procedure get_array_section_r8_kind_5d
166 end interface get_array_section
169 !> @ingroup fms_io_utils_mod
171  module procedure get_data_type_string_0d
172  module procedure get_data_type_string_1d
173  module procedure get_data_type_string_2d
174  module procedure get_data_type_string_3d
175  module procedure get_data_type_string_4d
176  module procedure get_data_type_string_5d
177 end interface get_data_type_string
179 !> @addtogroup fms_io_utils_mod
180 !> @{
181 contains
184 !> @brief Print a message to stderr, then stop the program.
185 subroutine error(mesg)
187  character(len=*), intent(in) :: mesg !< Message that will be printed to
188  !! stderr.
190  call mpp_error(fatal, trim(mesg))
191 end subroutine error
194 !> @brief Determine if a file exists.
195 !! @return Flag telling if the file exists.
196 function file_exists(path) &
197  result(exists)
199  character(len=*), intent(in) :: path !< Path to file.
200  logical :: exists
202 !$omp critical (file_existence_inquiry)
203  inquire(file=trim(path), exist=exists)
204 !$omp end critical (file_existence_inquiry)
205 end function file_exists
208 !> @brief Catch OpenMP parallel machines.
209 subroutine openmp_thread_trap()
211 #ifdef _OPENMP
212  if (omp_get_level() .gt. 0) then
213  call error("this routine is not thread-safe. Please do not" &
214  //" call it in an OpenMP threaded region.")
215  endif
216 #endif
217 end subroutine openmp_thread_trap
219 !> @brief Compare strings.
220 !! @return Flag telling if the strings are the same.
221 function string_compare(string1, string2, ignore_case) &
222  result(same)
224  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string1
225  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string2
226  logical,intent(in), optional :: ignore_case
227  logical :: same
229  if (len_trim(string1) .ne. len_trim(string2)) then
230  same = .false.
231  return
232  endif
233  if (present(ignore_case)) then
234  if (ignore_case) then
235  same = trim(lowercase(string1)) .eq. trim(lowercase(string2))
236  return
237  endif
238  endif
239  same = trim(string1) .eq. trim(string2)
240 end function string_compare
243 !> @brief Determine if a string exists in a character linked list.
244 !! @return Flag telling if the string is found in the list.
245 function is_in_list(list, string, ignore_case) &
246  result(in_list)
248  type(char_linked_list), pointer, intent(in) :: list !< Linked list.
249  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< Input string.
250  logical, intent(in), optional :: ignore_case !< Flag to ignore case.
251  logical :: in_list
253  type(char_linked_list), pointer :: p
255  in_list = .false.
256  p => list
257  do while(associated(p))
258  if (string_compare(string, p%string, ignore_case)) then
259  in_list = .true.
260  return
261  else
262  p => p%head
263  endif
264  enddo
265 end function is_in_list
268 !> @brief Add node to character linked list.
269 subroutine append_to_list(list, string)
270  type(char_linked_list), pointer, intent(inout) :: list !< Linked list.
271  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< Input string.
273  type(char_linked_list), pointer :: node
274  type(char_linked_list), pointer :: p
276  allocate(node)
277  call string_copy(node%string, string)
278  node%head => null()
279  if (associated(list)) then
280  p => list
281  do while (associated(p%head))
282  p => p%head
283  enddo
284  p%head => node
285  else
286  list => node
287  endif
288 end subroutine append_to_list
291 !> @brief Deallocate all nodes on a character linked list.
292 subroutine destroy_list(list)
294  type(char_linked_list), pointer, intent(inout) :: list !< Linked list.
296  type(char_linked_list), pointer :: p
297  type(char_linked_list), pointer :: p2
298  p => list
299  do while (associated(p))
300  p2 => p%head
301  deallocate(p)
302  p => p2
303  enddo
304  list => null()
305 end subroutine destroy_list
308 !> @brief Determine if the "domain tile string" (.tilex.) exists in the input filename.
309 !! @internal
310 function has_domain_tile_string(string) &
311  result(has_string)
313  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< Input string.
314  logical :: has_string
316  integer :: l
317  integer :: i, j
319  has_string = .false.
320 ! Assigns i to the index where ".tile" starts
321  i = index(trim(string), ".tile", back=.true.)
322  if (i .ne. 0) then
323  l = len_trim(string)
324 ! Sets i to the index after .tile
325  i = i + 5
326  j = i
327  do while (i .le. l)
328 ! If the ith characters is a dot but i not equal to the index after .tile set has_string to true
329  if (verify(string(i:i), ".") .eq. 0 .and. j .ne. i) then
330  has_string = .true.
331  exit
332 ! If the ith characters is NOT a number exit function and has_string will stay as false
333  elseif (verify(string(i:i), "0123456789") .ne. 0) then
334  exit
335  endif
336  i = i + 1
337  enddo
338  endif
339 end function has_domain_tile_string
342 !> @brief Add the domain tile id to an input filepath.
343 !! @internal
344 subroutine domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, domain_tile_id)
346  character(len=*), intent(inout) :: dest !< Output filepath.
347  character(len=*), intent(in) :: source !< Input filepath.
348  integer, intent(in) :: domain_tile_id !< Domain tile id.
350  integer :: i
352  if (has_domain_tile_string(source)) then
353  call error("The file "//trim(source)//" has a domain tile id (tileX) added. Check your open_file call")
354  endif
355  i = index(trim(source), ".nc", back=.true.)
356  if (i .eq. 0) then
357  call error("The file "//trim(source)//" does not contain .nc. Check your open_file call")
358  endif
359  write(dest, '(a,i0,a)') source(1:i-1)//".tile", &
360  domain_tile_id, source(i:len_trim(source))
361 end subroutine domain_tile_filepath_mangle
364 !> @brief Determine if the "I/O domain tile string" (.nc.xxxx) exists in the input filename.
365 !! @internal
366 function has_io_domain_tile_string(string) &
367  result(has_string)
369  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< Input string.
370  logical :: has_string
372  integer :: i
373  integer :: l
375  has_string = .false.
376  i = index(trim(string), ".nc.", back=.true.)
377  if (i .ne. 0) then
378  l = len_trim(string)
379  i = i + 1
380  do while (i .le. l)
381  if (verify(string(i:i), "0123456789") .ne. 0) then
382  return
383  endif
384  i = i + 1
385  enddo
386  has_string = .true.
387  endif
388 end function has_io_domain_tile_string
391 !> @brief Add the I/O domain tile id to an input filepath.
392 subroutine io_domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, io_domain_tile_id)
394  character(len=*), intent(inout) :: dest !< Output filepath.
395  character(len=*), intent(in) :: source !< Input filepath.
396  integer, intent(in) :: io_domain_tile_id !< I/O domain tile id.
398  if (has_io_domain_tile_string(source)) then
399  call error("The file "//trim(source)// &
400  & " has already had a domain tile id (.nc.XXXX) added. Check your open_file call.")
401  endif
402  write(dest,'(a,i4.4)') trim(source)//".", io_domain_tile_id
403 end subroutine io_domain_tile_filepath_mangle
406 !> @brief Determine if the "restart string" (.res.) exists in the input filename.
407 !! @internal
408 function has_restart_string(string) &
409  result(has_string)
411  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< Input string.
412  logical :: has_string
414  has_string = index(trim(string), ".res.", back=.true.) .ne. 0
415 end function has_restart_string
418 !> @brief Add ".res" to an input file path.
419 subroutine restart_filepath_mangle(dest, source)
421  character(len=*), intent(inout) :: dest
422  character(len=*), intent(in) :: source
424  integer :: i
426  if (has_restart_string(source)) then
427  call string_copy(dest, source)
428  return
429  endif
430  if (has_domain_tile_string(source)) then
431  i = index(trim(source), ".tile", back=.true.)
432  else
433  i = index(trim(source), ".nc", back=.true.)
434  if (i .eq. 0) then
435  call error("The file "//trim(source)//" does not contain .nc. Check your open_file call")
436  endif
437  endif
438  call string_copy(dest, source(1:i-1)//".res"//source(i:len_trim(source)))
439 end subroutine restart_filepath_mangle
441 subroutine open_check(flag, fname)
443  logical, intent(in) :: flag
444  character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fname !< The file name
446  if (.not. flag) then
447  if (present(fname)) then
448  call mpp_error(fatal, "Error occured while opening file "//trim(fname))
449  else
450  call mpp_error(fatal, "Error occured while opening file.")
451  endif
452  endif
453 end subroutine open_check
455 !> @brief Read the ascii text from filename `ascii_filename`into string array
456 !! `ascii_var`
457 subroutine ascii_read(ascii_filename, ascii_var, num_lines, max_length)
458  character(len=*), intent(in) :: ascii_filename !< The file name to be read
459  character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: ascii_var !< The
460  !! string
461  !! array
462  integer, optional, intent(out) :: num_lines !< Optional argument to return number of lines in file
463  integer, optional, intent(out) :: max_length !< Optional argument to return max_length of line in file
464  integer, dimension(2) :: lines_and_length !< lines = 1, length = 2
465  if(allocated(ascii_var)) deallocate(ascii_var)
466  lines_and_length = get_ascii_file_num_lines_and_length(ascii_filename)
467  allocate(character(len=lines_and_length(2))::ascii_var(lines_and_length(1)))
468  call read_ascii_file(ascii_filename, lines_and_length(2), ascii_var)
469  if(present(num_lines)) num_lines = lines_and_length(1)
470  if(present(max_length)) max_length = lines_and_length(2)
471 end subroutine ascii_read
473 !> @brief Populate 2D maskmap from mask_table given a model
474 subroutine parse_mask_table_2d(mask_table, maskmap, modelname)
476  character(len=*), intent(in) :: mask_table !< Mask table to be read in
477  logical, intent(out) :: maskmap(:,:) !< 2D Mask output
478  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname !< Model to which this applies
480  integer :: nmask, layout(2)
481  integer, allocatable :: mask_list(:,:)
482  character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_table_contents
483  integer :: iocheck, n, stdoutunit, offset
484  character(len=128) :: record
486  maskmap = .true.
487  nmask = 0
488  stdoutunit = stdout()
489  call ascii_read(mask_table, mask_table_contents)
490  if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
491  read(mask_table_contents(1), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) nmask
492  if (iocheck > 0) then
493  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading nmask from file variable")
494  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
495  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: nmask not completely read from file variable")
496  endif
497  write(stdoutunit,*)"parse_mask_table: Number of domain regions masked in ", trim(modelname), " = ", nmask
498  if( nmask > 0 ) then
499  !--- read layout from mask_table and confirm it matches the shape of maskmap
500  read(mask_table_contents(2), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) layout
501  if (iocheck > 0) then
502  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading layout from file variable")
503  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
504  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: layout not completely read from file variable")
505  endif
506  if( (layout(1) .NE. size(maskmap,1)) .OR. (layout(2) .NE. size(maskmap,2)) )then
507  write(stdoutunit,*)"layout=", layout, ", size(maskmap) = ", size(maskmap,1), size(maskmap,2)
508  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): layout in file "//trim(mask_table)// &
509  "does not match size of maskmap for "//trim(modelname))
510  endif
511  !--- make sure mpp_npes() == layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask
512  if( mpp_npes() .NE. layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask ) call mpp_error(fatal, &
513  .NE."fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): mpp_npes() layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask for "//trim(modelname))
514  endif
515  endif
517  call mpp_broadcast(nmask, mpp_root_pe())
519  if(nmask==0) return
521  allocate(mask_list(nmask,2))
523  if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
524  n = 0
525  offset = 3
526  do while (offset + n < size(mask_table_contents)+1)
527  read(mask_table_contents(n+offset),'(a)',iostat=iocheck) record
528  if (iocheck > 0) then
529  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading record from file variable")
530  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
531  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: record not completely read from file variable")
532  endif
533  if (record(1:1) == '#') then
534  offset = offset + 1
535  cycle
536  elseif (record(1:10) == ' ') then
537  offset = offset + 1
538  cycle
539  endif
540  n = n + 1
541  if( n > nmask ) then
542  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): number of mask_list entry "// &
543  "is greater than nmask in file "//trim(mask_table) )
544  endif
545  read(record,*,iostat=iocheck) mask_list(n,1), mask_list(n,2)
546  if (iocheck > 0) then
547  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading mask_list from record variable")
548  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
549  call mpp_error(fatal, &
550  & "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: mask_list not completely read from record variable")
551  endif
552  enddo
554  !--- make sure the number of entry for mask_list is nmask
555  if( n .NE. nmask) call mpp_error(fatal, &
556  "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): number of mask_list entry does not match nmask in file "//trim(mask_table))
557  endif
559  call mpp_broadcast(mask_list, 2*nmask, mpp_root_pe())
560  do n = 1, nmask
561  maskmap(mask_list(n,1),mask_list(n,2)) = .false.
562  enddo
564  deallocate(mask_list, mask_table_contents)
566 end subroutine parse_mask_table_2d
569 !> @brief Populate 3D maskmap from mask_table given a model
570 subroutine parse_mask_table_3d(mask_table, maskmap, modelname)
572  character(len=*), intent(in) :: mask_table !< Mask table to be read in
573  logical, intent(out) :: maskmap(:,:,:) !< 2D Mask output
574  character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelname !< Model to which this applies
576  integer :: nmask, layout(2)
577  integer, allocatable :: mask_list(:,:)
578  character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_table_contents
579  integer :: iocheck, n, stdoutunit, ntiles, offset
580  character(len=128) :: record
582  maskmap = .true.
583  nmask = 0
584  stdoutunit = stdout()
585  call ascii_read(mask_table, mask_table_contents)
586  if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
587  read(mask_table_contents(1), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) nmask
588  if (iocheck > 0) then
589  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading nmask from file variable")
590  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
591  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: nmask not completely read from file variable")
592  endif
593  write(stdoutunit,*)"parse_mask_table: Number of domain regions masked in ", trim(modelname), " = ", nmask
594  if( nmask > 0 ) then
595  !--- read layout from mask_table and confirm it matches the shape of maskmap
596  read(mask_table_contents(2), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) layout(1), layout(2), ntiles
597  if (iocheck > 0) then
598  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading layout from file variable")
599  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
600  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: layout not completely read from file variable")
601  endif
602  if( (layout(1) .NE. size(maskmap,1)) .OR. (layout(2) .NE. size(maskmap,2)) )then
603  write(stdoutunit,*)"layout=", layout, ", size(maskmap) = ", size(maskmap,1), size(maskmap,2)
604  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): layout in file "//trim(mask_table)// &
605  "does not match size of maskmap for "//trim(modelname))
606  endif
607  if( ntiles .NE. size(maskmap,3) ) then
608  write(stdoutunit,*)"ntiles=", ntiles, ", size(maskmap,3) = ", size(maskmap,3)
609  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): ntiles in file "//trim(mask_table)// &
610  "does not match size of maskmap for "//trim(modelname))
611  endif
612  !--- make sure mpp_npes() == layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask
613  if( mpp_npes() .NE. layout(1)*layout(2)*ntiles - nmask ) then
614  print*, "layout=", layout, nmask, mpp_npes()
615  call mpp_error(fatal, &
616  .NE."fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): mpp_npes() layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask for "//trim(modelname))
617  endif
618  endif
619  endif
621  call mpp_broadcast(nmask, mpp_root_pe())
623  if(nmask==0) return
625  allocate(mask_list(nmask,3))
627  if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
628  n = 0
629  offset = 3
630  do while (offset + n < size(mask_table_contents)+1)
631  read(mask_table_contents(n+offset),'(a)',iostat=iocheck) record
632  if (iocheck > 0) then
633  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading record from file variable")
634  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
635  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: record not completely read from file variable")
636  endif
637  if (record(1:1) == '#') then
638  offset = offset + 1
639  cycle
640  elseif (record(1:10) == ' ') then
641  offset = offset + 1
642  cycle
643  endif
644  n = n + 1
645  if( n > nmask ) then
646  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): number of mask_list entry "// &
647  "is greater than nmask in file "//trim(mask_table) )
648  endif
649  read(record,*,iostat=iocheck) mask_list(n,1), mask_list(n,2), mask_list(n,3)
650  if (iocheck > 0) then
651  call mpp_error(fatal, "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading mask_list from record variable")
652  elseif (iocheck < 0) then
653  call mpp_error(fatal, &
654  & "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: mask_list not completely read from record variable")
655  endif
656  enddo
658  !--- make sure the number of entry for mask_list is nmask
659  if( n .NE. nmask) call mpp_error(fatal, &
660  "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): number of mask_list entry does not match nmask in file "//trim(mask_table))
661 ! call mpp_close(unit)
662  endif
664  call mpp_broadcast(mask_list, 3*nmask, mpp_root_pe())
665  do n = 1, nmask
666  maskmap(mask_list(n,1),mask_list(n,2),mask_list(n,3)) = .false.
667  enddo
668  deallocate(mask_list, mask_table_contents)
669 end subroutine parse_mask_table_3d
671 !> @brief Determine tile_file for structured grid based on filename and current
672 !! tile on mpp_domain (this is mostly used for ongrid data_overrides)
673 subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_sg(file_in, file_out, is_no_domain, domain, tile_count)
674  character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_in !< name of 'base' file
675  character(len=*), intent(out) :: file_out !< name of tile_file
676  logical, intent(in) :: is_no_domain !< are we providing a
677  !! domain
678  type(domain2d), intent(in), optional, target :: domain !< domain provided
679  integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count !< tile count
681  character(len=FMS_FILE_LEN) :: basefile
682  character(len=6) :: tilename
683  character(len=2) :: my_tile_str
684  integer :: lens, ntiles, ntileMe, tile, my_tile_id
685  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tile_id
686  type(domain2d), pointer, save :: d_ptr =>null()
687  logical :: domain_exist
689  if(index(file_in, '.nc', back=.true.)==0) then
690  basefile = trim(file_in)
691  else
692  lens = len_trim(file_in)
693  if(file_in(lens-2:lens) .NE. '.nc') call mpp_error(fatal, &
694  'get_mosaic_tile_file_sg: .nc should be at the end of file '//trim(file_in))
695  basefile = file_in(1:lens-3)
696  end if
698  !--- get the tile name
699  ntiles = 1
700  my_tile_id = 1
701  domain_exist = .false.
702  if(PRESENT(domain))then
703  domain_exist = .true.
704  ntiles = mpp_get_ntile_count(domain)
705  d_ptr => domain
706  endif
708  if(domain_exist) then
709  ntileme = mpp_get_current_ntile(d_ptr)
710  allocate(tile_id(ntileme))
711  tile_id = mpp_get_tile_id(d_ptr)
712  tile = 1
713  if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count
714  my_tile_id = tile_id(tile)
715  endif
717  if(ntiles > 1 .or. my_tile_id > 1 )then
718  write(my_tile_str, '(I0)') my_tile_id
719  tilename = 'tile'//trim(my_tile_str)
720  if(index(basefile,'.'//trim(tilename),back=.true.) == 0)then
721  basefile = trim(basefile)//'.'//trim(tilename);
722  end if
723  end if
724  if(allocated(tile_id)) deallocate(tile_id)
726  file_out = trim(basefile)//'.nc'
728  d_ptr =>null()
730 end subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_sg
732 !> @brief Determine tile_file for unstructured grid based on filename and current
733 !! tile on mpp_domain (this is mostly used for ongrid data_overrides)
734 subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_ug(file_in, file_out, domain)
735  character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_in !< name of base file
736  character(len=*), intent(out) :: file_out !< name of tile file
737  type(domainug), intent(in), optional :: domain !< domain provided
739  character(len=FMS_FILE_LEN) :: basefile
740  character(len=6) :: tilename
741  character(len=2) :: my_tile_str
742  integer :: lens, ntiles, my_tile_id
744  if(index(file_in, '.nc', back=.true.)==0) then
745  basefile = trim(file_in)
746  else
747  lens = len_trim(file_in)
748  if(file_in(lens-2:lens) .NE. '.nc') call mpp_error(fatal, &
749  'fms_io_mod: .nc should be at the end of file '//trim(file_in))
750  basefile = file_in(1:lens-3)
751  end if
753  !--- get the tile name
754  ntiles = 1
755  my_tile_id = 1
756  if(PRESENT(domain))then
757  ntiles = mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles(domain)
758  my_tile_id = mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id(domain)
759  endif
761  if(ntiles > 1 .or. my_tile_id > 1 )then
762  write(my_tile_str, '(I0)') my_tile_id
763  tilename = 'tile'//trim(my_tile_str)
764  if(index(basefile,'.'//trim(tilename),back=.true.) == 0)then
765  basefile = trim(basefile)//'.'//trim(tilename);
766  end if
767  end if
769  file_out = trim(basefile)//'.nc'
771 end subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_ug
773 !> @brief Writes filename appendix to "string_out"
774 subroutine get_filename_appendix(string_out)
775  character(len=*) , intent(out) :: string_out !< String to write the filename_appendix to
777  string_out = trim(filename_appendix)
779 end subroutine get_filename_appendix
781 !> @brief Clears the filename_appendix module variable
784  filename_appendix = ''
786 end subroutine nullify_filename_appendix
788 !> @brief Save "string_in" as a module variable that will added to the filename
789 !! of the restart files
790 subroutine set_filename_appendix(string_in)
791  character(len=*) , intent(in) :: string_in !< String that will be saved as a module variable
793  ! Check if string has already been added
794  if (len_trim(filename_appendix) > 0) then
795  call error("Set_filename_appendix: The filename appendix has already be set " &
796  //"call 'nullify_filename_appendix' first")
797  endif
799  filename_appendix = trim(string_in)
801 end subroutine set_filename_appendix
803 !> @brief Adds the filename_appendix to name_in and sets it as name_out
804 subroutine get_instance_filename(name_in,name_out)
805  character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name_in !< Buffer to add the filename_appendix to
806  character(len=*), intent(inout) :: name_out !< name_in with the filename_appendix
808  integer :: length !< Length of name_in
809  integer :: i !< no description
811  length = len_trim(name_in)
812  name_out = name_in(1:length)
814  if(len_trim(filename_appendix) > 0) then
815  !< If .tileXX is in the filename add the appendix before it
816  if (has_domain_tile_string(name_in)) then
817  i = index(trim(name_in), ".tile", back=.true.)
818  name_out = name_in(1:i-1) //'.'//trim(filename_appendix)//name_in(i:length)
819  return
820  endif
822  !< If .nc is in the filename add the appendix before it
823  i = index(trim(name_in), ".nc", back=.true.)
824  if ( i .ne. 0 ) then
825  name_out = name_in(1:i-1)//'.'//trim(filename_appendix)//name_in(i:length)
826  else
827  !< If .nc is not in the name, add the appendix at the end of the file
828  name_out = name_in(1:length) //'.'//trim(filename_appendix)
829  end if
830  end if
832 end subroutine get_instance_filename
834 include ""
835 include ""
836 include ""
839 end module fms_io_utils_mod
840 !> @}
841 ! close documentation grouping
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_data_type_string_4d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_char_5d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine, public get_instance_filename(name_in, name_out)
Adds the filename_appendix to name_in and sets it as name_out.
subroutine allocate_array_char_3d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
logical function has_io_domain_tile_string(string)
Determine if the "I/O domain tile string" (.nc.xxxx) exists in the input filename.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine, public ascii_read(ascii_filename, ascii_var, num_lines, max_length)
Read the ascii text from filename ascii_filenameinto string array ascii_var
subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_ug(file_in, file_out, domain)
Determine tile_file for unstructured grid based on filename and current tile on mpp_domain (this is m...
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine, public restart_filepath_mangle(dest, source)
Add ".res" to an input file path.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_data_type_string_5d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
logical function, public file_exists(path)
Determine if a file exists.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine parse_mask_table_2d(mask_table, maskmap, modelname)
Populate 2D maskmap from mask_table given a model.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine, public open_check(flag, fname)
logical function has_restart_string(string)
Determine if the "restart string" (.res.) exists in the input filename.
subroutine, public nullify_filename_appendix()
Clears the filename_appendix module variable.
subroutine, public io_domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, io_domain_tile_id)
Add the I/O domain tile id to an input filepath.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine, public get_filename_appendix(string_out)
Writes filename appendix to "string_out".
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine, public set_filename_appendix(string_in)
Save "string_in" as a module variable that will added to the filename of the restart files.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
logical function, public string_compare(string1, string2, ignore_case)
Compare strings.
subroutine get_data_type_string_1d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_char_4d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_char_6d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine parse_mask_table_3d(mask_table, maskmap, modelname)
Populate 3D maskmap from mask_table given a model.
subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_sg(file_in, file_out, is_no_domain, domain, tile_count)
Determine tile_file for structured grid based on filename and current tile on mpp_domain (this is mos...
subroutine get_data_type_string_0d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_data_type_string_3d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine, public destroy_list(list)
Deallocate all nodes on a character linked list.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
logical function has_domain_tile_string(string)
Determine if the "domain tile string" (.tilex.) exists in the input filename.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_data_type_string_2d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine, public append_to_list(list, string)
Add node to character linked list.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine, public openmp_thread_trap()
Catch OpenMP parallel machines.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_char_1d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_char_2d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine, public domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, domain_tile_id)
Add the domain tile id to an input filepath.
logical function, public is_in_list(list, string, ignore_case)
Determine if a string exists in a character linked list.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
A linked list of strings.
subroutine, public string_copy(dest, source, check_for_null)
Safely copy a string from one buffer to another.
integer function, dimension(size(domain%tile_id(:))) mpp_get_tile_id(domain)
Returns the tile_id on current pe.
integer function mpp_get_current_ntile(domain)
Returns number of tile on current pe.
integer function mpp_get_ntile_count(domain)
Returns number of tiles in mosaic.
The domain2D type contains all the necessary information to define the global, compute and data domai...
Domain information for managing data on unstructured grids.
integer function stdout()
This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for output.
subroutine read_ascii_file(FILENAME, LENGTH, Content, PELIST)
Reads any ascii file into a character array and broadcasts it to the non-root mpi-tasks....
integer function mpp_npes()
Returns processor count for current pelist.
integer function, dimension(2) get_ascii_file_num_lines_and_length(FILENAME, PELIST)
Function to determine the maximum line length and number of lines from an ascii file.
integer function mpp_pe()
Returns processor ID.
Perform parallel broadcasts.
Definition: mpp.F90:1091
Error handler.
Definition: mpp.F90:382