25module fms_io_utils_mod
intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
34 mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles, mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id
save :: filename_appendix =
72 character(len=128) :: string
73 type(char_linked_list),
pointer :: head => null()
185subroutine error(mesg)
187 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: mesg
199 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: path
203 inquire(file=trim(path), exist=exists)
212 if (omp_get_level() .gt. 0)
213 call error(
"this routine is not thread-safe. Please do not" &
214 //
" call it in an OpenMP threaded region.")
224 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: string1
225 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: string2
226 logical,
optional :: ignore_case
229 if (len_trim(string1) .ne. len_trim(string2))
233 if (
234 if (ignore_case)
235 same = trim(lowercase(string1)) .eq. trim(lowercase(string2))
239 same = trim(string1) .eq. trim(string2)
249 character(len=*),
intent(in) ::
250 logical,
optional :: ignore_case
257 do while(
271 character(len=*),
intent(in) ::
279 if (
281 do while (
299 do while (
313 character(len=*),
intent(in) ::
314 logical :: has_string
321 i = index(trim(
".tile", back=.true.)
329 if (verify(
".") .eq. 0 .and. j .ne. i)
333 elseif (verify(
"0123456789") .ne. 0)
346 character(len=*),
intent(inout) :: dest
347 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: source
348 integer,
intent(in) :: domain_tile_id
353 call error(
"The file "//trim(source)//
" has a domain tile id (tileX) added. Check your open_file call")
355 i = index(trim(source),
".nc", back=.true.)
357 call error(
"The file "//trim(source)//
" does not contain .nc. Check your open_file call")
359 write(dest,
'(a,i0,a)') source(1:i-1)//
".tile", &
360 domain_tile_id, source(i:len_trim(source))
369 character(len=*),
intent(in) ::
370 logical :: has_string
376 i = index(trim(
".nc.", back=.true.)
381 if (verify(
"0123456789") .ne. 0)
394 character(len=*),
intent(inout) :: dest
395 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: source
396 integer,
intent(in) :: io_domain_tile_id
399 call error(
"The file "//trim(source)// &
400 &
" has already had a domain tile id (.nc.XXXX) added. Check your open_file call.")
402 write(dest,
'(a,i4.4)') trim(source)//
".", io_domain_tile_id
411 character(len=*),
intent(in) ::
412 logical :: has_string
414 has_string = index(trim(
".res.", back=.true.) .ne. 0
421 character(len=*),
intent(inout) :: dest
422 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: source
431 i = index(trim(source),
".tile", back=.true.)
433 i = index(trim(source),
".nc", back=.true.)
435 call error(
"The file "//trim(source)//
" does not contain .nc. Check your open_file call")
438 call string_copy(dest, source(1:i-1)//
443 logical,
intent(in) :: flag
444 character(len=*),
optional :: fname
447 if (
448 call mpp_error(fatal,
"Error occured while opening file "//trim(fname))
450 call mpp_error(fatal,
"Error occured while opening file.")
457subroutine ascii_read(ascii_filename, ascii_var, num_lines, max_length)
458 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: ascii_filename
459 character(len=:),
intent(out) :: ascii_var
462 integer,
intent(out) :: num_lines
463 integer,
intent(out) :: max_length
464 integer,
dimension(2) :: lines_and_length
465 if(
466 lines_and_length = get_ascii_file_num_lines_and_length(ascii_filename)
467 allocate(
468 call read_ascii_file(ascii_filename, lines_and_length(2), ascii_var)
469 if(
present(num_lines)) num_lines = lines_and_length(1)
470 if(
present(max_length)) max_length = lines_and_length(2)
476 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: mask_table
477 logical,
intent(out) :: maskmap(:,:)
478 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: modelname
480 integer :: nmask, layout(2)
481 integer,
allocatable :: mask_list(:,:)
482 character(len=:),
allocatable :: mask_table_contents
483 integer :: iocheck, n, stdoutunit, offset
484 character(len=128) :: record
488 stdoutunit = stdout()
489 call ascii_read(mask_table, mask_table_contents)
490 if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )
491 read(mask_table_contents(1), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) nmask
492 if (iocheck > 0)
493 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading nmask from file variable")
494 elseif (iocheck < 0)
495 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: nmask not completely read from file variable")
497 write(stdoutunit,*)
"parse_mask_table: Number of domain regions masked in ", trim(modelname),
" = ", nmask
500 read(mask_table_contents(2), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) layout
501 if (iocheck > 0)
502 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading layout from file variable")
503 elseif (iocheck < 0)
504 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: layout not completely read from file variable")
506 if( (layout(1) .NE.
size(maskmap,1)) .OR. (layout(2) .NE.
size(maskmap,2)) )
507 write(stdoutunit,*)
"layout=", layout,
", size(maskmap) = ",
508 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): layout in file "//trim(mask_table)// &
509 "does not match size of maskmap for "//trim(modelname))
512 if( mpp_npes() .NE. layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask )
call mpp_error(fatal, &
513 .NE.
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): mpp_npes() layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask for "//trim(modelname))
521 allocate(mask_list(nmask,2))
523 if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )
526 do while (offset + n <
527 read(mask_table_contents(n+offset),
'(a)',iostat=iocheck) record
528 if (iocheck > 0)
529 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading record from file variable")
530 elseif (iocheck < 0)
531 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: record not completely read from file variable")
533 if (record(1:1) ==
536 elseif (record(1:10) ==
' ')
542 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): number of mask_list entry "// &
543 "is greater than nmask in file "//trim(mask_table) )
545 read(record,*,iostat=iocheck) mask_list(n,1), mask_list(n,2)
546 if (iocheck > 0)
547 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error in reading mask_list from record variable")
548 elseif (iocheck < 0)
550 &
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): Error: mask_list not completely read from record variable")
555 if( n .NE. nmask)
call mpp_error(fatal, &
556 "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_2d): number of mask_list entry does not match nmask in file "//trim(mask_table))
561 maskmap(mask_list(n,1),mask_list(n,2)) = .false.
564 deallocate(mask_list, mask_table_contents)
572 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: mask_table
573 logical,
intent(out) :: maskmap(:,:,:)
574 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: modelname
576 integer :: nmask, layout(2)
577 integer,
allocatable :: mask_list(:,:)
578 character(len=:),
allocatable :: mask_table_contents
579 integer :: iocheck, n, stdoutunit, ntiles, offset
580 character(len=128) :: record
584 stdoutunit = stdout()
585 call ascii_read(mask_table, mask_table_contents)
586 if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )
587 read(mask_table_contents(1), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) nmask
588 if (iocheck > 0)
589 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading nmask from file variable")
590 elseif (iocheck < 0)
591 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: nmask not completely read from file variable")
593 write(stdoutunit,*)
"parse_mask_table: Number of domain regions masked in ", trim(modelname),
" = ", nmask
596 read(mask_table_contents(2), fmt=*, iostat=iocheck) layout(1), layout(2), ntiles
597 if (iocheck > 0)
598 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading layout from file variable")
599 elseif (iocheck < 0)
600 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: layout not completely read from file variable")
602 if( (layout(1) .NE.
size(maskmap,1)) .OR. (layout(2) .NE.
size(maskmap,2)) )
603 write(stdoutunit,*)
"layout=", layout,
", size(maskmap) = ",
604 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): layout in file "//trim(mask_table)// &
605 "does not match size of maskmap for "//trim(modelname))
607 if( ntiles .NE.
size(maskmap,3) )
608 write(stdoutunit,*)
"ntiles=", ntiles,
", size(maskmap,3) = ",
609 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): ntiles in file "//trim(mask_table)// &
610 "does not match size of maskmap for "//trim(modelname))
613 if( mpp_npes() .NE. layout(1)*layout(2)*ntiles - nmask )
614 print*,
"layout=", layout, nmask, mpp_npes()
616 .NE.
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): mpp_npes() layout(1)*layout(2) - nmask for "//trim(modelname))
625 allocate(mask_list(nmask,3))
627 if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )
630 do while (offset + n <
631 read(mask_table_contents(n+offset),
'(a)',iostat=iocheck) record
632 if (iocheck > 0)
633 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading record from file variable")
634 elseif (iocheck < 0)
635 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: record not completely read from file variable")
637 if (record(1:1) ==
640 elseif (record(1:10) ==
' ')
646 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): number of mask_list entry "// &
647 "is greater than nmask in file "//trim(mask_table) )
649 read(record,*,iostat=iocheck) mask_list(n,1), mask_list(n,2), mask_list(n,3)
650 if (iocheck > 0)
651 call mpp_error(fatal,
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error in reading mask_list from record variable")
652 elseif (iocheck < 0)
654 &
"fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): Error: mask_list not completely read from record variable")
659 if( n .NE. nmask)
call mpp_error(fatal, &
660 "fms2_io(parse_mask_table_3d): number of mask_list entry does not match nmask in file "//trim(mask_table))
666 maskmap(mask_list(n,1),mask_list(n,2),mask_list(n,3)) = .false.
668 deallocate(mask_list, mask_table_contents)
674 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: file_in
675 character(len=*),
intent(out) :: file_out
676 logical,
intent(in) :: is_no_domain
678 type(
target :: domain
679 integer,
optional :: tile_count
681 character(len=FMS_FILE_LEN) :: basefile
682 character(len=6) :: tilename
683 character(len=2) :: my_tile_str
684 integer :: lens, ntiles, ntileMe, tile, my_tile_id
685 integer,
allocatable :: tile_id
686 type(
save :: d_ptr =>null()
687 logical :: domain_exist
689 if(index(file_in,
'.nc', back=.true.)==0)
690 basefile = trim(file_in)
692 lens = len_trim(file_in)
693 if(file_in(lens-2:lens) .NE.
call mpp_error(fatal, &
694 'get_mosaic_tile_file_sg: .nc should be at the end of file '//trim(file_in))
695 basefile = file_in(1:lens-3)
701 domain_exist = .false.
702 if(
703 domain_exist = .true.
708 if(domain_exist)
710 allocate(tile_id(ntileme))
713 if(
present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count
714 my_tile_id = tile_id(tile)
717 if(ntiles > 1 .or. my_tile_id > 1 )
718 write(my_tile_str,
'(I0)') my_tile_id
719 tilename =
720 if(index(basefile,
'.'//trim(tilename),back=.true.) == 0)
721 basefile = trim(basefile)//
724 if(
726 file_out = trim(basefile)//
735 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: file_in
736 character(len=*),
intent(out) :: file_out
737 type(
optional :: domain
739 character(len=FMS_FILE_LEN) :: basefile
740 character(len=6) :: tilename
741 character(len=2) :: my_tile_str
742 integer :: lens, ntiles, my_tile_id
744 if(index(file_in,
'.nc', back=.true.)==0)
745 basefile = trim(file_in)
747 lens = len_trim(file_in)
748 if(file_in(lens-2:lens) .NE.
call mpp_error(fatal, &
749 'fms_io_mod: .nc should be at the end of file '//trim(file_in))
750 basefile = file_in(1:lens-3)
756 if(
757 ntiles = mpp_get_ug_domain_ntiles(domain)
758 my_tile_id = mpp_get_ug_domain_tile_id(domain)
761 if(ntiles > 1 .or. my_tile_id > 1 )
762 write(my_tile_str,
'(I0)') my_tile_id
763 tilename =
764 if(index(basefile,
'.'//trim(tilename),back=.true.) == 0)
765 basefile = trim(basefile)//
769 file_out = trim(basefile)//
775 character(len=*) ,
intent(out) :: string_out
777 string_out = trim(filename_appendix)
784 filename_appendix =
791 character(len=*) ,
intent(in) :: string_in
794 if (len_trim(filename_appendix) > 0)
795 call error(
"Set_filename_appendix: The filename appendix has already be set " &
796 //
"call 'nullify_filename_appendix' first")
799 filename_appendix = trim(string_in)
805 character(len=*) ,
intent(in) :: name_in
806 character(len=*),
intent(inout) :: name_out
811 length = len_trim(name_in)
812 name_out = name_in(1:length)
814 if(len_trim(filename_appendix) > 0)
817 i = index(trim(name_in),
".tile", back=.true.)
818 name_out = name_in(1:i-1) //
823 i = index(trim(name_in),
".nc", back=.true.)
825 name_out = name_in(1:i-1)//
827 i = index(trim(name_in),
".yaml", back=.true.)
830 name_out = name_in(1:i-1)//
833 name_out = name_in(1:length) //
845end module fms_io_utils_mod
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_data_type_string_4d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
logical function, public string_compare(string1, string2, ignore_case)
Compare strings.
subroutine, public domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, domain_tile_id)
Add the domain tile id to an input filepath.
subroutine allocate_array_char_5d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_char_3d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine, public destroy_list(list)
Deallocate all nodes on a character linked list.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_sg(file_in, file_out, is_no_domain, domain, tile_count)
Determine tile_file for structured grid based on filename and current tile on mpp_domain (this is mos...
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine, public nullify_filename_appendix()
Clears the filename_appendix module variable.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine, public io_domain_tile_filepath_mangle(dest, source, io_domain_tile_id)
Add the I/O domain tile id to an input filepath.
subroutine get_data_type_string_5d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine, public restart_filepath_mangle(dest, source)
Add ".res" to an input file path.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine, public get_filename_appendix(string_out)
Writes filename appendix to "string_out".
logical function has_io_domain_tile_string(string)
Determine if the "I/O domain tile string" (.nc.xxxx) exists in the input filename.
subroutine, public set_filename_appendix(string_in)
Save "string_in" as a module variable that will added to the filename of the restart files.
subroutine parse_mask_table_2d(mask_table, maskmap, modelname)
Populate 2D maskmap from mask_table given a model.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_data_type_string_1d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine, public openmp_thread_trap()
Catch OpenMP parallel machines.
subroutine, public append_to_list(list, string)
Add node to character linked list.
subroutine allocate_array_char_4d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine, public get_instance_filename(name_in, name_out)
Adds the filename_appendix to name_in and sets it as name_out.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_char_6d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_mosaic_tile_file_ug(file_in, file_out, domain)
Determine tile_file for unstructured grid based on filename and current tile on mpp_domain (this is m...
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
logical function, public file_exists(path)
Determine if a file exists.
subroutine get_data_type_string_0d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_data_type_string_3d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine parse_mask_table_3d(mask_table, maskmap, modelname)
Populate 3D maskmap from mask_table given a model.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_3d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_data_type_string_2d(sdata, type_string)
Return a string describing the input data's type.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
logical function has_restart_string(string)
Determine if the "restart string" (.res.) exists in the input filename.
subroutine put_array_section_i4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
logical function, public is_in_list(list, string, ignore_case)
Determine if a string exists in a character linked list.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_char_1d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_r4_kind_5d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_i4_kind_1d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_r8_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
logical function has_domain_tile_string(string)
Determine if the "domain tile string" (.tilex.) exists in the input filename.
subroutine, public ascii_read(ascii_filename, ascii_var, num_lines, max_length)
Read the ascii text from filename ascii_filenameinto string array ascii_var
subroutine get_array_section_i4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_i8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_i8_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_1d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine allocate_array_i8_kind_4d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_4d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
subroutine, public open_check(flag, fname)
subroutine allocate_array_r8_kind_2d(buf, sizes)
Allocate arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine allocate_array_char_2d(buf, sizes, initialize)
Allocate character arrays using an input array of sizes.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r8_kind_3d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine get_array_section_r4_kind_5d(section, array, s, c)
Get a section of larger array.
subroutine put_array_section_r4_kind_2d(section, array, s, c)
Put a section of an array into a larger array.
A linked list of strings.
character(:) function, allocatable, public string(v, fmt)
Converts a number or a Boolean value to a string.
subroutine, public string_copy(dest, source, check_for_null)
Safely copy a string from one buffer to another.
integer function, dimension(size(domain%tile_id(:))) mpp_get_tile_id(domain)
Returns the tile_id on current pe.
integer function mpp_get_current_ntile(domain)
Returns number of tile on current pe.
integer function mpp_get_ntile_count(domain)
Returns number of tiles in mosaic.
The domain2D type contains all the necessary information to define the global, compute and data domai...
Domain information for managing data on unstructured grids.
Perform parallel broadcasts.