FMS  2024.03
Flexible Modeling System
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 AMIP InterpolatorModules and associated files in the amip_interp directory
 amip_interp_modProvides observed sea surface temperature and ice mask data sets that have been interpolated onto your model's grid
 AffinityModules and associated files in the affinity directory
 fms_affinity_modFortran API interfaces to set the thread affinity. API interfaces to allow setting and getting thread affinity. The routines get_cpuset , set_cpu_affinity , and fms_affinity_get are defined via C routines in affinity.c
 AstronomyModules and associated files in the astronomy directory
 astronomy_modProvides astronomical variables for use by other modules within fms. The only currently used interface is for determination of astronomical values needed by the shortwave radiation packages
 Axis UtilitiesModules and associated files in the axis_utils directory
 axis_utils2_modA set of utilities for manipulating axes and extracting axis attributes. FMS2_IO equivalent version of axis_utils_mod
 axis_utils_modA set of utilities for manipulating axes and extracting axis attributes, A more recent version of this module using the updated fms2_io is available, axis_utils2 but this module should be used if still using mpp_io
 Block ControlModules and associated files in the block_control directory
 block_control_modRoutines for "blocks" used for OpenMP threading of column-based calculations
 Column DiagnosticsModules and associated files in the column_diagnostics directory
 column_diagnostics_modModule to locate and mark desired diagnostic columns
 ConstantsModules and associated files in the constants directory
 constants_modCompatibility module as we transition to an FMSConstants module
 CouplerModules and associated files in the coupler directory
 atmos_ocean_fluxes_modImplementation of routines to solve the gas fluxes at the ocean surface for a coupled model as outlined in the Biotic-HOWTO documentation below, revision 1.7, 1999/10/05
 coupler_types_modThis module contains type declarations for the coupler
 ensemble_manager_modRoutines for setting up and managing ensembles and ensemble pe lists
 Data OverrideModules and associated files in the data_override directory
 data_override_modRoutines to get data in a file whose path is described in a user-provided data_table and do spatial and temporal interpolation if necessary to convert data to model's grid and time
 get_grid_version_modGet_grid implementations and helper routines for data_override_mod
 Diag IntegralModules and associated files in the diag_integral directory
 diag_integral_modThis module computes and outputs global and / or hemispheric physics integrals
 Diag ManagerModules and associated files in the diag_manager directory. See below for additional information on diag_tables
 diag_axis_modAn integral part of diag_manager_mod. It helps to create axis IDs that are used in register_diag_field
 diag_data_modType descriptions and global variables for the diag_manager modules
 diag_grid_modDiag_grid_mod is a set of procedures to work with the model's global grid to allow regional output
 diag_manager_modDiag_manager_mod is a set of simple calls for parallel diagnostics on distributed systems. It is geared toward the writing of data in netCDF format. See Diag Manager for diag table information
 diag_output_modDiag_output_mod is an integral part of diag_manager_mod. Its function is to write axis-meta-data, field-meta-data and field data
 diag_table_moddiag_table_mod is a set of subroutines use to parse out the data from a diag_table. This module will also setup the arrays required to store the information by counting the number of input fields, output files, and files
 diag_util_modFunctions and subroutines necessary for the diag_manager_mod
 fms_diag_axis_object_modFms_diag_axis_object_mod stores the diag axis object, a diag domain object, and a subaxis object
 fms_diag_bbox_modFms_diag_bbox_mod defines classes encapsulating bounding boxes and interval bounds
 fms_diag_elem_weight_procs_modFms_diag_elem_weight_procs_mod Contains elemental functions for uddating one element of a buffer array with field data
 fms_diag_fieldbuff_update_modFms_diag_fieldbuff_update_mod Contains routines for updating the buffer (array) of field data statistics (e.g. average, rms) with new field data
 fms_diag_outfield_modFms_diag_outfield_mod defines data types and utility or auxiliary routines useful in updating the output buffer
 fms_diag_output_yaml_modFms_diag_file_object_mod handles the file objects data, functions, and subroutines
 fms_diag_reduction_methods_modFms_diag_reduction_methods_mod contains routines that are meant to be used for error checking and setting up to do the reduction methods
 fms_diag_time_reduction_modFms_diag_time_reduction_mod defines classes encapsulating the diag_manager time redution types
 fms_diag_time_utils_modFms_diag_time_utils contains functions and subroutines necessary for the diag_manager_mod related to time handling
 fms_diag_yaml_modFms_diag_yaml_mod is an integral part of diag_manager_mod. Its function is to read the diag_table.yaml to fill in the diag_yaml_object
 DriftersModules and associated files in the drifters directory
 cloud_interpolator_modCloud interpolation routines for use in drifters_mod
 drifters_comm_modRoutines and types to update drifter positions across processor domains
 drifters_core_modHandles the mechanics for adding and removing drifters
 drifters_input_modImports initial drifter positions from a netCDF file
 drifters_io_modSaves drifter data for postprocessing and restarts
 drifters_modDrifters_modis a module designed to advect a set of particles, in parallel or sequentially, given an prescribed velocity field
 quicksortFortran implementation of quicksort to be used in drifters_core
 ExchangeModules and associated files in the exchange directory
 stock_constants_modParameters, routines, and types for computing stocks in xgrid_mod
 xgrid_modImplements exchange grids for coupled models running on multiple processors
 FMSModules and associated files in the fms directory
 fms_io_modModule for writing and reading restart data via NetCDF files
 fms_modThe fms module provides routines that are commonly used by most FMS modules
 FMS Global ModuleModules and associated files in the libfms directory
 FMSA convenience module to use any FMS routines, functions, values
 FMSConstantsDefines useful constants for Earth. Constants are defined as real
 FMSConstantsR4Defines useful constants for Earth. Constants are defined as real
 FMS2 IOModules and associated files in the fms2_io directory
 blackboxioFile utility functions for use within FMS2 IO
 fms2_io_modAn updated library for parallel IO to replace mpp_io_mod. This module contains the public API for fms2 I/O interfaces and routines defined throughout this directory. A conversion guide for replacing mpp/fms_io code with this module is available below
 fms_io_utils_modMisc. utility routines for use in FMS2 IO
 fms_netcdf_domain_io_modDomain-specific I/O wrappers
 fms_netcdf_unstructured_domain_io_modHandles netcdf I/O for unstructured domains
 netcdf_io_modCreates a basic netcdf type and routines to extend for other uses
 Field ManagerModules and associated files in the field_manager directory
 field_manager_modReads entries from a field table and stores this information along with the type of field it belongs to
 fm_util_modThis module provides utility routines for the field manager
 Horizontal InterpolatorModules and associated files in the horiz_interp directory
 horiz_interp_bicubic_modDelivers methods for bicubic interpolation from a coarse regular grid on a fine regular grid
 horiz_interp_bilinear_modPerforms spatial interpolation between grids using bilinear interpolation
 horiz_interp_conserve_modPerforms spatial interpolation between grids using conservative interpolation
 horiz_interp_modPerforms spatial interpolation between grids
 horiz_interp_spherical_modPerforms spatial interpolation between grids using inverse-distance-weighted scheme. This module can interpolate data from rectangular/tripolar grid to rectangular/tripolar grid. The interpolation scheme is inverse-distance-weighted scheme. There is an optional mask field for missing input data. An optional output mask field may be used in conjunction with the input mask to show where output data exists
 horiz_interp_type_modDefine derived data type that contains indices and weights used for subsequent interpolations
 InterpolatorModules and associated files in the interpolator directory
 interpolator_modA module to interpolate climatology data to model the grid
 MPPModules and associated files in the mpp directory
 mpp_data_modModule to hold pointer and stack data for use in MPP modules
 mpp_domains_modDomain decomposition and domain update for message-passing codes
 mpp_efp_modThis module provides interfaces to the non-domain-oriented communication subroutines
 mpp_io_modSet of simple calls for parallel I/O on distributed systems. It is geared toward the writing of data in netCDF format
 mpp_memutils_modRoutines to initialize and report on memory usage during the model run
 mpp_modThis module defines interfaces for common operations using message-passing libraries. Any type-less arguments in the documentation are MPP_TYPE_ which is defined by the pre-processor to create multiple subroutines out of one implementation for use in an interface. See the note below for more information
 mpp_pset_modHandles PSETs(Persistent Shared-memory Execution Threads) for mpp modules
 mpp_utilities_modModule for utiltity routines to be used in MPP modules
 Memory UtilitiesModules and associated files in the memutils directory
 memutils_modModule to expose the memory printing API
 Monin ObukhovModules and associated files in the monin_obukhov directory
 monin_obukhov_interUtility routines to be used in monin_obukhov_mod
 monin_obukhov_modRoutines for computing surface drag coefficients from data at the lowest model level and for computing the profile of fields between the lowest model level and the ground using Monin-Obukhov scaling
 MosaicModules and associated files in the mosaic directory
 gradient_modImplements some utility routines to calculate gradient
 grid_modRoutines for grid calculations
 mosaic_modImplements some utility routines to read mosaic information
 Mosaic2Modules and associated files in the mosaic2 directory
 grid2_modRoutines for grid calculations, using FMS2 IO
 mosaic2_modImplements some utility routines to read mosaic information
 ParserModules and associated files for the yaml parser
 yaml_parser_modRoutines to use for parsing yaml files
 PlatformModules and associated files in the platform directory
 platform_modUses fms_platform.h to define byte sizes for variable kinds to be used in fms
 Random NumbersModules and associated files in the random_numbers directory
 MersenneTwister_modFortran-95 implementation of the Mersenne Twister 19937 algorithm
 random_numbers_modGeneric module to wrap random number generators
 Saturation Vapor PressureModules and associated files in the sat_vapor_pres directory
 sat_vapor_pres_k_modKernel module to be used by sat_vapor_pres_mod for table lookups and calculations
 sat_vapor_pres_modRoutines for computing the saturation vapor pressure (es), the specific humidity (qs) and vapor mixing ratio (mrs) Given a specified relative humidity, calculates es, qs, and mrs, as well as their derivatives with respect to temperature, and also includes routines to initialize the look-up table. This module contains routines for determining the saturation vapor pressure (ES) from lookup tables constructed using equations given in the Smithsonian tables. The ES lookup tables are valid between -160C and +100C (approx 113K to 373K)
 String UtilsModules and associated files in the string_utils directory
 fms_string_utils_modRoutines to use for string manipulation
 Time InterpolatorModules and associated files in the time_interp directory
 time_interp_external2_modPerform I/O and time interpolation of external fields (contained in a file), using fms2_io
 time_interp_external_modPerform I/O and time interpolation of external fields (contained in a file)
 time_interp_modComputes a weight and dates/indices for linearly interpolating between two dates
 Time ManagerModules and associated files in the time_manager directory
 get_cal_time_modGiven a time increment as a real number, and base time and calendar as a character strings, returns time as a time_type variable
 time_manager_modA software package that provides a set of simple interfaces for modelers to perform computations related to time and dates
 TopographyModules and associated files in the topography directory
 gaussian_topog_modRoutines for creating Gaussian-shaped land surface topography for latitude-longitude grids
 topography_modRoutines for creating land surface topography fields and land-water masks for latitude-longitude grids
 Tracer ManagerModules and associated files in the tracer_manager directory
 tracer_manager_modCode to manage the simple addition of tracers to the FMS code. This code keeps track of the numbers and names of tracers included in a tracer table
 TridiagonalModules and associated files in the tridiagonal directory
 tridiagonal_modSolves a tridiagonal system of equations
 constantsR4_modCompatibility module as we transition to an FMSConstantsR4 module
 fm_yaml_modReads entries from a field table yaml into a nested object for use in the field manager